.. include:: ../../include/global.inc

Creating a project folder and run a first program

Create a project folder

Keeping track of more difficult programs is inconvenient when only using the |itom| terminal. That’s why you will learn how to use script files in this chapter. Basically, script files are just regular text files that happen to have the extension .py.

We will store all our script files in a project folder within the |itom| installation directory called python_tutorial. This folder can be created within |itom| by right-clicking on the |itom| folder in the File System Panel and choosing create new folder. If you’ve used the default installation directory, you should end up with a folder like this: C:\Program Files\iTOM\python_tutorial.

Creating a .py file and running it

Now create a new python file in C:\Program Files\iTOM\python_tutorial and rename the default file name (New Script.py) to Hello World.py. When double-clicking the file name, the Script Editor will pop up, which we will use for all upcoming examples. For a start, type the following line of code into the Script Editor and save the file.

print("Hello World")

To run the code you’ve just inserted, press F5 or click on the run button.

As a result, you will see the output ‘Hello World’ in the |itom| terminal. As you’ve probably figured out, the command print() is used to output certain characters and, hence, can be used to give the user some sort of feedback. Please note that the print command changed from earlier 2.X versions of |Python|.

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