.. include:: ../include/global.inc Changelog ############ This changelog only contains the most important changes taken from the commit-messages of the git. itom ******** **Head Revision (2014-05-18)** (more than 300 commits in itom repository) * :py:meth:`itom.dataObject.toGray` added in order to return a grayscale dataObject from type rgba32. * Drag&drop python files to command line in order to open them * :py:meth:`itom.actuator.setInterrupt` added in order to interrupt the current movement of an actuator (async-mode only, general interrupt must be implemented by plugin) * Window bugfix (improper appearance) in Qt5 (windows) as well as some linux distributions (Qt4/Qt5) * Breakpoint toolbox improved. * Open scripts and current set of breakpoints is saved at shutdown and restored at new startup. * Python, Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib and itom script references can be automatically downloaded and updated from an itom online repository. These references can then be shown in the itom help toolbox. * CMake: Improvements in find_package(ITOM_SDK...) COMPONENTS dataObject, pointCloud, itomWidgets, itomCommonLib and itomCommonQtLib can be chosen. Since dataObject and pointCloud require the core components of OpenCV and PCL respectively, these depending libraries are detected as well and automatically added to ITOM_SDK_LIBRARIES and ITOM_SDK_INCLUDE_DIRS. * :py:class:`itom.npDataObject` removed (reasons see: http://itom.58578.x6.nabble.com/itom-discussions-deprecated-class-itom-npDataObject-td3.html) * Designer plugins can now display point clouds and polygon meshes (itomIsoGLFigurePlugin displays pointClouds) * improved codec handling. Default codec is latin1 (ISO 8859-1) now, Python's codec is synchronized to Qt codec. * Modified / new templates added for creating a grabber, actuator and algorithm plugin. * ito::DataObject registered as meta type in itom. Plugins do not need to do this any more. * Styles in property editor can be reset to default, size of all styles can be globally increased or decreased * C-Api: new base classes for plugin configuration dialogs and dock widgets added to SDK: ito::AbstractAddInDockWidget and ito::AbstractAddInConfigDialog * modified and improved user documentation * itom extension added for sphinx for semi-automatic plugin documentation * More CMake macros added for easier implementation of plugins: FIND_PACKAGE_QT, PLUGIN_TRANSLATION, PLUGIN_DOCUMENTATION * Python commands :py:func:`itom.pluginHelp` and :py:func:`itom.filterHelp` either return dict with information or print information (depending on arguments) * Plugin can provide a rst-based documentation file. The documentation of all available plugins is then integrated in the itom help system. * Python syntax check in script editors introduced. Install the python package **frosted** in order to obtain the syntax check (can be disabled in property dialog) * meta information stepSize introduced for ito::IntMeta and ito::DoubleMeta * glew is not necessary if building against Qt5 with OpenGL. * New shared library **itomWidgets** added to SDK. itom, user defined GUIs and plugins have now access to further widgets. These widgets are mainly taken from the CTK project (the common toolkit). * Python class **enum** in itom-packages renamed to **itomEnum** since a class enum (with similar functionality is introduced with Python >= 3.4) * All signaling_NaNs replace by quiet_NaNs (signaling_NaNs raise C exception under certain build settings) * Unittests for ito::ByteArray, ito::RetVal and ito::Param added * User management partially available via Python. * itom can now be build and run using Qt4 or Qt5. Usually the Qt-version installed on the computer is automatically detected, if both versions are available use the CMake variable BUILD_QTVERSION and set it to Qt4 or Qt5 for manual choice. * Help toolbox also shows information about all loaded hardware plugins (actuator, dataIO) * Help toolbox in itom shows information about filters and widgets provided by algorithm plugins. Exemplary code snippet for all filters added. * itom can be build without PCL support, hence the point cloud library is not required. The library *pointCloud* is not available then (see BUILD_WITH_PCL in CMake) * C-Api: New shared libraries created: itomCommon (RetVal, Param,...), itomCommonQt (ItomSharedSemaphore, AddInInterface,...), dataObject, pointCloud, itomWidgets. Plugins link agains these shared libraries. This allows an improved bugfix in these components. Additionally, many changes in these libraries don't require a new version number for the plugin interface (unless the binary compatibility is not destroyed). * C-Api: error message in ito::RetVal, name and info string of ito::Param are now stored as ito::ByteArray class that is based on a shared memory concept. Less memory copy operations are required. * crash fixed if itom is closed with user defined buttons and menus * fixes if some components are disabled by user management * C-Api: DesignerPlugins can now be used within other plugins (e.g. widgets in algorithm plugins) * many bugfixes **Version 1.1.0 (2014-01-27)** * help dock widget to show a searchable, online help for the script reference of several python packages, the itom module as well as a detailed overview of algorithms and widgets contained in plugins * revised documentation and python docstrings * optimization due to tool *cppCheck* * method *apiGetParam* added to api-functions * timeouts changeable by ini-file * size, position... of native dock widgets and toolbars is saved and reloaded at restart * further demos added * property editor for plots added * compilation without PointCloudLibrary possible (CMake setting) * easier compilation for linux * 2DQwtPlot enhanced within a code sprint to support geometric primitives that can be painted onto the plotted image. The parameters of the geometries can then be obtained via python and for instance be evaluated in the designer widget 'evaluateGeometries'. Demo script added for demonstrating this functionality (*uiMeasureToolMain demo*) * many methods of dataObject now have int-parameters or return values instead of size_t -> better compatibility with respect to OpenCV * In :py:class:`itom.uiItem` it is now possible to also assign a string (or an integer) to enumeration based properties of widgets. * :py:meth:`itom.openScript` enhanced to also open the script where any object (class, method...) is defined in (if it exists) * :py:class:`itom.dataObject` have the attributes 'ndim' and 'shape' for a better compliance to 'numpy.ndarray' * color type 'rgba32' added for data objects. See also :py:class:`itom.rgba`. The color class in C++ is contained in color.h. 2dgraphicview plot also supports color cameras. OpenCVGrabber can grab in color as well. Unittest of data object adapted to this. * better exception handling of any exception occurring in plugin algorithms. * type 'ui.DOCKWIDGET' now possible for :py:class:`itom.ui` in order to dock any user defined window into the main window * drag&drop from last-command dock widget to console or script window * modified python debugger * added :py:meth:`itom.compressData` and :py:meth:`itom.uncompressData` in :py:mod:`itom` * normalize method for data objects added * many bugfixes **Version 1.0.14 (2014-09-02)** there is no continuous changelog for these version Plugins ****************** **Head Revision (2014-05-18)** (more than 200 commits in plugins repository) * PCOCamera: improved plugin with renew config dialog and toolbox. Tested with PCO.1300 and PCO.2000. * DataObjectIO: Added importfilter for ascii based images or point lists * PCLTools released under LGPL * PGRFlyCapture: extended shutter added for longer integration times, frame rate is not used if extended shutter is one since images are acquired as fast as possible. * AerotechEnsemble: bugfixes: avoid timeout for long-time operations corrected status message when all axes are in-target position * fixes for PCOPixelFly: some board IO errors are handled * DispWindow adapted to OpenGL 3.x specification as well as Qt5 * Initial release of video 4 linux (V4L2) * Improved SDF-Export function with invalid handling for MountainsMaps (plugin DataObjectIO) * exec-function for ramp-trajectory added to GwInstek plugin (power supply controller with RS232 connection) * Plugin FireGrabber supported under linux. FirePackage driver used under Windows, Fire4Linux under linux * Plugin SerialIO under linux: both tty and usb ports supported * Plugin x3pio released under LGPL (wrapper for data format x3p, see opengps.eu) * Added clipping-Filters and history-filter to BasicFilters * Many documentations for plugins added * Plugin MSMediaFoundation released under LGPL (requires at least Windows Vista, successor of DirectShow for accessing basic cameras) * Parameters sharpness and gamma added to Ximea plugin. * Plugin LibUSB released. * Fixed big-endian, little-endian bug in PointGrey plugin, parameters sharpness, gamma and auto_exposure added * Plugin for PointGrey cameras released under LGPL. * Plugin for XIMEA cameras released under LGPL. * FFTW plugin added that is a wrapper to the FFTW library (GPL license!) * overall modification of Vistek camera plugin: Toolbox, configuration dialog based on new base classes of itom SDK, better parameter handling, improved image grabbing... **Version 1.1.0 (2014-01-27)** there is no continuous changelog for these version Designer Plugins ****************** **Head Revision (2014-05-18)** (more than 80 commits in designerPlugins repository) * *itom2DQwtPlot* is able to display color data objects and cameras. * Press Ctrl+C to copy the currently displayed plot in *itom1DQwtPlot* and *itom2DQwtPlot* to clipboard. Also available via menu. * display of pointClouds in *itomIsoGLFigurePlugin* * fix in autoColor mode (*itom2DGraphicView*) with rgba32 data objects or cameras * save dialog remembers last directory * secondary dataObject can be plotted as semi-transparent overlay (alpha value adjustable) in *itom2DQwtPlot* (Python access via property *overlayImage*) * many bugfixes * multiline plotting in *itom1DQwtPlot* improved * designer plugins are now ready for inclusion in GUIs of other plugins **Version 1.1.0 (2014-01-27)** there is no continuous changelog for these version