Param - ReferenceΒΆ

class ito::Param

Public Functions


default constructor, creates “empty” tParam

Param(const char * name)

Param(const char * name, const uint32 type)

Param(const char * name, const uint32 type, const char * val, const char * info)

Param(const char * name, const uint32 type, const double minVal, const double maxVal, const double val, const char * info)

Param(const char * name, const uint32 type, const int minVal, const int maxVal, const int val, const char * info)

Param(const char * name, const uint32 type, const char minVal, const char maxVal, const char val, const char * info)

Param(const char * name, const uint32 type, const unsigned int size, const char * values, const char * info)

Param(const char * name, const uint32 type, const unsigned int size, const int * values, const char * info)

Param(const char * name, const uint32 type, const unsigned int size, const double * values, const char * info)

Param(const char * name, const uint32 type, const int val, ParamMeta * meta, const char * info)

Param(const char * name, const uint32 type, const double val, ParamMeta * meta, const char * info)

Param(const char * name, const uint32 type, const char val, ParamMeta * meta, const char * info)

Param(const char * name, const uint32 type, const unsigned int size, const double * values, ParamMeta * meta, const char * info)

Param(const char * name, const uint32 type, const unsigned int size, const int * values, ParamMeta * meta, const char * info)

Param(const char * name, const uint32 type, const unsigned int size, const char * values, ParamMeta * meta, const char * info)



Param(const Param & copyConstr)


const Param operator[](const int num)

braces operator for element-wise access in arrays

Param & operator=(const Param & rhs)

assignment operator (sets values of lhs to values of rhs Param, strings are copied)

ito::RetVal copyValueFrom(const ParamBase * rhs)

just copies the value from the right-hand-side ParamBase (rhs) to this tParam.

const char * getInfo(void)

< returns content of info string (string is not copied)

sets content of info string, if necessary the info buffer is freed first, passed string is copied

int setInfo(const char * info)

const ParamMeta * getMeta(void)

returns const-pointer to meta-information instance or NULL if not available

ParamMeta * getMeta(void)

returns pointer to meta-information instance or NULL if not available

bool setMeta(ParamMeta * meta, bool takeOwnership = false)

sets a new ParamMeta-instance as meta information for this Param

  • meta -

    is the pointer to any instance derived from ParamMeta

  • takeOwnership -

    (default: false) defines, whether this Param should take the ownership of the ParamMeta-instance

bool copyMetaFrom(const ParamMeta * meta)

double getMin()

double getMax()

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ParamBase - Reference

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Parameters - Meta Information

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