.. include:: ../include/global.inc .. |mm| unicode:: U+00B5 m Changelog Versions 2.2.0 or below ################################### **Version 2.2.0 (2016-10-01)** (more than 500 commits in itom repository) * Class :py:class:`~itom.figure` now provides the optional parameters x0,y0,width and height to initially position the figure. This is e.g. used by matplotlib. * added :py:meth:`itom.dataObject.splitColor` function. Now the colors of a rgba dataObject can be splitted. * ito::PCLPointCloud::copy() and ito::PCLPointCloud::scaleXYZ(...) added to pointClouds library. Method itom.pointCloud.scaleXYZ(...) added to Python class. * bugfix in dialogOpenFileWithFilter when loading Rgba32 dataObjects due to char-array access out of range for Rgba32 * mat and idc files can be loaded as packed or unpacked version in workspace * If a RuntimeWarning is now displayed in the command line, a double click will open the file at the indicated line * bugfix crash in dataObjectIterator * improved message if numpy is tried to be upgraded via pip manager. If pip manager is started as standalone application, itom can be started afterwards from the dialog. * Dialog added to scripts menu to show all currently active :py:class:`~itom.timer` instances. They can be stopped and restarted from this dialog. * improved roughnessEvaluator tool to provide a GUI for the 1D roughness evaluation * statusLED widget added to itomWidgets * :py:func:`itom.dataObject.fromNumpyColor` and :py:func:`itom.dataObject.toNumpyColor` added to load and write coloured numpy arrays (3 dimensions with last dimension of size 3 or 4) to a rgba32 data object. This is interesting if objects are processed using cv2 (OpenCV) in Python. * generic snapshot dialog added that is available for all camera instances (e.g. by their context menu) * improved drag&drop of files to the console. Hourglass is shown as cursor while a file is loaded. * documentation added how to directly start the package manager with an argument to qitom.exe * bugfix in matrix multiplication operator of DataObject: The data object has to be reallocated both for :literal:'*' and :literal:'*'= operators if the size of the multiplied matrix is different than the size of * method meanValue implemented in dataObjectFuncs using the quick median algorithm. * added available colorMaps in plot documentation * maximum number of threads that should be used for algorithms and filter plugins can be set in property dialog. In plugins use ito::AddInBase::getMaximumThreadCount() (static) to request this value. It is always bound between 1 and the maximum number of avaiable threads on the computer. * context menu of command line reimplemented to provide itom-specific commands and respect that executed command cannot be removed any more * redesign of matplotlib backend to enable faster rendering and updates only if necessary * Proper installation of Python is checked at startup of itom. If Python Home directory could not be properly resolved (e.g. its search pathes do not contain the script 'os.py' as built-in script, an error is set and python is not started. The user can define a user-defined PYTHONHOME variable in the property dialog of itom. * added Dialog for opening various files at once (:py:func:`~itom.ui.getOpenFileNames`) * dataObjects (as well as numpy.arrays), polygonMeshes and pointClouds can now be plot from context menu of corresponding variables in workspace toolboxes * mainWindow: menu "View" shows now also a list of all opened scripts * == and != operator added for ito::ParamBase. This checks if types are equal and if so, if the content is equal. Double and complex values (single and arrays) are checked using their corresponding epsilon-tolerance. * CMake Option BUILD_OPENMP_ENABLE inserted to all plugins. If this is disabled, the pre-compiler USEOPENMP is disabled, even if a release build is started and OpenMP is available. Plugins can now get the maximum number of cores by static in AddInBase::getMaximumThreadCount(). This value can be limited by the user in the ini-setting file. Background: Sometimes, it is better to not use all available threads. * user dialog: always pre-selects the user profile with the name of the currently logged user or - if not available - the last used profile * slots with enumeration types can be called now (only Qt5). For Qt < 5.5, only integer values can be passed; later also the name of the desired enumeration types. * Method :py:func:`~itom.getQtToolPath` added * Improved support of style sheets in itom. Default stype sheets can be set in property editor. Styles of command line and scripts can now also be fully adjusted via property editor. * checkableComboBox of itomWidgets now has the property 'checkedIndices' to get a list of indices which are checked or set them. * added new generic widget *motorAxisController* to itomWidgets library. This widget can control any actuator plugin, either in any GUI or the internal toolbox of the plugin. Due to this, the library *commonQtLib* was split into *commonQtLib* and *commonPlotLib* * command line is not automatically scrolled to the end of the text if the mouse wheel is turned. The automatic scrolling is re-enabled once a new command is entered or the command line is cleared * returned handles of itom.plot or itom.liveImage now also have the outer window as baseItem such that connect commands to these plots are successful * script plot_help_to_rst_format.py added to convert the output of itom.plotHelp(...) to a rst-string format * sphinx extension 'numpydoc' updated * ensure that :py:func:`~itom.saveIDC` (pickle.dump) always saves with the defined protocol version 3 (default for Python 3). * better auto-documentation of designer plot widgets, parsed in the C++ or python context. Slots marked with the ITOM_PYNOTACCESSIBLE macro are excluded from the Python context. * From Qt 5.6 on, itom is shipped with a built-in help viewer based on QtWebEngineView. QtAssistant is not used any more for this purpose. * Added method :py:func:`~itom.showHelpViewer` to open help viewer * PythonEngine: added slots pickleSingleParam and saveMatlabSingleParam to save objects to idc and mat by a C++ code * many settings of command line and scripts can now be adjusted via property dialog (e.g. spacing between lines) * many docstrings of Python methods improved * documentation about build for raspberry pi added * linux fixes for FindQScintilla: able to detect package libqt5scintilla * ito::areEqual added to numeric.h in commonLib * pip manager: added message under windows that some packages depend on certain versions of the MSVC redistributable package * error messages emitted by debugger (e.g. cannot add breakpoint...) can now also be parsed by double click event in command line such that indicated script is opened. * ItomUi: autoslot also possible with window or dialog itself (by its objectName) * typeDefs.h reduced to values that are important both for the core and plugins. Core-only enumerations have been moved to global.h * plugins and filters can now also provide parameters of type *complex* or *complex array* * auto grabbing interval (in ms) for grabbers can now be read and adjusted by :py:meth:`~itom.dataIO.getAutoGrabbingInterval` and :py:meth:`~itom.dataIO.setAutoGrabbingInterval`. Better error messages inserted in startDevice fails if a live image is created. * AddInGrabber: Auto grabbing is disabled if errors occurred consecutively during the last 10 runs. * user documentation extended * added AutoGrabbing to toolbar * further path variables can now either be appended or prepended to the global PATH variable (see property dialog) * Init-Dialog of plugin instances now also provide a GUI for array parameters (e.g. integer or float array) * Python Matlab engine now dynamically resolves functions from libeng.dll and libmx.dll of Matlab. Therefore, itom can be build with Matlab support and matlab must not necessarily be available on the destination computer. * documentation added, how to create the all-in-one development setup * frosted syntax check can now also detect the usage of an unreference variable. * added optional parameter *parent* to :py:meth:`~itom.ui.getText`, :py:meth:`~itom.ui.getInt`, :py:meth:`~itom.ui.getDouble` * bugfix: itom crashed by calling :py:meth:`~itom.dataObject.pixToPhys` with negativ axis * improvements and fixes concerning interpreter lock GIL of Python * :py:meth:`itom.font.isFamilyInstalled` and :py:meth:`itom.font.installedFontFamilies` added to :py:class:`itom.font` * modifications in PaletteOrganizer, e.g. add of new matplotlibs colormap viridis and improved line colors * new class *QPropertyHelper* added to C++ sources to bundle all conversions between Q_PROPERTY properties and other Qt classes. * fixes in itomWidgets, partially due to commits to the original ctkCommon project, colorPickerButton and colorDialog added to itomWidgets (taken from ctkCommon project) * Python type None can now be assigned to slots of type QVector, QSharedPointer, ... * workaround in doubleSpinBox of itomWidgets for Qt < 5.5 such that the minimum size of the spinbox will not be huge if for instance its minimum or maximum value is +/- Inf. * ito::DataObject::bitwise_not added to create a bitwise inversion. This method is also connected to the ~operator of :py:class:`itom.dataObject` * param validator can now parse the name of the parameter in error messages * improved range check for 'areaIndex' added to :py:meth:`itom.figure.plot`, :py:meth:`itom.figure.liveImage` and :py:meth:`itom.figure.matplotlibFigure` * bugfix in mapping set of itom.dataObject if a numpy-array with the same squeezed shape but different unsqueezed shape is given. * static methods of :py:class:`~itom.ui` (like :py:func:`itom.ui.msgInformation`) can obtain uiItem, ui, figure or plotItem as parent argument * matplotlib designer widgets are now handled like any other plot. They can be docked or stacked into sub-figures. The command :py:meth:`~itom.close` also closes matplotlib figures. * many demo scripts added to demo folder and its subfolders (e.g. plots, shapes, matplotlib...) * more checks and features added at startup to better improve foreign text codecs (e.g. Russian). Bugfix in PythonEngine::stringEncodingChanged() * ito::pclHelper::dataObjToEigenMatrix added * settings of plots are not only read from ini-setting file but are also tried to be inherited from parent plot (e.g. 1D plot as child of 2D plot) * first plot / figure get the number 1 instead of 2. * Fixes to display WaitCursor during long operations (e.g. file load) * bugfix if a dataObject is freed in special cases. * improved help rendering in plugin help toolbox. * dataObject.zeros, ones, eye, randN and rand returned int8 as default type, but the documentation said uint8 (like the default constructor). This was a bug. It is fixed now, all static constructors return uint8 per default. * Improvements for displaying help about plugins (e.g. in command line, added scripts to semi-automatically render help for documentation...) * methods *isNotZero*, *isFinite*, *isNaN* and *isInf* moved from dataobj.h to numeric.h of Common library * :py:meth:`~itom.dataObject.createMask` added to create a mask object from one or multiple shapes. * enumerations based on QFlags (bitmask) can now be set via property in Python. These properties are now also changeable in property editor toolbox. * SDK adapted to support shapes in plots (rectangles, circles, points...). These shapes are accessible via :py:class:`itom.shape` and defined in Shape library. Old-style primitives (dataObject based) in plots replaced by shapes. * Implementation for generic toolboxes for markers, pickers and shapes of plots * many bugfixes Plugins ****************** **Version 2.2.0 (2016-10-01)** (more than 160 commits in plugins repository) * all plugins: ito::dObjHelper::isXYZ replaced by ito::isXYZ (e.g. isFinite) * PclTools: fix in *pclRandomSample* to avoid large subareas without selected samples * PclTools: filters *meshTransformAffine* and *pclTrimmedICP* added to apply a coordinate transform to a polygonal mesh * PclTools: EIGEN2_SUPPORT define removed from PclTools since unused. If this symbol is defined, newer Eigen libraries cannot be used. * FirgelliLac: Plugin added for stepper motor from Firgelli * Ximea: plugins compiles now under linux * Ximea: built with API version 4.10.0, fixes inserted for using SDK 4.06 and 4.04 * Ximea: disable gammaColor parameter for monochrome cameras, plugin is ready to used color cameras now * PGRFlyCapture: timestamp bugfix for very long acquisitions in PointGrey FlyCapture * OpenCVGrabber: can now also be opened with a video file or stream url * MSMediaFoundation: fixes mainly for controlling the integration time (in seconds) * IDSuEye is now shipped with driver 4.80.2 (Windows) and compiles under linux * IDSuEye: bugfix in max. roi size with newer cameras, extended integration time mode set to readonly if not available * ThorlabsDCxCam: plugin initially pushed to support IDS OEM cameras from Thorlabs. This plugin is very similar to IDSuEye, but has not finally been tested, yet. * AVTVimba: build with SDK version 2.0 * FittingFilters: filter *subtractRegressionPlane* has now the same parameters than *fitPlane* * FittingFilters: new filter *fillInvalidAreas* added to fill small invalid areas in topography data using interpolation based on all surrounding values. * NanotecStepMotor: compiles now under Linux and Windows. init parameter 'axisSteps' has no step size constraint for each axis. * x3pio: bugfix if xyUnit or valueUnit is set to '|mm|': wrong detection of |mm| string due to encoding problems * x3pio: fix in x3p for saving line based data * BasicFilters, OpenCVFilters, DataObjectArithmetic and others: docstrings of filters improved * BasicFilters: filter *sobelOpt* added for improved version of sobel filter (named Scharr filter) * BasicFilters use now the global setting for the maximum number of threads for OpenMP parallelization * BasicFilters: bugfix for lowPassFilter and big dataObjects with big kernel sizes * OpenCVFilters: filter *cvCvtColor* to color conversion (using OpenCV's method cvtColor), filter *cvCannyEdge* added, filter *cvProjectPoints* added * DataObjectArithmetic: filter *medianValue* added which is much faster than np.nanmedian due to the quick median implementation * Roughness: filter plugin for line-wise roughness calculation added (Ra, Rq, Rsk, Rz...) * SuperlumBS: changed to dataIO plugin type * DataObjectIO: filter *loadZygoMetroPro* added to load metro pro files from Zygo interferometers * DataObjectIO: SDF file format can now also be read as binary data * DataObjectIO: import filter for Avantes files (spectrometers) added * DataObjectIO: filter *loadNanoscopeIII* added to load Bruker (Veeko) AFM data files * AvantesAvaSpec: many fixes to operate with many different devices from Avantes (improved handling of dark pixel correction, output with or without correction in double or original integer precision, timestamps added...) * dispWindow: display of *dataObjects* allowed. If number of phaseshifts are set, the period is adjusted to the next possible value. * FFTWfilters: filters *fftshift* and *ifftshift* added. They can now also operate along the y- or x- axis only (or both axes) * FringeProj: filters *calcPhaseMap4* and *calcPhaseMapN* corrected to show the same result for N = 4 (same shape and start-phase). * DummyMotor: redesign to used MotorAxisController in its dock widget * CyUSB Plugin added for USB communication via Cypress USB interface * PIPiezoCtrl: plugin bugfix: If checkFlags are set to 0, the current Pos of the actuator was 0 after a move. m_currentPos[0] will not be set to 0, now. * ThorlabsISM plugin based on Kinesis 1.7.0 added (Thorlabs Integrated Stepper Motor) * ThorlabsBP plugin based on Kinesis 1.7.0 added (Thorlabs brushless piezo). This plugin has some known bugs that are described in the documentation due to errors in Kinesis. * Build plugins *dispWindow* and *glDisplay* only if OpenGL is available (not the case for older version of Raspberry). Only OpenGL >= 2.0 allowed. * Many filters have been adapted to the new shape class of itom (see :py:ref:`itom.shape` ) Designer Plugins ****************** **Version 2.2.0 (2016-10-01)** (more than 200 commits in designerPlugins repository) * itom1dqwtplot: set legendFont also if curve name is changed later * itom1dqwtplot: added legendFont property * itom1dqwtplot: re-calculate the sizeHint if the interval limits of the axes change * itom1dqwtplot: legend of properties widget are connected to the properties dock * itom1dqwtplot: parent rescale option is only enabled for line cuts, not for z-slices. * itom1dqwtplot: property antiAliased added to choose if lines should be plot in anti-aliased mode * itom1dqwtplot: all public properties of a curve are now available over the curve properties dialog * itom1dqwtplot: remove picker text if no pickers exist * itom1dqwtplot: markers are kept on the canvas if the bounds of the source object change in values but not in their dimensions. * itom1dQwtPlot: curve properties 'visible' and 'legendVisible' added. Legend entries show now the line style as well as the symbol of the line instead of filled squares. * itom1dQwtPlot: default line colors slightly changed to 12-class Paired list from colorbrewer2.org * itom1dQwtPlot: curve properties can now be changed individually for each curve (slots getCurveProperty and setCurveProperty) * itom1dqwtplot: legend adjustable via menu * itom1dQwtPlot: grid of plot can now be adjusted with more options. * itom1dQwtPlot: added object details * itom1dqwtplot: icon to "set picker to min/max" added, delete pickers added to toolbar and menu, dx and dy of pickers renamed to width and height (clearer for many users) * itom1DQwtPlot: improvements for pickers (slots setPicker, appendPicker, deletePicker unified and enhanced; new pickers are also placed to the closest curve, property picker also returns the curve index...) * itom1DQwtPlot: pickerType can now be AxisRangeMarker (same as RangeMarker) or ValueRangeMarker to provide vertical or horizontal lines * itom1DQwtPlot: adapted widget to work with new seperation * itom1dqwtplot, itom2dqwtplot: mouse wheel based magnification with Ctrl, Ctrl+Shift, Ctrl+Alt now also works if y-axis is inverted * itom1dqwtplot, itom2dqwtplot: plots can be saved via script using the slot 'savePlot' * itom1dqwtplot, itom2dqwtplot: bugfix * itom1dqwtplot, itom2dqwtplot: if shapes can be added by the toolbar, the selected shape can also be removed by the Delete-key * itom1dqwtplot, itom2dqwtplot: geometric shapes can be filled with the line color and a user-defined opacity value. This can be different for the currently selected item. * itom1dqwtplot, itom2dqwtplot: improved documentations of properties, slots and signals. Slots, that are not accessible via python, are now marked with the ITOM_PYNOTACCESSIBLE macro * itom1dqwtplot, itom2dqwtplot: further improvements of geometricShapes. Signal 'geometricShapeStartUserInput' added that can be used to disable some buttons during any interactive process of adding new shapes * itom1dqwtplot, itom2dqwtplot: signal geometricShapeCurrentChanged added * itom1dqwtplot, itom2dqwtplot: unification and clear calls of signals for adding, changing or deleting geometric shapes * itom1dqwtplot, itom2dqwtplot: if Shift or Alt is pressed together with Ctrl, only the x-axis or the y-axis is magnified upon a mouse wheel event. If a fixed aspect ratio is set, both axes are magnified in all cases. * itom1dqwtplot, itom2dqwtplot: created Private container class for all header files of itom1dqwtplot and itom2dqwtplot that are published in the itom designer subfolder in order to better maintain these classes without interrupting the binary compatibility in the future. * itom1dqwtplot, itom2dqwtplot: property 'enableBoxFrame' added, in order to switch between a boxed and non-boxed frame style of the canvas. * itom1dqwtplot, itom2dqwtplot: property allowedGeometricShapes added to adjust which type of shapes can be used in this plot. * itom1dqwtplot, itom2dqwtplot: slots 'modifyGeometricShape' and 'addGeometricShape' added. Shape indices start with 0 per default to have a default corresponding numbering between position in geometricShapes vector and shape index. * itom1dqwtplot, itom2dqwtplot: print / print preview added * itom1dqwtplot, itom2dqwtplot: menu restructuring * itom1dqwtplot, itom2dqwtplot: hint added to interval settings dialogs * itom1dQwtPlot, itom2dQwtPlot: left-bottom corner point of y-left and x-bottom axis is connected * itom1dQwtPlot, itom2dQwtPlot: squares and circles can now also be created by the gui in qwt based plots * itom1dQwtPlot, itom2dQwtPlot: added functionality of markerInfoWidget and shapeInfoWidget, added PickerWidget to 1D-Plot * itom1dQwtPlot, itom2dQwtPlot: improvements in moving and resizing geometric shapes * itom1dQwtPlot, itom2dQwtPlot: ito::Shape used for geometric shapes and picked points * itom1dQwtPlot, itom2dQwtPlot: deleteMarker slot can also be called without set-name to delete all markers * itom1dQwtPlot, itom2dQwtPlot: definition of plotMarkers reset to old standard: 2xN, float32 data object where each column represents the (X,Y) coordinate of a marker * itom1dQwtPlot, itom2dQwtPlot: icons and tooltips improved * itom1dQwtPlot, itom2dQwtPlot: complete rework of all qwt based plots using unified base classes covering all markers, pickers, geometric shapes... * itom1dQwtPlot, itom2dQwtPlot: including markerlegend to 2DQwtPlot and 1DQwtPlot * itom1dQwtPlot, itom2dQwtPlot: changed geometricShapesFinished signal * itom1dQwtPlot, itom2dQwtPlot: settings of plots are not only read from ini-setting file but are also tried to be inherited from parent plot (e.g. 1D plot as child of 2D plot) * itom1dQwtPlot, itom2dQwtPlot: added init for markerLegend and changed primitv definition * itom1dQwtPlot, itom2dQwtPlot: rework of evaluteGeometrics plugin with respect to the new ito::Shape (python: itom.shape) class * itom1dQwtPlot, itom2dQwtPlot: readded code for markerLegend * itom1dQwtPlot, itom2dQwtPlot: integrated Qwt fix r2509 from https://sourceforge.net/p/qwt/code/2509/ * itom1dQwtPlot, itom2dQwtPlot: further documentation improvements in itomQwtDObjFigure * itom1dQwtPlot, itom2dQwtPlot: qwt updated to 6.1.3 * itom1dQwtPlot, itom2dQwtPlot: adaptions due to new library itomCommonPlotLib * itom2dqwtplot: added signal to 2dQwtPlot to indicate a change of the displayed planeIndex for 3D dataObjects * itom2dqwtplot: if a line cut or z-stack cut is displayed, the focus is kept in the 2d canvas to receive key- or mouse-events. * itom2dqwtplot: improved version of valuePicker2d * itom2dqwtplot: protect line plot to be displayed out of the screen of the primary 2d plot * itom2dqwtplot: re-position 1D linecut relative to parent figure such that both are not displayed at the same position * itom2dqwtplot: bugfix in "displayed" * itom2dqwtplot: value tracker of 2d plot shows pixel and physical coordinates if scaling or offset of dataObject are different than 1 or 0 respectively * itom2dqwtplot: fix when moving z-stack marker by key-press: the coordinates in the toolbar are actualized now * itom2dqwtplot: improvements in value picker 2D * itom2dqwtplot: ignore a keypress event in mode 'linecut' if no line has been drawn yet. * itom2dqwtplot: working on source / channel updating and changes * itom2dqwtplot: added function to set a static zSlice to the GUI * itom2dqwtplot: adapted Plot to work with enum for staticLinePlotState * vtk3dVisualizer: pyramid can now have a surface. * vtk3dVisualizer: automatic check for enum pcl::visualization::LookUpTableRepresentationProperties in common.h of PCL (1.8.0). If not available, some features are not available. * Vtk3dVisualizer: point cloud can now have various color maps including an optional min/max range definition (default: auto-range) * vtk3dVisualizer: added 'viridis' as color map for polygonal meshes * vtk3dVisualizer: corrections in CMakeLists.txt * vtk3dVisualizer: removed fatal error for not building vtk3dVisualizer if itom is built without PCL support * matplotlibPlot: toolbar and menu is now more consistent with respect to itom1dqwtplot and itom2dqwtplot * matplotlibPlot: can be forced to replot (slot: replot) * matplotlibPlot: docstrings added to matplotlibPlot * matplotlibPlot: improvements: ongoing resize will only be handled at the end or longer pauses of the resize; the paintResult slot can now be called faster via the python based matplotlib backend, since no deep copy of the buffer has to be done now. * matplotlibPlot: property 'keepSizeFixed' added in order to disallow a automatic resize of the canvas upon a resize of the overall window. This property allow a precise adjustment of the canvas size by the python code (see demo in demo/matplotlib folder of itom) * others: added available colorMaps in C++ documentation * others: CMake status messages inserted at begin of every plugin block, itomIsoGLFigurePlugin will not be build if OpenGL is not available (Raspberry Pi) * others: changes since isNotZero, isFinite... moved from ito::dObjHelper (dataObjectFuncs.h in dataObject library) to namespace ito (numeric.h in common library) * others: improvements with color and style management. property canvasColor added. see demoPlotStyleSheet.py * others: used function do remove added Toolboxes from AbstractFigure symmetrically to construction * others: improving dialog in evaluateGeometrics * others: adaptions to evaluateGeometrics plugin due to new shape class * many bugfixes itom ******** **Version 2.1.0 (2016-03-01)** (more than 240 commits in itom repository) * user documentation enhanced * more demo scripts added * fix in package manager for pip >= 8.0.0 * indexing of itom.dataObject works now also with numpy.array as mask, e.g. myDataObj[myNpArray > 0.5] = 2 * setVal of ito::Param now also works with const pointers, e.g. const ito::DataObject*. * ito::autoInterval and itom.autoInterval (Python) homogenized: The default is always (-inf,+inf) and auto = True! * ui-properties of type dataIO and actuator can be read by python. * fixes of Q\_WS\_... and Q\_OS\_... symbols since Q\_WS\_... does not exist in Qt5. * bugfix in 'goto next or previous bookmark' * Navigator in ScriptEditorWidget can now also read multi-line definitions of methods or functions * AddInInterface incremented to 2.3.0. Reason: itom sometimes crashed when a dock widget of a plugin was visible, the plugin quiet busy (e.g. long integration time) and itom was closed. When closing the main window, it implicitly deleted all dock widgets while a dockWidgetVisibilityChanged signal, that was sent long before but did not arrive due to the blocked plugin, is emitted after and tries to access the deleted dock widget. Now, dock widget is guarded by QPointer in AddInInterface.cpp. For better maintaining, some private members of ito::AddInBase are not moved to a private subclass. * bugfix when executing selected parts in a script. If an indented block ended with one or more empty lines, an error occurred. This is fixed now. * file suffix check when dropping to workspace is case insensitive now. * RoughnessEvaluator tool added as example for the roughness filters * fix in version number of windows qitom(d).exe * incremented AddInInterface Version to 2.2.0 (improvements in pluginThreadCtrl to have the same, good things like in the deprecated classes helperActuator and helperGrabber; add of ito::DataObject::getStep, ...) * AbstractDockWidgets will be raised on top of a possible tabified stack if they are docked again. * modifications in PluginThreadCtrl for improved compatibility with old classes threadActuator and threadDataIO. Like the old classes, waitForSemaphore can be used to finally wait for the last semaphore-protected function to be finished. The merge of this branch requires an increment of the plugin interface * QFlags based enumeration bitmask can now also be set as property * :py:meth:`itom.ui.availableWidgets` added to obtain a list of available designer widgets * updated function validateStringMeta (paramHelper) * For matplotlib >= 1.5.0: if matplotlib is run within itom, the output is automatically rendered in the itom_backend now (new environment variable MPLBACKEND). * demo *dataObjectTableDemo* added * bugfix when setting fake properties (like horizontalHeaderVisible of QTableView or derived classes) * :py:meth:`ui.createNewPluginWidget2` added for a detailed parameterization of plugin based widgets (dockable, deleteOnClose...) * demos added for creating different types of GUIs with Python. * if available, output parameters are added to the exemplary filter call string in the help dock widget. * pythonPlugins.cpp: if getExecFuncsInfo is applied with keyword "detailLevel = 1", all execFunction of instance are returned. Before it was only possible to return detailLevels of each execFunc. * child-items from workspace widget can now directly be exported, deleted and renamed. Drag&Drop one or multiple items (also child-items) from workspace to console in order to get their full path name. If an item and its sub-item is selected, the sub-item is ignored since it is part of the parent item. * bugfixes in python class :py:class:`itom.rgba`. Method toGray added to itom.rgba * one or more pathes to python files (suffix .py) can be appended as argument to Qitom.exe. These files are then opened in a script at startup. Connect py-files with Qitom.exe to open them with a double-click. * html documentation updated using the read-the-docs theme * when loading files using algorithms, the python variable is checked for existence. If it already exists, a warning is shown and the user has to decide if the existing name should be overwritten. * timeouts are available via file >> Properties dialog, tab Application / General. New timeout added for file load and save operations. * improved and new demos about visualizing meshes, point clouds... * addInInterface incremented to 2.1.0: deprecated classes helperActuator, helperGrabber removed, removed unused non-const getter functions in pclStructures, improved AbstractFigure: more than one dock widget can be added to each plot, put private members to AbstractFigurePrivate class to provide better binary compatibility for the future, slight changes in other interface classes for better binary compatibility support in future releases. * Qt type QVector2D, QVector3D, QVector4D can be handled by QPropertyEditor * QObject property types QVector2D/3D/4D can now be parsed to a python sequence of 2, 3 or 4 float values. * timeout for plots increased in order to better debug OpenGL based figures in debug mode. * improvements and bugfixes in AbstractDObjPCLFigure interface without destroying the binary compatibility. The macro USE_PCL is now automatically set by find_itom_sdk in order to avoid strange crashes if PCL support is differently set in itom and plugins. This is forbidden. * :py:class:`itom.rgba` value can be multiplied by positive float (only r,g,b is scaled, not alpha) * demo "convert falseColor To gray or hotIron" added * improvements and fixes for matplotlib rendering: FileSaveAs and other dialogs are now displayed based on their parent widget even if the parent widget is derived from AbstractDockWidget. Saving matplotlib figures to files remembers now the filename of the last run. * further improvements: all special characters are now explicitly created as unicode character signs. * charset-independent fix in paramInputParser * German umlauts in source code replaced by unicode representations (e.g. for chinese operating systems) * demo: convertFalseColorToGray improved * Python package Axiovert200M added * pip package manager can also install from zip archive, not only tar.gz * commit of python package thorlabsLabJack to control the thorlabs labjack MLJ050 (requires python package FTDI) * :py:meth:`itom.plot` and :py:meth:`itom.liveImage` command can now also be called with the short-hand aliases '1d', '2d' or '2.5d' as className. This enables a quick plot using the default plot for the given object type depending on the desired base style (e.g. 1d plot). * CMake cleanup, e.g. removed SVN support since not used any more. * bugfix in FindITOM_SDK.cmake for detection of itom SDK compiled with MSVC2012 or MSVC2013 * splitter position of helpTreeDockWidget is restored at restart. * ito::dObjHelper::verify2DDataObject and ito::dObjHelper::verify3DDataObject: if numberOfAllowedTypes is 0, all types are accepted. This is a feasible assumption since numberOfAllowedTypes == 0 would deny all dataObjects in the old implementation. * added error marker to ScriptEditorWidget. If an error in the command line is double-clicked, the corresponding line is opened and marked in a script editor widget. * ito::pclHelper::normalsAtCogFromPolygonMesh added to get an interpolated point cloud with normal vectors from a polygonal mesh. This function is used in the filter "pclGetNormalsAtCogFromMesh" from PCLTools. * method added to pythonDataObject to create a new PyDataObject from a numpy array (if possible) * unittest for ito::Rgba32 added * fold options added to context menu of editor * property fold style added to adjust the fold style of any script editor * about dialog modified (some owners of 3rd party libraries changed their name) * fix in rangeSlider for very high value ranges leading to buffer overflows. * python debugger: 50ms sleep inserted into while loop waiting for new debug commands at breakpoint. Without the sleep, the CPU load was very high at different computers (Qt4 and Qt5). * OpenCV randn and randu initialized (seed value) in main thread, python thread and all plugin threads in order to generate more random values. The seed value is thread dependent. * bugfix in dataobj: no exception was raised for +/-/+=/-=... operators if one of both dataObjects was empty. Unified and improved check for consistent type and size added using a #define-macro. * faster implementation of MSize == and != operator in dataobj (using memcmp instead of for-loop). Unittest added for this. * class ito::AutoInterval now makes sure, that min<=max in any cases (e.g. swap in constructor or setRange) * delete all breakpoints from breakpoint-toolbox could hang itom for a while in case of many breakpoints, this is fixed now: a dedicated method to delete all breakpoints in its model has been added. * fixes in pclFunctions concerning dense / organized status of conversions between data objects and point clouds. Dense clouds do not contain any inf/nan values, organized clouds may contain them but every point has defined neighbours. * clearer action titles for workspaceDockWidget (export, import, rename...) * fix in snapshot toolbox * further fix for warning handling: If warnings.simplewarning("error") is set, warnings will be correctly transformed to an exception. * fix: a warning stopped in some cases the script execution. This is fixed now. The warning is stacked into the Python warning stack and the script execution goes on (depending on the settings made in Python's warning module) * some cleanup in ItomBuildMacros.cmake * bugfix: long plugin info text cause itom to stall when opening new plugin instance using right mouse click on plugin in plugin explorer * improved error message in arguments of ui.msgInformation, ui.msgCritical... are wrong * bugfix: errornous optional parameter of a itom.filter-call was not always marked with an arrow due to a wrong counter variable. * bugfix in :py:class:`itom.region`: QRegion fails to build region is an upper limit of internal rectangles is reached. This limit crashed the code and is now handled by an exception. * warnings created by plugins due to a Python invocation are now transformed to a python warning (PyExc_Warn...) instead of a non-adjustable std::cerr print. The behaviour of Python warnings can be controlled via the Python module 'warnings', the default is a cerr-print, too. * warnings during GUI-based load of files are also shown in a message box. * improved error handling for invalid breakpoints in scripts (e.g. blank or comment lines). Breakpoints are now ignored, but debugger can start debugging. Dedicated error messages indicate the wrong breakpoint. * any button added to an itom.ui instance of type ui.TYPEDIALOG hides the dialog and returns a specific code. Before only AcceptRole and RejectRole closed the dialog. * numpy scalar types np.uint8, np.double,... are also converted to int or double as parameters for filters * some functions added to ito::PCLPointCloud in order to allow a generic access to certain fields (e.g. x,y,z,normal_x,...). This is mainly the function 'getFieldsInfo' and 'genericPointAccess' * bugfix in operator= of ito::PCLPointCloud if this and copy-object are the same * Windows: some LoadLibrary commands can not load libraries within the itom/lib folder even if it is part of the temporary path variable of itom. Therefore a workaround was added to the main.cpp that uses the Windows command SetDllDirectory to directly set the itom/lib directory as an alternative search directory for LoadLibrary commands. * documentation of itom designer plugins (e.g. dataObjectTable) can now be included in the main documentation (with images...) * improved backward compatibility of pointCloud.dll library for PCL < 1.7.0 * :py:meth:`polygonMesh.fromTopography` and :py:meth:`pointCloud.fromTopography` added to created a polygonal mesh or a point cloud from a topography data object. * :py:class:`itom.pointCloud` mapping-get returns a point cloud if more than one index is requested, for one index an itom.point is returned. * :py:meth:`pointCloud.fromXYZ`, :py:meth:`pointCloud.fromXYZI`, :py:meth:`pointCloud.fromXYZRGBA` -> fix to return organized clouds if the incoming data objects have a height > 1 * fixes issue #39: Add "additional search pathes" to Properties >> Application page * fixes issue #42: ignore trailing >> characters when copying strings from command line * fixes issue #43: continue a search operation in script editor widget with F3 * indexing of :py:class:`itom.dataObject` works now also with numpy.array as mask, e.g. myDataObj[myNpArray > 0.5] = 2 * Method *getStep* added to ito::DataObject in order to get the number of value steps one has to go in order to reach the next value in the given axis. * == and != comparison for ito::dataObject with type complex64 or complex128 implemented, since this operator is well defined. * bugfixes in return type of :py:meth:`itom.dataObject.deleteTag` and :py:class:`itom.dataObject.getTagListSize` * bugfix in ito::DataObject::makeContinuous for >2d data objects with an active ROI. Python unittest added for this. * bugfix when assigning 1d-values (e.g. tuple) to a one-dimensional ROI of a dataObject with more than 2 dimensions. Python-Unittest added. * :py:meth:`dataObject.zeros`, ones, eye, randN and rand returned int8 as default type, but the documentation said uint8 (like the default constructor). This was a bug. It is fixed now, all static constructors return uint8 per default. * bugfix in cout stream of ito::DataObject: wrong type printed. * :py:class:`itom.dataObject`.reshape is now working * bugfix in method CreateFuncWithCVPlanes of dataobj.cpp: If a roi was already set to the given CV planes, their original size was wrongly copied to the data object leading for instance to iterator errors in subsequent calls. * ito::DataObject::reshape added -> :py:meth:`itom.dataObject.reshape` works now and does not throw a 'not implemented' exception. * ito::DataObject::squeeze and :py:meth:`itom.dataObject.squeeze` can now also reduce the two last dimensions (x and y). If this is the case, a deep copy and no shallow copy is returned. Additional bugfix in cout stream of data object. * ito::abs(ito::DataObject...) func did not compile with various compilers for unsigned int objects. This is resolved now. * :py:meth:`itom.dataObject.physToPix` raises warning if pixel-value is out of axis bounds and therefore clipped to these bounds. * some docstring improvements in :py:class:`itom.dataObject` * bugfix in :py:class:`itom.dataObject` ** operator -> returned a wrong result until now. Now the methods ito::DataObject::pow and ito::DataObject::sqrt are available. * ito::dataObject and :py:class:`itom.dataObject` support now +,+=,-,-=,*,*= for complex128 scalar * __repr__ method of :py:class:`itom.dataObject` returns "dataObject(...)" instead of "DataObject(...)" for better consistency * better cout data method for dataObject (correct handling for complex and rgba values, too) * it is possible now to assign to an :py:class:`itom.dataObject` or a slice of it any structure that can be converted to an array and has the same shape and size (e.g. dataObj[0,:,1] = (2,3,4)) * fix for ito::DataObject::convertTo function if alpha != 1 or beta != 0. Until now, alpha and beta was converted to destination type before the operation dest = src * alpha + beta was executed. If alpha was < 0.5, it was cast to 0 if destination type was uint8 or similar. This is wrong. Now, alpha and beta are casted to double, complex64 or complex128 depending on source type and then used as operands before the final saturate_cast to the destination type. * bugfix in :py:class:`itom.dataObject` for subtraction-operator (case scalar - dataObject) * like in previous commit, faster implementation of == operator of class ito::DataObject::MROI using memcmp. Binary compatibility still given. * ito::DataObject::rowPtr can now also be called as templated version ito::uint8* myPtr = myObj->rowPtr(0,0). This is an overloaded version of the non-templated one and follows the same concept than cv::Mat::ptr. * bugfix in :py:class:`itom.dataObject`: was not correctly recognized for PyIter_Check(...) in C-code * bugfix in DataObject::deepCopyPartial: :py:class:`itom.dataObject` and numpy.array allowed to partially copy arrays to other arrays if the type and the sequence of sizes is equal where all sizes equal to 1 are omitted. However the c-code crashed for obj5x1x1=obj1x5. This is fixed and works now. Several tests for this are added to the unittest_dataobject. * further improvements in convertTo method of ito::DataObject especially with respect to rgba32 type. * many encoding fixes (due to Qt5 introduction). Avoid German umlauts in source code for easier compilation on non-western compilers. * source code and user documentation improved. * Modified FindNumPy.cmake to work with Numpy 1.10.0b1 version numbers * adaptions to work with OpenCV 2.4.x and 3.x * introduction of the Python Interpreter Lock (GIL). This allows the execution of Python code from the modules *threading* or *concurrent*. See the demos *threadPoolExecutor.py* or *worker_thread.py* in the *demo* folder. While an itom filter is executed, the GIL is released, such that other Python threads can be run in the meantime. * many bugfixes **Version 2.0.0 (2015-07-20)** (more than 290 commits in itom repository) * easier compilation under Windows 8 * welcome message removed since it bothers upon regular usage. * modified icons and splash screen in preparation for upcoming major version 2.0. * demo about saving and loading data objects added * default plugins for category *DObjLiveImage* changed to *itom2dqwtplot* and *PerspectivePlot* to *twipOGLFigure* * script added in plugin help section to automatically parse the parameter section in a plugin's documentation file from a running instance of the plugin * some improvements when pressing key up or down in console while also pressing the ctrl or shift buttons * plots (e.g. itom1dqwtplot and itom2dqwtplot) can now display axes labels in various ways. Enum *UnitLabelStyle* added. * It is now possible to a translation file (qm) to a python-loaded ui file * added linguist application to setup to create user defined translations for user-defined GUIs. * addin interface incremented to 2.0.0: branch embedded line plot merged, read-write-lock of data object removed, deprecated methods removed, cleanup in AddInBase, AddInActuator and AddInDataIO (things from SDK-change issue on bitbucket) * embedded line plot added to allow redirecting a line cut or z-stack in the designer plugin *itom2dqwtplot* to an existing *itom1dqwtplot* that is already contained in an user-defined GUI (demo available) * improvements in plugin parameter validator: rectMeta information is now better checked with more precise error messages * setup comes now with Numpy 1.9.2 (MKL-version) * algorithm plugin auto documentation improved to also show parameters and descriptions of filters * :py:class:`itom.font` for wrapping font information. This allows changing *axisFont*, *labelFont*... properties of plots * fix to convert between QColor-property and Python (itom.rgba, hex-color, string-color-name) in both directions * improved documentation style sheet for Qt5 * :py:class:`itom.actuator` and :py:class:`itom.dataIO` can now be observed using weak references (python module weakref) * deprecated class :py:class:`itom.npDataObject` removed. * demoFitData.py added to demo files to show how to fit 2D polygons to data. * :py:class:`itom.timer` now accepts an interval of 0ms. The interval must now always be an integer. Further argument singleShot added to constructor in order to allow a single shot timer that only fires once after a start. * If "find word" widget in script editor is opened and user presses Esc key, the widget will be closed and the focus set to the parent script again. * fix such that running or debugging script snippets in the command line always print the result of every evaluated command (even in multiline commands). * bugfixes concerning changed default encoding between Qt4/Qt5. itom's default econding is latin1 (like Qt4). In Qt5 it changed to utf-8. * :py:meth:`~itom.uiItem.children` added to get a dictionary with all children of this uiItem (widget), optional: recursive scan of sub-children, too. * *insert codec string* feature added to script editor to insert the # coding=... line in any script. * help dock widget can now also be undocked as main window (like scripts or plots) * let user choose if unsaved files should always/never be saved before script execution or debugging (revertable via property dialog) * introduction of Python Package Manager (via module pip). This dialog allows updating and installing python packages and its dependencies from pypi.python.org or wheel files. * :py:meth:`~itom.pointCloud.fromXYZRGBA` and :py:meth:`~itom.polygonMesh.fromOrganizedCloud` added. * demo about statusbar in main windows added * fix in DataObject::mul and DataObject::div: axis tags and tag map from first operand are copied to resulting object. * new api methods *apiSendParamToPyWorkspace* and *apiSendParamsToPyWorkspace* added. * removal of unused DataObject::lockRead(), DataObject::unlock(), DataObject::lockWrite() methods. * support for Mac OSX, 64bit. The build process is mainly supported by the package *brew*. * virtual slots *currentRow* and *currentColumn* added to QTableWidget for accessing these slots via Python. * negative indices of dataObject indexing is now allowed and wraps around: obj[-1,-1] accesses the last element. * change in ito::dObjHelper::squeezeConvertCheck2DDataObject: parameter convertToType: -1 means no conversion will be done, this was 0 before. However 0 collides with int8. * :py:meth:`~itom.dataObject.phyToPix` and :py:meth:`~itom.dataObject.pixToPhys` added * :py:meth:`~itom.uiItem.info()` can now print more properties, slots and signals if called with parameter 1 or 2. * unifications of OS-dependent macros. For itom, plugins and designerPlugins the following pre-compiler directives are set: WIN32, _WIN32 for all Win-Systems; additionally WIN64, _WIN64 for x64 build; linux, Linux for Linux(Unix) based systems, __APPLE__ for Apple systems. * added gitignore with respect to linux,windows,osx,c++,xcode,visualstudio,tortoisegit,cmake,python,ipythonnotebook,qt * compare operators with real, scalar operand inserted for data object (support in C++ and Python itom.dataObject). * mapping set of data object can now get a mask (e.g. itom.dataObject a; a[b > 0] = 2). * setTo-method and at-method with mask parameter added to DataObject. It is then possible to set a scalar value to masked values or to return a new data object that only contains masked values in a 1xM object. * bugfix: designer.exe could not be started in setup environment (Windows). This is fixed now. * :py:meth:`~itom.region.createMask` can get a bounding rectangle such that the returned mask data object can be adjusted concerning its size and offset. * many bugfixes **Version 1.4.0 (2015-02-17)** (more than 200 commits in itom repository) * improved getting started documentation * CMake adapted for detection Visual Studio versions > 2010 * dockWidgetArea added as optional parameter for :py:class:`itom.ui`-class such that windows of type ui.TYPEDOCKWIDGET can be placed at different locations. * find_package(OpenMP) added to ItomBuildMacros for all compilers, since Visual Studio Express does not provide this tool. * improved drag&drop from variable names from workspace to console * redesigned user management dialogs * python access key to variables in workspace widget can now be inserted into console or scripts via drag&drop, detailed variables window also contain the right access key for dicts, list, tuples, attributes... * itom.plotItem.PrimitiveEllipse, PrimitiveLine... added as constants to the class :py:class:`plotItem` of itom module in Python. * double click on Python error message (filename, line-number) in console opens the script at the indicated line * increased buffer size of data object protocol strings since sprintf crashes upon buffer overflow (even sprintf_s, debug assertion) * Improved :py:meth:`itom.plotHelp`-command to get a list of all plot widget * new demo scripts added (see demo subfolder) * :py:meth:`pointCloud.copy()` for deep copies added * Make Python loops interruptible from GUI * Added functions to edit, add and read out color maps bases on rgba-values * :py:meth:`itom.addMenu` / :py:meth:`itom.removeMenu` / :py:meth:`itom.addButton` / :py:meth:`itom.removeButton`: the methods to add a button or menu element always return an unique handle to the recently added item. The methods to remove them can be called with this handle to exactly delete the element that has been added (does not remove an element with the same name that replaced the previously added one). With this change, a bug has been fixed: In some cases methods or functions connected to menu items have not been released when deleting the parent menu element. * observeInvocation in AbstractAddInConfigDialog and abstractAddInDockWidget now use the waitAndProcessEvents method of ItomSharedSemaphore instead of a "self-programmed" version doing the same. * :py:meth:`itom.addButton` returns handle to button, this handle can be used to call :py:meth:`itom.removeButton` (handle) to exactly delete this button. The existing method :py:meth:`itom.removeButton` (toolbarName, buttonName) still exists as other possibility * AddInManager::initAddIn: let this method also processEvents when it waits for the plugin's init method to be finished. Then, the plugin can directly invoke slots from GUI-related elements of the plugin within its init method. * Bugfix in dataObject.toGray() with default parameter (type) * QPropertyEditor can now handle QStringList properties (with list editor dialog for editing the QStringList) * methods removeItem, setItemData and insertItem of QComboBox are now callable from Python (via .call(...) command) * Qt5 fixes and adaptions (encodings, qmessagehandler, linkage against shell32 for Qt5.4 and Windows, ...) * 'log' can be passed as argument to the executable to redirect debug outputs to itomlog.txt. * always set Environmental Variable MPLCONFIGDIR to itom-packages/mpl_itom such that an individual matplotlibrc config file can be placed there. You can set the backend within this config file to module://mpl_itom.backend_itomagg such that matplotlib always renders to itom windows if used within itom. * All-In-One build environment for Qt5, Python 3.4, VS2010, 32 or 64bit, PCL 1.8.0, VTK 6.1 created. Documentation about all-in-one build environment added. * Added more flexible thread-safe control classes for all types of dataIO (grabber, ADDA, rawIO) and actuators (using inheritance). * added multi-parameter slot getParamVector to ito::AddInBase (similar to setParamVector). * class CameraThreadCtrl inserted in helperGrabber.h (part of SDK; replacement for threadCamera). The new class guards the camera by temporarily incrementing its reference counter, checks the isAlive() flag when waiting for semaphores and directly frees the semaphore after usage. A camera pointer can directly be passed to this class. * some checks inserted to avoid crashes at startup if Python could not be found. * theme for html documentation adapted * replaced c-cast in REMOVE_PLUGININSTANCE by qobject_cast (due to some rare problems deleting plugins) * documentation: sphinx extension Breathe updated to version 3.1 * improved parameter validation for floating point parameters (consider epsilon value) * typedef ParamMap and ParamMapIterator as simplification for QMap ... inserted * better detection of OpenCV under linux * fix in backend of matplotlib (timer from threading package to redraw canvas for instance after a zoom or home operation did not work. Replaced by itom.timer) * range: (min,max,step) and value: (min,max,step) also added for rangeWidget of itomWidgets project. rangeSlider and rangeWidget can now also be parametrized passing an IntervalMeta or RangeMeta object. * RangeSlider widgets now have the properties minimumRange, maximumRange, stepSizeRange, stepSizePosition * some new widgets added to itomWidgets project * IntervalMeta, RangeMeta, DoubleIntervalMeta, CharArrayMeta, IntArrayMeta, DoubleArrayMeta, RectMeta added as inherited classes from paramMeta. AddInInterface incremented to 1.3.1. * bugfix in dataObject when creating a huge (1000x500x500, complex128) object (continuous mode). * method :py:class:`uiItem.exists` added in order to check if the widget, wrapped by uiItem, still exists. * bugfix in squeezeConvertCheck2DDataObject if numberOfAllowedTypes = 0 (all types allowed) * Python script navigator added to script editor window (dropdown boxes for classes and methods) * implicit cast of ito::Rgba32 value to setVal of ito::Param of type integer. * improved integration of class itom.autoInterval and the corresponding c++ class ito::AutoInterval. Conversion to other data types added. * documentation about programming of AD-converter plugins (dataIO, type ADDA) added * several bugfixes in breakPointModel (case-insensitivity of filenames, better error message if breakpoint is in empty line, ...) * many other bugs fixed * improvements in documentation **Version 1.3.0 (2014-10-07)** (more than 150 commits in itom repository) * fixes big bug in assignment operator of dataObjects if d2=d1 and d1 shares its data with an external object (owndata=0). In the fixed version, d2 also has the owndata flag set to 0 (before 1 in any cases!) * replace dialog for replacing text within a selection fixed * API function apiValidateAndCastParam added. This is an enhanced version of apiValidateParam used in setParam of plugins. The enhanced version is able to modify possible double parameters in order to fit to possibly given step sizes. * support of PyMatlab integrated into CMake system (check BUILD_WITH_PYMATLAB to enable the python module 'matlab' and indicate the include directory and some libraries of Matlab) * Add twipOGL-Plugin (from twip Optical Solutions GmbH) to plotToolBar if present * dataObject: axisUnits, axisDescriptions, valueUnit and valueDescription can now handle encoded strings (different than UTF8) * QDate, QDateTime and QTime are now marshalled to python datetime.date, datetime.datetime and datetime.time (useful for QDateTimeEdit or QDateEdit widgets) * text from console widget is never deleted when drag&dropping it to any script widget * state of python reloader is stored and restored using the settings * warning is displayed if figure class could not be found and default fallback is applied * :py:func:`itom.plotLoaded` and :py:func:`plotHelp` added * Improved protocol functionality for dataObject related python functions * Fixed missing copy of rotationMatrix metadata for squeeze() function in dataobj.cpp * Added copyAxisTagsTo and copyTagMapTo to ito::absFunc, ito::realFunc, ito::imagFunc, ito::argFunc to keep dataTags * example about modal property dialogs added to demo folder * QScintilla version string added to version helper and about dialog * :py:func:`itom.clc` added to clear the command line from a script (useful for overfull command line output) * AutoInterval class published in common-SDK. This class can be used as datatype for an min/max-interval (floats) with an additional auto-flag. * public methods **selectedRows**, **selectedTexts** and **selectRows** of QListWidget can now be called via :py:meth:`itom.uiItem.call` * itom.dataObject operator / and /= for scalar operand implemented (via inverse multiplication operator) fixed casting issue in multiplication operator for double scalar (multiply with double precision -> then cast) * configured QPropertyEditor as shared library (dll) instead of static library. This was the last library that was not shared yet. * reduced size of error messages during live image grab * fix when reloading module, that contains syntax or other errors: these errors are displayed for better handling * If an instance of QtDesigner is opened and then an ui-file is loaded, this file was opened in a new instance of QtDesigner. This is fixed now. * some crashes when not starting with full user rights are fixed * Added demofile for data fitting * if last tab in script window is closed, the entire window is closed as well * types ito::DataObject, QMap... are no registered for signal/slot in addInManager such that this needs not to be done in plugins any more. * class **enum** in *itomPackages* renamed to **itomEnum** since Python 3.3 introduces its own class **enum**. * check for AMD-CPUs and adjust environment variable for these processors in order to avoid a KMP_AFFINITY error using Matplotlib (and OpenMP). * enhanced output for class function :py:meth:`itom.ui.info`. * optional properties argument added to commands :py:func:`itom.plot` and :py:func:`itom.liveImage`. Pass a dictionary with properties that are directly applied to the plot widget at startup. * recently opened file menu added to itom main window and script windows * improved loaded plugins dialog * some fixes in data object: fixed constructor for existing cv::Mat and type RGBA32, fixed bug in assignment operator for rhs-dataObjects that do not own their data block. * property dialog documented * improved python module auto reloader integrated into itom (based on iPython implementation). This reloader can be enabled by the menu script >> reload modules. * some examples from the matplotlib gallery added to the demo scripts * bugfix when changing the visibility of undocked plots * the designer plugin *matplotlib* has now the same behaviour than other plot widgets (can be docked into main window, property toolbox available...) * some improvements with tooltip texts displaying optional python syntax bugs (python module frosted required) * unified signatures passed to Q_ARG-macro of Qt. * the search bar is not hidden again if Ctrl-F is pressed another time. * detailed descriptions of plugins are now also displayed in help toolbox * improvements to reject the insertion of breakpoints in commented or empty lines * improved breakpoint toolbox that allows en-/disabling single or all breakpoints, deleting breakpoints... Breakpoints are reloaded at new startup. * unused or duplicated code removed and cleaned * project *itomWidgets* synchronized to changes in mother project commonCTK * german translations improved * itom and the plugins now support a build with Qt5. The setup is still compiled with Qt4.8. * support for CMake 3.0 added **Version 1.2.0 (2014-05-18)** (more than 300 commits in itom repository) * :py:meth:`itom.dataObject.toGray` added in order to return a grayscale dataObject from type rgba32. * Drag&drop python files to command line in order to open them * :py:meth:`itom.actuator.setInterrupt` added in order to interrupt the current movement of an actuator (async-mode only, general interrupt must be implemented by plugin) * Window bugfix (improper appearance) in Qt5 (windows) as well as some linux distributions (Qt4/Qt5) * Breakpoint toolbox improved. * Open scripts and current set of breakpoints is saved at shutdown and restored at new startup. * Python, Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib and itom script references can be automatically downloaded and updated from an itom online repository. These references can then be shown in the itom help toolbox. * CMake: Improvements in find_package(ITOM_SDK...) COMPONENTS dataObject, pointCloud, itomWidgets, itomCommonLib and itomCommonQtLib can be chosen. Since dataObject and pointCloud require the core components of OpenCV and PCL respectively, these depending libraries are detected as well and automatically added to ITOM_SDK_LIBRARIES and ITOM_SDK_INCLUDE_DIRS. * :py:class:`itom.npDataObject` removed (reasons see: http://itom.58578.x6.nabble.com/itom-discussions-deprecated-class-itom-npDataObject-td3.html) * Designer plugins can now display point clouds and polygon meshes (itomIsoGLFigurePlugin displays pointClouds) * improved codec handling. Default codec is latin1 (ISO 8859-1) now, Python's codec is synchronized to Qt codec. * Modified / new templates added for creating a grabber, actuator and algorithm plugin. * ito::DataObject registered as meta type in itom. Plugins do not need to do this any more. * Styles in property editor can be reset to default, size of all styles can be globally increased or decreased * C-Api: new base classes for plugin configuration dialogs and dock widgets added to SDK: ito::AbstractAddInDockWidget and ito::AbstractAddInConfigDialog * modified and improved user documentation * itom extension added for sphinx for semi-automatic plugin documentation * More CMake macros added for easier implementation of plugins: FIND_PACKAGE_QT, PLUGIN_TRANSLATION, PLUGIN_DOCUMENTATION * Python commands :py:func:`itom.pluginHelp` and :py:func:`itom.filterHelp` either return dict with information or print information (depending on arguments) * Plugin can provide a rst-based documentation file. The documentation of all available plugins is then integrated in the itom help system. * Python syntax check in script editors introduced. Install the python package **frosted** in order to obtain the syntax check (can be disabled in property dialog) * meta information stepSize introduced for ito::IntMeta and ito::DoubleMeta * glew is not necessary if building against Qt5 with OpenGL. * New shared library **itomWidgets** added to SDK. itom, user defined GUIs and plugins have now access to further widgets. These widgets are mainly taken from the CTK project (the common toolkit). * Python class **enum** in itom-packages renamed to **itomEnum** since a class enum (with similar functionality is introduced with Python >= 3.4) * All signaling_NaNs replace by quiet_NaNs (signaling_NaNs raise C exception under certain build settings) * Unittests for ito::ByteArray, ito::RetVal and ito::Param added * User management partially available via Python. * itom can now be build and run using Qt4 or Qt5. Usually the Qt-version installed on the computer is automatically detected, if both versions are available use the CMake variable BUILD_QTVERSION and set it to Qt4 or Qt5 for manual choice. * Help toolbox also shows information about all loaded hardware plugins (actuator, dataIO) * Help toolbox in itom shows information about filters and widgets provided by algorithm plugins. Exemplary code snippet for all filters added. * itom can be build without PCL support, hence the point cloud library is not required. The library *pointCloud* is not available then (see BUILD_WITH_PCL in CMake) * C-Api: New shared libraries created: itomCommon (RetVal, Param,...), itomCommonQt (ItomSharedSemaphore, AddInInterface,...), dataObject, pointCloud, itomWidgets. Plugins link agains these shared libraries. This allows an improved bugfix in these components. Additionally, many changes in these libraries don't require a new version number for the plugin interface (unless the binary compatibility is not destroyed). * C-Api: error message in ito::RetVal, name and info string of ito::Param are now stored as ito::ByteArray class that is based on a shared memory concept. Less memory copy operations are required. * crash fixed if itom is closed with user defined buttons and menus * fixes if some components are disabled by user management * C-Api: DesignerPlugins can now be used within other plugins (e.g. widgets in algorithm plugins) * many bugfixes **Version 1.1.0 (2014-01-27)** * help dock widget to show a searchable, online help for the script reference of several python packages, the itom module as well as a detailed overview of algorithms and widgets contained in plugins * revised documentation and python docstrings * optimization due to tool *cppCheck* * method *apiGetParam* added to api-functions * timeouts changeable by ini-file * size, position... of native dock widgets and toolbars is saved and reloaded at restart * further demos added * property editor for plots added * compilation without PointCloudLibrary possible (CMake setting) * easier compilation for linux * 2DQwtPlot enhanced within a code sprint to support geometric primitives that can be painted onto the plotted image. The parameters of the geometries can then be obtained via python and for instance be evaluated in the designer widget 'evaluateGeometries'. Demo script added for demonstrating this functionality (*uiMeasureToolMain demo*) * many methods of dataObject now have int-parameters or return values instead of size_t -> better compatibility with respect to OpenCV * In :py:class:`itom.uiItem` it is now possible to also assign a string (or an integer) to enumeration based properties of widgets. * :py:meth:`itom.openScript` enhanced to also open the script where any object (class, method...) is defined in (if it exists) * :py:class:`itom.dataObject` have the attributes 'ndim' and 'shape' for a better compliance to 'numpy.ndarray' * color type 'rgba32' added for data objects. See also :py:class:`itom.rgba`. The color class in C++ is contained in color.h. 2dgraphicview plot also supports color cameras. OpenCVGrabber can grab in color as well. Unittest of data object adapted to this. * better exception handling of any exception occurring in plugin algorithms. * type 'ui.DOCKWIDGET' now possible for :py:class:`itom.ui` in order to dock any user defined window into the main window * drag&drop from last-command dock widget to console or script window * modified python debugger * added :py:meth:`itom.compressData` and :py:meth:`itom.uncompressData` in :py:mod:`itom` * normalize method for data objects added * many bugfixes **Version 1.0.14 (2014-09-02)** there is no continuous changelog for these version Plugins ****************** **Version 2.1.0 (2016-03-01)** (more than 140 commits in plugins repository) * LeicaMotorFocus: fixes due to operation on fast computers. Uses new readline mode of serialIO now. * PCOPixelFly: avoid multiple attemps to close the data stream upon stopDevice calls * improvements in FFTWfilters: 1D fft and ifft can be applied along any desired axis, the output is complex128 for complex128 of float64 input, else complex64; better adaptions to (non)-continuous, single or multi-plane dataObjects, improved documentation * Roughness: initial commit of algorithm plugin Roughness for 1D roughness evaluation. See the tool RoughnessEvaluator in the 'itom-packages/apps' folder of itom * bugfix in AVTVimba, corrected copyright information * bugfix in dispWindow: max-value of param 'numimg' * FireGrabber: improvements: parameter timebase inserted to adapt the possible range of the integration_time. * first work for plugin *libgphoto* (windows port for remote controlling dslr cameras) * bugfixes in AndorSDK3: integration_time cannot be changed during acquisition, fix in ROI settings. * MeasurementComputing: plugin for MeasurementComputing Analog Digital Converter * demoAlgorithms: usage of DataIOThreadCtrl and ActuatorThreadCtrl classes. Improved the demo 'demoSnapImage' in DemoAlgorithms to show a timeout based an a direct execution of a grabber in a controlled camera thread. * fix in filter *centroid1D*. * USBMotion3XIII: updates in USBMotion3XIII (workaround for USB timeout at init with slow computers, encoding fixes...) * rawImport: added filter *rawImport*, for reading raw images from (dslr) cameras. The filter is based on dcraw, which is left as untempered as possible. * VRMagic: plugin added for cameras from VRMagic. * BasicFilters: fix in some filters. Error message was not returned if kernel size is bigger than the input image (e.g. in case of 1xN sized images) * BasicFilters: spike removal filter can now also replace a spike by the mean or median filtered value (optional parameter) * PCLTools: filter *pclGetNormalsAtCogFromMeshParams* added. This filter returns a cloud with normals containing the center of gravity plus the normal vector for each polygonal surface element in the given polygonal mesh. * PCLTools: Added filter *pclFitTrimmedBSpline*. This filter will only be compiled if the PCL is compiled with BUILD_surface_on_nurbs = ON. * Vistek: Param integration_time inserted as alias for exposure, Binning also accepts the itom-default values 100*vertical_factor+horizontal_factor * DummyGrabber: rand function of DummyGrabber uses now the RNG-module from OpenCV. The previous version did not always provide random values. * DummyGrabber: can be initialized with a sensor height of 1 to simulate a line camera, for a 2D camera heights of 4,8,12... are required. * PGRFlyCapture: embedded image information (timestamp, frame counter, roi position) can be en/disabled via parameter 'metadata' * PGRFlyCapture: updates and fixes. crash prevention due to 100ms sleep in stopDevice, fixes in setParam(roi[x],...) with x = 0..3 * PGRFlyCapture: more trigger modes implemented (mode 0,1,2,14 + free run) * Ximea camera: disable AEAG and LUT since not supported by plugin (yet). * workaround in Ximea: it is not possible to operate one camera by two processes. However the Ximea api allows opening the camera from two processes. It only fails at parameter setting or image acquisition. Therefore a dummy parameter set at startup should detect this situation. The ximea api does not provide a more robust and better solution! * serialIO: added endlineRead and readline parameters. It is now possible to configure the serial port such that getVal waits until a endlineRead character has been detected (or timeout) * serialIO: improved parity handling * serialIO: added 76800 baud as serial interface speed * PCOCamera: apiValidateParam replaced by apiValidateAndCastParam * fittingFilters: filter *subtract1DRegression* added. This filter subtracts one dimensional, fitted polynomials from all rows or columns in a data object. * fittingFilters: documentation of fitPolynom2D and polyfitWeighted2D / polyfitWeighted2DSinglePoints improved due to different definitions of the fit function. * x3pio: warnings and errors from OpenGPS are transferred more clearly to itom. * documentation of x3pio adapted for CodeSynthesis XSD 4.0 necessary for Visual Studio > 2010. A bugfix was added to the documentation file. * DataObjectIO: filter *loadFRT* added in order to load \*.frt data files from Friess FRT measurement devices. * DataObjectIO: *loadTXT* filter improved: the load can now handle thousand group delimiter (, or . depending on decimalSign). Furthermore wrapSign was added as optional parameter, such that "'... signs optionally wrapping every value can be removed. For all this, a python based unittest was added to the sources. * DataObjectIO: fix in *loadSDF* if either xscale or yscale of sdf-file is set to 0. * DataObjectIO: savePtbPR filter added to save 1D data objects to the PR file used for the reference roughness evaluation software from PTB. * DataObjectIO: *safeSDF* can now also save in aISO-1.0 format in compliance with ISO25178-71 (also required by RPTB-tool) * DataObjectIO: file filter *savePtbPR* adapted to new requirements of RPTB-tool Version >= 2.01. * DataObjectIO: check for right file suffix added to saveNistSDF and savePtbPR * SuperlumBL: new plugin (rawIO) for super luminescence diodes from Superlum added * PiezosystemJena_NV40_1: plugin added for Piezosystem Jena NV40/1 CL E one axis piezo controller (final test not done yet) * IDSuEye: frame_rate is now correctly read from device * IDSuEye: possible errors during acquisition have not always been transferred to retrieveData. * many adaptions to work with OpenCV 2.4.x and OpenCV 3.x * dataObjectArithmetic: filter *localCentroidXY* added to find the local center of gravity for spots whose pixel-wise coordinate and the size of a search rectangle or circle is given. * dataObjectArithmetic: added omp parallelization (release only) for *localCentroidXY* * dataObjectArithmetic: filter *boundingBox* added * dataObjectArithmetic: filter *autofocusEstimate* added. This filter estimates for auto-focussing images (based on Sobel, Laplacian, Previtt, Roberts... filters). It works on 2D as well as 3D dataObjects. **Version 2.0.0 (2015-07-20)** (more than 250 commits in plugins repository) * **Ximea**: Renewed plugin tested with several xiQ cameras (MQ013, MQ042). More parameters like full-featured triggering, frame_burst, fixed and auto framerate... The parameter trigger_mode2 was renamed to trigger_selector (what it really is). Updated to XIMEA API A software based shading correction was added, too. Meta information added to each captured frame. * PointGrey FlyCapture (**PGRFlyCapture**): improved documentation; if a slow data connection (e.g. USB2) is used, some data packages might be lost, therefore we retry to fetch the image if it could not be obtained the first time. All parameters renamed to underscore-separated version. 'roi' parameter added instead of x0,x1,y0,y1. Futher parameters *trigger_polarity* and *packetsize* added. Meta information added to each captured frame. * **LibUSB**: Many improvements: Information about all connected devices and their endpoints (if device is readable by libusb) can be printed, different endpoints for reading and writing are adjustable. Improved documentation. * **PCOSensicam** plugin added: This plugin supports image acquisition of the Sensicam camera series from PCO. * **PCOPixelFly**: bugfixes and modified dock widget as well as configuration dialog. Gain is a two-state variable only (0: default mode, 1: higher infrared sensitivity) * **USBMotion3XIII**: some smaller bugfixes in this motion controller plugin * motor controller plugin **Standa 8SMC4USB** added. * documentation of **AVTVimba** improved * version 1.0 of **DummyGrabber** released: many bugfixes, binning, roi change, integration time, frame time, gain and offset are now working and influence the resulting image. * plugin **ThorlabsCCS** (spectrometer from Thorlabs): 'roi' parameter added. * plugin **AvantesAvaSpec** added to run spectrometers from Avantes only using the **LibUSB** plugin without need of further SDKs or drivers from Avantes. * improvements in plugin **OpenCVGrabber**: native setting dialog for DirectShow based cameras can be opened in configuration dialog. This dialog provides more settings. Parameter *roi* added * bugfix: avoid crash at shutdown of **glDisplay** in Debug mode, Qt5 * **libmodbus**: modbus-function read/write coils implemented for uint8 - data objects * plugin **CommonVisionBlox** added to control cameras that are accessed via CommonVisionBlox from Stemmer (GenICam based). * roi of OpenCVGrabber is now adjustable * plugin **PCOCamera** for the general camera SDK from PCO: parameter *roi* added * plugin **OpenCVFilters**: some bugfixes, filters *findHomography* added, fixes in **cvFlannBasedMatcher** * plugin **FittingFilters** is now compiled with *Lapacke*, filters *polyfitWeighted2DSinglePoints* and *polyval2DSinglePoints* added to FittingFilters to also fit arbitrary sets of x,y,z points. * bugfix in centroid1D (**dataobjectarithmetic**) if input object has scale!=1 or offset!=0. Version: 0.0.2 * modified version 1.0 of **DummyMotor** released (config dialog based on AbstractAddInConfigDialog) * fix in remote/local detection of **PIPiezoCtrl** * fix in load and save x3p: scale values are fixed. When loading, one can indicate the desired x,y and value units (m, cm, mm, |mm| , nm). When saving in x3p format, the axis and value units are parsed such that all units are scaled to meter, which is default in x3p. default units m. This is more robust since it is also the default of x3p. Other default units might lead to value multiplications that can cause overflows for certain data types; the user should consider this. z-axis must always be absolute, but can contain a offset (translation vector, z-component). z-scaling is always multiplied to values. simplifications in loading data: x3p data types are directly mapped to one dataObject type (no complex switch cases necessary). * filters *calcRadialMean* and *spikeMeanFilter* added to **BasicFilters** * plugin **NI-DAQmx**: improvements in NI-DAQmx: device as optional parameter for initialization inserted in order to indicate the name of the device (e.g. Dev1). Tasks can now be restarted. * Plugin **PclTools**: filter **pclDistanceToModelDObj** and **saveVTKImageData** added (allows displaying volume plots e.g. in ParaView) * Plugin **DataObjectIO**: improvements and enhanced documentation in all save and load filters for image formats (png, tif, jpg, pgm, ...). These filter can now load color and monochrome image formats including possible alpha channels. Many filters improved, fixed and tested. loadNistSDF now supports ascii NIST, ISO (ISO25178-71) or the original BCR standard (used by Zygo NewView as export format) * many other bugfixes, especially concerning Qt5 **Version 1.4.0 (2015-02-17)** (more than 170 commits in plugins repository) * vertex and fragment shader error in gl based plugins: Since NVIDIA 347.xx, no character (including space, \n...) must be before #version directive. Else shaders may not be compiled (error C0204, version directive must be first statement) * linux support for ttyS, ttyUSB and ttyACM in plugin **serialIO** added, selection via portnumber S=0-999 USB=1000-1999 ACM=2000-2999 * some fixes in **FireGrabber** * fix a crash in **PCOPixelFly** if camera is not correctly connected with the board * fix in **OpenCVGrabber** when using the EasyCAP or similar analog-digital video converters (USB2) * filters *cvResize*, *cvSplitChannels*, *cvMergeChannels* added to **OpenCVFilters** for interpolated size change of a data object * timestamp added to tags of acquired data objects in **PGRFlyCapture**. Further fixes to achieve highest possible framerate. (don't use extended shutter for high frame rates and don't set the smallest possible frame time, since this leads to a really low frame rate, a frame time close to the minimum achieves high frame rates.) * **Ximea**: bugfixes, added *gpo* and *gpi*, backward compatibility to older Ximea API... * filter *cropBox* for **PclTools** inserted to crop points inside or outside of an arbitrary positioned and rotated box. * **PclTools** adapted to PCL 1.8 and split into several files due to a big-object-compiler error. * bugfixes in **glDisplay**, can now also display Rgba32 data objects. Additionally, existing textures can be changed with *editTextures*. * many config dialogs and toolboxes inherit now the new abstract base classes. * fixes in grabFramebuffer of **dispWindow** plugin * fixes in cvUndistortPoints, cvInitUndistortRectifyMap and cvRemap (**OpenCVFilters**) * fitPlane and getInterpolatedValues in **FittingFilters** can now also be executed using the "least median of squares" * plugin **OpenCVFiltersNonFree** created. This contains non BSD licensed code from OpenCV and is not included in the itom setup per default. * plugin **AVTVimba** created and released under LGPL (for cameras from Allied Vision) * plugin **AndorSDK3** create and released under LGPL (for cameras from Andor, tested with Zyla 5 camera) * plugin **NewportSMC100** added and released under LGPL to control actuators from Newport (SMC 100) * plugin **libmodbus** added and released under LGPL. This supports the communication protocol *modbus* (based on libmodbus 3.1.2 from https://github.com/stephane/libmodbus) * plugin **PI_GCS2** added and released under LGPL. This controls *Physik Instrumente* devices using the GCS2 command set (tested with E-753). * plugin **demoAlgorithms** released under LGPL. * plugin **SuperlumBS** added and released under LGPL (for Broadband swept light source). * plugin **NI-DAQmx** for National Instruments DAQmx interface added and released under LGPL. **Version 1.3.0 (2014-10-07)** (more than 100 commits in plugins repository) * plugin *Thorlabs CCS* for spectrometers from Thorlabs added (dataIO plugin). This plugin requires further drivers from the Thorlabs device. * plugin *AerotechA3200* added to support the deprecated A3200 interface from company Aerotech. * fixes in plugin *PIPiezoCtrl*: parameters delayOffset, delayProp and async are now really transmitted to the device (did nothing before) * fixes in *PCOCamera* plugin with camera *PCO.1200s* that does not support the setPoint temperature. * all plugins adapted for Qt4 and Qt5. * plugin *dispWindow* adapted to OpenGL 3.1 and 4.0. Deprecated shader commands replaced. Parameters 'lut' and 'gamma' are now working and the gamma correction is enabled if parameter *gamma* = 1 * filter *cvUndistort* in *OpenCVFilters* can now handle every data type as input. * fixes some bugs when importing csv files * filter *cvFlipFilter* also supports multi plane flipping for 3D data objects. * plugin *GLDisplay* added that allows displaying one or multiple arrays on the screen using OpenGL to provide a very fast flip between several images. * many enhancements and improvments in plugin *pclTools* (mainly done by company twip optical solutions GmbH): filter for fitting spheres to point clouds added, filter to calculate distances to a given model added, filter to prepare a display of these distances added, methods partially OpenMP parallelized, filter for fitting cones to point clouds added, filter for projecting point clouds to models added. * plugin *PGRFlyCapture* now runs under linux, general changes to support Grasshopper3 cameras (color supported as well). * some fixes in plugin *cmu1394* and optional byte swapping for 16bit camera added * improvements in camera plugin *Vistek* * improved error handling when trying to load unsupported tiff formats * filters *gaussianFilter* and *gaussianFilterEpsilon* added to plugin *BasicFilters* * filters *cvRotate180*, *cvRotateM90* and *cvRotateP90* added to *OpenCVFilters* * improvements and better synchronization to camera in plugin *Ximea*. Experimental shading correction added. * bugfix when loading a x3p file -> yscale has not been loaded correctly * camera plugin *IDS uEye* added to support cameras from company IDS Imaging (based on their driver 4.41) **Version 1.2.0 (2014-05-18)** (more than 200 commits in plugins repository) * PCOCamera: improved plugin with renew config dialog and toolbox. Tested with PCO.1300 and PCO.2000. * DataObjectIO: Added importfilter for ascii based images or point lists * PCLTools released under LGPL * PGRFlyCapture: extended shutter added for longer integration times, frame rate is not used if extended shutter is one since images are acquired as fast as possible. * AerotechEnsemble: bugfixes: avoid timeout for long-time operations corrected status message when all axes are in-target position * fixes for PCOPixelFly: some board IO errors are handled * DispWindow adapted to OpenGL 3.x specification as well as Qt5 * Initial release of video 4 linux (V4L2) * Improved SDF-Export function with invalid handling for MountainsMaps (plugin DataObjectIO) * exec-function for ramp-trajectory added to GwInstek plugin (power supply controller with RS232 connection) * Plugin FireGrabber supported under linux. FirePackage driver used under Windows, Fire4Linux under linux * Plugin SerialIO under linux: both tty and usb ports supported * Plugin x3pio released under LGPL (wrapper for data format x3p, see opengps.eu) * Added clipping-Filters and history-filter to BasicFilters * Many documentations for plugins added * Plugin MSMediaFoundation released under LGPL (requires at least Windows Vista, successor of DirectShow for accessing basic cameras) * Parameters sharpness and gamma added to Ximea plugin. * Plugin LibUSB released. * Fixed big-endian, little-endian bug in PointGrey plugin, parameters sharpness, gamma and auto_exposure added * Plugin for PointGrey cameras released under LGPL. * Plugin for XIMEA cameras released under LGPL. * FFTW plugin added that is a wrapper to the FFTW library (GPL license!) * overall modification of Vistek camera plugin: Toolbox, configuration dialog based on new base classes of itom SDK, better parameter handling, improved image grabbing... **Version 1.1.0 (2014-01-27)** there is no continuous changelog for these version Designer Plugins ****************** **Version 2.1.0 (2016-03-01)** (more than 50 commits in designerPlugins repository) * many encoding fixes (mainly due to changes in Qt 5) in all designerPlugins for a better representation of special characters. * dataObjectTable: number of decimals adjustable via the context menu * dataObjectTable: documentation added. This is now directly included in the main documentation of itom using special include directives. * dataObjectTable: arrays of type *complex64* and *complex128* can also be edited. * dataObjectTable: number of decimals are considered, column-specific suffix is possible, copy of selected entries to clipboard, stretch of columns or rows can be adjusted... * dataObjectTable: local representation of floating point numbers, copy all to clipboard also copies header data in a format that is importable in Excel. * dataObjectTable: alignment property added. * slider2D: documentation added. * slider2D: stepSize and decimals added as properties, valuesChanged(double, double) added as new signal * Qwt bug 255 merged into local Qwt files (see https://sourceforge.net/p/qwt/bugs/255/). * Qwt updated to the patch revision r2317 from version 6.1.2 * vtk3dVisualizer: property 'parallelProjection' added * vtk3dVisualizer: toolbars redesigned and reconfigured. * vtk3dVisualizer: cube axis frame can now be shown * vtk3dVisualizer: This plugin can now be used to plot point clouds or polygon meshes using the plot(obj,"vtk3dVisualizer") command * vtk3dVisualizer: color modes of point cloud items adapted to those of polygonal meshes * vtk3dVisualizer: press 'v' when item is marked in tree to toggle its visibility (including all sub-items) * vtk3dVisualizer: curvature can be used as color mode for meshes * vtk3dVisualizer: point clouds can now be coloured depending on x,y,z,sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2),normal_x, normal_y, normal_z, curvature or intensity value. * vtk3dVisualizer: slot 'addPolygon' added to vtk3dVisualizer * itom1dqwtplot and itom2dqwtplot: unification of all qwt plots by inserting the bases class itomQwtPlot and itomQwtDObjFigure: these classes help to save lot of code and improve the maintenance of those classes, e.g. geometric shapes, markers, panner, zoomer, magnifier, export... * itom1dqwtplot and itom2dqwtplot: code unifications and simplifications concerning geometric shapes. * itom1dqwtplot and itom2dqwtplot: added button set for dark background themes * itom1dqwtplot and itom2dqwtplot: improvements in copy-to-clipboard operation. The dpi of the image is properly set such that the size of the image is not too big when pasting it to other applications. Slight improvements for legend titles. * itom1dqwtplot: if tags "legendTitle0", "legendTitle1",... are defined, this will be use as the curve name * fix in itom1dqwtplot and itom2dqwtplot if plane selector has focus and user wants to abort an user interaction * changed tab-order in 1d and 2d scale dialog of itom1DQwtPlot and itom2DQwtPlot * fixes in scale dialogs of itom1DQwtPlot and itom2DQwtPlot: double spin boxes are replaced by version from itomWidgets project. Number of decimals can be adjusted via Ctrl+ or Ctrl-, the recommended size depends on the current value and not on the min/max value. * fix in itom1dQwtPlot: min/max values of dialog1DScale in itom1DQwtPlot is now adjusted to min/max of data type of displayed data object * bugfix in itom2DQwtPlot: x/y mistake in setInterval, getInterval returned min>max if yAxisFlipped = True: fixed now. * updated "Draw Mode" for itom1DQwtPlot * layout improvements in scale dialogs of itom1dqwtplot and itom2dqwtplot * bugfix in the routine to determine the current bounding rectangle for fixed-point data objects (itom1DQwtPlot). Some smaller speedups inserted. * German umlauts in source code replaced by unicode representations (e.g. for chinese operating systems) * improvements in matplotlibPlot: subfig config dialog is now using range widgets in order to easier visualize the borders. **Version 2.0.0 (2015-07-20)** (more than 95 commits in designerPlugins repository) * itom1dqwtplot, itom2dqwtplot: property unitLabelStyle added to chose how the labels print unit information * line cut slices and z-stack slices can now also be displayed in a previously indicated line-plot widget (properties lineCutPlotItem and zSlicePlotItem) * various styles possible for labels containing units (with respect to current standards) * Qt4/Qt5 string encoding problems fixed (latin1 / utf8) * dataObjectTable: more signals added (clicked, activated, pressed, doubleClicked, entered) to allow better access via python. * slider2D: designer plugin added * itom1dqwtplot: logarithmic and double-logarithmic scale added for x- and y-axis (base 2, 10 and 16) * itom1dqwtplot and itomd2dqwtplot: method *send current view to python workspace* added to put a shallow copy of the currently zoomed region of interest to the python workspace. * itom1dqwtplot: histogram-like plots with the properties fill-color and fill-style added * itom1dqwtplot: many more style properties for lines * itom1dqwtplot and itom2dqwtplot: many fixes concerning resize, rescaling, representation in free and fixed-aspect-ratio mode. * itom1dqwtplot: picker can now have labels. Many style properties set. * itom2dqwtplot and itom1dqwtplot: Improvements to allow multi layer line plots * itom1dqwtplot: color values of rgba-data objects will be displayed with three different colors * pre-compiler symbols for windows, mac and linux unified * support for Mac OS added (osx) * itom2dqwtplot: z-slice can only be started at positions inside of the object * vtk3dvisualizer: camera position and view can now be set, commands 'addText' and 'updateText' added, geometry items can now have properties like specular, specularPower, specularColor * vtk3dvisualizer: support for Qt4/5 and VTK5/6 * itom2dqwtplot: non-finite values are displayed as transparent pixels **Version 1.4.0 (2015-02-17)** (more than 50 commits in designerPlugins repository) * itom1dqwtplot: changed slots for setPicker / getPicker from ito::int32 / ito::float32 to int and float due to conversion / call problems. * itom1dqwtplot: fixes some rescaling problems when switching the complex representation or the row/column representation. * itom1dqwtplot, itom2dqwtplot: improvements in panner, magnifier, zoomer with and without fixed aspect ratio. Magnification is now possible using Ctrl + mouse wheel. * itom1dqwtplot, itom2dqwtplot: geometric elements can now obtain labels (accessible via slots) * Initial commit of vtk3dVisualizer to visualize pointclouds, polygon meshes, geometric elements. These elements are organized in a tree view and can be parametrized. The display is realized using Vtk and the PointCloudLibrary. * Encoding fixes in itom1dqwtplot and itom2dqwtplot due to default encoding changes in Qt5 (switched from Latin1 to Utf8) * itom2dqwtplot: Added property to change geometric element modification mode * itom1dqwtplot: Improved linewidth for copy pasted export * itom1dqwtplot, itom2dqwtplot: zoom stack of zoomer and magnifier tools is synchronized with panner such that changing the plane or complex representation does not change the zoomed rectangle after a panning event) * itom1dqwtplot, itom2dqwtplot: some handling fixes in export properties of 1d and 2d qwt plot. The properties are now shown before the file-save-dialog in order to give the user an overview about the possibilities before he needs to indicate a filename. * itom1dqwtplot, itom2dqwtplot: shortcuts added for actions 'save' and 'copyToClipboard' * itom1dqwtplot: property lineStyle and lineWidth added * itom1dqwtplot, itom2dqwtplot: copy-to-clipboard added to tools menu of 1d and 2d qwt plot. Improved keyPressEvents for both plots (playing with event->ignore() and event->accept()) * itom1dqwtplot: rounding fix in order to show the right data to given z-stack-cut coordinates. * improvements in itom2dqwtplot: z-stack picker obtains the general color set including a semi-transparent background box; the z-plane can be selected via a property 'planeIndex' * itom2dqwtplot: z-stack and linecut window has an appropriate window title * itom1dqwtplot, itom2dqwtplot: Working on an improved geometric element handling (e.g. modes for move, modify points) Adapted type switches and comparisons to handle flagged geometric elements via type ito::PrimitiveContainer::tTypeMask * itom1dqwtplot, itom2dqwtplot: Added new icons for geometric element modification. * Added shift and alt modifier to itom2dqwtplot to move / rotate geometric lines with fixed length * update to qwt 6.1.2 for compability with Qt 5.4 * Improving EvaluateGeometricsFigure to evaluate 3D-Data * Improved functionality of EvaluateGeometricsFigure to calculate distances between ellipse centers * fix in itom1dqwtplot and itom2dqwtplot: dataObjects were not updated if only their content, but not the size, type... changed * changes for access of plotItemChanged via python * Added colorMap to overlayImage for Itom2dQwtPlot via overlayColorMap-Property * itom1dqwtplot: legend (optional) added to itom1dqwtplot (properties: legendPosition (Off, Left, Top, Right, Bottom) and legendTitles (StringList) added). Per default, the legend is not displayed, and if it is displayed, the default names are curve 0, curve 1, curve 2... * itom2dqwtplot is principally able to display 1xN or Nx1 data objects (was blocked until now; but sometimes people want to do this) * itom1dqwtplot, itom2dqwtplot adapted to ito::AutoInterval class (xAxisInterval, yAxisInterval, zAxisInterval are of this type now) * itom1dqwtplot, itom2dqwtplot: Added background, axis and tick color **Version 1.3.0 (2014-10-07)** (more than 40 commits in designerPlugins repository) * The properties *xAxisInterval* and *yAxisInterval* return the currently visible or set interval (bugfix) * overlay image of *itom2dqwtplot* can now be read out by the property *overlayImage* * Firsts steps for an auto-documentation of designer plugins * Linecut of *itom2dqwtplot* can now also be set to the horizontal / vertical line containing the global minimum or maximum * Some bugfixes concerning the display of dataObjects that are shallow copies from numpy arrays * Fixes a bug that showed errors when a linecut and a z-stack-cut of *itom2dqwtplot* and a 3d data object is visible at the same time * Mode for single and multi row or column display of *itom1dqwtplot* for 2d data objects as input * Center marker in *itom2dqwtplot* can be adjusted in size and pen using the general style settings for designer plugins (itom.ini setting file only) * improvements and rework of zoomer, panner and magnifier with or without fixed aspect ratio for *itom2dqwtplot* and *itom1dqwtplot* * magnifier of *itom2dqwtplot* and *itom1dqwtplot* now also works with Ctrl+mousewheel * pickPoints event now also works in *itom2dqwtplot* if the zoomed rectangle or the magnification is changed during interaction * improved unit switches in GUI in *motorController* * slots added for saving and rendering to pixmap for *itom2dqwtplot* * property *grid* added to *itom1dqwtplot* to show/hide a grid * some problems fixed with point selectors in *itom1dqwtplot* * matplotlib is now a designer plugin based on AbstractFigure like other plots as well. It can then be docked into the main window. **Version 1.2.0 (2014-05-18)** (more than 80 commits in designerPlugins repository) * *itom2DQwtPlot* is able to display color data objects and cameras. * Press Ctrl+C to copy the currently displayed plot in *itom1DQwtPlot* and *itom2DQwtPlot* to clipboard. Also available via menu. * display of pointClouds in *itomIsoGLFigurePlugin* * fix in autoColor mode (*itom2DGraphicView*) with rgba32 data objects or cameras * save dialog remembers last directory * secondary dataObject can be plotted as semi-transparent overlay (alpha value adjustable) in *itom2DQwtPlot* (Python access via property *overlayImage*) * many bugfixes * multiline plotting in *itom1DQwtPlot* improved * designer plugins are now ready for inclusion in GUIs of other plugins **Version 1.1.0 (2014-01-27)** there is no continuous changelog for these version