line plots (1D) ****************** "Itom1DQwtPlot" is the basic line plot for plotting 'dataObjects' with shape [1xM] based on the Qwt library. All DataTypes are accepted. To plot complex objects, it is possible to select between the following modes: "absolut", "phase", "real" and "imaginary". RGBA-Values are currently interpreted as Gray-Values using RGBA as gray. The plot allows value and min/max-picking via place-able marker. The plot supports geometric element and marker interaction via **drawAndPickElements(...)** and **call("userInteractionStart",...)**. See section :ref:`primitives` for a short introduction. The plot does not support z-stack sectioning at the momtent. You can also use the "matplotlib"-backend to plot slices or xy-coordinates. See section :ref:`pymod-matplotlib` for more information about how to use "matplotlib". The plot-canvas can be exported to vector and bitmap-graphics via button or menu entry or it can be exported to clipBoard via ctrl-c or a plublic slot. Properties --------------- **selectedGeometry** : *int*, get the currently selected geometric element within this plot **enablePlotting** : *bool*, enable and disable internal plotting functions and GUI-elements for geometric elements. **keepAspectRatio** : *bool*, enable and disable a fixed 1:1 aspect ratio between x and y axis. **geometricElementsCount** : *int*, number of currently existing geometric elements. **geometricElements** : *ito::DataObject*, geometric elements defined by a float32[11] array for each element. **axisFont** : *QFont*, font for axes tick values. **labelFont** : *QFont*, Font for axes descriptions. **titleFont** : *QFont*, Font for title. **valueLabel** : *QString*, Label of the value axis (y-axis) or '' if the description should be used from data object. **axisLabel**: *QString*, Label of the direction (x/y) axis or '' if the descriptions from the data object should be used. **title** : *QString*, Title of the plot or '' if the title of the data object should be used. **bounds** : *QVector*, **colorMap** : *QString*, Color map (string) that should be used to colorize a non-color data object. **yAxisInterval** : If member *auto* of *autoInterval* is False, the visible range of the displayed y-axis is set to the given range (in coordinates of the data object); else the range is automatically determined and set [default]. **xAxisInterval** : If member *auto* of *autoInterval* is False, the visible range of the displayed x-axis is set to the given range (in coordinates of the data object); else the range is automatically determined and set [default]. **camera** : *ito::AddInDataIO*, Use this property to set a camera/grabber to this plot (live image). **displayed** : *ito::DataObject*, This returns the currently displayed data object [read only]. **source** : *ito::DataObject*, Sets the input data object for this plot. **contextMenuEnabled** : *bool*, Defines whether the context menu of the plot should be enabled or not. **toolbarVisible** : *bool*, Toggles the visibility of the toolbar of the plot. Signals --------------- **plotItemsFinished(int,bool)**: Signal emitted if plotting of n-elements if finished. Use this for non-blocking synchronisation. *counts, int*: Number of plotted elements *aborted, bool*: Flag showing if draw function was cancled during plotting **plotItemsDeleted()**: Signal emitted if geometric elements were deleted. **plotItemDeleted(ito::int32)**: Signal emitted if specified geometric element was deleted. **plotItemChanged(ito::int32,ito::int32,QVector)**: Signal emitted if specified geometric element was changed. *idx, ito::int32*: Index of changed element *element, QVector*: New geometric featured of changed element **userInteractionDone(int,bool,QPolygonF)**: Signal emitted if user interaction is done. Internal function used for blocking synchronisation. Slots --------------- **ito::DataObject getDisplayed( )**: Retrieve currently displayed dataObject. **ito::RetVal clearGeometricElements( )**: Delete all geometric Elements **void userInteractionStart( int type, bool start [, int maxNrOfPoints = -1] )**: This slot should be called of non-blocking GUI-based drawing of geometric elements within this plot is necessary. See section :ref:`primitives` for a short introduction. *type, int*: type to plot *start, bool*: true if plotting should be started *maxNrOfPoints, int*: number of elements to plot **ito::RetVal deleteMarkers( int id)**: Delete geometric element *id, int*: the 0-based index of specific geometric element **ito::RetVal plotMarkers( ito::DataObject coords, QString style [, QString id = "" [, int plane = -1]])** : This slot is called to visualize markers and python-based plotting of geometric elements within this plot. See section :ref:`primitives` for a short introduction. *coords, ito::DataObject*: an initilized dataObject with a column per element and a set of rows describing its geometric features *style, QString*: Style for plotted markers, for geometric elements it is ignored *id, QString*: Text based id for markers will be ignored for geometric elements. **ito::RetVal setLinePlot( double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1 [, int linePlotIdx = -1])**: this can be invoked by python to trigger a lineplot, inherited from *class AbstractDObjFigure* *x0, double*: first position of linePlot in x-Direction *y0, double*: first position of linePlot in y-Direction *x1, double*: second position of linePlot in x-Direction *y1, double*: second position of linePlot in x-Direction **ito::RetVal setSource( ito::DataObject source, ItomSharedSemaphore* )** Set new source object to this plot. Usually invoked by any camera if used as a live image. *source, ito::DataObject *: The new dataObject to display *semaphore, ItomSharedSemaphore*: A semaphore to handle the multi-threading. **refreshPlot( )**: Refresh / redraw current plot **copyToClipBoard()**: Copy current canvas with white background to clipBoard Deprecated figures ========================== The plot-dll "itom1DQWTFigure" is deprecated and has been replaced by "Itom1DQwtPlot".