.. include:: ../include/global.inc Call Stack *************************** The call stack toolbox is only active and useful when debugging any python script with |itom|. The usage of the call stack should be presented using one simple example. The script **create_doc.py** is executed in debug mode and the debugger is currently waiting in the constructor of the class **Sphinx**, implemented in the file **application.py**. When opening this file in |itom|, a yellow array shows the current position of the debugger in line 69 of the file **application.py**. The corresponding call stack is then visible in the toolbox, like depicted below: .. figure:: images/callstack.png :scale: 100% :align: center A call stack shows the current function stack. At first, the debug process in |itom| is started by calling some functions in the files **bdb.py**, **itoDebugger.py** and **