2.3.4. List of common cmake Variables used in the itom project

This chapter is to hold lots of common CMAKE Variables, used throughout the itom and its plugin’s projects, in the hope this will reduce the amount of try-and error cycles to fill in the right patterns. This list is to be extended, but if you want to compile a certain plugin, best is to check with the doc provided by it. Liste




path to folder containing OpenCVConfig.cmake or OpenCVConfig-version.cmake


path to folder containing PCLConfig.cmake or PCLConfigVersion.cmake


click this checkbox if you want to build itom for 64bit. Usually automatically detected depending on chosen compiler


sets the output build type. only relevant for single configuration builds, as makefiles. not relevant for high-end IDEs like Visual Studio. Build Flags are set according to this selection.


you can only set this value if compiling itom with Visual Studio in Debug mode. Point it to the directory similar to D:\itomtrunk\Visual Leak Detector. This folder must contain subfolders named bin, include and lib. Click VISUALLEAKDETECTOR_ENABLED in order to enable the memory leak detector in Visual Studio. Please make sure, that you add the correct subfolder of its bin directory to the windows environment variables or copy the content to the executable directory of itom (where qitom.exe is finally located).


set this to the boost base folder you want to compile into itom. This folder contains folders “boost” and “lib64-msvc-xxx”. If you set the right one here the boost libraries will get autopoulated… If not, this entry gets cleared again…


from FindBoost.cmake: “preferred include directory e.g. …/include” create this entry if you have multiple boost versions installed and point it to the include directory(the folder containing headers) of the right version. Note the all-caps spelling.


from FindBoost.cmake: “Preferred library directory e.g. …/lib” create this entry and point it to the folder containing the compiled boost libraries(*.dll, *.lib, *.a, *.so …) Note the all-caps spelling.


use the libusb version from github. or at least 1.0.22 using older versions requires lots more hassling on windows than downloading the git and compiling it. Believe me. Or try it out yourself. On the git version, this path points directly to the git(or downloaded and unpacked folder), named libusb or libusb-master or libusb-<branchname-you-checked-out> containing “libusb” subfolder and many more.


path to folder containing subfolders “build”, “Eigen”, “unsupported”


path containing “Qt5Config.cmake”, “Qt5ConfigVersion.cmake” and “Qt5ModuleLocation.cmake”, usually in qt5 build folder, msvcxxxx_xx/lib/cmake


directory containing all the fftw libraries you want to use. You might need to compile some of them of you own, check with http://www.fftw.org/


path to filder named “include” which lives in a directory side-by-side with “bin” and “lib” folders.


the folder in the vtk module containing VTKConfig.cmake or VTKConfigVersion.cmake, highly depending on the vtk version you are using. On Linux Systems you need to separately install vtk-dev(even if it does not fit the version you want to use) for one or two headers that are missing otherwise…