:orphan: .. include:: ../../include/global.inc .. |star| unicode:: U+002A .. _build_dependencies_qt: Compile QT =========== Creating prebuild version of Qt: For a working |itom| development environment only a prebuild version of Qt is necessary. * Install Qt into the **${MAINDIR}**/3rdParty/Qt5.12.1 with the components msvc2017 64-bit, Qt WebView, Qt WebEngine. Qt Creator is not necessary, but can not be unchecked * After the installation copy the folder to another location (**${MAINDIR}**/3rdParty/Qt5.12.1_backup) and uninstall Qt in the Windows program settings * Rename Qt5.12.1_backup back to Qt5.12.1 * From Qt5.12.1/Docs/Qt-5.12 copy all |star| .qch files (only in the main folder) to Qt5.12.1/5.12/msvc2017_64/doc * Start the Qt Assistant (**${MAINDIR}**/3rdParty/Qt5.12.1/5.12/msvc2017_64/bin), open **options/documentation** and delete all. Add then the copied documentation files. * From Qt5.12.1 delete the following things: * folder: dist, Examples, Tools, vcredist, Docs (after having copied the qch files) * files: all files in the main folder, e. g. components.xml... * Copy OpenSSL **libeay32.dll** and **ssleay32.dll** to the **${MAINDIR}**/3rdParty/Qt5.12.1/5.12/msvc2017_64/bin .. warning:: Create a path on your hard drive with a long, long path name (called ${MAINDIR}) (later, the all-in-one path on destination computers must be shorter than this path name, due to the Qt patching) .. warning:: The QT version **5.6.2** has a bug which prevent the start of the QT designer {'QTBUG-53984': ('https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-53984', 'QTBUG-53984')}. The workaround is to change the name of **Qt5WebEngineWidgets.dll** and **Qt5WebEngineWidgetsd.dll**, then copy the **Qt5Core.dll** and **Qt5Cored.dll** and change the name of these dll-files into **Qt5WebEngineWidgets.dll** and **Qt5WebEngineWidgetsd.dll**. This bug should be solved with QT version 5.6.3 (release August 2017).