.. include:: /include/global.inc .. moduleauthor:: T. Boettcher, J. Krauter .. sectionauthor:: T. Boettcher .. _getStartGrabber: Getting started with grabbers ********************************* Introduction =============== This tutorial gives a short introduction to the use of cameras. Cameras, RawIO and A/D converters (adda) are subtypes of the class :py:class:`~itom.dataIO`. Similar tutorials are available for :ref:`actuators ` and :ref:`A/D converters `. Initialisation and common properties of :py:class:`~itom.dataIO` and :py:class:`~itom.actuator` are described :ref:`getting here `. Functions ================= For this tutorial, we will focus on the standard application of grabbers: observe stuff, take images and retrieve them. .. note:: As one of the major advatages of the plugin concept, all grabbers shall behave in the same manner when given the same command. There may however be some special properties of some devices, which cause slightly different behavior in very specialised cases. For further information read the plugin documentation of your device. Start/Stop device ----------------------- Before using a grabber, we have to start it. For easy use, most plugins start the device at initialization. We recommend manual starting to be sure. After usage, the device may be stopped. This is done with the functions **startDevice()** and **stopDevice()**: .. code-block:: python :linenos: mygrabber = dataIO("dummyGrabber") mygrabber.startDevice() mygrabber.stopDevice() It is possible to call **startDevice** or **stopDevice** more than one time, since for instance live images always call **startDevice** when they are started and **stopDevice** at shutdown. Internally, grabbers count the current number of starts and stops and only really start the device, if the count increases from zero to one and vice-versa. Autograbbing ----------------------- The autograbbing feature enables a continuous image acquisition of a grabber once at least one live image is shown for the grabber. Per default, an auto-acquisition is enabled with up to 20 frames per second. However, this behaviour can be very counterproductive, if you want to acquire images by a script at defined points in time. It can even happen, that you call the :py:meth:`~itom.dataIO.acquire` command, but before you call :py:meth:`~itom.dataIO.getVal` or :py:meth:`~itom.dataIO.copyVal` to get the acquired image, the auto-grabbing feature caught your image. Therefore, it is possible to enable or disable the auto-grabbing functionality. Nevertheless, if it is disabled and you acquire image per script command, these images are always delivered to connected live images. The auto-grabbing feature status can be read or written by :py:meth:`~itom.dataIO.getAutoGrabbing` or :py:meth:`~itom.dataIO.setAutoGrabbing`: .. code-block:: python :linenos: mygrabber = dataIO("dummyGrabber") mygrabber.startDevice() #should be already started print("current status", mygrabber.getAutoGrabbing()) mygrabber.setAutoGrabbing(True) Enabling and disabling autograbbing is also possible through functions :py:meth:`~itom.dataIO.enableAutoGrabbing` and :py:meth:`~itom.dataIO.disableAutoGrabbing` : .. code-block:: python :linenos: mygrabber = dataIO("dummyGrabber") mygrabber.startDevice() #should be already started mygrabber.enableAutoGrabbing() mygrabber.disableAutoGrabbing() The auto-grabbing feature can also be enabled by the context menu of the grabber instance in the plugin toolbox. .. note:: If you experience problems when taking pictures manually/scripted, ensure that autograbbing is off LiveImage ----------------------- A grabber can provide a live image using the :py:meth:`itom.liveImage` command (it is only live if auto-grabbing is enabled): .. code-block:: python :linenos: mygrabber = dataIO("dummyGrabber") liveImage(mygrabber) .. note:: Calling :py:meth:`itom.liveImage` always calls **startDevice** at startup and **stopDevice** at shutdown of the live image connection, but does not enable autograbbing. Taking pictures ----------------------- Most times a grabber is used, one would like to acquire and store pictures. The procedure is fairly easy: once you have a running instance of your grabber, calling :py:meth:`~itom.dataIO.acquire` triggers an image to be acquired. The image is then retrieved either by the :py:meth:`~itom.dataIO.getVal()` or the :py:meth:`~itom.dataIO.copyVal` command. Here, :py:meth:`~itom.dataIO.getVal` makes a shallow copy, and :py:meth:`~itom.dataIO.copyVal` gives you a deep copy. In the case of the shallow copy, pass an arbitrary initialized dataObject to :py:meth:`~itom.dataIO.getVal`. This object is then reconfigured to the right type and size and will contain a shallow copy of the recently acquired data. However, once the device acquires new data, it is possible that the content of the dataObject will be changed, too, since it is only a shallow copy (however: this is a fast method to get the data). In the latter case of the method :py:class:`~itom.dataIO.copyVal` you have to either pass an empty dataObject or a dataObject whose type and current region of interest fits to the expected output of the recent acquisition. Then, you will obtain a deep copy of the acquired data array into the allocated dataObject or a newly allocated dataObject with the deeply copied data if it has been empty before. Simple example: .. code-block:: python :linenos: dObj = dataObject() # no need for fixed size or data type here, will be defined by getVal command mygrabber = dataIO("dummyGrabber") # use standard init values mygrabber.startDevice() currentStatus = mygrabber.getAutoGrabbing() mygrabber.setAutoGrabbing(False) mygrabber.acquire() mygrabber.getVal(dObj) # this is a shallow copy. Use mygrabber.copyVal(dObj) for a deep # copy alternatively or call dObj.copy() to get the deep copy afterwards. mygrabber.setAutoGrabbing(currentStatus) mygrabber.stopDevice() Most measurement controls afford multiple acquisitions. In this case, the dataObject to contain the picture stack has to be initialised using correct size and data type. Multi-shot example: .. code-block:: python :linenos: dObj = dataObject([10,100,200], dtype = "uint8") # Here we need fixed size and data type, because we will assign layer by layer. # Note inversed dimensions compared to grabber init! mygrabber = dataIO("dummyGrabber", 200,100,8) mygrabber.startDevice() currentStatus = mygrabber.getAutoGrabbing() mygrabber.setAutoGrabbing(False) for cnt in range(0,10): mygrabber.acquire() mygrabber.copyVal(dObj[cnt,:,:]) mygrabber.setAutoGrabbing(currentStatus) mygrabber.stopDevice() .. note:: If you experience problems when taking pictures manually/scripted, ensure that autograbbing is off Parameters ================= Most grabber plugins let you control the device's settings through a set of parameters. Common parameters are **integration_time**, **roi**, **bpp**, or **binning**. Some are read only. Parameters are checked and set by **getParam()** and **setParam()** as seen in the section :ref:`Usage of hardware plugins ` before. .. note:: If you don't know the name of the parameter you want to check, try **getParamListInfo()**. integration_time ----------------------- Integration time is probably the most often changed parameter of a grabber. And also the simplest. This parameter changes the time over which each triggered frame is integrated. .. code-block:: python :linenos: mygrabber.setParam("integration_time", 0.01) # integration time is set to 10ms roi ----------------------- Many grabbers support changing of the region of interest (ROI). This property is set by the parameter **roi** which contains four values: x0, y0, width, height. All four values have to be defined: .. code-block:: python :linenos: mygrabber = dataIO("dummyGrabber") mygrabber.setParam("roi", [12,8,100,200]) .. note:: Though it is unlikely, you may possibly come across older plugin versions that use an outdated notation, where the ROI is set via parameters **x0**, **x1**, **y0**, **y1** defining starting end ending pixels rather than starting pixel and length. bpp ----------------------- If a grabber provides control over the bitdepth of the output, it is set by the parameter **bpp** (bits per pixel). .. code-block:: python :linenos: mygrabber.setParam("bpp", 10) # bpp is set to 10 gain ----------------------- This parameter gives access to a gain factor, if it is provided by the grabber. This factor may be arbitrarily changed, or be a binary value (for example for IR-mode on PCO PixelFlys). .. code-block:: python :linenos: mygrabber.setParam("gain", 1) # gain is set to 100% binning ----------------------- For means of noise reduction and/or speed-up, some grabbers support binning of pixels. .. code-block:: python :linenos: mygrabber.setParam("binning", 202) # binning is set to 2x2 Use grabbers in your own GUI ================================ If you are developing your own GUI and want wo use live images from a grabber, you can assign the grabber as a source for your designer widget, just like you can display dataObjects. .. code-block:: python :linenos: # be gui.myplot a designer widget of type Itom2dQwtPlot or Itom1dQwtPlot gui.myplot["camera"] = mygrabber # liveImage of grabber, if autograbbing in enabled gui.myplot["source"] = mydataobject # diplaying dataObject #(any previous camera is disconnected from the live image) Demo script cameraWindow.py ================================ A demo script named **cameraWindow.py** is provided, which demonstrates basic grabber use. Detailed discussion of this script is available :ref:`here `.