Itom Custom Designer Widgets

Beside QtDesginer-Widgets for plots and figures (see Plots and Figures) some non-plotting widgets have been develop to give the user GUI-based access to itom specific objects and functions. The openSource-Widgets are:

  • DataObjectTable
  • dObMetaDataTable
  • EvaluateGeometricsFigure
  • MotorController

These widgets can be used like any other type of widget within an ui-dialog with 2 exceptions:

  1. The ui-Dialog must be loaded and initilized within a itom-python context (e.g. script in itom).
  2. Some properties are not accesable (DESIGNABLE) in the QtDesigner (e.g. actuator-handles) and must be set during initilization in itom-python.

To add such a widget to your ui-file, you can drag&drop them in the QtDesigner like any other widget.


The “DataObjectTable” can be used to visualize or edit a dataObject in a table based widget like in “Matlab”. The widget is not inherited from a AbstractDObject and can not be used for a live plot.


data: ito::DataObject, the dataObject to be shown

readOnly: bool, DESIGNABLE, enable write protection

min: double, DESIGNABLE, get/set minimum value

max: double, DESIGNABLE, get/set maximum value

decimals: int, DESIGNABLE, number of decimals to be shown within each cell

defaultCols: int, DESIGNABLE, number of column to be shown

defaultRows: int, DESIGNABLE, number of rows to be shown

horizontalLabels: QStringList, DESIGNABLE, list with labels for each column row

verticalLabels: QStringList, DESIGNABLE, list with labels for each shown row


The “dObMetaDataTable” can be used to visualize the metaData of a dataObject, e.g. to realize a measurement protoco . The widget is not inherited from a AbstractDObject and can not be used for a live plot.


data: ito::DataObject, the dataObject to be shown

readOnlyEnabled: bool, DESIGNABLE, enable write protection

detailedInfo: bool, DESIGNABLE, Toogle between basic and detailed metaData

previewEnabled: bool, DESIGNABLE, Add a small quadratic image downsampled from the dataObject as a preview to the meta data.

previewSize: int, DESIGNABLE, Set the preview size in pixels,

decimals: int, DESIGNABLE, number of decimals to be shown within each cell

colorBar: QString, DESIGNABLE, the name of the color bar for the preview, not implemented yet


The evaluateGeomtrics-widget is designed to load geometric definition stored in a float32 dataObject with a column-size of >10 elments and a row for each geometric element to display. Further more it allows the evaluation of geometric relations between the geometric primitives. It contains a tableView and although is is inherited by AbstractDObject it should not be used for “liveVisualisation of dataObject”.


title: QString, DESIGNABLE, Title of the plot or ‘<auto>’ if the title of the data object should be used. Not implemented yet valueUnit: QString, DESIGNABLE, The value unit for the metrical calculations that is used within the plot. titleFont: QFont, DESIGNABLE, Font for title. Not implemented yet labelFont: QFont, DESIGNABLE, Font for labels. Not implemented yet relations: ito::DataObject, Get or set N geometric elements via N x 11 dataObject of type float32. relationNames: QStringList, DESIGNABLE, A string list with the names of possible relation. The first elements [N.A., radius, angle to, distance to, intersection with, length and area] are read only and are calculated with these widget. For external calculated values you can define custom names e.g. roughness.. destinationFolder: QString, DESIGNABLE, Set a default export directory. lastAddedRelation: int, DESIGNABLE, Get the index of the last added relation. considerOnly2D: bool, DESIGNABLE, If true, only the x & y coordinates are considered.


ito::RetVal addRelation(ito::DataObject importedData)

Add a relation to the current context. The relation must be

importedData, ito::DataObject: geometric element expressed by 1 x 4 dataObject of type float32.

ito::RetVal modifyRelation(const int idx, ito::DataObject relation)

Modify an existing relation addressed by the idx.

idx, int: Index of relation to modify

relation, ito::DataObject: geometric element expressed by 1 x 4 dataObject of type float32.

ito::RetVal addRelationName(const QString newName)

Add a new relation name to the relationNameList.

newName, QString: new relation name to be appended

ito::RetVal exportData(QString fileName, ito::uint8 exportFlag)

Export data to csv or xml

fileName, QString: Destination file name

exportFlag, int: Export flag, exportCSVTree = 0x00, exportCSVTable = 0x01, exportXMLTree = 0x02, exportCSVList = 0x03, showExportWindow = 0x10

ito::RetVal plotItemChanged(ito::int32 idx, ito::int32 flags, QVector<ito::float32> values)

Slot for direct connection between this widget and a plot (e.g. itom2dQwtPlot) to notify changes within the plotted geometry. Internal relations are automatically updated. External relation values (e.g. roughness) can not be updated automatically.

idx, int: Index of the modified geometric element

flags, int: Type (and meta properties) of geometric elements which was changed. If type differes from original type clear and refill is necessary.

values, QVector<ito::float32>: Geometric parameters of the modified geometric item.

ito::RetVal clearAll(void)

Clear all elements and relations in this plot.




The “MotorController”-widget gives the user the some basic functions for generic motor positioning and position reporting within a complex GUI. The widget can be used for 1 to 6 axis and can be used readOnly or as a type of software control panel. The widget updated in a fixed interval (can be deactivated). During measurements the widget should be disabled to avoid user errors. A support for the 3DConnexion-Mouse is planed but Not implemented yet.

The motor should support up slot: RequestStatusAndPosition and signal: actuatorStatusChanged for semaphore free communication, but this is not necessary.


actuator: ito::AddInActuator, Handle to the actuator to be used, not DESIGNABLE

numberOfAxis: int, DESIGNABLE, Number of axis to be visible

unit: QString, DESIGNABLE, Base unit for spinboxes and movements, e.g. nm, micron, mm, m, km

readOnly: bool, DESIGNABLE, Toogle read only

autoUpdate: bool, DESIGNABLE, Toogle automatic motorposition update

smallStep: double, DESIGNABLE, Distances for the small step button, same value for plus and minus

bigStep: double, DESIGNABLE, Distances for the large step button, same value for plus and minus

absRel: bool, DESIGNABLE, Toogle between absolut or relative position display. Origin can be set via context menu.

allowJoyStick: bool, DESIGNABLE, Allow a software joystick, e.g. usb or gameport, not implemented yet.


void triggerActuatorStep(const int axisNo, const bool smallBig, const bool forward)

Trigger a step of axis axisNo with a distance either bigStep (true) or smallStep (false) and either forward (true) or backwards (false)

void actuatorStatusChanged(QVector<int> status, QVector<double> actPosition)

Internal slot for c++-Code connected to the corresponding signal of the actuator. Do not call this from python.

void triggerUpdatePosition(void)

Usually called by the internal timer, the context-menu or python to update the current motor position. Uses either Signal-/Slot-communication or invokes getPos blocking.

void guiChangedSmallStep(double value)

Internal slot if the small step size is changed within the GUI (spinbox)

void guiChangedLargeStep(double value)

Internal slot if the large step size is changed within the GUI (spinbox)


void RequestStatusAndPosition(bool sendActPosition, bool sendTargetPos)

Internal signal for c++-Code connected to the corresponding slot of the actuator.