
class itom.actuator

actuator(name[, mandparams, optparams]) -> constructor

Parameters :

name : {str}

is the fullname (case sensitive) of a ‘actuator’-plugin as specified in the plugin-window.

initParameters : {variant}, mandatory & optional

Parameters to pass to the plugin, content and type depend on the specific plugin.

Returns :

Returns none or a PyDictionary depending on the value of detailLevel. :


This is the constructor for a actuator-type plugins. It initializes an new instance if the plugin specified by ‘name’. The initialisation parameters are parsed and unnamed parameters are used in their incoming order to fill first mandatory parameters and afterwards optional parameters. Parameters may be passed with name as well but after the first named parameter no more unnamed parameters are allowed. See pluginHelp(name) for detail information about the specific initialisation parameters.

calib(axis[, axis1, ...]) → starts calibration of given axes (0-based).
Parameters :

axis : {axis???}

axis that should be calibrated



exec(funcName[, param1, ...]) → invoke a function 'funcName' within an actuator-plugin.
Parameters :

funcName : {str}

The name of the filter

param1 : {variant}

Further parameters depend on the function itself.

Returns :

Variable return values. :

The return values depend on the function itself.


This function is used to invoke a plugIn-Specific execFunc, declared within the corresponding plugin. The parameters (arguments), output parameters / return values depends on the function (see plugin.getExecFuncsInfo() or plugin.getExecFuncsInfo(funcName)).

getExecFuncsInfo([funcName[, detailLevel]]) → plots a list of available execFuncs or a detailed description to the specified execFunc.
Parameters :

funcName : {str}, optional

is the fullname or a part of any execFunc-name which should be displayed. If funcName is none or no execFunc matches funcName casesensitiv a list with all suitable execFuncs is given.

detailLevel : {dict}, optional

if dictionary == 1, function returns an Py_Dictionary with parameters Default value is 0.

Returns :

None or Dict :

depending on the value of detailLevel.


Generates an online help with all execFuncs for this plugIn or returns a list of available execFuncs.

getParam(name) → value of the parameter 'name'.
Parameters :

name : {str???}

name of the parameter to get value for

Returns :

doctodo :



getParamList() → returns the list of available parameters of the plugin
Returns :list of available parameters of the plugin :



getParamListInfo([detailLevel]) → plots informations about plugin parameters.
Parameters :

detailLevel : {dict}, optional

if dictionary == 1, function returns an Py_Dictionary with parameters Default value is 0.

Returns :

Returns none or a PyDictionary depending on the value of detailLevel. :


Generates an online help for available parameters and additional informations of the plugin.

getPos(axis[, axis1, ...]) → returns the actual positions of the given axes.
Parameters :

axis : {axis???}

axis for which the position should be returned

Returns :

doctodo :



getStatus() → retrieve the actuator status.
Returns :doctodo :



getType() → returns actuator type
Returns :actuator type :



hideToolbox() → hides toolbox of the plugin
name() → returns the plugin name
Returns :name of the Plugin :



setOrigin(axis[, axis1, ...]) → defines the actual position of the given axes to value 0.
Parameters :

axis : {axis}

axis for which the origin should be set



setParam(name, value) → sets parameter 'name' to the given value.
Parameters :

name : {str???}

name of the parameter which value is set

value : {str, int, double, ...}

value that will be set. The value is checked against the param’s parameter definition before involing the setParam method



setPosAbs(axis0, pos0[, axis1, pos1, ...]) → moves axis to given absolute value (in mm).
Parameters :

axis : {axis???}, optional

axis that should be moved absolute

pos : {???}

new position for axis



setPosRel(axis, pos[, axis1, pos1, ...]) → relatively moves given axes by the given distances [in mm].
Parameters :

axis : {axis???}

axis that should be moved relative

pos : {???}

position increment/decrement for axis



showConfiguration() → open configuration dialog of the plugin
showToolbox() → open toolbox of the plugin

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