Build dependencies

This setup lists third-party software packages and libraries that are required if you want to build itom from sources. If you run a setup-release of itom none of these dependencies (besides a python 3 installation) are required. Most of the following hints address the build on a Windows operating system. However the required packages are mainly the same for Linux and most components can directly be obtained by the specific package manager of your Linux distribution.

Software packages

Required Software-Packages

  • IDE, Compiler (e.g. Visual Studio 2010 Professional, QtCreator...)
  • CMake (recommended 2.8.9 or higher)
  • Qt-framework (4.7 or higher, 4.8 recommended, no 5.x)
  • QScintilla2
  • OpenCV 2.3 or higher (2.4 recommended)
  • PointCloudLibrary 1.6 or higher
  • Python 3.2 or higher
  • Git ( + GUI (e.g. TortoiseGit or GitExtensions) for accessing the remote repository
  • Python-Package: NumPy

Optional Software-Packages

  • Qt-AddOn for Visual Studio (requires .NET 2.0 framework with SP 1.0)
  • Doxygen (for creating the source code documentation)
  • Python-Packages: SciPy, Distribute, Sphinx (user documentation generation), scikit-image, matplotlib...

Detailed information

Compiler, IDE (mandatory)

You can use any compiler and integrated developement environment (IDE) which is supported by CMake ( On Windows systems, we develop with Visual Studio 2010 Professional, whereas we use QtCreator for the developement under Linux. QtCreator is no generator of CMake, however QtCreator directly supports CMakeLists.txt-files. It is also possible to use the free express edition of Visual Studio.


Please consider that you need to install the Service Pack 1 for Visual Studio 2010 Professional when compiling a 64bit version of itom.

CMake (mandatory)

Download CMake from and install it. If possible use any version higher than 2.8.8. CMake reads the platform-independent project files of itom (CMakeList.txt) and generates the corresponding project files for your compiler, IDE and platform.

Qt-framework (mandatory)

Download the Qt-framework (version 4.7 or higher, branch 5 is not supported yet) from If you find a setup version for your IDE and compiler, you can directly install it. Otherwise, you need to configure and build Qt on your computer. This is also required if you want to compile itom with Visual Studio for 64bit (see box below).

Create the following environment variables (Windows only - you need to log-off from your computer in order to activate changes to environment variables):

  • create an entry QTDIR and set it to the Qt-base directory (e.g. C:\Qt\4.8.0)
  • create an entry QMAKESPEC and set it to the string win32-msvc2010 (even if you are compiling for 64bit) or similar (see
  • add the following text to the Path variable: ;%QTDIR%\bin (please only add this string, do not replace the existing path-entry)


Compiling Qt for 64bit, Visual Studio

This side-note explains how to configure and build Qt for a 64bit build using Visual Studio 2010. The general approach for other configurations is similar.

  • Delete files beginning with sync from the %QTDIR%\bin directory (in order to avoid the requirement of Perl during compilation, which is not necessary in our case).

  • 64bit: Open Visual Studio Commandline x64 Win64 (2010) in your Start-Menu under Microsoft Visual Studio >> Visual Studio Tools.

  • (for 32bit always use the Visual Studio Commandline (2010))

  • change to Qt-Dir by typing:

    cd %QTDIR%

    into the command line.

  • configure Qt-compilation by executing the command:

    configure -platform win32-msvc2010 -debug-and-release -opensource -no-qt3support -qt-sql-odbc -qt-sql-sqlite -qt-zlib -qt-libpng -webkit
  • choose the option open source version and accept the license information during the configuration process. The configuration may take between 5 and 20 minutes.

  • now start the time-intense compilation process (1 to 5 hours) by executing the command:


If you want to restart the entire compilation you need to completely remove any possible older configuration. Then open the appropriate Visual Studio command line and execute:

nmake distclean

Qt-Visual Studio-AddIn (optional, only for Visual Studio, not necessary for QtCreator)

If you want to have a better integration of Qt into Visual Studio (e.g. better debugging information for Qt-types like lists or vectors), you should download the Qt-Visual Studio-AddIn (1.1.11 for Qt 4.8.x, 1.1.10 for Qt 4.7.x) from and install it. Since we are using CMake it is not mandatory to use this AddIn like it is usually the case when developing any Qt-project with Visual Studio. Therefore it is also possible to use the Express edition of Visual Studio, where you cannot install this add-in. The Qt Visual Studio AddIn requires that you have the .NET framework 2.0 SP 1 installed on your PC.


Sometimes, there are problems when starting Visual Studio with an installed Qt-AddIn. In case that any component cannot be registered, as warned by a message-box when starting Visual Studio, you should check the bug and its fix described at In most cases it was sufficient to register the library stdole.dll using the tool gacutil.exe from the Microsoft SDKs/Windows/v7.0A/bin subfolder of your standard program folder. Start a windows commandline and move to the directory on your computer where the executable program gacutil.exe is located, then type:

gacutil.exe -i "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\MSEnv\PublicAssemblies\stdole.dll"

QScintilla2 (mandatory)

Download QScintilla (2.6 or higher) from and build the debug and release version. The original QtCreator project file of QScintilla finally copies the entire output to the bin directory of Qt so that no other settings need to be adapted. However, the original project settings are not ready for a multi-configuration build in Visual Studio. As a result, you need to adapt the Qt-project file. To do this follow these steps:

  • Copy the downloaded files to a directory of your choise (preferably NOT the windows program directory, we are assuming in the following that you placed them in C:\QScintilla2)

  • Open the Visual-Studio 2010 32-bit commandline

  • Open the file C:\QScintilla2\Qt4\ in a text editor and replace the line CONFIG with::

    CONFIG += qt warn_off debug_and_release build_all dll thread

and add the lines::
CONFIG(debug, debug|release){ TARGET = $$join(TARGET,,,d) }

(see also:

  • If you had a previous installation of QScintilla, delete the directory %QTDIR%\include\Qsci as well as the files called qscintilla2.dll and qscintilla2d.dll in the directory %QTDIR%\bin

  • Execute the following commands from the commandline console
    • cd C:\QScintilla2\Qt4
    • nmake distclean
    • QTDIR%\bin\qmake spec=win32-msvc2010
    • nmake
    • nmake install
  • copy the library files qscintilla2.dll and qscintilla2d.dll from %QTDIR%\lib to %QTDIR%\bin

An easier approach is to get the sources from \Obelix\software\m\ITOM\Installationen\4. QScintilla2 (ITO only) and copy the folder QScintilla2.6 to a directory on your hard drive (e.g. C:QScintilla2.6, avoid Windows program directory due to restrictions in write access). Open your Visual Studio Command Line and change to the directory of QScintilla on your hard drive. Just execute the batch file qscintilla_install.bat and answer the given questions.


If the batch file breaks with some strang error messages, please make sure, that the location where QScintilla is installed is writable by the batch file (e.g. the Windows program directory under Windows Vista or higher). Therefore it is recommended to locate QScintilla in another directory than the program-directory.

OpenCV (mandatory, 2.3 or higher)

You have different possibilities in order to get the binaries from OpenCV:

  1. Download the OpenCV-Superpack (version 2.3) from This superpack is a self-extracting archive. Unpack it. The superpack contains pre-compiled binaries for VS2008, VS2010, MinGW in 32bit and 64bit. (Later map the CMake variable OpenCV_DIR to the build subdirectory of the extracted archive).
  2. Download the current setup (version 2.4 or higher) from and install it. This installation also contains pre-compiled binaries for VS2008, VS2010 and MinGW. In this case map OpenCV_DIR to the opencv/build subdirectory.
  3. Get the sources from OpenCV and use CMake to generate project files and build the binaries by yourself. Then map OpenCV_DIR to the build-directory, indicated in CMake.

Finally, add the appropriate bin-folder of OpenCV to the windows environment variable: - VS2010, 32bit: Add to the path-variable: ;C:OpenCV2.3buildx86vc10bin (or similar) - VS2010, 64bit: Add to the path-variable: ;C:OpenCV2.3buildx64vc10bin (or similar)

Changes to the environment variable only become active after a re-login to windows.

PointCloudLibrary (mandatory, 1.6 or higher)

The PointCloud-Library is a sister-project of OpenCV and is able to work with large point clouds.

The binaries can be loaded from the website Depending on 32bit or 64bit execute the AllInOne-Installer for Visual Studio 2010. The installation directory may for example be C:PCL1.6.0. Information: Please install the PCL base software including all 3rd-party packages, besides OpenNI. You don’t have to install OpenNI, since this is only the binaries for the communication with commercial range sensors, like Kinect.

If you want to debug the point cloud library (not necessary, optional) unpack the appropriate zip-archive with the pdb-files into the bin-folder of the point cloud library. This is the folder where the dll’s are located as well.

Add the path to the bin-folder of PointCloud-library to the windows environment variable:

  • Add to the path-variable: ;C:PCL1.6.0bin (or similar)

Python (mandatory, 3.2)

Download the installer from and install python in version 3.2. You can simultaneously run different versions of python.

NumPy (mandatory)

Get a version of NumPy that fits to python 3.2 and install it. On Windows, binaries for many python packages can be found under

Sphinx (optional)

The Python package Sphinx is used for generating the user documentation of itom. You can also download sphinx from However, sphinx is dependent on other packages, such that it is worth to get the package distribute (see below) first. Then open a command-line (cmd.exe) and move to the directory [YourPythonPath]/Scripts. Type the following command in order to download sphinx including dependecies from the internet and install it:

easy_install -U sphinx

Distribute (optional)

Distribute is a python package, that can be used for easily downloading and installing other python packages, like Sphinx. Download the latest version (file ending with tar.gz) of Distribute from and unpack it to any temporary directory on your hard drive. Open a command line and switch to the directory of Distribute.

Assuming that Python is located under C:Python32, execute the following command:

C:\python32\python.exe install

The Distribute is installed and you can use the easy_install tool (see Sphinx installation above).

Other python packages (optional)

You can always check the website for appropriate binaries of your desired python package.


If you use any python packages depending on NumPy (e.g. SciPy, scikit-image...) try to have corresponding versions. If your SciPy installation is younger than NumPy, some methods can not be executed and a python error message is raised, saying that you should update your NumPy installation.

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Windows Setup Installation

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Get sources from Git

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