Load and save dataObjectΒΆ

This demo shows how to save and load dataObjects to/from image formats as well as native itom formats.

from itom import dataObject
from itom import algorithms
from itom import rgba
from itom import plot
from itom import saveIDC
from itom import loadIDC

Create a colored dataObject of type rgba32.

rgba32 = dataObject([100, 100], "rgba32")

Set all pixels to a gray value. Therefore red=green=blue with no transparency, what means that alpha has to be set to the maximal value of 255.

rgba32[0:100, 0:100] = rgba(150, 150, 150, 255)

"""insert a red, green and blue bar in the picture wich are not complete intransparent"""
rgba32[10:30, :] = rgba(255, 0, 0, 150)
rgba32[50:70, :] = rgba(0, 255, 0, 150)
rgba32[80:100, :] = rgba(0, 0, 255, 150)
"""show the image"""


(107, PlotItem(UiItem(class: Itom2dQwtPlot, name: plot0x0)))

Save the dataObject as a *.tiff file with a rgba color palette.

algorithms.saveTiff(rgba32, "pic_rgba.tiff", "rgba")

Reload the picture as it was, that is of type rgba32.

reload_tiff_rgba = dataObject()
algorithms.loadAnyImage(reload_tiff_rgba, "pic_rgba.tiff", "asIs")

Save the dataObject as a *.tiff file with a rgb color palette, which causes that the transparency of the bars will be ignored. If gray or gray16 is choosen as color palette the colored dataObject will be converted to a gray image

algorithms.saveTiff(rgba32, "pic_rgb.tiff", "rgb")

Reload the picture as it was, that is of type rgba32 with all alpha values set to 255 (no transparency).

reload_tiff_rgb = dataObject()
algorithms.loadAnyImage(reload_tiff_rgb, "pic_rgb.tiff", "asIs")

Save the dataObject as a *.png file with a gray color palette (also gray16 and all colored palettes are supportted).

algorithms.savePNG(rgba32, "pic_gray.png", "gray")

Reload the picture as it was, that is of type gray (type uint8)

reload_png_gray = dataObject()
algorithms.loadAnyImage(reload_png_gray, "pic_gray.png", "asIs")

Save the dataObject as a *.pgm with a 16bit grayscale (gray and gray16 are only supported for gray images).

algorithms.savePGM(rgba32, "pic_gray.pgm", "gray16")

Load the *.pgm file as it was, that is of type gray (type uint16 due to the 16bit gray color palette)

reload_pgm_gray16 = dataObject()
algorithms.loadAnyImage(reload_pgm_gray16, "pic_gray.pgm", "asIs")

Save the dataObject as an *.idc file (itom data collection, saved using Python module pickle) therefore it must be wrapped into a dictionary.

dataDict = {"data": rgba32}
saveIDC("pic_idc.idc", dataDict)

Load the *.idc file as it was, that is of type dictionary.

loaded_dic = loadIDC("pic_idc.idc")
reload_img = loaded_dic["data"]

Copy the dataObject

rgba32_1 = rgba32

Save both (also more possible) in one *.idc file.

dic_1 = {"data_1": rgba32, "data_2": rgba32_1}
loaded_dic_1 = saveIDC("multi_pic_idc.idc", dic_1)

In this section a uint8 dataObject is created and saved in false colors. create a gray image of type uint8

uint8 = dataObject([100, 100], "uint8")

# insert blocks with values of 0.0, 1.0, 50 and 100
uint8[0:25, :] = 0
uint8[25:50, :] = 1
uint8[50:75, :] = 50
uint8[75:100, :] = 100

Save as *.tiff file colored in the hotIron color palette. Other palettes are for example grayMarked or falseColor.

algorithms.saveTiff(uint8, "pic_uint8.tiff", "hotIron")

This section shows how to save floating point dataObjects as a image. create a gray image of type float32

float32 = dataObject([100, 100], "float32")

# insert blocks with values of 0.0, 1.0, 50 and 100
float32[0:25, :] = 0.0
float32[25:50, :] = 1.0
float32[50:75, :] = 50.0
float32[75:100, :] = 100.0

Save the float32 dataObject as a *.png file with a falseColor palette (here hotIron is used, others are for example grayMarked or falseColor). If you save a dataObject of type float the color palette is spaced between [0, 1] ->all values above 1.0 will be clipped to the maximum value.

algorithms.savePNG(float32, "pic_falseColor.png", "hotIron")

Reload the saved *.png as a uint8 dataObject ->all steps with values above 1.0 have the same gray value.

reload_png_falseColor = dataObject()
algorithms.loadAnyImage(reload_png_falseColor, "pic_falseColor.png", "GRAY")

To get rid of the problem above you need to normalize your dataObject between 0.0 and 1.0 using the function normalize.

normfloat32 = float32.normalize(0.0, 1.0, "float32")
algorithms.savePNG(normfloat32, "pic_normalized_falseColor.png", "hotIron")

Reload the image as a uint8 dataObject ->all steps are included.

reload_normalized_falseColor = dataObject()

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.170 seconds)

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