itom 1.3.0
ito::DataObject Member List
This is the complete list of members for ito::DataObject, including all inherited members.
addToProtocol(const std::string &value)ito::DataObject
adj() const ito::DataObject
adjustROI(const int dtop, const int dbottom, const int dleft, const int dright)ito::DataObject
adjustROI(const unsigned char dims, const int *lims)ito::DataObject
AdjustROIFunc (defined in ito::DataObject)ito::DataObject [friend]
AdjustROIFunc(DataObject *dObj, int dtop, int dbottom, int dleft, int dright)ito::DataObject [friend]
AssignScalarFunc(const DataObject *src, const ito::tDataType type, const void *scalar)ito::DataObject [friend]
at(const unsigned int y, const unsigned int x) const ito::DataObject [inline]
at(const unsigned int y, const unsigned int x)ito::DataObject [inline]
at(const unsigned int z, const unsigned int y, const unsigned int x) const ito::DataObject [inline]
at(const unsigned int z, const unsigned int y, const unsigned int x)ito::DataObject [inline]
at(const unsigned int *idx) const ito::DataObject [inline]
at(const unsigned int *idx)ito::DataObject [inline]
at(const ito::Range &rowRange, const ito::Range &colRange)ito::DataObject
at(ito::Range *ranges)ito::DataObject
CalcMinMaxValues (defined in ito::DataObject)ito::DataObject [friend]
calcNumMats(void) const ito::DataObject
checkType(const _Tp *src)ito::DataObject [inline]
col(const int selCol)ito::DataObject
constBegin() const (defined in ito::DataObject)ito::DataObject
constEnd() const (defined in ito::DataObject)ito::DataObject
convertTo(DataObject &rhs, const int type, const double alpha=1, const double beta=0) const ito::DataObject
ConvertToFunc(const DataObject &lhs, DataObject &rhs, const int type, const double alpha, const double beta)ito::DataObject [friend]
copyAxisTagsTo(DataObject &rhs) const ito::DataObject
copyFromData2D(const _Tp *src, const int sizeX, const int sizeY)ito::DataObject [inline]
copyFromData2D(const _Tp *src, const int sizeX, const int sizeY, const int x0, const int y0, const int width, const int height)ito::DataObject [inline]
copyFromData2DInternal(const uchar *src, const int sizeOfElem, const int sizeX, const int sizeY)ito::DataObject [private]
copyFromData2DInternal(const uchar *src, const int sizeOfElem, const int sizeX, const int x0, const int y0, const int width, const int height) (defined in ito::DataObject)ito::DataObject [private]
copyTagMapTo(DataObject &rhs) const ito::DataObject
copyTo(DataObject &rhs, unsigned char regionOnly=0)ito::DataObject
CopyToFunc(const DataObject &lhs, DataObject &rhs, unsigned char regionOnly)ito::DataObject [friend]
coutFunc (defined in ito::DataObject)ito::DataObject [friend]
create(const unsigned char dimensions, const int *sizes, const int type, const unsigned char continuous, const uchar *continuousDataPtr=NULL, const int *steps=NULL)ito::DataObject [private]
create(const unsigned char dimensions, const int *sizes, const int type, const cv::Mat *planes, const unsigned int nrOfPlanes)ito::DataObject [private]
CreateFunc(DataObject *dObj, const unsigned char dimensions, const int *sizes, const unsigned char continuous, const uchar *continuousDataPtr, const int *steps)ito::DataObject [friend]
CreateFuncWithCVPlanes(DataObject *dObj, const unsigned char dimensions, const int *sizes, const cv::Mat *planes, const unsigned int nrOfPlanes)ito::DataObject [friend]
createHeader(const unsigned char dimensions, const int *sizes, const int *steps, const int elemSize)ito::DataObject [inline, private]
createHeaderWithROI(const unsigned char dimensions, const int *sizes, const int *osizes=NULL, const int *roi=NULL)ito::DataObject [inline, private]
DataObject(const DataObject &dObj, bool transposed)ito::DataObject [private]
DataObject(void)ito::DataObject [inline]
DataObject(const int size, const int type)ito::DataObject [inline]
DataObject(const int sizeY, const int sizeX, const int type)ito::DataObject [inline]
DataObject(const int sizeZ, const int sizeY, const int sizeX, const int type, const unsigned char continuous=0)ito::DataObject [inline]
DataObject(const int sizeZ, const int sizeY, const int sizeX, const int type, const uchar *continuousDataPtr, const int *steps=NULL)ito::DataObject [inline]
DataObject(const unsigned char dimensions, const int *sizes, const int type, const unsigned char continuous=0)ito::DataObject [inline]
DataObject(const unsigned char dimensions, const int *sizes, const int type, const uchar *continuousDataPtr, const int *steps=NULL)ito::DataObject [inline]
DataObject(const unsigned char dimensions, const int *sizes, const int type, const cv::Mat *planes, const unsigned int nrOfPlanes) (defined in ito::DataObject)ito::DataObject [inline]
DataObject(const DataObject &copyConstr)ito::DataObject
deepCopyPartial(DataObject &rhs)ito::DataObject
deleteAllTags() (defined in ito::DataObject)ito::DataObject
deleteTag(const std::string &key)ito::DataObject
div(const DataObject &mat2, const double scale=1.0)ito::DataObject
elemSize() const (defined in ito::DataObject)ito::DataObject
EvaluateTransposeFlagFunc (defined in ito::DataObject)ito::DataObject [friend]
existTag(const std::string &key) const ito::DataObject
eye(const int type)ito::DataObject
eye(const int size, const int type)ito::DataObject
freeData(void)ito::DataObject [private]
FreeFunc(DataObject *dObj)ito::DataObject [friend]
get_mdata(void) const ito::DataObject
getAxisDescription(const int axisNum, bool &validOperation) const (defined in ito::DataObject)ito::DataObject
getAxisOffset(const int axisNum) const ito::DataObject
getAxisScale(const int axisNum) const ito::DataObject
getAxisUnit(const int axisNum, bool &validOperation) const ito::DataObject
getContinuous(void) const ito::DataObject [inline]
getCvPlaneMat(const int planeIndex)ito::DataObject
getCvPlaneMat(const int planeIndex) const ito::DataObject
getDims(void) const ito::DataObject [inline]
getOriginalSize(int index) const ito::DataObject [inline]
getOriginalTotal() const ito::DataObject [inline]
getOwnData(void) const (defined in ito::DataObject)ito::DataObject [inline]
getPhysToPix(const unsigned int dim, const double phys, bool &isInsideImage) const ito::DataObject [inline]
getPhysToPix2D(const double physY, double &tPxY, bool &isInsideImageY, const double physX, double &tPxX, bool &isInsideImageX) const ito::DataObject [inline]
getPixToPhys(const unsigned int dim, const double pix, bool &isInsideImage) const ito::DataObject [inline]
GetRangeFunc(DataObject *dObj, const int dtop, const int dbottom, const int dleft, const int dright)ito::DataObject [friend]
getSize(void)ito::DataObject [inline]
getSize(void) const ito::DataObject [inline]
getSize(int index) const ito::DataObject [inline]
getTag(const std::string &key, bool &validOperation) const (defined in ito::DataObject)ito::DataObject
getTagByIndex(const int tagNumber, std::string &key, DataObjectTagType &value) const ito::DataObject
getTagKey(const int tagNumber, bool &validOperation) const ito::DataObject
getTagListSize() const ito::DataObject
getTotal() const ito::DataObject [inline]
getType(void) const ito::DataObject [inline]
getValueDescription() const ito::DataObject
getValueOffset() const ito::DataObject
getValueScale() const ito::DataObject
getValueUnit() const ito::DataObject
getXYRotationalMatrix(double &r11, double &r12, double &r13, double &r21, double &r22, double &r23, double &r31, double &r32, double &r33) const ito::DataObject
linspace(const _Tp start, const _Tp end, const _Tp inc, const int transposed)ito::DataObject
locateROI(int *wholeSizes, int *offsets)ito::DataObject
locateROI(int *lims)ito::DataObject
lockRead()ito::DataObject [inline]
lockWrite()ito::DataObject [inline]
m_continuousito::DataObject [private]
m_dataito::DataObject [private]
m_dimsito::DataObject [private]
m_objHeaderLockito::DataObject [private]
m_objSharedDataLockito::DataObject [private]
m_osizeito::DataObject [private]
m_owndataito::DataObject [private]
m_pDataObjectTagsito::DataObject [private]
m_pRefCountito::DataObject [private]
m_roiito::DataObject [private]
m_sizeito::DataObject [private]
m_sizeofs (defined in ito::DataObject)ito::DataObject [private, static]
m_typeito::DataObject [private]
MakeContinuousFunc(const DataObject &dObj, DataObject &resDObj)ito::DataObject [friend]
matIdxToNum(const unsigned int *matIdx, int *matNum) const ito::DataObject [inline, private]
matNumToIdx(const int matNum, int *matIdx) const ito::DataObject [private]
mdata_free() (defined in ito::DataObject)ito::DataObject [private]
mdata_realloc(const int size) (defined in ito::DataObject)ito::DataObject [private]
mdata_size(void) const (defined in ito::DataObject)ito::DataObject [private]
MinMaxLocFunc (defined in ito::DataObject)ito::DataObject [friend]
mul(const DataObject &mat2, const double scale=1.0) (defined in ito::DataObject)ito::DataObject
ones(const int type)ito::DataObject
ones(const int size, const int type)ito::DataObject
ones(const int sizeY, const int sizeX, const int type)ito::DataObject
ones(const int sizeZ, const int sizeY, const int sizeX, const int type, const unsigned char continuous=0)ito::DataObject
ones(const unsigned char dimensions, const int *sizes, const int type, const unsigned char continuous=0)ito::DataObject
operator T2()ito::DataObject
operator!=(DataObject &rhs)ito::DataObject
operator&(const DataObject &rhs)ito::DataObject
operator&=(const DataObject &rhs)ito::DataObject
operator*(const DataObject &rhs)ito::DataObject
operator*(const float64 &factor)ito::DataObject
operator*=(const DataObject &rhs)ito::DataObject
operator*=(const float64 &factor)ito::DataObject
operator+(const DataObject &rhs)ito::DataObject
operator+(const float64 &value) (defined in ito::DataObject)ito::DataObject
operator+=(const DataObject &rhs)ito::DataObject
operator+=(const float64 &value) (defined in ito::DataObject)ito::DataObject
operator-(const DataObject &rhs)ito::DataObject
operator-(const float64 &value) (defined in ito::DataObject)ito::DataObject
operator-=(const DataObject &rhs)ito::DataObject
operator-=(const float64 &value) (defined in ito::DataObject)ito::DataObject
operator<(DataObject &rhs)ito::DataObject
operator<<(const unsigned int shiftbit)ito::DataObject
operator<<=(const unsigned int shiftbit)ito::DataObject
operator<=(DataObject &rhs)ito::DataObject
operator=(const cv::Mat &rhs)ito::DataObject
operator=(const DataObject &rhs)ito::DataObject
operator=(const int8 &value)ito::DataObject
operator=(const uint8 &value)ito::DataObject
operator=(const int16 &value)ito::DataObject
operator=(const uint16 &value)ito::DataObject
operator=(const int32 &value)ito::DataObject
operator=(const uint32 &value)ito::DataObject
operator=(const float32 &value)ito::DataObject
operator=(const float64 &value)ito::DataObject
operator=(const complex64 &value)ito::DataObject
operator=(const complex128 &value)ito::DataObject
operator=(const ito::Rgba32 &value)ito::DataObject
operator==(DataObject &rhs)ito::DataObject
operator>(DataObject &rhs)ito::DataObject
operator>=(DataObject &rhs)ito::DataObject
operator>>(const unsigned int shiftbit)ito::DataObject
operator>>=(const unsigned int shiftbit)ito::DataObject
operator^(const DataObject &rhs)ito::DataObject
operator^=(const DataObject &rhs)ito::DataObject
operator|(const DataObject &rhs)ito::DataObject
operator|=(const DataObject &rhs)ito::DataObject
rand(const int type, const bool randMode=false)ito::DataObject
rand(const int size, const int type, const bool randMode=false)ito::DataObject
rand(const int sizeY, const int sizeX, const int type, const bool randMode=false)ito::DataObject
rand(const int sizeZ, const int sizeY, const int sizeX, const int type, const bool randMode, const unsigned char continuous=0)ito::DataObject
rand(const unsigned char dimensions, const int *sizes, const int type, const bool randMode, const unsigned char continuous=0)ito::DataObject
row(const int selRow)ito::DataObject
rowPtr(const int matNum, const int y)ito::DataObject [inline]
rowPtr(const int matNum, const int y) const ito::DataObject [inline]
secureFreeData(void)ito::DataObject [private]
SecureFreeFunc (defined in ito::DataObject)ito::DataObject [friend]
seekMat(const int matNum, const int numMats) const ito::DataObject
seekMat(const int matNum) const ito::DataObject
setAxisDescription(const unsigned int axisNum, const std::string &description)ito::DataObject
setAxisOffset(const unsigned int axisNum, const double offset)ito::DataObject
setAxisScale(const unsigned int axisNum, const double scale)ito::DataObject
setAxisUnit(const unsigned int axisNum, const std::string &unit)ito::DataObject
setTag(const std::string &key, const DataObjectTagType &value)ito::DataObject
setValueDescription(const std::string &description) (defined in ito::DataObject)ito::DataObject
setValueUnit(const std::string &unit)ito::DataObject
setXYRotationalMatrix(double r11, double r12, double r13, double r21, double r22, double r23, double r31, double r32, double r33)ito::DataObject
squeeze() const (defined in ito::DataObject)ito::DataObject
toGray(const int destinationType=ito::tUInt8)ito::DataObject
trans() const ito::DataObject
unlock()ito::DataObject [inline]
zeros(const int type)ito::DataObject
zeros(const int size, const int type)ito::DataObject
zeros(const int sizeY, const int sizeX, const int type)ito::DataObject
zeros(const int sizeZ, const int sizeY, const int sizeX, const int type, const unsigned char continuous=0)ito::DataObject
zeros(const unsigned char dimensions, const int *sizes, const int type, const unsigned char continuous=0)ito::DataObject
~DataObject(void)ito::DataObject [inline]
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