.. include:: ../../include/global.inc .. sectionauthor:: Marc Gronle Development under C++ ======================= The functionality of *itom* can be enlarged by programming plugins (sometimes also called add-ins). Such a plugin is written in C++ and can be integrated into *itom* using the possibilities which are given by *Qt* (plugin management of *Qt*). Additionally each plugin must fit to one of three possible interface classes, such that *itom* is able to communicate with this plugin. Finally, the resulting plugin is compiled as a *dll*-file (on Windows) or as an appropriate *a*-file on Linux-based machines and must be located in the *plugin*-folder of *itom* or any subfolder. Then, the plugin is automatically recognized at startup of *itom*. For programming plugins, you can and should use basic structures, offered by |itom|: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 plugin-RetVal.rst plugin-sharedSemaphore.rst plugin-dataObject.rst plugin-params.rst plugin-paramsMeta.rst plugin-paramsValidate.rst The real documentation about the structure of plugins is organized as follows: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 pluginStructure.rst pluginInterfaceClass.rst pluginClass.rst plugin-dataIO.rst plugin-actuator.rst plugin-algo.rst pluginCreateCMake.rst pluginAutoLoadSavePolicy.rst plugin-itomAPI.rst plugin-externalLibraries.rst projectSettings.rst plugin-dockWidget.rst plugin-configDialog.rst