.. include:: ../include/global.inc .. |star| unicode:: U+002A .. _install-all-in-one-dev-setup_creation: All-In-One development creation ******************************* This chapter here shows how the all-in-one develoment setup is created. In this setup all required components for the |itom| development environment are installed/compiled. The following steps must be executed in the given procedure. In the chapter about :ref:`install_all-in-one_development_setup ` you find how the development environment is installed. Download all required software/packages for 64-bit version/ 32-bit version --------------------------------------------------------------------------- All these steps here are shown for a 64-bit version of the all-in-one development setup. A 32-bit version is created in the same way with the corresponding 32-bit software/packages. Download minimum required software/packages =========================================== First download alle the needed software and packages. This download links are for the current availabe software versions (April 2016). * `MS Visual Studio 2017 Community `_ (vs_community__45489951.1547806605.exe) * `Qt Visual Studio Add-in 2.3.0 `_ (qt-vsaddin-msvc2017-2.3.0.vsix) * `Qt 5.12.0 for Windows 64-bit (VS 2017) Offline Installer `_ (qt-opensource-windows-x86-5.12.1.exe) * `CMake 3.13.4 `_ (cmake-3.5.2-win32-x86.msi) * `Python 3.7.2 Windows x85-64 executable installer `_ (python-3.7.2-amd64.exe) - `Numpy 1.11.0 cp35 win_amd64 `_ (numpy-1.16.2+mkl-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl) - `Pip 19.0.2 `_ (pip-19.0.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl) - `Setuptools 40.8.0 `_ (setuptools-40.8.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl) - `Wheel 0.33.0 `_ (wheel-0.33.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl) - `Jedi 0.12.3 `_ (jedi-0.13.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl) - `Parso 0.3.4 `_ (parso-0.3.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl) - `Pyflakes 2.1.1 `_ (pyflakes-2.1.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl) * `Git 2.21.0 64-bit `_ (Git-2.21.0-64-bit.exe) * `TortoiseGit `_ (TortoiseGit- * `Doxygen 1.8.11 `_ (doxygen-1.8.11.windows.x64.bin.zip) * `OpenSSL 1.0.2l `_ (openssl-1.0.2l-x64_86-win64.zip) .. warning:: **Qt WebEngine**, **Qt WebEngineWidgets** are only available under VS 2017 as it is shown in the figure below! Qt 5.10.1 supports **Qt WebEngine**, **Qt WebEngineWidgets** for VS2015. .. figure:: images/all-in-one-create/QT_WebEngine_hint.png :scale: 100% :align: center Download packages for the 3rdPartyPCL tools =========================================== * `OpenCV 3.4.5 source `_ (opencv-master.zip) * `Boost 1.69.0 binaries `_ (boost_1_69_0-msvc-12.0-64.exe) * `Eigen 3.3.7 repository `_ (eigen-eigen-323c052e1731.zip) * `VTK 8.2.0 source `_ (VTK-8.2.0.zip) * `PCL 1.9.1 source `_ (pcl-master.zip) * FLANN and QHULL can be copied from the current all-in-one development version. Install Visual Studio 2017 ------------------------------- Install Visual Studio 2017 Community without optional features. Creating the _install_ and 3rdParty folder --------------------------------------------- Create a path on your hard drive with a long, long path name called **${MAINDIR}**. Later, the all-in-one path on the destination computer must be shorter than this path name, due to the Qt patching. For example your path can be called: E:\\itom_all-in-one_development\\itom_all-in-one_development\\vs2017_qt5.12.1_x64\\. Than create the following paths relative to the **${MAINDIR}**. 3rdPartyPCL is not necessary to create a working |itom|. .. figure:: images/all-in-one-create/folder_structure.png :scale: 100% :align: center _install_ folder ================ The _install_ folder is used to execute the installation procedure of the all-in-one development. Copy the following files into **${MAINDIR}**/_install_ folder .. figure:: images/all-in-one-create/folder_install.png :scale: 100% :align: center optional folder ```````````````` This folder is for optional software, which is not necessary to build and compile a working |itom|. This software is required further for development purposes. Copy the following files into **${MAINDIR}**/_install_/optional folder .. figure:: images/all-in-one-create/folder_optional.png :scale: 100% :align: center qpatch folder `````````````` The folder *qpatch* contains the files, which are needed to patch the prebuild version of Qt version. Copy following files into **${MAINDIR}**/_install_/qpatch folder. Change the **root** Qt path and the target path in the **create_files_to_patch.py** file. Execute the script and check if the filenames in the **files-to-patch-windows** has been found. .. figure:: images/all-in-one-create/folder_qpatch.png :scale: 100% :align: center 3rdParty folder =============== Creating preinstalled version of Python ```````````````````````````````````````` For the compilation of |itom|, it is not necessary to have a installed Python on the computer. For the Python 3rdParty folder, first: * Install the current version of **Python** on your computer. * Copy the installed **Python** folder into the **${MAINDIR}**/3rdParty/Python folder. * Deinstall it again. .. warning:: You have to copy the installed folder, rename and deinstall it does not work! Creating prebuild version of Qt ```````````````````````````````` For a working |itom| development environment only a prebuild version of Qt is necessary. * Install Qt into the **${MAINDIR}**/3rdParty/Qt5.12.1 with the components msvc2017 64-bit, Qt WebView, Qt WebEngine. Qt Creator is not necessary, but can not be unchecked * After the installation copy the folder to another location (**${MAINDIR}**/3rdParty/Qt5.12.1_backup) and uninstall Qt in the Windows program settings * Rename Qt5.12.1_backup back to Qt5.12.1 * From Qt5.12.1/Docs/Qt-5.12 copy all |star| .qch files (only in the main folder) to Qt5.12.1/5.12/msvc2017_64/doc * Start the Qt Assistant (**${MAINDIR}**/3rdParty/Qt5.12.1/5.12/msvc2017_64/bin), open **options/documentation** and delete all. Add then the copied documentation files. * From Qt5.12.1 delete the following things: * folder: dist, Examples, Tools, vcredist, Docs (after having copied the qch files) * files: all files in the main folder, e. g. components.xml... * Copy OpenSSL **libeay32.dll** and **ssleay32.dll** to the **${MAINDIR}**/3rdParty/Qt5.12.1/5.12/msvc2017_64/bin .. warning:: Create a path on your hard drive with a long, long path name (called ${MAINDIR}) (later, the all-in-one path on destination computers must be shorter than this path name, due to the Qt patching) .. warning:: The QT version **5.6.2** has a bug which prevent the start of the QT designer {'QTBUG-53984': ('https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-53984', 'QTBUG-53984')}. The workaround is to change the name of **Qt5WebEngineWidgets.dll** and **Qt5WebEngineWidgetsd.dll**, then copy the **Qt5Core.dll** and **Qt5Cored.dll** and change the name of these dll-files into **Qt5WebEngineWidgets.dll** and **Qt5WebEngineWidgetsd.dll**. This bug should be solved with QT version 5.6.3 (release August 2017). Compile OpenCV ```````````````` OpenCV must be build from the source files. You should create following folder structure: **source, build_x64, install_x64**. Than open CMake and set the source and build path. Configure the CMake file with following options: * CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: absolute path to **install_x64**. * BUILD options: .. figure:: images/all-in-one-create/CMake_BUILD_OPENCV.png :scale: 100% :align: center WITH options: .. figure:: images/all-in-one-create/CMake_WITH_OPENCV.png :scale: 100% :align: center Start the compilation of the **INSTALL** build solution. optional install CUDA Toolkit (e.g. 7.0, supported by OptiX as well). Is need for Macrosim, which runs with |itom|. Delete the executable (*.exe) from the install_x64/x64/vc14/bin folder. They are not needed for the compilation of |itom|. .. note:: Check the entry **BUILD_opencv_world** to combine all modules in one dll-file. Creating the 3rdPartyPCL folder ------------------------------- For the 3rdPartyPCL folder the software packages Boost, Eigen, Flann and QHull can be downloaded as binaries. VTK and PCL must be compiled on your computer. Compile Flann, QHull ===================== If you compile Flann or QHull by yourself, add the entry **CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX** of type **STRING** with the value = **"-gd"**. * Uncheck in CMake **BUILD_DOC, BUILD_EXAMPLES, BUILD_EXAMPLES, BUILD_MATLAB_BINDINGS, BUILD_PYTHON_BINDINGS, BUILD_TESTS**. * Set the **CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX** to the Flann or QHull folder in the **${MAINDIR}/3rdPartyPCL** folder. * Compile the **INSTALL** solution of the MSVC Project. Create Boost, Eigen, Flann, QHull ======================================== Execute the **boost_1_69_0-msvc-12.0-64.exe** file and install boost on your hard drive in a folder with a short path that is different from QT. Copy than the folders **boost** and **lib** into **${MAINDIR}/3rdPartyPCL/boost1.69.0-64**. Unzip from the Eigen zip-file the folders **Eigen** and **unupported** into the **${MAINDIR}/3rdPartyPCL/Eigen3.3.7/**. * Copy flann1.9.1 into **${MAINDIR}/3rdPartyPCL/flann1.9.1**. * Copy qhull-2015.2 into **${MAINDIR}/3rdPartyPCL/qhull-2015.2**. Compile VTK =========== Unzip the VTK source on your hard drive. Create a build_x64/build_x86 folder and execute than CMake with this two folders. * Uncheck **BUILD_EXAMPLES, BUILD_TESTING, HDF5_USE_FOLDERS, HDF5_EMBEEDDED_LIBINFO** * Check **BUILD_SHARED_LIBS** * Check **Module_vtkGUISupportQt, Module_vtkGUISupportQtOpenGL, Module_vtkGUISupportQtSQL, Module_vtkRenderingQT and Module_vtkViewsQt**. * Add a new entry: name = **"CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX"**, type = **"STRING"** with the value = **"-gd"** * Add a new entry: name = **"VTK_USE_QT"**, type = **"BOOL"** with the value = checked * Add a new entry: name = **"VTK_USE_GUISUPPORT"**, type = **"BOOL"** with the value = checked * Change **CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX** to **${MAINDIR}/3rdPartyPCL/vtk8.2.0** * If an error occures with wrong Qt Version, change **VTK_QT_VERSION** to **5** * Choose with the variable **VTK_RENDERING_BACKEND** which OpenGL is used for VTK/PCL. * Set the Entry **Qt5_DIR** to to **${MAINDIR}/3rdParty/Qt5.12.1/msvc2017_64/lib/cmake/Qt5**. * Check **VTK_BUILD_QT_DESIGNER_PLUGIN**. .. note:: Check the Entries **Qt5_DIR**, **Qt5Core_DIR**, **Qt5Sql_DIR**, ..., if they are set to the right path. .. warning:: 1. Before starting the compilation open in the folder **VTK\\build\\GUISupport\\Qt** the **PluginInstall.cmake** file and change in line **5** **"QVTKWidgetPlugin.dll"** to **"QVTKWidgetPlugin-gd.dll"** 2. Start **DEBUG** compilation in Visual Studio 3. Change the **"QVTKWidgetPlugin-gd.dll"** back to **"QVTKWidgetPlugin.dll"** and start **RELEASE** compilation .. warning:: If VTK returns the warning message: **QVTKWIDGET was deprecated for VTK 8.2 and will be removed in a future version.**, open the vtkSetGet.h file of the VTK source files and comment the line 910 **vtkGenericWarningMacro**. Compile PCL =========== Unpack the PCL source on your hard drive. Create a build_x64/build_x86 folder and execute CMake with this folders. After each step, you must start the CMake configuration, otherwise the new entries will not be added. * Set **EIGEN_INCLUDE_DIR** to ${MAINDIR}/3rdPartyPCL/Eigen3.3.7 * Set **FLANN_INCLUDE_DIR** to ${MAINDIR}/3rdPartyPCL/flann1.9.1/include * Set **FLANN_LIBRARY** to ${MAINDIR}/3rdPartyPCL/flann1.9.1/lib/flann_cpp_s.lib * set **FLANN_LIBRARAY_DEBUG** to ${MAINDIR}/3rdPartyPCL/flann1.9.1/lib/flann_cpp_s-gd.lib * Set **Boost_INCLUDE_DIR** to ${MAINDIR}/3rdPartyPCL/boost1.69.0 (Boost library must be named libboost... *.lib) * Add new entry: **Boost_LIBRARY_DIR** with path ${MAINDIR}/3rdPartyPCL/boost1.69.0/lib64-msvc-14.0 * Set **QHULL_INCLUDE_DIR** include dir to ${MAINDIR}/3rdPartyPCL/qhull-2015.2/include * Set **QHULL_LIBRARY** dir to ${MAINDIR}/3rdPartyPCL/qhull-2015.2/lib/qhullstatic.lib * Set **QHULL_LIBRARY_DEBURG** dir to ${MAINDIR}/3rdPartyPCL/qhull-2015.2/lib/qhullstatic_d.lib * Set **VTK_DIR** to ${MAINDIR}/3rdPartyPCL/vtk8.2.0/lib/cmake/vtk-8.0 * Add new entry: **QVTK_LIBRARY_DEBUG** with **FILEPATH** ${MAINDIR}/3rdPartyPCL/vtk8.2.0/lib/vtkGUISupportQtOpenGL-8.2-gd.lib * Add new entry: **QVTK_LIBRARY_RELEASE** with **FILEPATH** ${MAINDIR}/3rdPartyPCL/vtk8.2.0/lib/vtkGUISupportQtOpenGL-8.2.lib * Set **Qt5Concurrent_DIR** to ${MAINDIR}/3rdParty/Qt5.12.1/5.12/msvc2017_64/lib/cmake/Qt5Concurrent * Set **Qt5OpenGl_DIR** to ${MAINDIR}/3rdParty/Qt5.12.1/5.12/msvc2017_64/lib/cmake/Qt5OpenGl_DIR * Set **Qt5Widgets_DIR** to ${MAINDIR}/3rdParty/Qt5.12.1/5.12/msvc2017_64/lib/cmake/Qt5Widgets_DIR * check **BUILD_surface_on_nurbs** and **BUILD_visualization** * uncheck **BUILD_global_tests**, **BUILD_examples**, **BUILD_apps**, **BUILD_simulation** * Set **CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX** ${MAINDIR}/3rdPartyPCL/pcl1.9.1 .. note:: The created *exe*-files are not needed to run |itom|. Delete all exe-files in the *${MAINDIR}/3rdPartyPCL/pcl1.9.1/bin* folder. .. warning:: PCL version 1.8.0 causes a compilation error due to some syntax error. A workaround can be find here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38508319/pcl-visualizer-cpp-vs-2015-build-error/ .. warning:: In the case of a CMake Error: **Requested modules not available: vtkGUISupportQtWebkit** Delete the VTK_MODULE **vtkGUISupportQtWebkit** in the **VTK_INSTALL_DIR\\lib\\cmake\\vtk-8.2\\VTKConfig.cmake** in line 118: **set(VTK_MODULES_ENABLED "...")** Changes in the setup.py file ----------------------------- The setup.py file needs some changes to work with the new version of the software/packages. The setup checks, if the packages are given in the right version. First set the following variables in the beginning of the file. * Set the **qtOriginalBuildPath**. E. g.: "C:\\itom_all-in-one_development\\itom_all-in-one_development\\itom_all-in-one_development\\VS2017_Qt5.12.1_x64\\3rdParty\\Qt5.12.1\\5.12.1\\msvc2017_64" * Set the **qtNewBuildPath**. E. g.: "../3rdParty/Qt5.12.1/5.12/msvc2017_64" * Set the **numpyRequiredVersion** to the Numpy version, which is attached to the all-in-one development setup. E. g.: "1.11.0" * Set the **pythonRequiredVersion** to the python version, which is attached to the all-in-one development setup. E. g.: "3.5." Check in the function **generateCMakeDict** the version of Visual Studio and the paths of **CMake, OpenCV, Python library version, VTK, PCL, Eigen, Flann, QHull**. .. figure:: images/all-in-one-create/Setup_packages_versions.PNG :scale: 100% :align: center Check in the function **installNumpy**, if the numpy whl file names are right. .. figure:: images/all-in-one-create/Setup_numpy_file.PNG :scale: 100% :align: center Check in the function **upgradePip**, **installPyflakes**, **installJedi** the filenames of the whl-files.