.. include:: ../include/global.inc .. _listCustomDesignerWidgets: **Itom Custom Designer Widgets** ============================================== Beside QtDesginer-Widgets for plots and figures (see :ref:`PlotsAndFigures`) some non-plotting widgets have been develop to give the user GUI-based access to itom specific objects and functions. The openSource-Widgets are: * DataObjectTable * dObMetaDataTable * EvaluateGeometricsFigure * MotorController These widgets can be used like any other type of widget within an ui-dialog with 2 exceptions: 1. The ui-Dialog must be loaded and initilized within a itom-python context (e.g. script in itom). 2. Some properties are not accesable (DESIGNABLE) in the QtDesigner (e.g. actuator-handles) and must be set during initilization in itom-python. To add such a widget to your ui-file, you can drag&drop them in the QtDesigner like any other widget. DataObjectTable ---------------------------------------------- The "DataObjectTable" can be used to visualize or edit a dataObject in a table based widget like in "Matlab". The widget is not inherited from a AbstractDObject and can not be used for a live plot. Properties ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **data**: *ito::DataObject*, the dataObject to be shown **readOnly**: *bool, DESIGNABLE*, enable write protection **min**: *double, DESIGNABLE*, get/set minimum value **max**: *double, DESIGNABLE*, get/set maximum value **decimals**: *int, DESIGNABLE*, number of decimals to be shown within each cell **defaultCols**: *int, DESIGNABLE*, number of column to be shown **defaultRows**: *int, DESIGNABLE*, number of rows to be shown **horizontalLabels**: *QStringList, DESIGNABLE*, list with labels for each column row **verticalLabels**: *QStringList, DESIGNABLE*, list with labels for each shown row dObMetaDataTable ---------------------------------------------- The "dObMetaDataTable" can be used to visualize the metaData of a dataObject, e.g. to realize a measurement protoco . The widget is not inherited from a AbstractDObject and can not be used for a live plot. Properties ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **data**: *ito::DataObject*, the dataObject to be shown **readOnlyEnabled**: *bool, DESIGNABLE*, enable write protection **detailedInfo**: *bool, DESIGNABLE*, Toogle between basic and detailed metaData **previewEnabled**: *bool, DESIGNABLE*, Add a small quadratic image downsampled from the dataObject as a preview to the meta data. **previewSize**: *int, DESIGNABLE*, Set the preview size in pixels, **decimals**: *int, DESIGNABLE*, number of decimals to be shown within each cell **colorBar**: *QString, DESIGNABLE*, the name of the color bar for the preview, *not implemented yet* EvaluateGeometricsFigure ---------------------------------------------- The evaluateGeomtrics-widget is designed to load geometric definition stored in a float32 dataObject with a column-size of >10 elments and a row for each geometric element to display. Further more it allows the evaluation of geometric relations between the geometric primitives. It contains a tableView and although is is inherited by AbstractDObject it should not be used for "liveVisualisation of dataObject". Properties ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **title**: *QString, DESIGNABLE*, Title of the plot or '' if the title of the data object should be used. *Not implemented yet* **valueUnit**: *QString, DESIGNABLE*, The value unit for the metrical calculations that is used within the plot. **titleFont**: *QFont, DESIGNABLE*, Font for title. *Not implemented yet* **labelFont**: *QFont, DESIGNABLE*, Font for labels. *Not implemented yet* **relations**: *ito::DataObject*, Get or set N geometric elements via N x 11 dataObject of type float32. **relationNames**: *QStringList, DESIGNABLE*, A string list with the names of possible relation. The first elements [N.A., radius, angle to, distance to, intersection with, length and area] are read only and are calculated with these widget. For external calculated values you can define custom names e.g. roughness.. **destinationFolder**: *QString, DESIGNABLE*, Set a default export directory. **lastAddedRelation**: *int, DESIGNABLE*, Get the index of the last added relation. **considerOnly2D**: *bool, DESIGNABLE*, If true, only the x & y coordinates are considered. Slots ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **ito::RetVal addRelation(ito::DataObject importedData)** Add a relation to the current context. The relation must be *importedData, ito::DataObject*: geometric element expressed by 1 x 4 dataObject of type float32. **ito::RetVal modifyRelation(const int idx, ito::DataObject relation)** Modify an existing relation addressed by the idx. *idx, int*: Index of relation to modify *relation, ito::DataObject*: geometric element expressed by 1 x 4 dataObject of type float32. **ito::RetVal addRelationName(const QString newName)** Add a new relation name to the relationNameList. *newName, QString*: new relation name to be appended **ito::RetVal exportData(QString fileName, ito::uint8 exportFlag)** Export data to csv or xml *fileName, QString*: Destination file name *exportFlag, int*: Export flag, exportCSVTree = 0x00, exportCSVTable = 0x01, exportXMLTree = 0x02, exportCSVList = 0x03, showExportWindow = 0x10 **ito::RetVal plotItemChanged(ito::int32 idx, ito::int32 flags, QVector values)** Slot for direct connection between this widget and a plot (e.g. itom2dQwtPlot) to notify changes within the plotted geometry. Internal relations are automatically updated. External relation values (e.g. roughness) can not be updated automatically. *idx, int*: Index of the modified geometric element *flags, int*: Type (and meta properties) of geometric elements which was changed. If type differes from original type clear and refill is necessary. *values, QVector*: Geometric parameters of the modified geometric item. **ito::RetVal clearAll(void)** Clear all elements and relations in this plot. Signals ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ None MotorController ---------------------------------------------- The "MotorController"-widget gives the user the some basic functions for generic motor positioning and position reporting within a complex GUI. The widget can be used for 1 to 6 axis and can be used readOnly or as a type of software control panel. The widget updated in a fixed interval (can be deactivated). During measurements the widget should be disabled to avoid user errors. A support for the 3DConnexion-Mouse is planed but *Not implemented yet*. The motor should support up *slot: RequestStatusAndPosition* and *signal: actuatorStatusChanged* for semaphore free communication, but this is not necessary. Properties ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **actuator**: *ito::AddInActuator*, Handle to the actuator to be used, not DESIGNABLE **numberOfAxis**: *int, DESIGNABLE*, Number of axis to be visible **unit**: *QString, DESIGNABLE*, Base unit for spinboxes and movements, e.g. nm, micron, mm, m, km **readOnly**: *bool, DESIGNABLE*, Toogle read only **autoUpdate**: *bool, DESIGNABLE*, Toogle automatic motorposition update **smallStep**: *double, DESIGNABLE*, Distances for the small step button, same value for plus and minus **bigStep**: *double, DESIGNABLE*, Distances for the large step button, same value for plus and minus **absRel**: *bool, DESIGNABLE*, Toogle between absolut or relative position display. Origin can be set via context menu. **allowJoyStick**: *bool, DESIGNABLE*, Allow a software joystick, e.g. usb or gameport, not implemented yet. Slots ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **void triggerActuatorStep(const int axisNo, const bool smallBig, const bool forward)** Trigger a step of axis *axisNo* with a distance either *bigStep (true)* or *smallStep (false)* and either *forward (true)* or *backwards (false)* **void actuatorStatusChanged(QVector status, QVector actPosition)** Internal slot for c++-Code connected to the corresponding signal of the actuator. Do not call this from python. **void triggerUpdatePosition(void)** Usually called by the internal timer, the context-menu or python to update the current motor position. Uses either Signal-/Slot-communication or invokes getPos blocking. **void guiChangedSmallStep(double value)** Internal slot if the small step size is changed within the GUI (spinbox) **void guiChangedLargeStep(double value)** Internal slot if the large step size is changed within the GUI (spinbox) Signals ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **void RequestStatusAndPosition(bool sendActPosition, bool sendTargetPos)** Internal signal for c++-Code connected to the corresponding slot of the actuator.