Stylesheet editor

GUI for live coding of a Qt stylesheet document.

This GUI can be used to live adjust a qss stylesheet and directly see the changes for many widgets (Qt and itom specific).


Execute this script to load the demo GUI. This GUI consists of a stylesheet editor widget in a left toolbar and many widgets, that are often used within itom.

If you stylesheet depends on icons within a rcc resource file, click the “load resources” button to load icons from a rcc resource file, first. Then paste your desired stylesheet into the editor. Whenever you want to update the GUI click the update button.

from itomUi import (
)  # import the base class ItomUi from the module itomUi in the itom-packages subfolder
from itom import ui
from itom import dataObject

class StyleSheetEditor(ItomUi):  # StyleCreator is inherited from ItomUi
    def __init__(self):  # constructor

        # call constructor of ItomUi like it would be the constructor of the class itom.ui:
        ItomUi.__init__(self, "stylesheetEditor.ui", ui.TYPEWINDOW)

        # initialize some plots
        self.gui.itom1DQwtPlot["source"] = dataObject.rand([4, 500], "uint16")

        self.gui.itom2dQwtPlot["source"] = dataObject.randN([100, 512, 768], "uint8")
        self.gui.itom2dQwtPlot["overlayImage"] = dataObject.rand([512, 768], "float32")
        self.gui.itom2dQwtPlot_2["source"] = dataObject.randN([100, 512, 768], "uint8")
        self.gui.itom2dQwtPlot_2["overlayImage"] = dataObject.randN([512, 768], "float32")

        self.gui.call("statusBar").call("showMessage", "Status bar message...")

    @ItomUi.autoslot("")  # the signal is clicked()
    def on_btnUpdate_clicked(self):
        # apply the current content of the text field to the stylesheet
        self.gui["styleSheet"] = self.gui.txtStyle["plainText"]

    def on_btnLoadRcc_clicked(self):
        rccFile = ui.getOpenFileName(
            "RCC Resource File",
            filters="RCC Resource File (*.rcc)",

        if rccFile is not None:

            if not registerResource(rccFile):
                ui.msgCritical("Error", f"Could not load resource file '{rccFile}'")

hmi = StyleSheetEditor()

# print("Text from python command line")
# raise RuntimeError("Error text from python command line")
# itom.clc()

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 1.600 seconds)

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