10.3. Algorithms and Widgets

itom algorithm plugins can contain two different types of code:

  1. Most algorithm plugins consist of one or multiple algorithms (also denoted as filters) that can both be called from Python scripts as well as from any other itom plugin.

    To call an algorithm with the exemplary name myAlgo from Python, use one of the two following possibilities:

    • call itom.filter("myAlgo", *args, **kwds) for a generic call of any algorithm.

    • use the wrapper method myAlgo from the submodule algorithms of itom:

      import itom
      # args and kwds are the mandatory (or optional) parameters of the
      # specific algorithm 'myAlgo'. The returned value is either None,
      # a single value or a tuple of values.
      result = itom.algorithms.myAlgo(*args, **kwds)

      This 2nd possibility is available from itom 5.0.0 on and allows using auto completion and calltips with a context sensitive help for the specific algorithm. The set of available methods in the itom.algorithms submodule depends on the loaded algorithm plugins of your itom application.

  2. Algorithm plugins can also contain custom user interfaces. The create and show such an user interface, call the method createNewPluginWidget() or createNewPluginWidget2(). To get an online help, use widgetHelp().

For more information, see also Getting started with algorithm plugins (denoted as filters) or in the demo file demoGaussianSpotCentroidDetection.py.

itom.filter(name, *args, _observer=None, **kwds) Any

Invokes a filter (or algorithm) function from an algorithm-plugin.

This function is used to invoke itom filter-functions or algorithms, declared within itom-algorithm plugins. The parameters (arguments) depends on the specific filter function. Call filterHelp() to get a list of available filter functions.

Pass all mandatory or optional arguments of the filter as positional or keyword-based parameters. Some filters, that implement the additional observer interface, can accept another progressObserver object, that allows monitoring the progress of the filter and / or interrupting the execution. If such an observer is given, you have to pass it as keyword-based argument _observer!.

During the execution of the filter, the python GIL (general interpreter lock) is released (e.g. for further asynchronous processes).

Instead of this generic function to call any itom algorithm from an algorithm plugin, these algorithms are also available via the direct algorithm wrapper methods in the submodule itom.algorithms (see Algorithms and Widgets).


The name of the filter


positional arguments for the specific filter-method

_observerprogressObserver, optional

if the called filter implements the extended interface with progress and status information, an optional progressObserver object can be given (only as keyword-based parameter) which is then used as observer for the current progress of the filter execution. It is then also possible to interrupt the execution earlier (depending on the implementation of the filter). The observer object is reset before passed to the called filter function (using the slot reset()).


keyword-based arguments for the specific filter-method. The argument name _observer is reserved for special use.


The returned values depend on the definition of each filter. In general it is a tuple of all output parameters that are defined by the filter function.

See also

itom.filterHelp(filterName='', dictionary=0, furtherInfos=0) Optional[dict]

Print outs an online help for the given filter(s) or return help information as dictionary.

This method prints information about one specific filter (algorithm) or a list of filters to the console output. If one specific filter, defined in an algorithm plugin, can be found that case-sensitively fits the given filterName, its full documentation is printed or returned. Else, a list of filters is printed whose name contains the given filterName.

filterNamestr, optional

is the fullname or a part of any filter name which should be displayed. If filterName is empty or no filter matches filterName (case sensitive) a list with all suitable filters is given.

dictionaryint, optional

if 1, a dictionary with all relevant information about the documentation of this filter is returned as dictionary and nothing is printed to the command line (default: 0).

furtherInfosint, optional

Usually, filters or algorithms whose name only contains the given filterName are only listed at the end of the information text. If this parameter is set to 1 (default: 0), the full information for all these filters is printed as well.


This dictionary is only returned, if dictionary is set to 1. Else None is returned. The dictionary contains relevant information about the desired filterName.

itom.widgetHelp(widgetName='', dictionary=0, furtherInfos=0) Optional[dict]

Print outs an online help for the given widget(s) or return help information as dictionary.

This method prints information about one specific widget (defined in an algorithm plugin) or a list of widgets to the console output. If one specific widget can be found that case-sensitively fits the given widgetName, its full documentation is printed or returned. Else, a list of widgets is printed whose name contains the given widgetName.

widgetNamestr, optional

is the fullname or a part of any widget name which should be displayed. If widgetName is empty or no widget matches widgetName (case sensitive) a list with all suitable widgets is given.

dictionaryint, optional

if 1, a dictionary with all relevant information about the documentation of this widget is returned as dictionary and nothing is printed to the command line (default: 0).

furtherInfosint, optional

Usually, widgets whose name only contains the given widgetName are only listed at the end of the information text. If this parameter is set to 1 (default: 0), the full information for all these widgets is printed as well.


This dictionary is only returned, if dictionary is set to 1. Else None is returned. The dictionary contains relevant information about the desired widgetName.