10.6. dataObject

This section contains the script reference to the main array class dataObject of itom. Read the overview document for more details about the Python interface of the class dataObject.

class itom.dataObject([dims [, dtype='uint8'[, continuous = 0][, data = valueOrSequence]]]) → constructor to get a new dataObject.

The itom.dataObject represents a multidimensional array of fixed-size items with corresponding meta information (units, axes descriptions, scalings, tags, protocol...). Recently the following data types (dtype) are supported:

  • Integer-type (int8, uint8, int16, uint16, int32, uint32),
  • Floating-type (float32, float64 (=> double)),
  • Complex-type (complex64 (2x float32), complex128 (2x float64)).
  • Color-type (rgba32 (uint32 or uint[4] containing the four 8bit values [R, G, B, Alpha])).

Arrays can also be constructed using some of the static pre-initialization methods ‘zeros’, ‘ones’, ‘rand’ or ‘randN’ (refer to the See Also section below).


dims : {sequence of integers}, optional

‘dims’ is a list or tuple indicating the size of each dimension, e.g. [2,3] is a matrix with 2 rows and 3 columns. If not given, an empty data object is created.

dtype : {str}, optional

‘dtype’ is the data type of each element, possible values: ‘int8’,’uint8’,...,’int32’,’uint32’,’float32’,’float64’,’complex64’,’complex128’, ‘rgba32’

continuous : {int}, optional

‘continuous’ [0|1] defines whether the data block should be continuously allocated in memory [1] or in different smaller blocks [0] (recommended for huge matrices).

data : {str}, optional

‘data’ is a single value or a sequence with the same amount of values than the data object. The values from data will be assigned to the new data object (filled row by row).

See also

ones, zeros, rand, randN


The itom.dataObject is a direct wrapper for the underlying C++ class dataObject. This array class mainly is based on the class Mat of the computer vision library (OpenCV).

In order to handle huge matrices, the data object can divide one array into chunks in memory. Each subpart (called matrix-plane) is two-dimensional and covers data of the last two dimensions. In c++-context each of these matrix-planes is of type cv::Mat_<type> and can be used with every operator given by the openCV-framework (version 2.3.1 or higher).

The dimensions of the matrix are structured descending. So if we assume to have a n-dimensional matrix A, where each dimension has its size s_i, the dimensions order is n, .., z, y, x and the corresponding sizes of A are [s_n, s_(n-1), s_(n-2), ..., s_y, s_x].

In order to make the data object compatible to continuously organized data structures, like numpy-arrays, it is also possible to have all matrix-planes in one data-block in memory (not recommended for huge matrices). Nevertheless, the indicated data structure with the two-dimensional sub-matrix-planes is still existing. The data organization is equal to the one of openCV, hence, two-dimensional matrices are stored row-by-row (C-style)...

In addition to OpenCV, itom.dataObject supports complex valued data types for all operators and methods.

Warning ‘uint32’ is not fully openCV-compatible and hence causes instability!

Deep Copy, Shallow Copy and ROI

It is possible to set a n-dimensional region of interest (ROI) to each matrix, the virtual dimensions, which will be delivered if the user asks for the matrix size. To avoid copy operations where possible a simple =_Operator will also make a shallow copy of the object. Shallow copies share the same data (elements and meta data) with the original object, hence manipulations of one object will affect the original object and all shallow copies.

The opposite a deep copy of a dataObject (by sourceObject.copy()) creates a complete mew matrix with own meta data object.


#Create an object 
dObj = dataObject([5, 10, 10], 'int8')

# Make a shallow copy 
dObjShallow = dObj 

# Make a shallow copy on ROI
dObjROI = dObj[1, :, :] 

# Set the value of element [1, 0, 0] to 0
dObj[1, 0, 0] = 0

# Make a deep copy of the dObjROI
dObjROICopy = dObjROI.copy()

# Set the value of dObjROICopy element [0, 0, 0] to 127 without effecting other objects
dObjROICopy[0, 0, 0] = 127


The function dataObject([dims [, dtype=’uint8’[, continuous = 0][, data = valueOrSequence]]]) creates a new itom-dataObject filled with undefined data. If no parameters are given, an uninitilized DataObject (dims = 0, no sizes) is created.

As second possibility you can also use the copy-constructor ‘dataObject(AnyArray)’, where AnyArray must be any array-like structure which is parsable by the numpy-interface.

abs() → return a new data object with the absolute values of the source

This method calculates the abs value of each element in source and writes the result to the output object.In case of floating point or real object, the type of the output will not change. For complex valuesthe type is changes to the corresponding floating type value.


res : {dataObject}

output dataObject of same shape but the type may be changed.

addToProtocol(newLine) → Appends a protocol line to the protocol.

Appends a line of text to the protocol string of this data object. If this data object has got a region of interest defined, the rectangle of the ROI is automatically appended to newLine. The protocol string ends with a newline character.

Address the content of the protocol by obj.tags[“protocol”]. The protocol is contained in the ordinary tag dictionary of this data object under the key ‘protocol’.


newLine : {str}

The text to be added to the protocol.

adj() → Adjugate all elements

Every plane (spanned by the last two axes) is transposed and every element is replaced by its complex conjugate value.


TypeError : :

if data type of this data object is not complex.

See also


adjugate() → returns the plane-wise adjugated array of this dataObject.

If this data object has a complex type, the tranposed data object is returned where every element is complex conjugated. For data objects with more than two dimensions the tranposition is done plane-wise, hence, only the last two dimensions are permutated.


out : {dataObject}

adjugate of this dataObject


TypeError : :

if data type of this data object is not complex.

See also


adjustROI(offsetList) → adjust the size and position of the region of interest of this data object

For every data object, it is possible to define a region of interest such that subsequent commands only refer to this subpart. However, if values within the region of interest (ROI) are changed, this also affects the original data object due to the shallow copy principal of python. Use this command to adjust the current size and position of this region of interest by passing an offset list, that contains integer numbers with twice the size than the number of dimensions.


d = dataObject([5,4]) 
droi = d 

Now droi is a region of interest of the original data object whose first value is equal to d[2,1] and its size is (3,2)


offsetList : {list of integers}

This list must have twice as many values than the number of dimensions of this data object. A pair of numbers indicates the shift of the current boundaries of the region of interest in every dimension. The first value of each pair is the offset of the ‘left’ boundary, the second the shift of the right boundary. A positive value means a growth of the region of interest, a negative one let the region of interest shrink towards the center.

See also


arg() → return a new data object with the argument values of the source

This method calculates the argument value of each element in source and writes the result to the output object.This object must be of complex type (complex128 or complex64). The output value will be float type (float64 or float32).


res : {dataObject}

output dataObject of same shape but the type is changed.

astype(typestring) → converts this data object to another type

Converts this data object to a new data object with another type, given by the string newTypestring (e.g. ‘uint8’). The converted data object is a deep copy of this object if the new type does not correspond to the current type, else a shallow copy of this object is returned.


typestring : {str}

Type string indicating the new type (‘uint8’,...’float32’,..,’complex64’)


c : {dataObject}

type-converted data object


This method mainly uses the method convertTo of OpenCV.

conj() → complex-conjugates all elements of this dataObject (inline).

Every value of this dataObject is replaced by its complex-conjugate value.


TypeError : :

if data type of this data object is not complex.

See also


conjugate() → return a copy of this dataObject where every element is complex-conjugated.

out : {dataObject}

element-wise complex conjugate of this data object


TypeError : :

if data type of this data object is not complex.

See also


copy(regionOnly=0) → return a deep copy of this dataObject

regionOnly : {bool}, optional

If regionOnly is 1, only the current region of interest of this dataObject is copied, else the entire dataObject including the current settings concerning the region of interest are deeply copied [default].


cpy : {dataObject}

Deep copy of this dataObject

data() → prints the content of the dataObject in a readable form.


When calling this method, the complete content of the dataObject is printed to the standard output stream.

deleteTag(key) → Delete a tag specified by key from the tag dictionary.

Checks whether a tag with the given key exists in the tag dictionary and if so deletes it.


key : {str}

the name of the tag to be deleted


success : {bool}:

True if tag with given key existed and could be deleted, else False

div(obj) → a.div(b) return result of element wise division of a./b

All meta information (axis scales, offsets, descriptions, units, tags...) of the resulting object are copied from this data object.


obj : {dataObject}

Every value in this data object is divided by the corresponding value in obj.


c : {dataObject}

Resulting divided data object.

existTag(key) → return True if tag with given key exists, else False

Checks whether a tag with the given key exists in tag dictionary of this data object and returns True if such a tag exists, else False.


key : {str}

the key of the tag


result : {bool}

True if tag exists, else False

static eye(size[, dtype='uint8']) → creates a 2D, square, eye-matrix.

Static method for creating a two-dimensional, square, eye-matrix of type itom.dataObject.


size : {int},

the size of the square matrix (single value)

dtype : {str}, optional

‘dtype’ is the data type of each element, possible values: ‘int8’,’uint8’,...,’int32’,’uint32’,’float32’,’float64’,’complex64’,’complex128’


I : {dataObject} of shape (size,size)

An array where all elements are equal to zero, except for the ‘k-th diagonal, whose values are equal to one.

See also

method for creating a matrix filled with ones
method for creating a matrix filled with zeros
getTagListSize() → returns the number of tags in the tag dictionary

Every data object can have an arbitrary number of tags stored in the tag dictionary. This method returns the number of different tags, where the protocol is also one tag with the key ‘protocol’.


length : {int}:

size of the tag dictionary. The optional protocol also counts as one item.

imag() → return a new data object with the imaginary part of the source

This method extracts the imaginary part of each element in source and writes the result to the output object.This object must be of complex type (complex128 or complex64). The output value will be float type (float64 or float32).


res : {dataObject}

output dataObject of same shape but the type is changed.

locateROI() → returns information about the current region of interest of this data object

A region of interest (ROI) of a data object is defined by the two values per axis. The first element always indicates the size between the real border of the data object and the region of interest on the left / top ... side and the second value the margin of the right / bottom ... side.

This method returns a tuple with two elements: The first is a list with the original sizes of this data object, the second is a list with the offsets from the original data object to the first value in the current region of interest

If no region of interest is set (hence: full region of interest), the first list corresponds to the one returned by size(), the second list is a zero-vector.

See also


makeContinuous() → return continuous representation of dataObject

Per default a dataObject with more than two dimensions allocates separated chunks of memory for every plane, where a plane is always the matrix given by the last two dimensions. This separated storage usually allows allocating more memory for huge for instance three dimensional matrices. However, in order to generate a dataObject that is directly compatible to Numpy or other C-style matrix structures, the entire allocated memory must be in one block, that is called continuous. If you create a Numpy array from a dataObject that is not continuous, this function is implicitely called in order to firstly make the dataObject continuous before passing to Numpy.


obj : {dataObject}

continuous dataObject


if this dataObject already is continuous, a simple shallow copy is returned

mul(obj) → a.mul(b) returns element wise multiplication of a*b

All meta information (axis scales, offsets, descriptions, units, tags...) of the resulting object are copied from this data object.


obj : {dataObject}

dataObject whose values are element-wisely multiplied with the values in this dataObject.


c : {dataObject}

Resulting multiplied data object.

For a mathematical multiplication see the *-operator. :

name() -> returns the name of this object (dataObject)
normalize([minValue=0.0, maxValue=1.0, typestring='']) → returns the normalization of this dataObject

Returns the normalized version of this data object, where the values lie in the range [minValue,maxValue]. Additionally it is also possible to convert the resulting data object to another type (given by the parameter typestring). As default no type conversion is executed.


minValue : {double}

minimum value of the normalized range

maxValue : {double}

maximum value of the normalized range

typestring : {String}

Type string indicating the new type (‘uint8’,...’float32’,..,’complex64’), default: ‘’ (no type conversion)


normalized : {dataObject}

normalized data object

static ones(dims[, dtype='uint8'[, continuous = 0]]) → creates new dataObject filled with ones.

Static method for creating a new n-dimensional itom.dataObject with given number of dimensions and dtype, filled with ones.


dims : {integer list}

‘dims’ is list indicating the size of each dimension, e.g. [2,3] is a matrix with 2 rows and 3 columns

dtype : {str}, optional

‘dtype’ is the data type of each element, possible values: ‘int8’,’uint8’,...,’int32’,’float32’,’float64’,’complex64’,’complex128’, ‘rgba32’

continuous : {int}, optional

‘continuous’ [0|1] defines whether the data block should be continuously allocated in memory [1] or in different smaller blocks [0] (recommended for huge matrices).


I : {dataObject} of shape (size,size)

An array where all elements are equal to one.

See also

method for creating an eye matrix
method for creating a matrix filled with zeros


For color-types (rgba32) every item / cell will be white: [r=255 g=255 b=255 a=255].

physToPix(values[, axes]) → returns the pixel coordinates for the given physical coordinates.

This method transforms a physical axis coordinate into its corresponding pixel coordinate. The transformation is influenced by the offset and scaling of each axis:

phys = (pix - offset) * scaling

If no axes parameter is given, the values are assumed to belong the the ascending axis list (0,1,2,3...). The returned pixel value is clipped by the real size of the data object in the requested dimension [0, shape[axis]-1].


values : {float, float-tuple}

One single physical coordinate or a tuple of physical coordinates.

axes : {int, int-tuple}, optional

If this is given, the values are mapped to the axis indices given by this value or tuple. Else, an ascending list starting with index 0 is assumed.


Float or float-tuple with the pixel coordinates for each physical coordinate at the given axis index. :


Value error : :

if the given axes is invalid (out of range)

Runtime warning : :

if requested physical unit is outside of the range of the requested axis. The returned pixel value is clipped to the closest boundary value.

pixToPhys(values[, axes]) → returns the physical coordinates for the given pixel coordinates.

This method transforms a pixel coordinate into its corresponding physical coordinate. The transformation is influenced by the offset and scaling of each axis:

pix = (phys / scaling) + offset

If no axes parameter is given, the values are assumed to belong the the ascending axis list (0,1,2,3...).


values : {float, float-tuple}

One single pixel coordinate or a tuple of pixel coordinates.

axes : {int, int-tuple}, optional

If this is given, the values are mapped to the axis indices given by this value or tuple. Else, an ascending list starting with index 0 is assumed.


Float or float-tuple with the physical coordinates for each pixel coordinate at the given axis index. :


Value error : :

if the given axes is invalid (out of range)

static rand([dims[, dtype='uint8'[, continuous = 0]]]) → creates new dataObject filled with uniform distributed random values.

Static method to create a new itom.dataObject filled with uniform distributed random numbers. In case of an integer type, the uniform noise is from min<ObjectType>(inclusiv) to max<ObjectType>(inclusiv). For floating point types, the noise is between 0(inclusiv) and 1(exclusiv).


dims : {integer list}

‘dims’ is list indicating the size of each dimension, e.g. [2,3] is a matrix with 2 rows and 3 columns.

dtype : {str}, optional

‘dtype’ is the data type of each element, possible values: ‘int8’,’uint8’,...,’int32’,’float32’,’float64’,’complex64’,’complex128’

continuous : {int}, optional

‘continuous’ [0|1] defines whether the data block should be continuously allocated in memory [1] or in different smaller blocks [0] (recommended for huge matrices).


out : {dataObject}

Array of random numbers with the given dimensions, dtype.

See also

method for creating a matrix filled with gaussian distributed values
static randN(dims[, dtype='uint8'[, continuous = 0]]) → creates dataObject filled with gaussian distributed random values.

Static method to create a new itom.dataObject filled with gaussian distributed random numbers. In case of an integer type, the gausian noise mean value is (max+min)/2.0 and the standard deviation is (max-min/)6.0 to max. For floating point types, the noise mean value is 0 and the standard deviation is 1.0/3.0.


dims : {integer list}

‘dims’ is list indicating the size of each dimension, e.g. [2,3] is a matrix with 2 rows and 3 columns.

dtype : {str}, optional

‘dtype’ is the data type of each element, possible values: ‘int8’,’uint8’,...,’int32’, ‘float32’,’float64’,’complex64’,’complex128’

continuous : {int}, optional

‘continuous’ [0|1] defines whether the data block should be continuously allocated in memory [1] or in different smaller blocks [0] (recommended for huge matrices).


out : {dataObject}

Array of random numbers with the given dimensions, dtype.

See also

method for creating a matrix filled with unformly distributed values
real() → return a new data object with the real part of the source

This method extracts the real part of each element in source and writes the result to the output object.This object must be of complex type (complex128 or complex64). The output value will be float type (float64 or float32).


res : {dataObject}

output dataObject of same shape but the type is changed.

reshape(newShape) → return a reshaped shallow copy (if possible) of this dataObject.

This method returns a shallow or deep copy if this data object where the type and data is unchanged. The shape of the returned object corresponds to the parameter ‘newShape’. The number of values must therefore not be changed. If the last two dimensions of ‘newShape’ and this object are the same, a shallow copy can be returned, else a deep copy has to be created. Tags and the rotation matrix are copied, the axis tags are only copied for all axes whose size will not change beginning from the last axis (‘x’). This axis copying is stopped after the first axis with a different new size.


newShape : {seq. of int}

New shape of the returned object. A minimal size of this list or tuple is two.


reshaped : {dataObject}

The reshaped data object.


This method is similar to numpy.reshape

setAxisDescription(axisNum, axisDescription) → Set the description of the specified axis.

Each axis in the data object can get a specific axisDescription string (e.g. mm). Use this method to set the axisDescription of one specific axis.


axisNum : {int}

The addressed axis index

axisDescription : {str}

New axis description


Runtime error : :

if the given axisNum is invalid (out of range)

See also

this attribute can directly be used to read/write the axis description(s) of single or all axes
setAxisOffset(axisNum, axisOffset) → Set the offset of the specified axis.

Each axis in the data object can get a specific scale value, described in axisUnits per pixel. Use this method to set the scale of one specific axis. The value of each pixel in its physical unit is the (px-Coordinate - axisOffset) * axisScale


axisNum : {int}

The addressed axis index

axisOffset : {double}

New axis offset in [px]


Runtime error : :

if the given axisNum is invalid (out of range)

See also

this attribute can directly be used to read/write the axis offset(s) of single or all axes
setAxisScale(axisNum, axisScale) → Set the scale value of the specified axis.

Each axis in the data object can get a specific scale value, described in axisUnits per pixel. Use this method to set the scale of one specific axis.


axisNum : {int}

The addressed axis index

axisScale : {double}

New axis scale in axisUnit/px


Runtime error : :

if the given axisNum is invalid (out of range)

See also

this attribute can directly be used to read/write the axis scale(s) of single or all axes
setAxisUnit(axisNum, axisUnit) → Set the unit of the specified axis.

Each axis in the data object can get a specific unit string (e.g. mm). Use this method to set the unit of one specific axis.


axisNum : {int}

The addressed axis index

axisUnit : {str}

New axis unit


Runtime error : :

if the given axisNum is invalid (out of range)

See also

this attribute can directly be used to read/write the axis unit(s) of single or all axes
setTag(key, tagvalue) → Set the value of tag specified by key.

Sets the value of an existing tag (defined by key) in the tag dictionary to the string or double tagvalue or adds a new item with key.


key : {str}

the name of the tag to set

tagvalue : {str or double}

the new value of the tag, either string or double value


Do NOT use ‘special character’ within the tag key because they are not XML-save.

size([index]) → returns the size of this dataObject (tuple of the sizes in all dimensions or size in dimension indicated by optional axis index).

index : {int}, optional

If index is given, only the size of the indicated dimension is returned as single number (0 <= index < number of dimensions)


A tuple containing the sizes of all dimensions or one single size value if ‘index’ is indicated. :

See also

the read-only attribute shape is equal to size()


For a more consistent syntax with respect to numpy arrays, the same result is obtained by the attribute shape. Please use the attribute shape for future implementations since this method is marked as deprecated.

squeeze() → return a squeezed shallow copy (if possible) of this dataObject.

This method removes every dimension with size equal to 1. A shallow copy is only returned, if the last two dimensions (called plane) are not affected by the squeeze operation. Else a deep-copy has to be returned due to a overall re- aligment of the matrix. The returned object can never have less then two dimensions. If this is the case, the last or second to last dimensions with a size of 1 is not deleted. If squeeze() returns a shallow copy, a change in a value will change the same value in the original object, too.


squeezed : {dataObject}

The squeezed data object.


This method is similar to numpy.squeeze

toGray([destinationType='uint8']) → returns the rgba32 color data object as a gray-scale object

The destination data object has the same size than this data object and the real type given by destinationType. The pixel-wise conversion is done using the formula: gray = 0.299 * red + 0.587 * green + 0.114 * blue. Parameters ———– destinationType : {str}

Type string indicating the new real type (‘uint8’,...’float32’,’float64’ - no complex)

dataObj : {dataObject}

converted gray-scale data object of desired type

tolist() → return the data object as a (possibly nested) list

This method returns a nested list with all values of this data object. The recursion level of this nested list corresponds to the number of dimensions. The outer list corresponds to the first dimension.


y : {list}

Nested list with values of data object (int, float or complex depending on type of data object)

trans() → return a plane-wise transposed dataObject

Return a new data object with the same data type than this object and where every plane (data spanned by the last two dimensions) is transposed respectively such that the last two axes are permuted.


out : {dataObject}

A copy of this dataObject is returned where every plane is its transposed plane.

static zeros(dims[, dtype='uint8'[, continuous = 0]]) → creates new dataObject filled with zeros.

Static method for creating a new n-dimensional itom.dataObject with given number of dimensions and dtype, filled with zeros.


dims : {integer list}

‘dims’ is list indicating the size of each dimension, e.g. [2,3] is a matrix with 2 rows and 3 columns

dtype : {str}, optional

‘dtype’ is the data type of each element, possible values: ‘int8’,’uint8’,...,’int32’,’float32’,’float64’,’complex64’,’complex128’, ‘rgba32’

continuous : {int}, optional

‘continuous’ [0|1] defines whether the data block should be continuously allocated in memory [1] or in different smaller blocks [0] (recommended for huge matrices).


I : {dataObject} of shape (size,size)

An array where all elements are equal to zero.

See also

method for creating an eye matrix
method for creating a matrix filled with ones


For color-types (rgba32) every item / cell will be black and transparent: [r=0 g=0 b=0 a=0].


tuple containing the axis descriptions {str}.

This attribute gives access to the internal axis descriptions expressed as a tuple of strings. The tuple has the same length than the number of dimensions of this data object.

You can either assign a new tuple with the same length or change single values using tuple indexing.

The axis descriptions are considered if the data object is plotted.

See also

alternative method to change the description string of one single axis


read / write


tuple containing the axis offsets [px].

This attribute gives access to the internal axis offsets [px] expressed as a tuple of double values. The i-th value in the tuple corresponds to the pixel-offset of the i-th axis. Either assign a new tuple with the same length than the number of dimensions or change single values using tuple indexing.

Definition: Physical unit = (px-Coordinate - offset)* scale

If the data object is plot with offsets != 0, the scaled (physical) units are displayed in the plot.

See also



read / write


tuple containing the axis scales [unit/px].

This attribute gives access to the internal axis scales [unit/px] expressed as a tuple of double values. The i-th value in the tuple corresponds to the scaling factor of the i-th axis. Either assign a new tuple with the same length than the number of dimensions or change single values using tuple indexing.

Definition: Physical unit = (px-Coordinate - offset)* scale

If the data object is plot with scalings != 1, the scaled (physical) units are displayed in the plot.

See also



read / write


tuple containing the axis units {str}.

This attribute gives access to the internal axis units expressed as a tuple of strings. The tuple has the same length than the number of dimensions of this data object.

You can either assign a new tuple with the same length or change single values using tuple indexing.

The axis units are considered if the data object is plotted.

See also

alternative method to change the unit string of one single axis


read / write


base object


true if matrix is continuously organized, else false.

If true, the whole matrix is allocated in one huge block in memory, hence, this data object can be transformed into a numpy representation without reallocating memory.




number of dimensions of this data object


read-only property, this property is readable both by the attributes ndim and dims.


get type string of data in this data object

This type string has one of these values: ‘uint8’, ‘int8’, ‘uint16’, ‘int16’, ‘uint32’, ‘int32’, ‘float32’, ‘float64’, ‘complex64’, ‘complex128’, ‘rgba32’


This attribute is read-only


return dictionary with all meta information of this dataObject

Returns a new dictionary with the following meta information:

  • axisOffsets : List with offsets of each axis
  • axisScales : List with the scales of each axis
  • axisUnits : List with the unit strings of each axis
  • axisDescriptions : List with the description strings of each axis
  • tags : Dictionary with all tags including the tag ‘protocol’ if at least one protocol entry has been added using addToProtocol
  • valueOffset : Offset of each value (0.0)
  • valueScale : Scale of each value (1.0)
  • valueDescription : Description of the values
  • valueUnit : The unit string of the values


Adding or changing values to / in the dictionary does not change the meta information of the dataObject. Use the corresponding setters like setTag... instead.


number of dimensions of this data object


read-only property, this property is readable both by the attributes ndim and dims.


tuple with the sizes of each dimension / axis of this data object.

See also



In difference to the shape attribute of numpy arrays, no new shape tuple can be assigned to this value (used to ‘reshape’ the array). Read-only.


tag dictionary of this data object.

This attribute returns a dict_proxy object of the tag dictionary of this data object. This object is read-only. However you can assign an entire new dictionary to this attribute that fully replaces the old tag dictionary. The tag dictionary can contain arbitrary pairs of key -> value where value is either a string or a double value.

Special tags are the key ‘protocol’ that contains the newline-separated protocol string of the data object (see: addToProtocol()) or the key ‘title’ that can for instance be used as title in any plots.

You can add single elements using the method setTag(key,value) or you can delete tags using deleteTag(key).

Do NOT use ‘special character’ within the tag key because they are not XML-save.


read-only / write only for fully new dictionary


get/set the values within the ROI as a one-dimensional tuple.

This method gets or sets the values within the ROI. If this attribute is called by means of a getter, a tuple is returned which is created by iterating through the values of the data object (row-wise). In the same way of iterating, the values are set to the data object if you provide a tuple of the size of the data object or its ROI, respectively.


b = dataObject[1,1:10,1,1].value
# or for the first value 
b = dataObject[1,1:10,1,1].value[0]
# The elements of the tuple are adressed with b[idx].

value unit description.

Attribute to read or write the unit description string of the values in this data object.

The value description is considered if the data object is plotted.


read / write


value offset.

This attribute gives the offset of each value in the data object. This value is always 0.0.


This attribute is read only


value scale.

This attribute gives the scaling factor of each value in the data object. This value is always 1.0.


This attribute is read only


value unit.

Attribute to read or write the unit string of the values in this data object.

The value unit is considered if the data object is plotted.


read / write


Access the 3x3 rotational matrix in the dataObject tagspace

This attribute gives access to the xyRotationalMatrix in the metaData-Tagspace. The getter method retuns a 3x3-Array deep copied from the internal matrix, Implemented to offer compability to x3p format.


{3x3 array of doubles} : ReadWrite