.. include:: ../include/global.inc Build on linux ================ This section describes how |itom| and its plugins are built on a linux system (tested on Ubuntu 12.04 (32bit), Kubuntu (Debian, KDE, 64bit) and Lubuntu). The general approach is similar to the other documentation in the install chapter that are mainly focussed on Windows. Necessary packages ------------------- Most necessary packages can be obtained by the package manager of your solution (Synaptic Package Manager, command *sudo apt-get*...). The following list describe packages that are required or recommended for building |itom|: Required: * **Qt 4** (libqtcore4, libqt4-dev, libqt4-...) * Editor **QScintilla** (libqscintilla2-8 or similar, libqscintilla2-dev) * **OpenCV** (libopencv-core2.3 or libopencv-core2.4, libopencv-core-dev, libopencv-imgproc, libopencv-highgui...) * **Python3** (python3, python3-dbg) * **Numpy** (python3-numpy, python3-numpy-dbg) * **git** (git) Recommended (optional): * The IDE **QtCreator** (qtcreator) * **PointCloudLibrary** (if exists version 1.6 or better 1.7, else see http://pointclouds.org/downloads/linux.html or build it on your own, the point cloud library is optional!) * **Scipy** (python3-scipy, python3-scipy-dbg), **Sphinx** (python3-sphinx), **Matplotlib** * **Doxygen** (doxygen, doxygen-gui) * Any git client (e.g. SmartGit (requires java) or git-cola) * glew (libglew1.6-dev or something similar, required by some plugins) * fftw (libfftw3-dev or something similar, required by some plugins) Recommended folder structure ----------------------------- Similar to Windows, the following folder structure is recommended: .. code-block:: python ./sources ./itom # cloned repository of core ./plugins # cloned sources of plugins ./designerPlugins # cloned sources of designerPlugins ... ./build_debug # build folder for debug makefiles of... ./itom # ...core ./plugins # ...plugins ... ./build_release # build folder for release makefiles of... ./itom # ...core ... Under linux, the debug and release versions are separated in two different build folders. If you are using QtCreator as IDE you can however create two different configurations, one mapping to the debug build folder, the other mapping ot the release build folder. Both use the same source folder. Obtain the sources -------------------- Clone at least the core repository of |itom| (bitbucket.org/itom/itom) as well as the open source plugin and designerPlugin repository into the corresponding subfolders of the **sources** folder. You can do this by using any git client or the command **git clone https://bitbucket.org/itom/itom**). Configuration process ---------------------- Use **CMake** to create the necessary makefiles for debug and/or release: 1. Indicate the folder **sources/itom** as source folder 2. Indicate either the folder **build_debug/itom** or **build_release/itom** as build folder. If the build folder already contains configured makefiles, the last configuration will automatically loaded into the CMake gui. 3. Set the following variables: * **CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE** to either **debug** or **release** * **BUILD_TARGET64** to ON if you want to build a 64bit version. * **BUILD_UNICODE** to ON if you want to build with unicode support (recommended) * **BUILD_WITH_PCL** to ON if you have the point cloud library available on your computer and want to compile |itom| with support for point clouds and polygon meshes. 4. Push the configure button 5. Usually, CMake should find most of the necessary third-party libraries, however you should check the following things: * OpenCV: OpenCV is located by the file **OpenCVConfig.cmake** in the directory **OpenCV_DIR**. Usually this is automatically detected in **usr/share/OpenCV**. If this is not the case, set **OpenCV_DIR** to the correct directory and press configure. * Python3: On some linux distributions, CMake always finds the Python version 2 as default version. This is wrong. Therefore set the following variables to the right pathes: PYTHON_EXECUTABLE to /usr/bin/python3.2, PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR to /usr/include/python3.2, PYTHON_LIBRARY to /usr/lib/libpython3.2mu.so.1.0 . The suffix 1.0 might also be different. It is also supported to use any other version of Python 3. 6. Push the configure button again and then generate. 7. Now you can build |itom| by the **make** command or using **QtDesigner**: * **make**: Open a command line and switch to the **build_debug/itom** directory. Simply call **make** such that the file **qitom** or **qitomd** (debug) is built. Start this application in order to run |itom|. * **QtCreator**: Open QtCreator and open a new project. Indicate the file **CMakeList.txt** of **sources/itom** as project file. Now QtCreator asks where to build the binaries. Indicate the existing and pre-configured directory **build_debug/itom** or **build_release/itom**. The existing CMake cache files will be read and you can simply run CMake from QtCreator that should not fail. If so, re-open CMake and fix it. In the project settings of QtCreator you can finally clone the current configuration and indicate the second build-folder for the release version. Build plugins --------------- Build the plugins, designerPlugins... in the same way than |itom| but make sure that you compiled |itom| at least once before you start configuring and compiling any plugin. In CMake, you need to indicate the same variables than above, but you also need to set the variable **ITOM_DIR_SDK** to the **sdk** folder in **build_debug/itom/sdk** or **build_release/itom/sdk** depending whether you want to compile a debug or release version (please don't forget to set **CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE**. If you don't want to have some of the plugins, simply uncheck them in CMake under the group **Plugin**. The plugins and designerPlugins will finally be compiled and then copy their resulting library files into the **designer** and **plugins** subfolder of |itom|. Restart |itom| and you the plugin will be loaded.