itom 1.1.0
00001 /* ********************************************************************
00002     itom software
00003     URL:
00004     Copyright (C) 2013, Institut für Technische Optik (ITO),
00005     Universität Stuttgart, Germany
00007     This file is part of itom and its software development toolkit (SDK).
00009     itom is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00010     under the terms of the GNU Library General Public Licence as published by
00011     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Licence, or (at
00012     your option) any later version.
00014     In addition, as a special exception, the Institut für Technische
00015     Optik (ITO) gives you certain additional rights.
00016     These rights are described in the ITO LGPL Exception version 1.0,
00017     which can be found in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
00019     itom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
00020     WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00022     General Public Licence for more details.
00024     You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
00025     along with itom. If not, see <>.
00026 *********************************************************************** */
00028 #ifndef __DATAOBJH
00029 #define __DATAOBJH
00031 //#include <crtdbg.h>
00032 #include <cstdlib>
00033 #include <iostream>
00034 #include <complex>
00035 #include <limits>
00037 #if !linux
00038     #pragma warning(disable:4996)
00039 #endif
00041 #define NOMINMAX //see:, this is only an issue with OpenCV 2.4.3, not 2.3.x
00043 #include "opencv/cv.h"
00044 #include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
00046 #include "../common/sharedStructures.h"
00047 #include "../common/color.h"
00049 #include "readWriteLock.h"
00051 #include <vector>
00052 #include <map>
00053 #include <string>
00055 namespace cv 
00056 {
00057    template<> inline ito::float32 saturate_cast<ito::float32>( ito::float64 v)
00058    {
00059        //return (float32)v;
00060        if(cvIsInf(v)) return std::numeric_limits<ito::float32>::infinity();
00061        if(cvIsNaN(v)) return std::numeric_limits<ito::float32>::signaling_NaN();
00062        return static_cast<ito::float32>(std::max ( (ito::float64)(- std::numeric_limits<ito::float32>::max()) ,  std::min ( v , (ito::float64) std::numeric_limits<ito::float32>::max() )));
00063    }
00065    template<> inline ito::float64 saturate_cast<ito::float64>( ito::float32 v)
00066    {
00067        //return (float64)v;
00068        if(cvIsInf(v)) return std::numeric_limits<ito::float64>::infinity();
00069        if(cvIsNaN(v)) return std::numeric_limits<ito::float64>::signaling_NaN();
00070        return static_cast<ito::float64>(v);
00071    }
00073    template<typename _Tp> static inline _Tp saturate_cast(ito::complex128 /*v*/) {     cv::error(cv::Exception(CV_StsAssert, "Not defined for input parameter type", "", __FILE__, __LINE__)); return 0; }
00074    template<typename _Tp> static inline _Tp saturate_cast(ito::complex64 /*v*/) {     cv::error(cv::Exception(CV_StsAssert, "Not defined for input parameter type", "", __FILE__, __LINE__)); return 0; }
00076    template<typename _Tp> static inline _Tp saturate_cast(ito::Rgba32 /*v*/) {     cv::error(cv::Exception(CV_StsAssert, "Not defined for input parameter type", "", __FILE__, __LINE__)); return 0; }
00077 //   template<typename _Tp> static inline ito::Rgba32 saturate_cast(_Tp /*v*/) {     cv::error(cv::Exception(CV_StsAssert, "Not defined for input parameter type", "", __FILE__, __LINE__)); return 0; }
00079    template<> inline ito::complex64 saturate_cast(ito::uint8 v){ return ito::complex64(static_cast<ito::float32>(v),0.0); }
00080    template<> inline ito::complex64 saturate_cast(ito::int8 v){ return ito::complex64(static_cast<ito::float32>(v),0.0); }
00081    template<> inline ito::complex64 saturate_cast(ito::uint16 v){ return ito::complex64(static_cast<ito::float32>(v),0.0); }
00082    template<> inline ito::complex64 saturate_cast(ito::int16 v){ return ito::complex64(static_cast<ito::float32>(v),0.0); }
00083    template<> inline ito::complex64 saturate_cast(ito::uint32 v){ return ito::complex64(static_cast<ito::float32>(v),0.0); }
00084    template<> inline ito::complex64 saturate_cast(ito::int32 v){ return ito::complex64(static_cast<ito::float32>(v),0.0); }
00085    template<> inline ito::complex64 saturate_cast(ito::float32 v){ return ito::complex64(v,0.0); }
00086    template<> inline ito::complex64 saturate_cast(ito::float64 v){ return ito::complex64(saturate_cast<ito::float32>(v),0.0); }
00087    template<> inline ito::complex64 saturate_cast(ito::complex64 v){ return v; }
00088    template<> inline ito::complex64 saturate_cast(ito::complex128 v){ return std::complex<ito::float32>(saturate_cast<ito::float32>(v.real()),saturate_cast<ito::float32>(v.imag())); }
00090    template<> inline ito::complex128 saturate_cast(ito::uint8 v){ return ito::complex128(static_cast<ito::float64>(v),0.0); }
00091    template<> inline ito::complex128 saturate_cast(ito::int8 v){ return ito::complex128(static_cast<ito::float64>(v),0.0); }
00092    template<> inline ito::complex128 saturate_cast(ito::uint16 v){ return ito::complex128(static_cast<ito::float64>(v),0.0); }
00093    template<> inline ito::complex128 saturate_cast(ito::int16 v){ return ito::complex128(static_cast<ito::float64>(v),0.0); }
00094    template<> inline ito::complex128 saturate_cast(ito::uint32 v){ return ito::complex128(static_cast<ito::float64>(v),0.0); }
00095    template<> inline ito::complex128 saturate_cast(ito::int32 v){ return ito::complex128(static_cast<ito::float64>(v),0.0); }
00096    template<> inline ito::complex128 saturate_cast(ito::float32 v){ return ito::complex128(saturate_cast<ito::float64>(v),0.0); }
00097    template<> inline ito::complex128 saturate_cast(ito::float64 v){ return ito::complex128(v,0.0); }
00098    template<> inline ito::complex128 saturate_cast(ito::complex64 v){ return ito::complex128(saturate_cast<ito::float64>(v.real()),saturate_cast<ito::float64>(v.imag())); }
00099    template<> inline ito::complex128 saturate_cast(ito::complex128 v){ return v; }
00101 // template<> inline ito::Rgba32 saturate_cast(ito::int8 v) {return ito::Rgba32(saturate_cast<ito::uint8>(v));}
00102    template<> inline ito::Rgba32 saturate_cast(ito::uint8 v) {return ito::Rgba32(v);}
00103    template<> inline ito::Rgba32 saturate_cast(ito::uint16 v){return ito::Rgba32(saturate_cast<ito::uint8>(v));}
00104 // template<> inline ito::Rgba32 saturate_cast(ito::int16 v){return ito::Rgba32(saturate_cast<ito::uint8>(v));}
00105    template<> inline ito::Rgba32 saturate_cast(ito::uint32 v)
00106    {
00107        return ito::Rgba32::fromUnsignedLong(v);
00108    }
00109    template<> inline ito::Rgba32 saturate_cast(ito::int32 v)
00110    {
00111        ito::Rgba32 temp;
00112        temp.rgba = static_cast<ito::uint32>(v);
00113        return temp;
00114    }
00115    template<> inline ito::Rgba32 saturate_cast(ito::float32 v){return ito::Rgba32(saturate_cast<ito::uint8>(v));}
00116    template<> inline ito::Rgba32 saturate_cast(ito::float64 v){return ito::Rgba32(saturate_cast<ito::uint8>(v));}
00117    template<> inline ito::Rgba32 saturate_cast(ito::Rgba32 v){return v;}
00119    template<> inline ito::Rgba32 saturate_cast(ito::int8 /*v*/) { cv::error(cv::Exception(CV_StsAssert, "Not defined for output parameter type ito::Rgba32", "", __FILE__, __LINE__)); return ito::Rgba32(); }
00120    template<> inline ito::Rgba32 saturate_cast(ito::int16 /*v*/) { cv::error(cv::Exception(CV_StsAssert, "Not defined for output parameter type ito::Rgba32", "", __FILE__, __LINE__)); return ito::Rgba32(); }
00121    template<> inline ito::Rgba32 saturate_cast(ito::complex128 /*v*/) { cv::error(cv::Exception(CV_StsAssert, "Not defined for output parameter type ito::Rgba32", "", __FILE__, __LINE__)); return ito::Rgba32(); }
00122    template<> inline ito::Rgba32 saturate_cast(ito::complex64 /*v*/) {  cv::error(cv::Exception(CV_StsAssert, "Not defined for output parameter type ito::Rgba32", "", __FILE__, __LINE__)); return ito::Rgba32(); }
00124    template<> inline ito::uint8 saturate_cast(ito::Rgba32 v){return saturate_cast<ito::uint8>(v.gray());};
00125    //template<> inline ito::int16 saturate_cast(ito::Rgba32 v){return saturate_cast<ito::int16>(v.gray());};
00126    template<> inline ito::uint16 saturate_cast(ito::Rgba32 v){return saturate_cast<ito::uint16>(v.gray());};
00127    template<> inline ito::uint32 saturate_cast(ito::Rgba32 v){return v.argb();};
00128    template<> inline ito::int32 saturate_cast(ito::Rgba32 v){return (ito::int32)(v.argb());};
00129    template<> inline ito::float32 saturate_cast(ito::Rgba32 v){return v.gray();};
00130    template<> inline ito::float64 saturate_cast(ito::Rgba32 v){return (ito::float64)v.gray();};
00133     template<> class DataType<ito::Rgba32>
00134     {
00135         public:
00136         typedef ito::Rgba32 value_type;
00137         typedef ito::uint8 channel_type;
00138         typedef Vec<channel_type, 4> work_type; 
00139         typedef value_type vec_type;
00140         enum 
00141         {
00142             generic_type = 0, 
00143             depth = cv::DataDepth<channel_type>::value, 
00144             channels = 4,
00145             fmt = ((channels-1)<<8) + cv::DataDepth<channel_type>::fmt,
00146             type = CV_MAKETYPE(depth, channels)
00147         };
00148     };
00150     template<> class DataType<ito::RedChannel>
00151     {
00152         public:
00153         typedef ito::RedChannel value_type;
00154         typedef ito::uint8 channel_type;
00155         typedef Vec<channel_type, 4> work_type; 
00156         typedef value_type vec_type;
00157         enum 
00158         {
00159             generic_type = 0, 
00160             depth = cv::DataDepth<channel_type>::value, 
00161             channels = 4,
00162             fmt = ((channels-1)<<8) + cv::DataDepth<channel_type>::fmt,
00163             type = CV_MAKETYPE(depth, channels)
00164         };
00165     };
00167     template<> class DataType<ito::GreenChannel>
00168     {
00169         public:
00170         typedef ito::GreenChannel value_type;
00171         typedef ito::uint8 channel_type;
00172         typedef Vec<channel_type, 4> work_type; 
00173         typedef value_type vec_type;
00174         enum 
00175         {
00176             generic_type = 0, 
00177             depth = cv::DataDepth<channel_type>::value, 
00178             channels = 4,
00179             fmt = ((channels-1)<<8) + cv::DataDepth<channel_type>::fmt,
00180             type = CV_MAKETYPE(depth, channels)
00181         };
00182     };
00184     template<> class DataType<ito::BlueChannel>
00185     {
00186         public:
00187         typedef ito::BlueChannel value_type;
00188         typedef ito::uint8 channel_type;
00189         typedef Vec<channel_type, 4> work_type; 
00190         typedef value_type vec_type;
00191         enum 
00192         {
00193             generic_type = 0, 
00194             depth = cv::DataDepth<channel_type>::value, 
00195             channels = 4,
00196             fmt = ((channels-1)<<8) + cv::DataDepth<channel_type>::fmt,
00197             type = CV_MAKETYPE(depth, channels)
00198         };
00199     };
00201     template<> class DataType<ito::AlphaChannel>
00202     {
00203         public:
00204         typedef ito::AlphaChannel value_type;
00205         typedef ito::uint8 channel_type;
00206         typedef Vec<channel_type, 4> work_type; 
00207         typedef value_type vec_type;
00208         enum 
00209         {
00210             generic_type = 0, 
00211             depth = cv::DataDepth<channel_type>::value, 
00212             channels = 4,
00213             fmt = ((channels-1)<<8) + cv::DataDepth<channel_type>::fmt,
00214             type = CV_MAKETYPE(depth, channels)
00215         };
00216     };
00219 } // namespace cv
00221 namespace ito {
00223 #define __ITODEBUG 1
00225 class DObjIterator;  // Forward declaration
00226 class DataObject;
00227 class Range;
00228 struct Scalar;
00229 class DataObjectTags;
00230 class DataObjectTagType;
00232 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00237 class Range
00238 {
00239     public:
00240         Range() : start(0), end(0) {}                           
00241         Range(int _start, int _end) { _start < _end ? (end = _end, start = _start) : (start = _end, end = _start); }  
00242         inline unsigned int size() const { return end - start; }
00243         inline bool empty() const { return (start == end); }    
00244         static Range all() { return Range(INT_MIN, INT_MAX); }  
00246         int start;                                               
00247         int end;                                                 
00248 };
00250 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00251 class DataObjectTagType
00252 {
00253     private:
00254         double m_dVal;
00255         std::string m_strValue;
00256         int m_type;        
00258     public:
00260         DataObjectTagType() : m_dVal(0), m_strValue(""), m_type(DataObjectTagType::typeInvalid){};
00261         DataObjectTagType(double dVal) : m_dVal(dVal), m_strValue(""), m_type(DataObjectTagType::typeDouble){};
00262         DataObjectTagType(std::string strVal) : m_dVal(std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN()), m_strValue(strVal), m_type(DataObjectTagType::typeString){};
00263         DataObjectTagType(const char* cVal) : m_dVal(std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN()), m_type(DataObjectTagType::typeString){ cVal == NULL ?  m_strValue = "" : m_strValue = cVal;};
00265         DataObjectTagType(const DataObjectTagType& copyConstr) : m_dVal(copyConstr.m_dVal), m_strValue(copyConstr.m_strValue), m_type(copyConstr.m_type){};
00267         DataObjectTagType & operator = (const DataObjectTagType &rhs)
00268         {
00269             this->m_dVal = rhs.m_dVal;
00270             this->m_strValue = rhs.m_strValue;
00271             this->m_type = rhs.m_type;
00273             return *this;
00274         }
00276         enum tTagType
00277         {
00278             typeInvalid     = 0x000000,
00279             typeDouble      = 0x000008,
00280             typeString      = 0x000020
00281         };
00283         inline int getType(void) const {return m_type;};
00284         inline bool isValid(void) const { return (m_type == DataObjectTagType::typeInvalid) ? false: true;};
00291         inline double getVal_ToDouble(void)
00292         {
00293             if(m_type == DataObjectTagType::typeInvalid)
00294             {
00295                 return std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN();
00296             }
00297             else if(m_type == DataObjectTagType::typeDouble)
00298             {
00299                 return m_dVal;
00300             }
00301             else
00302             {
00303                 double dVal = std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN();
00304                 //dVal = atof(m_strValue.c_str()); //sometimes the result of that line has been arbitrary, therefore this conversion should fail.
00305                 return dVal;
00306             }
00307         }
00314         inline std::string getVal_ToString(void)
00315         {
00316             if(m_type == DataObjectTagType::typeInvalid)
00317             {
00318                 return std::string();
00319             }
00320             else if(m_type == DataObjectTagType::typeString)
00321             {
00322                 return m_strValue;
00323             }
00324             else
00325             {
00326                 if (cvIsNaN(m_dVal)) return std::string("NaN");
00327                 if (cvIsInf(m_dVal)) return std::string("Inf");
00328                 /*if(m_dVal == std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()) return std::string("NaN");
00329                 if(m_dVal == std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN()) return std::string("NaN");
00330                 if(m_dVal == std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) return std::string("Inf");*/
00332                 std::ostringstream strs;
00333                 strs << m_dVal;
00335                 return strs.str();
00336             }
00337         }
00338 };
00340 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00349 class DataObjectTags
00350 {
00351 private:
00352     std::map<std::string, DataObjectTagType> m_tags;   
00353     std::vector<double> m_axisOffsets;          
00354     std::vector<double> m_axisScales;           
00355     std::vector<std::string> m_axisDescription; 
00356     std::vector<std::string> m_axisUnit;        
00357     double m_valueOffset;                       
00358     double m_valueScale;                        
00359     std::string m_valueDescription;             
00360     std::string m_valueUnit;                    
00362     double m_rotMatrix[9];                      
00364     friend class DataObject;
00367 public:
00369     DataObjectTags(unsigned int totalAxisNum) : m_valueOffset(0.0), m_valueScale(1.0), m_valueDescription(""), m_valueUnit("")
00370     {
00371         m_tags.clear();
00372         m_axisOffsets.resize(totalAxisNum, 0.0);
00373         m_axisScales.resize(totalAxisNum, 1.0);
00374         m_axisDescription.resize(totalAxisNum, "");
00375         m_axisUnit.resize(totalAxisNum, "");
00376         m_valueUnit = std::string();
00377         memset(m_rotMatrix, 0, sizeof(double)*9);
00378         m_rotMatrix[0] = 1; // r11
00379         m_rotMatrix[4] = 1; // r22
00380         m_rotMatrix[8] = 1; // r33
00381     }
00384     ~DataObjectTags()
00385     {
00386         m_tags.clear();
00387         m_axisOffsets.clear();
00388         m_axisScales.clear();
00389         m_axisDescription.clear();
00390         m_axisUnit.clear();
00391     }
00394     DataObjectTags(const DataObjectTags& copyConstr) : m_tags(copyConstr.m_tags), m_axisOffsets(copyConstr.m_axisOffsets),
00395                 m_axisScales(copyConstr.m_axisScales), m_axisDescription(copyConstr.m_axisDescription),
00396                 m_axisUnit(copyConstr.m_axisUnit), m_valueOffset(copyConstr.m_valueOffset), m_valueScale(copyConstr.m_valueScale),
00397                 m_valueDescription(copyConstr.m_valueDescription), m_valueUnit(copyConstr.m_valueUnit)
00398     {   
00399 //        m_tags = copyConstr.m_tags;
00400 //        m_axisOffsets = copyConstr.m_axisOffsets;
00401 //        m_axisScales = copyConstr.m_axisScales;
00402 //        m_axisDescription = copyConstr.m_axisDescription;
00403 //        m_axisUnit = copyConstr.m_axisUnit;
00404 //        m_valueOffset = copyConstr.m_valueOffset;
00405 //        m_valueScale = copyConstr.m_valueScale;
00406 //        m_valueDescription = copyConstr.m_valueDescription;
00407 //        m_valueUnit = copyConstr.m_valueUnit;
00408         memcpy(m_rotMatrix,copyConstr.m_rotMatrix, sizeof(double)*9);
00409     }
00411     //friend class DataObjectTags; //I am my best friend (my own and only friend, and therefore my copy-constr has access to my friends members. nice.)
00412 };
00414 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00416 class DObjConstIterator
00417 {
00418 public:
00421     DObjConstIterator();
00423     DObjConstIterator(const DataObject* _dObj, int pos = 0);
00425     DObjConstIterator(const DObjConstIterator& it);
00428     DObjConstIterator& operator = (const DObjConstIterator& it);
00430     uchar* operator *() const;
00432     uchar* operator [](int i) const;
00435     DObjConstIterator& operator += (int ofs);
00437     DObjConstIterator& operator -= (int ofs);
00439     DObjConstIterator& operator --();
00441     DObjConstIterator operator --(int);
00443     DObjConstIterator& operator ++();
00445     DObjConstIterator operator ++(int);
00447     bool operator == (const DObjConstIterator& dObjIt);
00448     bool operator != (const DObjConstIterator& dObjIt);
00449     bool operator < (const DObjConstIterator& dObjIt);
00450     bool operator > (const DObjConstIterator& dObjIt);
00451     bool operator <= (const DObjConstIterator& dObjIt);
00452     bool operator >= (const DObjConstIterator& dObjIt);
00454 protected:
00455     void seekAbs(int ofs);
00456     void seekRel(int ofs);
00458     const DataObject* dObj;
00459     bool   planeContinuous;
00460     int elemSize;
00461     uchar* ptr;
00462     uchar* sliceStart;
00463     uchar* sliceEnd;
00464     int plane;
00465 };
00467 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00468 class DObjIterator : public DObjConstIterator
00469 {
00470 public:
00473     DObjIterator();
00475     DObjIterator(DataObject* _dObj, int pos = 0);
00477     DObjIterator(const DObjIterator& it);
00480     DObjIterator& operator = (const DObjIterator& it);
00482     uchar* operator *();
00484     uchar* operator [](int i);
00487     DObjIterator& operator += (int ofs);
00489     DObjIterator& operator -= (int ofs);
00491     DObjIterator& operator --();
00493     DObjIterator operator --(int);
00495     DObjIterator& operator ++();
00497     DObjIterator operator ++(int);
00498 };
00500 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00501 class DataObject
00502 {
00503     private:
00520         //length(sizes) == length(steps)
00521         void createHeader(const unsigned char dimensions, const int *sizes, const int *steps, const int elemSize)
00522         {
00523             if(dimensions == 1)
00524             {
00525                 cv::error(cv::Exception(CV_StsAssert, "number of dimensions must be at least 2", "", __FILE__, __LINE__));
00526             }
00528             m_dims = dimensions;
00530             if(dimensions > 0)
00531             {
00532                 if (m_roi.m_p)
00533                 {
00534                     if (*(m_roi.m_p-1) != dimensions)
00535                     {
00536                         delete[] (m_roi.m_p - 1);
00538                         m_roi.m_p = new int [(dimensions + 1) + (dimensions + 1) + (dimensions + 1)];
00539                         m_osize.m_p = static_cast<int *>(m_roi.m_p + dimensions) + 1;
00540                         m_osize.m_p[-1] = dimensions;
00541                         m_size.m_p = static_cast<int *>(m_osize.m_p + dimensions) + 1;
00542                         m_size.m_p[-1] = dimensions;
00543                         m_roi.m_p = m_roi.m_p + 1;
00544                         m_roi.m_p[-1] = dimensions;
00545                     }
00546                 }
00547                 else
00548                 {
00549                     m_roi.m_p = new int [(dimensions + 1) + (dimensions + 1) + (dimensions + 1)];
00550                     m_osize.m_p = static_cast<int *>(m_roi.m_p + dimensions) + 1;
00551                     m_osize.m_p[-1] = dimensions;
00552                     m_size.m_p = static_cast<int *>(m_osize.m_p + dimensions) + 1;
00553                     m_size.m_p[-1] = dimensions;
00554                     m_roi.m_p = m_roi.m_p + 1;
00555                     m_roi.m_p[-1] = dimensions;
00556                 }
00558                 for (uchar n = 0 ; n < dimensions ; n++)
00559                 {
00560                     m_size.m_p[n] = sizes[n];
00561                     m_roi.m_p[n] = 0;
00563                     if(steps == NULL || n == 0)
00564                     {
00565                         m_osize.m_p[n] = sizes[n];
00566                     }
00567                     else if(n == dimensions - 1) //last element
00568                     {
00569                         if (elemSize == 0)
00570                             cv::Exception(CV_StsAssert, "elemSize is zero", "", __FILE__, __LINE__);
00571                         m_osize.m_p[n] = steps[n-1] / elemSize;
00572                     }
00573                     else /*if(n < dimensions -1)*/
00574                     {
00575                         if (steps[n] == 0)
00576                             cv::Exception(CV_StsAssert, "step size is zero", "", __FILE__, __LINE__);
00577                         m_osize.m_p[n] = steps[n - 1] / steps[n];
00578                     }
00579                 }
00580             }
00581         }
00597         void createHeaderWithROI(const unsigned char dimensions, const int *sizes, const int *osizes = NULL, const int *roi = NULL)
00598         {
00599             if(dimensions == 1)
00600             {
00601                 cv::error(cv::Exception(CV_StsAssert, "number of dimensions must be at least 2", "", __FILE__, __LINE__));
00602             }
00604             m_dims = dimensions;
00606             if(dimensions > 0)
00607             {
00609                 if (m_roi.m_p)
00610                 {
00611                     if (*(m_roi.m_p-1) != dimensions)
00612                     {
00613                         delete[] (m_roi.m_p-1);
00615                         m_roi.m_p = new int [(dimensions + 1) + (dimensions + 1) + (dimensions + 1)];
00616                         m_osize.m_p = static_cast<int *>(m_roi.m_p + dimensions) + 1;
00617                         m_osize.m_p[-1] = dimensions;
00618                         m_size.m_p = static_cast<int *>(m_osize.m_p + dimensions) + 1;
00619                         m_size.m_p[-1] = dimensions;
00620                         m_roi.m_p = m_roi.m_p + 1; //move m_p pointer by one
00621                         m_roi.m_p[-1] = dimensions;
00622                     }
00623                 }
00624                 else
00625                 {
00626                     m_roi.m_p = new int [(dimensions + 1) + (dimensions + 1) + (dimensions + 1)];
00627                     m_osize.m_p = static_cast<int *>(m_roi.m_p + dimensions) + 1;
00628                     m_osize.m_p[-1] = dimensions;
00629                     m_size.m_p = static_cast<int *>(m_osize.m_p + dimensions) + 1;
00630                     m_size.m_p[-1] = dimensions;
00631                     m_roi.m_p = m_roi.m_p + 1; //move m_p pointer by one
00632                     m_roi.m_p[-1] = dimensions;
00633                 }
00635                 for (uchar n = 0; n < dimensions; n++)
00636                 {
00637                     m_size.m_p[n] = sizes[n];
00639                     if (osizes)
00640                     {
00641                         m_osize.m_p[n] = osizes[n];
00642                     }
00643                     else
00644                     {
00645                         m_osize.m_p[n] = sizes[n];
00646                     }
00648                     if (roi)
00649                     {
00650                         m_roi.m_p[n] = roi[n];
00651                     }
00652                     else
00653                     {
00654                         m_roi.m_p[n] = 0;
00655                     }
00656                 }
00657             }
00658         }
00660         void create(const unsigned char dimensions, const int *sizes, const int type, const unsigned char continuous, const uchar* continuousDataPtr = NULL, const int* steps = NULL);  
00661         void create(const unsigned char dimensions, const int *sizes, const int type, const cv::Mat* planes, const unsigned int nrOfPlanes);
00663         void freeData(void);     
00664         void secureFreeData(void); 
00667         //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00668         ito::RetVal matNumToIdx(const int matNum, int *matIdx) const;
00679         inline ito::RetVal matIdxToNum(const unsigned int *matIdx, int *matNum) const
00680         {
00681            *matNum = 0;
00682            if (m_dims <= 2)
00683            {
00684                  return 0;
00685            }
00687            int planeSize = 1;
00689            for (int n = m_dims - 3; n >= 0; n--)
00690            {
00691         #if __ITODEBUG
00692                  if (((int)matIdx[n] + m_roi[n]) >= m_osize[n])
00693                  {
00694                     cv::error(cv::Exception(CV_StsAssert, "Index out of bounds", "", __FILE__, __LINE__));
00695                  }
00696         #endif
00697                  (*matNum) += ((int)matIdx[n] + m_roi[n]) * planeSize; //CAST_TODO
00698                  planeSize *= m_osize[n];
00699            }
00701            return 0;
00702         }
00704         struct MSize
00705         {
00706             inline MSize() : m_p(NULL) {}
00707             inline int operator [] (const int dim) const
00708             {
00709                 return m_p[dim]; //return the size value. this operator corresponds to the real data representation in memory
00710             };
00711             inline operator const int * () const { return m_p; }
00712             bool operator == (const MSize& sz) const
00713             {
00714                 if(m_p == NULL || sz.m_p == NULL)
00715                 {
00716                     return sz.m_p == m_p;
00717                 }
00719                 int d = m_p[-1], dsz = sz.m_p[-1];
00720                 if( d != dsz )
00721                     return false;
00722                 if( d == 2 )
00723                 {                    
00724                     return m_p[0] == sz.m_p[0] && m_p[1] == sz.m_p[1];            
00725                 }
00727                 for( int i = 0; i < d - 2; i++ )
00728                 {
00729                     if( m_p[i] != sz.m_p[i] )
00730                     {
00731                         return false;
00732                     }
00733                 }                
00734                 return (m_p[d - 2] == sz.m_p[d - 2]) && (m_p[d - 1] == sz.m_p[d - 1]);               
00735             }
00737             inline bool operator != (const MSize& sz) const { return !(*this == sz); }
00739             int *m_p;
00740         };
00742         struct MROI
00743         {
00744             inline MROI() : m_p(NULL) {};
00745             inline int operator [] (const int dim) const
00746             {
00747                 return m_p[dim]; //return the size value. this operator corresponds to the real data representation in memory
00748             }
00750             bool operator == (const MROI & rroi) const
00751             {
00752                 if(m_p == NULL || rroi.m_p == NULL)
00753                 {
00754                     return rroi.m_p == m_p;
00755                 }
00757                 if (m_p[-1] != rroi.m_p[-1])
00758                 {
00759                     return false;
00760                 }
00762                 int d = m_p[-1];
00763                 for (int n = 0; n < d - 2; n++)
00764                 {
00765                     if (m_p[n] != rroi.m_p[n])
00766                     {
00767                         return false;
00768                     }
00769                 }
00771                 return m_p[d - 2] == rroi.m_p[d - 2] && m_p[d - 1] == rroi.m_p[d - 1];
00773             }
00775             int *m_p;
00776         };
00778         DataObject(const DataObject& dObj, bool transposed);    
00780         char    m_continuous;                        
00781         char    m_owndata;                           
00782         int     m_type;                              
00783         int     *m_pRefCount;                        
00784         int     m_dims;                              
00785         MSize   m_osize;                             
00786         MROI    m_roi;                               
00787         MSize   m_size;                              
00788         uchar  **m_data;                             
00789         ReadWriteLock      *m_objSharedDataLock;     
00790         DataObjectTags     *m_pDataObjectTags;       
00791         ReadWriteLock       m_objHeaderLock;         
00792         const static int m_sizeofs;
00794         inline int mdata_realloc(const int size)
00795         {
00796             if (m_data)
00797             {
00798                 m_data = static_cast<uchar **>(realloc(m_data - m_sizeofs, (size + m_sizeofs) * sizeof(uchar *)));
00799             }
00800             else
00801             {
00802                 int numBytes = (size + m_sizeofs) * sizeof(uchar *);
00803                 m_data = static_cast<uchar **>(calloc(numBytes, 1));
00804                 memset( m_data, 0, numBytes );
00805             }
00806             (*reinterpret_cast<int*>(m_data)) = size;
00807             m_data += m_sizeofs;
00808             return 0;
00809         }
00810         inline int mdata_size(void) const
00811         {
00812             if (!m_data)
00813                 return 0;
00814             else
00815                 return (*reinterpret_cast<int *>(m_data - m_sizeofs));
00816         }
00817         inline int mdata_free()
00818         {
00819             if (m_data)
00820             {
00821                 uchar **ptr = m_data - m_sizeofs;
00822                 free(ptr);
00823             }
00824             m_data = NULL;
00825             return 0;
00826         }
00828         //low-level, templated methods
00829         //most low-level methods are marked "friend" such that they can access private members of their data object parameters
00830         template<typename _Tp> friend RetVal CreateFunc(DataObject *dObj, const unsigned char dimensions, const int *sizes, const unsigned char continuous, const uchar* continuousDataPtr, const int* steps);
00831         template<typename _Tp> friend RetVal CreateFuncWithCVPlanes(DataObject *dObj, const unsigned char dimensions, const int *sizes, const cv::Mat* planes, const unsigned int nrOfPlanes);
00832         template<typename _Tp> friend RetVal FreeFunc(DataObject *dObj);
00833         template<typename _Tp> friend RetVal SecureFreeFunc(DataObject *dObj);
00834         template<typename _Tp> friend RetVal CopyToFunc(const DataObject &lhs, DataObject &rhs, unsigned char regionOnly);
00835         template<typename _Tp> friend RetVal ConvertToFunc(const DataObject &lhs, DataObject &rhs, const int type, const double alpha, const double beta);
00836         template<typename _Tp> friend RetVal AdjustROIFunc(DataObject *dObj, const int *lims);
00837         template<typename _Tp> friend RetVal MinMaxLocFunc(const DataObject &dObj, double *minVal, double *maxVal, int *minPos, int *maxPos);
00838         template<typename _Tp> friend RetVal AssignScalarFunc(const DataObject *src, const ito::tDataType type, const void *scalar);
00839         template<typename _Tp> friend RetVal MakeContinuousFunc(const DataObject &dObj, DataObject &resDObj);
00840         template<typename _Tp> friend RetVal EvaluateTransposeFlagFunc(DataObject *dObj);
00841         template<typename _Tp> friend RetVal CalcMinMaxValues(DataObject *lhs, double &result_min, double &result_max, const int cmplxSel = 0);
00842         template<typename _Tp> friend std::ostream& coutFunc(std::ostream& out, const DataObject& dObj);
00844         // more friends due to change of std::vector to int ** for m_data ...
00845         template<typename _Tp> friend RetVal GetRangeFunc(DataObject *dObj, const int dtop, const int dbottom, const int dleft, const int dright);
00846         template<typename _Tp> friend RetVal AdjustROIFunc(DataObject *dObj, int dtop, int dbottom, int dleft, int dright);
00848     public:
00849         int seekMat(const int matNum, const int numMats) const;
00850         int seekMat(const int matNum) const;
00851         int calcNumMats(void) const;
00853         // TAGSPACEFUNCTIONS
00856         inline double getValueOffset() const
00857         {
00858             if(!m_pDataObjectTags) return 0.0; // default
00859             return m_pDataObjectTags->m_valueOffset;
00860         }
00863         inline double getValueScale() const
00864         {
00865             if(!m_pDataObjectTags) return 1.0; // default
00866             return m_pDataObjectTags->m_valueScale;
00867         }
00870         inline const std::string getValueUnit() const
00871         {
00872             if(!m_pDataObjectTags) return std::string(); //default
00873             return m_pDataObjectTags->m_valueUnit;
00874         }
00877         inline std::string getValueDescription() const
00878         {
00879             if(!m_pDataObjectTags) return std::string(); //default
00880             return m_pDataObjectTags->m_valueDescription;
00881         }
00884         inline double getAxisOffset(const int axisNum) const
00885         {
00886             if(axisNum < 0 || axisNum >= m_dims)
00887             {
00888                 cv::error(cv::Exception(CV_StsError, "Parameter axisNum out of range." ,"", __FILE__, __LINE__));
00889             }
00890             if(!m_pDataObjectTags) return 0.0; // default
00892             return m_pDataObjectTags->m_axisOffsets[axisNum] - m_roi[axisNum];
00893         }
00896         inline double getAxisScale(const int axisNum) const
00897         {
00898             if(axisNum < 0 || axisNum >= m_dims)
00899             {
00900                 cv::error(cv::Exception(CV_StsError, "Parameter axisNum out of range." ,"", __FILE__, __LINE__));
00901             }
00902             if(!m_pDataObjectTags) return 1.0; // default
00904             return m_pDataObjectTags->m_axisScales[axisNum];
00905         }
00908         inline const std::string getAxisUnit(const int axisNum, bool &validOperation) const
00909         {
00910             if(axisNum < 0 || axisNum >= m_dims)
00911             {
00912                 validOperation = false;
00913                 cv::error(cv::Exception(CV_StsError, "Parameter axisNum out of range." ,"", __FILE__, __LINE__));
00914             }
00915             if(!m_pDataObjectTags)
00916             {
00917                 validOperation = false;
00918                 return std::string(); //error
00919             }
00920             validOperation = true;            
00921             return m_pDataObjectTags->m_axisUnit[axisNum];
00922         }
00925         const inline std::string getAxisDescription(const int axisNum, bool &validOperation) const
00926         {
00927             if(axisNum < 0 || axisNum >= m_dims)
00928             {
00929                 validOperation = false;
00930                 cv::error(cv::Exception(CV_StsError, "Parameter axisNum out of range." ,"", __FILE__, __LINE__));
00931             }
00932             if(!m_pDataObjectTags)
00933             {
00934                 validOperation = false;
00935                 return std::string(); //error
00936             }
00938             validOperation = true;          
00939             return m_pDataObjectTags->m_axisDescription[axisNum];
00940         }
00942         inline DataObjectTagType getTag(const std::string &key, bool &validOperation) const
00943         {
00944             validOperation = false;
00945             if(!m_pDataObjectTags)
00946             {
00947                 return DataObjectTagType(); //error
00948             }
00949             std::map<std::string, DataObjectTagType>::iterator it = m_pDataObjectTags->m_tags.find(key);
00950             if(it != m_pDataObjectTags->m_tags.end())
00951             {
00952                 validOperation = true;
00953                 return it->second;
00954             }
00955             return DataObjectTagType();
00956         }
00958         inline bool getTagByIndex(const int tagNumber, std::string &key, DataObjectTagType &value) const
00959         {
00960             if(!m_pDataObjectTags)
00961             {
00962                 key = std::string();
00963                 value = std::string();
00964                 return false;
00965             }
00967             if((tagNumber < 0) || ((int)(tagNumber + 1) > (int)m_pDataObjectTags->m_tags.size()))
00968             {
00969                 key = std::string();
00970                 value = std::string();
00971                 return false;
00972             }
00973             std::map<std::string, DataObjectTagType>::iterator it = m_pDataObjectTags->m_tags.begin();
00974             for(int i = 0; i < tagNumber; i++)
00975             {
00976                 ++it;
00977             }
00979             key = (*it).first;
00980             value = (*it).second;
00981             return true;
00982         }
00985         inline std::string getTagKey(const int tagNumber, bool &validOperation) const
00986         {
00987             if(!m_pDataObjectTags)
00988             {
00989                 validOperation = false;
00990                 return std::string(""); //error
00991             }
00992             if((tagNumber < 0) || ((int)(tagNumber + 1) > (int)m_pDataObjectTags->m_tags.size()))
00993             {
00994                 validOperation = false;
00995                 return std::string(""); //does not exist
00996             }
00997             std::map<std::string, DataObjectTagType>::iterator it = m_pDataObjectTags->m_tags.begin();
00998             validOperation = true;
00999             for(int i = 0; i < tagNumber; i++)
01000             {
01001                 ++it;
01002             }
01003             return (*it).first;
01004         }
01007         inline int getTagListSize() const
01008         {
01009             if(!m_pDataObjectTags) return 0; //error
01010             return static_cast<int>(m_pDataObjectTags->m_tags.size());
01011         }
01013      //   inline void setValueOffset(double offset) { m_valueOffset =offset; }
01014      //   inline void setValueScale(double scale) { m_valueScale =scale; }
01017         inline int setValueUnit(const std::string &unit)
01018         {
01019             if(!m_pDataObjectTags) return 1;    //error
01020             m_pDataObjectTags->m_valueUnit = unit;
01021             return 0;
01022         }
01025         inline int setValueDescription(const std::string &description)
01026         {
01027             if(!m_pDataObjectTags) return 1;    //error
01028             m_pDataObjectTags->m_valueDescription = description;
01029             return 0;
01030         }
01032         //inline lead to a linker error on MSVC when calling from several methods
01033         int setAxisOffset(const unsigned int axisNum, const double offset);
01034         int setAxisScale(const unsigned int axisNum, const double scale);
01035         int setAxisUnit(const unsigned int axisNum, const std::string &unit);
01036         int setAxisDescription(const unsigned int axisNum, const std::string &description);
01037         int setTag(const std::string &key, const DataObjectTagType &value);
01038         bool existTag(const std::string &key) const;
01039         bool deleteTag(const std::string &key);
01040         bool deleteAllTags();
01041         int addToProtocol(const std::string &value);
01054         inline double getPhysToPix(const unsigned int dim, const double phys, bool &isInsideImage) const
01055         {
01056             double tPx = 0.0;
01057             if(static_cast<int>(dim) >= m_dims)
01058             {
01059                 if(phys == 0.0)
01060                 {
01061                     isInsideImage = true;
01062                 }
01063                 else
01064                 {
01065                     isInsideImage = false;
01066                 }
01067                 return 0.0;
01068             }
01070             if(m_pDataObjectTags)
01071             {
01072                 tPx = (phys / getAxisScale(dim) + getAxisOffset(dim));
01073             }
01074             else
01075             {
01076                 tPx = phys;
01077             }
01079             if(tPx > getSize(dim) - 1)
01080             {
01081                 isInsideImage = false;
01082                 tPx = static_cast<double>(getSize(dim)- 1);
01083             }
01084             else if( tPx < 0)
01085             {
01086                 isInsideImage = false;
01087                 tPx = 0;
01088             }
01089             else
01090             {
01091                 isInsideImage = true;
01092             }
01094             return tPx;
01095         }
01100         inline int getPhysToPix2D(const double physY, double &tPxY, bool &isInsideImageY, const double physX, double &tPxX, bool &isInsideImageX) const
01101         {
01102             if(m_dims < 2)
01103             {           
01104                     tPxY = physY;
01105                     if(physY != 0.0)
01106                     {
01107                         isInsideImageY = false;
01108                     }
01110                     if(m_pDataObjectTags)
01111                     {
01112                         tPxX = physX / m_pDataObjectTags->m_axisScales[0] + m_pDataObjectTags->m_axisOffsets[0];
01113                     }
01114                     else
01115                     {
01116                         tPxX = physX;
01117                     }
01119                     if(tPxX > m_size[0] - 1)
01120                     {
01121                         isInsideImageX = false;
01122                         tPxX = static_cast<double>(m_size[0] - 1);
01123                     }                
01124             }
01125             else
01126             {             
01127                     if(m_pDataObjectTags)
01128                     {
01129                         tPxX = physX / m_pDataObjectTags->m_axisScales[m_dims - 1] + m_pDataObjectTags->m_axisOffsets[m_dims - 1];
01130                         tPxY = physY / m_pDataObjectTags->m_axisScales[m_dims - 2] + m_pDataObjectTags->m_axisOffsets[m_dims - 2];
01131                     }
01132                     else
01133                     {
01134                         tPxX = physX;
01135                         tPxY = physY;
01136                     }
01138                     if(tPxY > m_size[m_dims - 2] - 1)
01139                     {
01140                         isInsideImageY = false;
01141                         tPxY = static_cast<double>(m_size[m_dims - 2] - 1);
01142                     }
01143                     if(tPxX > m_size[m_dims - 1] - 1)
01144                     {
01145                         isInsideImageX = false;
01146                         tPxY = static_cast<double>(m_size[m_dims - 1] - 1);
01147                     }                
01148             }
01150             if(tPxX < 0)
01151             {
01152                 tPxX = 0;
01153                 isInsideImageX = false;
01154             }
01155             if(tPxY < 0)
01156             {
01157                 tPxY = 0;
01158                 isInsideImageY = false;
01159             }
01160             return 0;
01161         }
01172         inline double getPixToPhys(const unsigned int dim, const double pix, bool &isInsideImage) const
01173         {
01174             double tPhys = 0.0;
01175             if(static_cast<int>(dim) >= m_dims)
01176             {
01177                 if(pix == 0)
01178                 {
01179                     isInsideImage = true;
01180                 }
01181                 else
01182                 {
01183                     isInsideImage = false;
01184                 }
01185                 return 0.0;
01186             }
01187             if(m_pDataObjectTags)
01188             {
01189                 tPhys = (pix - getAxisOffset(dim)) * getAxisScale(dim);
01190             }
01191             else
01192             {
01193                 tPhys = pix;
01194             }
01196             if((pix > getSize(dim) - 1) || (pix < 0))
01197             {
01198                 isInsideImage = false;
01199             }
01200             else
01201             {
01202                 isInsideImage = true;
01203             }
01205             return tPhys;
01206         }
01222         inline RetVal setXYRotationalMatrix(double r11, double r12, double r13, double r21, double r22, double r23, double r31, double r32, double r33)
01223         {
01224             if(!m_pDataObjectTags) return RetVal(retError, 0, "Tagspace not initialized"); // error
01225             m_pDataObjectTags->m_rotMatrix[0] = r11;
01226             m_pDataObjectTags->m_rotMatrix[1] = r12;
01227             m_pDataObjectTags->m_rotMatrix[2] = r13;
01228             m_pDataObjectTags->m_rotMatrix[3] = r21;
01229             m_pDataObjectTags->m_rotMatrix[4] = r22;
01230             m_pDataObjectTags->m_rotMatrix[5] = r23;
01231             m_pDataObjectTags->m_rotMatrix[6] = r31;
01232             m_pDataObjectTags->m_rotMatrix[7] = r32;
01233             m_pDataObjectTags->m_rotMatrix[8] = r33;
01234             return retOk;
01235         }
01251         inline RetVal getXYRotationalMatrix(double &r11, double &r12, double &r13, double &r21, double &r22, double &r23, double &r31, double &r32, double &r33) const
01252         {
01253             if(!m_pDataObjectTags) return RetVal(retError, 0, "Tagspace not initialized"); // error
01254             r11 = m_pDataObjectTags->m_rotMatrix[0];
01255             r12 = m_pDataObjectTags->m_rotMatrix[1];
01256             r13 = m_pDataObjectTags->m_rotMatrix[2];
01257             r21 = m_pDataObjectTags->m_rotMatrix[3];
01258             r22 = m_pDataObjectTags->m_rotMatrix[4];
01259             r23 = m_pDataObjectTags->m_rotMatrix[5];
01260             r31 = m_pDataObjectTags->m_rotMatrix[6];
01261             r32 = m_pDataObjectTags->m_rotMatrix[7];
01262             r33 = m_pDataObjectTags->m_rotMatrix[8];
01263             return retOk;
01264         }
01266         RetVal copyTagMapTo(DataObject &rhs) const;  
01267         RetVal copyAxisTagsTo(DataObject &rhs) const;  
01269         // END TAGSPACE
01272         inline int getDims(void) const { return m_dims; }
01275         inline int getType(void) const { return m_type; }
01278         inline char getContinuous(void) const { return m_continuous; }
01281         inline char getOwnData(void) const { return m_owndata; }
01288         inline int getTotal() const
01289         {
01290             int dims = getDims();
01291             int total = dims > 0 ? 1 : 0;
01292             for(int i = 0 ; i<dims ; i++)
01293             {
01294                 total *= getSize(i);
01295             }
01296             return total;
01298         }
01305         inline int getOriginalTotal() const
01306         {
01307             int dims = getDims();
01308             int total = dims > 0 ? 1 : 0;
01309             for(int i = 0 ; i<dims ; i++)
01310             {
01311                 total *= m_osize[i];
01312             }
01313             return total;
01315         }
01326         inline void lockRead()
01327         {
01328             m_objHeaderLock.lockRead();
01329             if(m_objSharedDataLock) m_objSharedDataLock->lockRead();
01330         }
01336         inline void lockWrite()
01337         {
01338             m_objHeaderLock.lockWrite();
01339             if(m_objSharedDataLock) m_objSharedDataLock->lockWrite();
01340         }
01346         inline void unlock()
01347         {
01348             if(m_objSharedDataLock) m_objSharedDataLock->unlock();
01349             m_objHeaderLock.unlock();
01350         }
01352         RetVal copyTo(DataObject &rhs, unsigned char regionOnly = 0);   
01353         RetVal convertTo(DataObject &rhs, const int type, const double alpha=1, const double beta=0 ) const;
01354         RetVal deepCopyPartial(DataObject &rhs);                         
01356         uchar ** get_mdata(void);
01357         uchar ** get_mdata(void) const;
01363         inline MSize getSize(void) { return m_size; }
01369         inline const MSize getSize(void) const { return m_size; }
01376         int getSize(int index) const
01377         {
01378             if(index < 0 || index >= m_dims)
01379             {
01380                 return -1;
01381             }
01382             else
01383             {
01384                 return m_size[index];
01385             }
01386         }
01393         int getOriginalSize(int index) const
01394         {
01395             if(index < 0 || index >= m_dims)
01396             {
01397                 return -1;           
01398             }
01399             else
01400             {
01401                 return m_osize[index];
01402             }
01403         }
01406         DObjIterator begin();
01408         DObjIterator end();
01410         DObjConstIterator constBegin() const;
01411         DObjConstIterator constEnd() const;
01417         DataObject(void) : m_continuous(1), m_owndata(1), m_type(0), m_pRefCount(0), m_dims(0), m_data(NULL), m_objSharedDataLock(0), m_pDataObjectTags(0) {}
01428         DataObject(const int size, const int type): m_continuous(1), m_owndata(1), m_pRefCount(0), m_dims(0), m_data(NULL), m_objSharedDataLock(0), m_pDataObjectTags(0)
01429         {
01430             int sizes[2] = {1, size};
01431             this->create(2, sizes, type, 1);
01432         }
01443         DataObject(const int sizeY, const int sizeX, const int type): m_continuous(1), m_owndata(1), m_pRefCount(0), m_dims(0), m_data(NULL), m_objSharedDataLock(0), m_pDataObjectTags(0)
01444         {
01445             int sizes[2] = {sizeY, sizeX};
01446             this->create(2, sizes, type, 1);
01447         }
01460         DataObject(const int sizeZ, const int sizeY, const int sizeX, const int type, const unsigned char continuous = 0) : m_continuous(continuous), m_owndata(1), m_pRefCount(0), m_dims(0), m_data(NULL), m_objSharedDataLock(0), m_pDataObjectTags(0)
01461         {
01462             int sizes[3] = {sizeZ, sizeY, sizeX};
01463             this->create(3, sizes, type, m_continuous);
01464         }
01481         DataObject(const int sizeZ, const int sizeY, const int sizeX, const int type, const uchar* continuousDataPtr,  const int* steps = NULL) : m_continuous(1), m_owndata(1), m_pRefCount(0), m_dims(0), m_data(NULL), m_objSharedDataLock(0), m_pDataObjectTags(0)
01482         {
01483             int sizes[3] = {sizeZ, sizeY, sizeX};
01484             this->create(3, sizes, type, m_continuous, continuousDataPtr, steps);
01485         }
01497         DataObject(const unsigned char dimensions, const int *sizes, const int type, const unsigned char continuous = 0) : m_continuous(continuous), m_owndata(1), m_pRefCount(0), m_dims(0), m_data(NULL), m_objSharedDataLock(0), m_pDataObjectTags(0)
01498         {
01499             this->create(dimensions, sizes, type, m_continuous);
01500         }
01516         DataObject(const unsigned char dimensions, const int *sizes, const int type, const uchar* continuousDataPtr, const int* steps = NULL) : m_continuous(1), m_owndata(1), m_pRefCount(0), m_dims(0), m_data(NULL), m_objSharedDataLock(0), m_pDataObjectTags(0)
01517         {
01518             this->create(dimensions, sizes, type, m_continuous, continuousDataPtr, steps);
01519         }
01521         DataObject(const unsigned char dimensions, const int *sizes, const int type, const cv::Mat* planes, const unsigned int nrOfPlanes) : m_continuous(0), m_owndata(1), m_pRefCount(0), m_dims(0), m_data(NULL), m_objSharedDataLock(0), m_pDataObjectTags(0)
01522         {
01523             this->create(dimensions, sizes, type, planes, nrOfPlanes);
01524         }
01526         DataObject(const DataObject& copyConstr);    
01535         ~DataObject(void)
01536         {
01537             freeData();
01538         }
01541         DataObject & operator = (const cv::Mat &rhs);
01542         DataObject & operator = (const DataObject &rhs);
01543         DataObject & operator = (const int8 &value);          
01544         DataObject & operator = (const uint8 &value);         
01545         DataObject & operator = (const int16 &value);         
01546         DataObject & operator = (const uint16 &value);        
01547         DataObject & operator = (const int32 &value);         
01548         DataObject & operator = (const uint32 &value);        
01549         DataObject & operator = (const float32 &value);       
01550         DataObject & operator = (const float64 &value);       
01551         DataObject & operator = (const complex64 &value);     
01552         DataObject & operator = (const complex128 &value);    
01553         DataObject & operator = (const ito::Rgba32 &value);   
01556         DataObject & operator += (const DataObject &rhs);
01557         DataObject & operator += (const float64 &value);
01559         DataObject operator + (const DataObject &rhs);
01560         DataObject operator + (const float64 &value);
01562         DataObject & operator -= (const DataObject &rhs);
01563         DataObject & operator -= (const float64 &value);
01565         DataObject operator - (const DataObject &rhs);
01566         DataObject operator - (const float64 &value);
01568         DataObject & operator *= (const DataObject &rhs);
01569         DataObject & operator *= (const float64 &factor);
01571         DataObject operator * (const DataObject &rhs);
01572         DataObject operator * (const float64 &factor);
01574         // Comparison Operators
01575         DataObject operator < (DataObject &rhs);
01576         DataObject operator > (DataObject &rhs);
01577         DataObject operator <= (DataObject &rhs);
01578         DataObject operator >= (DataObject &rhs);
01579         DataObject operator == (DataObject &rhs);
01580         DataObject operator != (DataObject &rhs);
01583         // bitshift operators
01584         DataObject operator << (const unsigned int shiftbit);
01585         DataObject & operator <<= (const unsigned int shiftbit);
01586         DataObject operator >> (const unsigned int shiftbit);
01587         DataObject & operator >>= (const unsigned int shiftbit);
01589         // bitwise operators
01590         DataObject operator & (const DataObject & rhs);
01591         DataObject & operator &= (const DataObject & rhs);
01592         DataObject operator | (const DataObject & rhs);
01593         DataObject & operator |= (const DataObject & rhs);
01594         DataObject operator ^ (const DataObject & rhs);
01595         DataObject & operator ^= (const DataObject & rhs);
01597         // allocates matrix with zero values
01598         RetVal zeros(const int type);
01599         RetVal zeros(const int size, const int type);
01600         RetVal zeros(const int sizeY, const int sizeX, const int type);
01601         RetVal zeros(const int sizeZ, const int sizeY, const int sizeX, const int type, const unsigned char continuous = 0);
01602         RetVal zeros(const unsigned char dimensions, const int *sizes, const int type, const unsigned char continuous = 0);
01604         // allocates matrix with all values set to one
01605         RetVal ones(const int type);
01606         RetVal ones(const int size, const int type);
01607         RetVal ones(const int sizeY, const int sizeX, const int type);
01608         RetVal ones(const int sizeZ, const int sizeY, const int sizeX, const int type, const unsigned char continuous = 0);
01609         RetVal ones(const unsigned char dimensions, const int *sizes, const int type, const unsigned char continuous = 0);
01611         // allocates matrix with uniform distributed noise
01612         RetVal rand(const int type, const bool randMode = false);
01613         RetVal rand(const int size, const int type, const bool randMode = false);
01614         RetVal rand(const int sizeY, const int sizeX, const int type, const bool randMode = false);
01615         RetVal rand(const int sizeZ, const int sizeY, const int sizeX, const int type, const bool randMode, const unsigned char continuous = 0);
01616         RetVal rand(const unsigned char dimensions, const int *sizes, const int type, const bool randMode, const unsigned char continuous = 0);
01618         // allocates matrix with eye-matrix representation
01619         RetVal eye(const int type);
01620         RetVal eye(const int size, const int type);
01622         RetVal conj();
01623         DataObject adj() const;
01624         DataObject trans() const;
01626         //RetVal makeContinuous(void);
01628         DataObject mul(const DataObject &mat2, const double scale = 1.0);
01629         DataObject div(const DataObject &mat2, const double scale = 1.0);
01630         DataObject squeeze() const;
01631         int elemSize() const;
01639         template<typename _Tp> _Tp& at(const unsigned int y, const unsigned int x) const
01640         {
01641          #if __ITODEBUG
01642             if (m_dims != 2)
01643             {
01644                cv::error(cv::Exception(CV_StsAssert, "Dimension mismatch while addressing data field", "", __FILE__, __LINE__));
01645             }
01646             else if (((int)x >= m_size[1]) || ((int)y >= m_size[0]) )
01647             {
01648                 cv::error(cv::Exception(CV_StsAssert, "Index out of bounds", "", __FILE__ , __LINE__));
01649             }
01650          #endif           
01651                return (*(cv::Mat_<_Tp> *)(m_data[0]))(y, x);
01652         }
01660         template<typename _Tp> _Tp& at(const unsigned int y, const unsigned int x)
01661         {
01662          #if __ITODEBUG
01663             if (m_dims != 2)
01664             {
01665                cv::error(cv::Exception(CV_StsAssert, "Dimension mismatch while addressing data field", "", __FILE__, __LINE__));
01666             }          
01667             else if (((int)x >= m_size[1]) || ((int)y >= m_size[0]) )
01668             {
01669                 cv::error(cv::Exception(CV_StsAssert, "Index out of bounds", "", __FILE__ , __LINE__));
01670             }
01672          #endif
01673                return (*(cv::Mat_<_Tp> *)(m_data[0]))(y, x);
01674         }
01683         template<typename _Tp> _Tp& at(const unsigned int z, const unsigned int y, const unsigned int x) const
01684         {
01685          #if __ITODEBUG
01686             if (m_dims != 3)
01687             {
01688                cv::error(cv::Exception(CV_StsAssert, "Dimension mismatch while addressing data field", "", __FILE__, __LINE__));
01689             }
01690             else if (((int)x >= m_size[2]) || ((int)y >= m_size[1]) || (((int)z + m_roi[0]) >= (m_roi[0] + m_size[0])))
01691             {
01692                 cv::error(cv::Exception(CV_StsAssert, "Index out of bounds", "", __FILE__ , __LINE__));
01693             }
01694          #endif
01696                return (*(cv::Mat_<_Tp> *)(m_data[z + m_roi[0]]))(y, x);
01697         }
01706         template<typename _Tp> _Tp& at(const unsigned int z, const unsigned int y, const unsigned int x)
01707         {
01708          #if __ITODEBUG
01709             if (m_dims != 3)
01710             {
01711                cv::error(cv::Exception(CV_StsAssert, "Dimension mismatch while addressing data field", "", __FILE__, __LINE__));
01712             }
01713             else if (((int)x >= m_size[2]) || ((int)y >= m_size[1]) || (((int)z + m_roi[0]) >= (m_roi[0] + m_size[0])))
01714             {
01715                 cv::error(cv::Exception(CV_StsAssert, "Index out of bounds", "", __FILE__ , __LINE__));
01716             }
01717          #endif
01718             return (*(cv::Mat_<_Tp> *)(m_data[z + m_roi[0]]))(y, x);
01719         }
01727         template<typename _Tp> _Tp& at(const unsigned int *idx) const //idx is in virtual order 
01728         {
01729             int matNum = 0;
01731             matIdxToNum(idx, &matNum);
01733             return (*(cv::Mat_<_Tp> *)(m_data[matNum]))(idx[m_dims - 2], idx[m_dims - 1]);
01734         }
01742         template<typename _Tp> _Tp& at(const unsigned int *idx) //idx is in virtual order 
01743         {
01744             int matNum = 0;
01746             matIdxToNum(idx, &matNum);
01748             return (*(cv::Mat_<_Tp> *)(m_data[matNum]))(idx[m_dims - 2], idx[m_dims - 1]);
01749         }
01751         DataObject at(const ito::Range &rowRange, const ito::Range &colRange);     
01752         DataObject at(ito::Range *ranges);                                       
01761         uchar* rowPtr(const int matNum, const int y)
01762         {
01763             int matIndex = seekMat(matNum);
01764             return ((cv::Mat*)m_data[matIndex])->ptr(y);
01765         }
01774         const uchar* rowPtr(const int matNum, const int y) const
01775         {
01776             int matIndex = seekMat(matNum);
01777             return ((cv::Mat*)m_data[matIndex])->ptr(y);
01778         }
01780         DataObject row(const int selRow);
01781         DataObject col(const int selCol);
01782         //DataObject diag(void);
01784         // ROI
01785         DataObject & adjustROI(const int dtop, const int dbottom, const int dleft, const int dright);   
01786         DataObject & adjustROI(const unsigned char dims, const int *lims);                              
01787         RetVal locateROI(int *wholeSizes, int *offsets);                              
01788         RetVal locateROI(int *lims);                                                  
01789         template<typename _Tp> RetVal copyFromData2D(const _Tp* src, const int sizeX, const int sizeY);        
01790         template<typename _Tp> RetVal copyFromData2D(const _Tp *src, const int sizeX, const int sizeY, const int x0, const int y0, const int width, const int height);       
01791         template<typename _Tp> RetVal checkType(const _Tp *src);    //compares type of elements in this data objects and type of given argument (doc in source)
01793         //
01794         template<typename T2> operator T2 ();  
01796         template<typename _Tp> RetVal linspace(const _Tp start, const _Tp end, const _Tp inc, const int transposed);
01797 };
01800 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01801 // functions for DataObject in namespace ITO, which are NOT member functions
01802 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01803 DataObject abs(const DataObject &dObj);              
01804 DataObject arg(const DataObject &dObj);              
01805 DataObject real(const DataObject &dObj);             
01806 DataObject imag(const DataObject &dObj);             
01808 DataObject makeContinuous(const DataObject &dObj);   
01810 template<typename _Tp, typename _T2> RetVal CastFunc(const DataObject *dObj, DataObject *resObj, double alpha = 1.0, double beta = 0.0);
01812 //RetVal minMaxLoc(const DataObject &dObj, double *minVal, double *maxVal, int *minPos = NULL, int *maxPos = NULL);
01822 template<typename _Tp> _Tp numberConversion(ito::tDataType fromType, void *scalar)
01823 {
01824     //_Tp retValue = 0;
01825     _Tp retValue;
01827     switch(fromType)
01828     {
01829     case ito::tUInt8:
01830         retValue = cv::saturate_cast<_Tp>(*(static_cast<uint8*>(scalar)));
01831         break;
01832     case ito::tInt8:
01833         retValue = cv::saturate_cast<_Tp>(*(static_cast<int8*>(scalar)));
01834         break;
01835     case ito::tUInt16:
01836         retValue = cv::saturate_cast<_Tp>(*(static_cast<uint16*>(scalar)));
01837         break;
01838     case ito::tInt16:
01839         retValue = cv::saturate_cast<_Tp>(*(static_cast<int16*>(scalar)));
01840         break;
01841     case ito::tUInt32:
01842         retValue = cv::saturate_cast<_Tp>(*(static_cast<uint32*>(scalar)));
01843         break;
01844     case ito::tInt32:
01845         retValue = cv::saturate_cast<_Tp>(*(static_cast<int32*>(scalar)));
01846         break;
01847     case ito::tFloat32:
01848         retValue = cv::saturate_cast<_Tp>(*(static_cast<ito::float32*>(scalar)));
01849         break;
01850     case ito::tFloat64:
01851         retValue = cv::saturate_cast<_Tp>(*(static_cast<ito::float64*>(scalar)));
01852         break;
01853     case ito::tComplex64:
01854         retValue = cv::saturate_cast<_Tp>(*(static_cast<ito::complex64*>(scalar)));
01855         break;
01856     case ito::tComplex128:
01857         retValue = cv::saturate_cast<_Tp>(*(static_cast<ito::complex128*>(scalar)));
01858         break;
01859     case ito::tRGBA32:
01860         retValue = cv::saturate_cast<_Tp>(*(static_cast<ito::Rgba32*>(scalar)));
01861         break;
01862     default:
01863         cv::error(cv::Exception(CV_StsAssert, "Input value type unkown", "", __FILE__, __LINE__));
01864         retValue = 0;
01865     }
01867     return retValue;
01868 };
01870 //template<> ito::Rgba32 numberConversion<ito::Rgba32>(ito::tDataType fromType, void *scalar)
01871 //{
01872 //    _Tp retValue = 0;
01873 //
01874 //    switch(fromType)
01875 //    {
01876 //    case ito::tUInt8:
01877 //        retValue = cv::saturate_cast<ito::Rgba32>(*(static_cast<uint8*>(scalar)));
01878 //        break;
01879 //    case ito::tInt8:
01880 //        retValue = cv::saturate_cast<ito::Rgba32>(*(static_cast<int8*>(scalar)));
01881 //        break;
01882 //    case ito::tUInt16:
01883 //        retValue = cv::saturate_cast<ito::Rgba32>(*(static_cast<uint16*>(scalar)));
01884 //        break;
01885 //    case ito::tInt16:
01886 //        retValue = cv::saturate_cast<ito::Rgba32>(*(static_cast<int16*>(scalar)));
01887 //        break;
01888 //    case ito::tUInt32:
01889 //        retValue = cv::saturate_cast<ito::Rgba32>(*(static_cast<uint32*>(scalar)));
01890 //        break;
01891 //    case ito::tInt32:
01892 //        retValue = cv::saturate_cast<ito::Rgba32>(*(static_cast<int32*>(scalar)));
01893 //        break;
01894 //    case ito::tFloat32:
01895 //        retValue = cv::saturate_cast<ito::Rgba32>(*(static_cast<ito::float32*>(scalar)));
01896 //        break;
01897 //    case ito::tFloat64:
01898 //        retValue = cv::saturate_cast<ito::Rgba32>(*(static_cast<ito::float64*>(scalar)));
01899 //        break;
01900 //    case ito::tComplex64:
01901 //        retValue = cv::saturate_cast<ito::Rgba32>(*(static_cast<ito::complex64*>(scalar)));
01902 //        break;
01903 //    case ito::tComplex128:
01904 //        retValue = cv::saturate_cast<ito::Rgba32>(*(static_cast<ito::complex128*>(scalar)));
01905 //        break;
01906 //    case ito::tRGBA32:
01907 //        retValue = cv::saturate_cast<ito::Rgba32>(*(static_cast<ito::Rgba32*>(scalar)));
01908 //        break;
01909 //    default:
01910 //        cv::error(cv::Exception(CV_StsAssert, "Input value type unkown", "", __FILE__, __LINE__));
01911 //        retValue = 0;
01912 //    }
01913 //
01914 //    return retValue;
01915 //}
01917 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01918 // cout
01919 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01920 template<typename _Tp> static std::ostream& coutFunc(std::ostream& out, const DataObject& dObj)
01921 {
01922     //cv::Mat_<_Tp> *cvMat = NULL;
01923     int numMats = dObj.calcNumMats();
01924     int tMat = 0;
01926     if (dObj.getDims() == 0)
01927     {
01928         std::cout << "DataObject()\n" << std::endl;
01929     }
01930     else
01931     {
01932         std::cout << "DataObject(size=[" << dObj.getSize(0);
01933         for (int dim = 1; dim < dObj.getDims(); ++dim)
01934         {
01935             std::cout << "x" << dObj.getSize(dim);
01936         }
01937         std::cout << "]\n" << std::endl;
01939         int *idx = new int[dObj.getDims()];
01942         for (int nMat = 0; nMat < numMats; nMat++)
01943         {
01944             tMat = dObj.seekMat(nMat, numMats);
01945             //std::cout <<  tMat + 1 << "->(";
01947             dObj.matNumToIdx(tMat, idx);
01948             std::cout << "[";
01949             for (int i = 0; i < dObj.getDims() - 2; ++i)
01950             {
01951                 std::cout << idx[i] << ",";
01952             }
01953             std::cout << ":,:]->(";
01955             std::cout << cv::format( (*((cv::Mat_<_Tp> *)((dObj.get_mdata())[tMat]))) , "numpy" ) << std::endl << std::endl;        
01957             std::cout << ")" << "\n" << std::endl;
01958         }
01960         delete[] idx;
01962         std::cout << ")" << "\n" << std::endl;
01963     }
01964     return out;
01966 }
01968 typedef std::ostream& (*tCoutFunc)(std::ostream& out, const DataObject& dObj);
01970 static tCoutFunc fListCout[] =
01971 {
01972    coutFunc<int8>,
01973    coutFunc<uint8>,
01974    coutFunc<int16>,
01975    coutFunc<uint16>,
01976    coutFunc<int32>,
01977    coutFunc<uint32>,
01978    coutFunc<ito::float32>,
01979    coutFunc<ito::float64>,
01980    coutFunc<ito::complex64>,
01981    coutFunc<ito::complex128>,
01982    coutFunc<ito::Rgba32>
01983 };
01985 static inline std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& out, const DataObject& dObj)
01986 {
01987    return fListCout[dObj.getType()](out, dObj);
01988 }
01998 static ito::tDataType convertCmplxTypeToRealType(ito::tDataType cmplxType)
01999 {
02000     switch(cmplxType)
02001     {
02002         case ito::tInt8:
02003         case ito::tUInt8:
02004         case ito::tInt16:
02005         case ito::tUInt16:
02006         case ito::tInt32:
02007         case ito::tUInt32:
02008         case ito::tFloat32:
02009         case ito::tFloat64:
02010         case ito::tRGBA32:
02011             return cmplxType;
02012         case ito::tComplex64:
02013             return ito::tFloat32;
02014         case ito::tComplex128:
02015             return ito::tFloat64;
02016     }
02018     cv::error(cv::Exception(CV_StsAssert, "Input data type unknown", "", __FILE__, __LINE__));
02019     return ito::tInt8;
02020 }
02031 template<typename _Tp> static inline ito::tDataType getDataType(const _Tp* /*src*/)
02032 {
02033     cv::error(cv::Exception(CV_StsAssert, "Input value type unkown", "", __FILE__, __LINE__));
02034     return ito::tInt8;
02035 }
02037 template<> inline ito::tDataType getDataType(const uint8* /*src*/)      { return ito::tUInt8; }
02038 template<> inline ito::tDataType getDataType(const int8* /*src*/)       { return ito::tInt8; }
02039 template<> inline ito::tDataType getDataType(const uint16* /*src*/)     { return ito::tUInt16; }
02040 template<> inline ito::tDataType getDataType(const int16* /*src*/)      { return ito::tInt16; }
02041 template<> inline ito::tDataType getDataType(const uint32* /*src*/)     { return ito::tUInt32; }
02042 template<> inline ito::tDataType getDataType(const int32* /*src*/)      { return ito::tInt32; }
02043 template<> inline ito::tDataType getDataType(const float32* /*src*/)    { return ito::tFloat32; }
02044 template<> inline ito::tDataType getDataType(const float64* /*src*/)    { return ito::tFloat64; }
02045 template<> inline ito::tDataType getDataType(const complex64* /*src*/)  { return ito::tComplex64; }
02046 template<> inline ito::tDataType getDataType(const complex128* /*src*/) { return ito::tComplex128; }
02047 template<> inline ito::tDataType getDataType(const Rgba32* /*src*/) { return ito::tRGBA32; }
02060 template<typename _Tp> static inline ito::tDataType getDataType2()
02061 {
02062     cv::error(cv::Exception(CV_StsAssert, "Input value type unkown", "", __FILE__, __LINE__));
02063     return ito::tInt8;
02064 }
02066 template<> inline ito::tDataType getDataType2<uint8*>()      { return ito::tUInt8; }
02067 template<> inline ito::tDataType getDataType2<int8*>()       { return ito::tInt8; }
02068 template<> inline ito::tDataType getDataType2<uint16*>()     { return ito::tUInt16; }
02069 template<> inline ito::tDataType getDataType2<int16*>()      { return ito::tInt16; }
02070 template<> inline ito::tDataType getDataType2<uint32*>()     { return ito::tUInt32; }
02071 template<> inline ito::tDataType getDataType2<int32*>()      { return ito::tInt32; }
02072 template<> inline ito::tDataType getDataType2<float32*>()    { return ito::tFloat32; }
02073 template<> inline ito::tDataType getDataType2<float64*>()    { return ito::tFloat64; }
02074 template<> inline ito::tDataType getDataType2<complex64*>()  { return ito::tComplex64; }
02075 template<> inline ito::tDataType getDataType2<complex128*>() { return ito::tComplex128; }
02076 template<> inline ito::tDataType getDataType2<Rgba32*>() { return ito::tRGBA32; }
02089 template<typename _Tp> static inline bool isZeroValue(_Tp v, _Tp /*epsilon*/)
02090 {
02091     return v == 0;
02092 }
02093 template<> inline bool isZeroValue(Rgba32 v, Rgba32 /*epsilon*/)
02094 {
02095     return v == Rgba32::zeros();
02096 }
02097 template<> inline bool isZeroValue(float32 v, float32 epsilon)
02098 {
02099     return v >= epsilon ? false : (v <= -epsilon ? false : true);
02100 }
02101 template<> inline bool isZeroValue(float64 v, float64 epsilon)
02102 {
02103     return v >= epsilon ? false : (v <= -epsilon ? false : true);
02104 }
02105 template<> inline bool isZeroValue(std::complex<ito::float32> v, std::complex<ito::float32> epsilon)
02106 {
02107     return isZeroValue<ito::float32>(v.real(),epsilon.real()) && isZeroValue<ito::float32>(v.imag(),epsilon.real());
02108 }
02109 template<> inline bool isZeroValue(std::complex<ito::float64> v, std::complex<ito::float64> epsilon)
02110 {
02111     return isZeroValue<ito::float64>(v.real(),epsilon.real()) && isZeroValue<ito::float64>(v.imag(),epsilon.real());
02112 }
02115 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
02116 // friend functions to access private members of DataObject
02117 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
02118 } //namespace ito
02120 #endif //__DATAOBJH
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