
class ito::AddInAlgo::FilterDef

container for publishing filters provided by any plugin

Public Functions


< empty, default constructor

constructor with all necessary arguments.

Public Members

t_filter m_filterFunc

function pointer (unbounded, static) for filter-method

t_filterParam m_paramFunc

function pointer (unbounded, static) for filter’s default parameter method

ito::AddInInterfaceBase * m_pBasePlugin

interface (factory) instance of this plugin (will be automatically filled)

QString m_name

name of filter

QString m_description

description of filter

ito::AddInAlgo::tAlgoCategory m_category

category, filter belongs to (default: catNone)

ito::AddInAlgo::tAlgoInterface m_interface

algorithm interface, filter fits to (default: iNotSpecified)

QString m_interfaceMeta

meta information if required by algorithm interface


class ito::AddInAlgo::AlgoWidgetDef

container for publishing widgets provided by any plugin

Public Functions


< empty, default constructor

constructor with all necessary arguments.

virtual ~AlgoWidgetDef()


Public Members

t_algoWidget m_widgetFunc

function pointer (unbounded, static) for widget-method

t_filterParam m_paramFunc

function pointer (unbounded, static) for widget’s default parameter method

ito::AddInInterfaceBase * m_pBasePlugin

interface (factory) instance of this plugin (will be automatically filled)

QString m_name

name of widget

QString m_description

description of widget

ito::AddInAlgo::tAlgoCategory m_category

category, widget belongs to (default: catNone)

ito::AddInAlgo::tAlgoInterface m_interface

algorithm interface, widget fits to (default: iNotSpecified)

QString m_interfaceMeta

meta information if required by algorithm interface