.. include:: ../include/global.inc .. _demoScripts: Demo scripts ############## There are several python demo scripts available which demonstrate the use of |itom|. All these files are in the directory **demo** The following list gives a short description of each demo. |itom| Basics ************** - **demoDataObject.py** | *Description*: Here you can learn the basic function of the dataObject. | *Keywords*: creating a dataObject; plot; shallow copy; deep copy; meta data - **demoToolBar.py** | *Description*: Creating your own toolbar and buttons. | *Keywords*: create a new class; add new functions; add button Plugins ********* - **demoDummyGrabber.py** | *Description*: Usage of a camera plugin. | *Keywords*: dataIO; start device (camera); snapshot (getVal); live image - **demoDummyMotor.py** | *Description*: Usage of a motor plugin. | *Keywords*: set position; get position - **demoCMU1394.py** | *Description*: Firewire grabber for different cameras. PointGray Firefly, Sony SX 900, Sony XCD-X700... | *Keywords*: dataIO; start device (camera); Snapshot (getVal); Live image Algorithm / Filter ******************** - **demoOpenCVFilter.py** | *Description*: Median filtering of a randomly filled image. - **demoNumpy.py** | *Description*: Short demonstration of some linear algebra functions provided by Numpy (numeric package of python). - **demoScipy.py** | *Description*: Using scipy and matplotlib to calculate the cross-correlation between two images. Scipy is a python package that contains more scientific algorithms. | *Keywords*: scipy, matplotlib - **demoSignalSmooth.py** | *Description*: Further example on how to use matplotlib (plotting package of python) in itom. ui **** This folder contains some examples on how to create customized user interfaces in itom (see :ref:`qtdesigner`).