itom 2.2.0
00001 /* ********************************************************************
00002     itom software
00003     URL:
00004     Copyright (C) 2016, Institut fuer Technische Optik (ITO),
00005     Universitaet Stuttgart, Germany
00007     This file is part of itom and its software development toolkit (SDK).
00009     itom is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00010     under the terms of the GNU Library General Public Licence as published by
00011     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Licence, or (at
00012     your option) any later version.
00014     In addition, as a special exception, the Institut fuer Technische
00015     Optik (ITO) gives you certain additional rights.
00016     These rights are described in the ITO LGPL Exception version 1.0,
00017     which can be found in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
00019     itom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
00020     WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00022     General Public Licence for more details.
00024     You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
00025     along with itom. If not, see <>.
00026 *********************************************************************** */
00030 //
00031 //#include "typeDefs.h"
00032 //#include "../DataObject/dataobj.h"
00033 //
00034 //#if !defined(Q_MOC_RUN) || defined(ITOMCOMMONQT_MOC) //only moc this file in itomCommonQtLib but not in other libraries or executables linking against this itomCommonQtLib
00035 //
00036 //#define PRIM_ELEMENTLENGTH 11 /** \brief number of elements within the geometricPrimitives */
00037 //
00038 //
00040 //*   \brief This union was defined for adressing geometricPrimitives.
00041 //    \detail The union geometricPrimitives contains an array called cells with the size of PRIM_ELEMENTLENGTH.
00042 //    The cells contain:
00043 //    0. The unique index of the current primitive, castable to int32 with a maximum up to 16bit index values
00044 //    1. Type flag 0000FFFF and further flags e.g. read&write only FFFF0000
00045 //    2. First coordinate with x value
00046 //    3. First coordinate with y value
00047 //    4. First coordinate with z value
00048 //    All other values depends on the primitiv type and may change between each type.
00049 //    A point is defined as idx, flags, centerX0, centerY0, centerZ0
00050 //    A line is defined as idx, flags, x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1
00051 //    A ellipse is defined as idx, flags, centerX, centerY, centerZ, r1, r2
00052 //    A circle is defined as idx, flags, centerX, centerY, centerZ, r
00053 //    A rectangle is defined as idx, flags, x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, alpha
00054 //    A square is defined as idx, flags, centerX, centerY, centerZ, a, alpha
00055 //    A polygon is defined as idx, flags, posX, posY, posZ, directionX, directionY, directionZ, idx, numIdx
00056 //    \author Wolfram Lyda, twip optical solutions GmbH, Stuttgart
00057 //    \date   12.2013
00058 //*/
00059 //
00060 //struct ITOMCOMMONQT_EXPORT geometricPrimitives
00061 //{
00062 //
00064 //    struct point
00065 //    {
00066 //        ito::float32 idx;
00067 //        ito::float32 flags;
00068 //        ito::float32 x0;
00069 //        ito::float32 y0;
00070 //        ito::float32 z0;
00071 //    };
00072 //
00073 //    struct line
00074 //    {
00075 //        ito::float32 idx;
00076 //        ito::float32 flags;
00077 //        ito::float32 x0;
00078 //        ito::float32 y0;
00079 //        ito::float32 z0;
00080 //        ito::float32 x1;
00081 //        ito::float32 y1;
00082 //        ito::float32 z1;
00083 //    };
00084 //
00085 //    struct elipse
00086 //    {
00087 //        ito::float32 idx;
00088 //        ito::float32 flags;
00089 //        ito::float32 centerX;
00090 //        ito::float32 centerY;
00091 //        ito::float32 centerZ;
00092 //        ito::float32 r1;
00093 //        ito::float32 r2;
00094 //        ito::float32 alpha;
00095 //    };
00096 //
00097 //    struct circle
00098 //    {
00099 //        ito::float32 idx;
00100 //        ito::float32 flags;
00101 //        ito::float32 centerX;
00102 //        ito::float32 centerY;
00103 //        ito::float32 centerZ;
00104 //        ito::float32 r1;
00105 //    };
00106 //
00107 //    struct retangle
00108 //    {
00109 //        ito::float32 idx;
00110 //        ito::float32 flags;
00111 //        ito::float32 x0;
00112 //        ito::float32 y0;
00113 //        ito::float32 z0;
00114 //        ito::float32 x1;
00115 //        ito::float32 y1;
00116 //        ito::float32 z1;
00117 //        ito::float32 alpha;
00118 //    };
00119 //
00120 //    struct square
00121 //    {
00122 //        ito::float32 idx;
00123 //        ito::float32 flags;
00124 //        ito::float32 centerX;
00125 //        ito::float32 centerY;
00126 //        ito::float32 centerZ;
00127 //        ito::float32 a;
00128 //        ito::float32 alpha;
00129 //    };
00130 //
00131 //    struct polygoneElement
00132 //    {
00133 //        ito::float32 idx;
00134 //        ito::float32 flags;
00135 //        ito::float32 x0;
00136 //        ito::float32 y0;
00137 //        ito::float32 z0;
00138 //        ito::float32 directionX;
00139 //        ito::float32 directionY;
00140 //        ito::float32 directionZ;
00141 //        ito::float32 pointIdx;
00142 //        ito::float32 pointNumber;
00143 //    };
00144 //*/
00145 //    ito::float32 cells[PRIM_ELEMENTLENGTH];
00146 //};
00147 //
00148 //
00149 //
00150 //namespace ito
00151 //{
00152 //
00153 //    /** \class PrimitiveContainer
00154 //    *   \detail This is a container to store geometric primitives.
00155 //                The enum tPrimitive of this file defines the geometric primitives for all plots.
00156 //        \author Wolfram Lyda, twip optical solutions GmbH, Stuttgart
00157 //        \date   12.2013
00158 //    */
00159 //    class ITOMCOMMONQT_EXPORT PrimitiveContainer 
00160 //    {
00161 //    public:
00162 //
00163 //        /** \enum tPrimitive
00164 //        *   \detail Discribes the different primtive types
00165 //            \sa itom1DQwtPlot, itom2DQwtPlot
00166 //        */
00167 //        enum tPrimitive
00168 //        {
00169 //            tNoType           =   0,            /**! NoType for pick*/
00170 //            tMultiPointPick   =   6,            /**! Multi point pick*/
00171 //            tPoint            =   101,          /**! Element is tPoint or order to pick points*/
00172 //            tLine             =   102,          /**! Element is tLine or order to pick lines*/
00173 //            tRectangle        =   103,          /**! Element is tRectangle or order to pick rectangles*/
00174 //            tSquare           =   104,          /**! Element is tSquare or order to pick squares*/
00175 //            tEllipse          =   105,          /**! Element is tEllipse or order to pick ellipses*/
00176 //            tCircle           =   106,          /**! Element is tCircle or order to pick circles*/
00177 //            tPolygon          =   110,          /**! Element is tPolygon or order to pick polygon*/
00178 //            tMoveLock         =   0x00010000,   /**! Element is readOnly */
00179 //            tRotateLock       =   0x00020000,   /**! Element can not be moved */
00180 //            tResizeLock       =   0x00040000,   /**! Element can not be moved */
00181 //            tTypeMask         =   0x0000FFFF,   /**! Mask for the type space */
00182 //            tFlagMask         =   0xFFFF0000    /**! Mask for the flag space */
00183 //        };
00184 //
00186 //        PrimitiveContainer(DataObject primitives = DataObject());
00187 //        ~PrimitiveContainer();
00188 //
00189 //
00190 //
00191 //        inline int getNumberOfRows() const {return m_primitives.getSize(0);};
00192 //        inline int getNumberOfElements(const int type) const;
00193 //        inline int getFirstElementRow(const int type) const;
00194 //        inline ito::float32* getElementPtr(const int row);
00195 //        inline const ito::float32* getElementPtr(const int row) const;
00196 //        inline int getIndexFromRow(const int row) const;
00197 //        inline int getRowFromIndex(const int idx) const;
00198 //
00199 //        inline bool isElement(const int row) const;
00200 //        void clear(void);
00201 //
00202 //        ito::RetVal addElement(const int type, ito::float32 * cells);
00203 //        ito::RetVal changeElement(const int type, ito::float32 * cells);
00204 //        ito::RetVal removeElement(const int row);
00205 //
00206 //        ito::RetVal copyGeometricElements(const ito::DataObject &rhs);
00207 //
00208 //    private:
00209 //
00210 //        ito::DataObject m_primitives;
00211 //        cv::Mat * m_internalMat;
00213 //
00214 //    };
00215 //
00216 //
00217 //}
00218 //
00219 //#endif //#if !defined(Q_MOC_RUN) || defined(ITOMCOMMONQT_MOC)
00220 //
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