itom 1.0.14
00001 /* ********************************************************************
00002     itom software
00003     URL:
00004     Copyright (C) 2013, Institut für Technische Optik (ITO),
00005     Universität Stuttgart, Germany
00007     This file is part of itom and its software development toolkit (SDK).
00009     itom is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00010     under the terms of the GNU Library General Public Licence as published by
00011     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Licence, or (at
00012     your option) any later version.
00014     In addition, as a special exception, the Institut für Technische
00015     Optik (ITO) gives you certain additional rights.
00016     These rights are described in the ITO LGPL Exception version 1.0,
00017     which can be found in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
00019     itom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
00020     WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00022     General Public Licence for more details.
00024     You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
00025     along with itom. If not, see <>.
00026 *********************************************************************** */
00028 #ifndef __DATAOBJFUNCH
00029 #define __DATAOBJFUNCH
00031 #include "dataobj.h"
00034 #define MAKEHELPERFUNCLIST(FuncName) static t##FuncName fList##FuncName[] =   \
00035 {                                                                       \
00036    FuncName<int8>,                                                      \
00037    FuncName<uint8>,                                                     \
00038    FuncName<int16>,                                                     \
00039    FuncName<uint16>,                                                    \
00040    FuncName<int32>,                                                     \
00041    FuncName<uint32>,                                                    \
00042    FuncName<ito::float32>,                                                   \
00043    FuncName<ito::float64>,                                                   \
00044    FuncName<ito::complex64>,                                                 \
00045    FuncName<ito::complex128>                                                 \
00046 };
00049 #define MAKEHELPERFUNCLIST_CMPLX_TO_REAL(FuncName) static t##FuncName fList##FuncName[] =     \
00050 {                                                                                       \
00051     FuncName<ito::complex64,float32>,                                                        \
00052     FuncName<ito::complex128,float64>                                                        \
00053 };
00055 namespace ito 
00056 {
00057 namespace dObjHelper
00058 {
00059     // Invert the unitString
00060     inline std::string invertUnit(const std::string oldUnit)
00061     {
00062         if(oldUnit.empty())
00063             return oldUnit;
00065         size_t found = oldUnit.find('/');
00067         if(found!=std::string::npos)
00068         {
00069             if(found == 0)
00070             {
00071                 return oldUnit.substr(1, oldUnit.length() - 1);
00072             }
00073             else if(oldUnit[0] == '1' && found == 1)
00074             {
00075                 return oldUnit.substr(2, oldUnit.length() - 2);
00076             }
00077             else
00078             {
00079                 std::string newString;
00080                 newString.reserve(oldUnit.length());
00081                 newString.append(oldUnit.substr(found + 1, oldUnit.length()- (found + 1)));
00082                 newString.append("/");
00083                 newString.append(oldUnit.substr(0, found));
00084             }
00085         }
00086         else
00087         {
00088             std::string newString;
00089             newString.reserve(oldUnit.length()+2);
00090             newString.append(oldUnit);
00091             return newString;    
00092         }
00093         return "";
00094     }
00096     //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00103     inline int itomType2cvType(const int type)
00104     {
00105         switch(type)
00106         {
00107         case ito::tUInt8:
00108             return CV_8U;
00109         case ito::tUInt16:
00110             return CV_16U;
00111         case ito::tInt8:
00112             return CV_8S;
00113         case ito::tInt16:
00114             return CV_16S;
00115         case ito::tInt32:
00116             return CV_32S;
00117         case ito::tFloat32:
00118             return CV_32F;
00119         case ito::tFloat64:
00120             return CV_64F;
00121         default:        //ito::tUInt32 and complextype
00122             return -1;
00123         }
00124     }
00125     //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00132     inline int cvType2itomType(const int type)
00133     {
00134         switch(type)
00135         {
00136         case CV_8U:
00137             return ito::tUInt8;
00138         case CV_16U:
00139             return ito::tUInt16;
00140         case CV_8S:
00141             return ito::tInt8;
00142         case CV_16S:
00143             return ito::tInt16;
00144         case CV_32S:
00145             return ito::tInt32;
00146         case CV_32F:
00147             return ito::tFloat32;
00148         case CV_64F:
00149             return ito::tFloat64;
00150         default:
00151             return -1;
00152         }
00153     }
00156     template<typename _Tp> void GetHLineL(const cv::Mat *srcPlane, const int x0, const int y, const int length, int32 * pData);
00159     template<typename _Tp> void GetHLineD(const cv::Mat *srcPlane, const int x0, const int y, const int length, float64 * pData);
00162     template<typename _Tp> void SetHLineL(cv::Mat *destPlane, const int x0, const int y, const int length, const int32 * pData);
00165     template<typename _Tp> void SetHLineD(cv::Mat *destPlane, const int x0, const int y, const int length, const float64 * pData);
00167 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00179     template<typename _Tp> inline void GetHLineL(const cv::Mat *srcPlane, const int x0, const int y, const int length, int32 * pData)
00180     {
00181         _Tp* resRowPtr;
00182         resRowPtr = (_Tp*)(srcPlane->ptr(y));
00184         int x = x0;
00185         for(int i = 0; i < length; i++, x++)
00186         {
00187             pData[i] = (int32)(resRowPtr[x]);
00188         }
00189     }
00191     //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00202     template<> inline void GetHLineL<int32>(const cv::Mat *srcPlane, const int x0, const int y, const int length, int32 * pData)
00203     {
00204         int32* resRowPtr;
00205         resRowPtr = (int32*)(srcPlane->ptr(y));
00206         memcpy(pData, &resRowPtr[x0], length *sizeof(int32));
00207     }
00209     //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00221     template<typename _Tp> inline void GetHLineD(const cv::Mat *srcPlane, const int x0, const int y, const int length, float64 * pData)
00222     {
00223         _Tp* resRowPtr;
00224         resRowPtr = (_Tp*)(srcPlane->ptr(y));
00226         int x = x0;
00227         for(int i = 0; i < length; i++, x++)
00228         {
00229             pData[i] = cv::saturate_cast<ito::float64>(resRowPtr[x]);
00230         }
00231     }
00233     //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00244     template<> inline void GetHLineD<ito::float64>(const cv::Mat *srcPlane, const int x0, const int y, const int length, float64 * pData)
00245     {
00246         float64* resRowPtr;
00247         resRowPtr = (float64*)(srcPlane->ptr(y));
00248         memcpy(pData, &resRowPtr[x0], length *sizeof(float64));
00249     }
00251     //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00263     template<typename _Tp> inline void SetHLineL(cv::Mat *destPlane, const int x0, const int y, const int length, const int32 * pData)
00264     {
00265         _Tp* resRowPtr;
00266         resRowPtr = (_Tp*)(destPlane->ptr(y));
00268         int x = x0;
00269         for(int i = 0; i < length; i++, x++)
00270         {
00271             resRowPtr[x] = (_Tp)(pData[i]);
00272         }
00273     }
00275     //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00287     template<> inline void SetHLineL<int32>(cv::Mat *destPlane, const int x0, const int y, const int length, const int32 * pData)
00288     {
00289         int32* resRowPtr;
00290         resRowPtr = (int32*)(destPlane->ptr(y));
00291         memcpy(&resRowPtr[x0], pData, length *sizeof(int32));
00292     }
00294     //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00306     template<typename _Tp> inline void SetHLineD(cv::Mat *destPlane, const int x0, const int y, const int length, const float64 * pData)
00307     {
00308         _Tp* resRowPtr;
00309         resRowPtr = (_Tp*)destPlane->ptr(y);
00311         int x = x0;
00312         for(int i = 0; i < length; i++, x++)
00313         {
00314             resRowPtr[x] = cv::saturate_cast<_Tp>(pData[i]);
00315         }
00316     }
00318     //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00330     template<> inline void SetHLineD<ito::float64>(cv::Mat *destPlane, const int x0, const int y, const int length, const float64 * pData)
00331     {
00332         float64* resRowPtr;
00333         resRowPtr = (float64*)(destPlane->ptr(y));
00334         memcpy(&resRowPtr[x0], pData, length *sizeof(float64));
00335     }
00338     template<typename _Tp> inline bool isNotZero(_Tp value)
00339     {
00340         if(value == 0)
00341             return false;
00342         else
00343             return true;
00344     }
00347     template<> inline bool isNotZero<float32>(float32 value)
00348     {
00349         float32 lowVal = std::numeric_limits<float32>::epsilon();
00350         if(fabs(value) < lowVal)
00351             return false;
00352         else
00353             return true;
00354     }
00357     template<> inline bool isNotZero<float64>(float64 value)
00358     {
00359         float64 lowVal = std::numeric_limits<float64>::epsilon();
00360         if(fabs(value) < lowVal)
00361             return false;
00362         else
00363             return true;
00364     }
00367     template<typename _Tp> inline bool isFinite(_Tp /*value*/)
00368     {
00369         return true;
00370     }
00373     template<> inline bool isFinite<float32>(float32 value)
00374     {
00375         uchar *ch = (uchar *)&value;
00376         return (ch[3] & 0x7f) != 0x7f || (ch[2] & 0x80) != 0x80;
00377     }
00380     template<> inline bool isFinite<float64>(float64 value)
00381     {
00382         uchar *ch = (uchar *)&value;
00383         return (ch[7] & 0x7f) != 0x7f || (ch[6] & 0xf0) != 0xf0;
00384     }
00387     template<> inline bool isFinite<complex64>(complex64 value)
00388     {
00389         float32 realVal = value.real();
00390         float32 imagVal = value.real();
00391         uchar *chreal = (uchar *)&realVal;
00392         uchar *chimag = (uchar *)&imagVal;
00393         return ((chreal[3] & 0x7f) != 0x7f || (chreal[2] & 0x80) != 0x80) && ((chimag[3] & 0x7f) != 0x7f || (chimag[2] & 0x80) != 0x80);
00394     }
00397     template<> inline bool isFinite<complex128>(complex128 value)
00398     {
00399         float64 realVal = value.real();
00400         float64 imagVal = value.real();
00401         uchar *chreal = (uchar *)&realVal;
00402         uchar *chimag = (uchar *)&imagVal;
00403         return ((chreal[7] & 0x7f) != 0x7f || (chreal[6] & 0xf0) != 0xf0) && ((chimag[7] & 0x7f) != 0x7f || (chimag[6] & 0xf0) != 0xf0);
00404     }
00407     template<typename _Tp> inline bool isNaN(_Tp value)
00408     {
00409         return false;
00410     }
00413     template<> inline bool isNaN<float32>(float32 value)
00414     {
00415         uchar *ch = (uchar *)&value;
00416         return (ch[3] & 0x7f) == 0x7f && ch[2] > 0x80;
00417     }
00419     template<> inline bool isNaN<float64>(float64 value)
00420     {
00421         uchar *ch = (uchar *)&value;
00422         return (ch[7] & 0x7f) == 0x7f && ch[6] > 0xf0;
00423     }
00426     template<> inline bool isNaN<complex64>(complex64 value)
00427     {
00428         float32 realVal = value.real();
00429         float32 imagVal = value.real();
00430         uchar *chreal = (uchar *)&realVal;
00431         uchar *chimag = (uchar *)&imagVal;
00432         return ((chreal[3] & 0x7f) == 0x7f && chreal[2] > 0x80) || ((chimag[3] & 0x7f) == 0x7f && chimag[2] > 0x80);
00433     }
00436     template<> inline bool isNaN<complex128>(complex128 value)
00437     {
00438         float64 realVal = value.real();
00439         float64 imagVal = value.real();
00440         uchar *chreal = (uchar *)&realVal;
00441         uchar *chimag = (uchar *)&imagVal;
00442         return ((chreal[7] & 0x7f) == 0x7f && chreal[6] > 0xf0) || ((chimag[7] & 0x7f) == 0x7f && chimag[6] > 0xf0);
00443     }
00446     template<typename _Tp> inline bool isInf(_Tp /*value*/)
00447     {
00448         return false;
00449     }
00452     template<> inline bool isInf<float32>(float32 value)
00453     {
00454         uchar *ch = (uchar *)&value;
00455         return (ch[3] & 0x7f) == 0x7f && ch[2] == 0x80;
00456     }
00459     template<> inline bool isInf<float64>(float64 value)
00460     {
00461         uchar *ch = (uchar *)&value;
00462         return (ch[7] & 0x7f) == 0x7f && ch[6] == 0xf0;
00463     }
00466     template<> inline bool isInf<complex64>(complex64 value)
00467     {
00468         float32 realVal = value.real();
00469         float32 imagVal = value.real();
00470         uchar *chreal = (uchar *)&realVal;
00471         uchar *chimag = (uchar *)&imagVal;
00472         return ((chreal[3] & 0x7f) == 0x7f && chreal[2] == 0x80) || ((chimag[3] & 0x7f) == 0x7f && chimag[2] == 0x80);
00473     }
00476     template<> inline bool isInf<complex128>(complex128 value)
00477     {
00478         float64 realVal = value.real();
00479         float64 imagVal = value.real();
00480         uchar *chreal = (uchar *)&realVal;
00481         uchar *chimag = (uchar *)&imagVal;
00482         return ((chreal[7] & 0x7f) == 0x7f && chreal[6] == 0xf0) || ((chimag[7] & 0x7f) == 0x7f && chimag[6] == 0xf0);
00483     }
00486     template<typename _Tp> RetVal minValueFunc(const DataObject *dObj, float64 &minValue, uint32 *firstLocation, bool ignoreInf = true);
00489     RetVal minValue(const DataObject *dObj, float64 &minValue, uint32 *firstLocation, bool ignoreInf = true);
00492     template<typename _Tp> RetVal maxValueFunc(const DataObject *dObj, float64 &maxValue, uint32 *firstLocation, bool ignoreInf = true);
00495     RetVal maxValue(const DataObject *dObj, float64 &maxValue, uint32 *firstLocation, bool ignoreInf = true);
00498     template<typename _Tp> RetVal minMaxValueFunc(const DataObject *dObj, float64 &minValue, uint32 *firstMinLocation, float64 &maxValue, uint32 *firstMaxLocation, bool ignoreInf = true, const int cmplxSel = 0);
00501     RetVal minMaxValue(const DataObject *dObj, float64 &minValue, uint32 *firstMinLocation, float64 &maxValue, uint32 *firstMaxLocation, bool ignoreInf = true, const int cmplxSel = 0);
00503     template<typename _Tp, typename _BufTp> RetVal meanValueFunc(const DataObject *dObj, float64 &meanResult, bool ignoreNaN = true);
00504     RetVal meanValue(const DataObject *dObj, float64 &meanResult, bool ignoreNaN = true);
00506     template<typename _Tp, typename _BufTp> RetVal devValueFunc(const ito::DataObject *dObj, const int devTypFlag, float64 &meanResult, float64 &devResult, bool ignoreNaN = true);
00507     RetVal devValue(const DataObject *dObj, const int devTypFlag, float64 &meanResult, float64 &devResult, bool ignoreNaN = true);
00509     RetVal calcCVDFT(DataObject *dObjIO, const bool inverse, const bool inverseAsReal, const bool lineWise);
00511     ito::RetVal verifyDataObjectType(const ito::DataObject* dObj, const char* name, uint8 numberOfAllowedTypes, ...); //append allowed data types, e.g. ito::tUint8, ito::tInt8... (order does not care)
00512     ito::RetVal verify2DDataObject(const ito::DataObject* dObj, const char* name, int sizeYMin, int sizeYMax, int sizeXMin, int sizeXMax, uint8 numberOfAllowedTypes, ...); //append allowed data types, e.g. ito::tUint8, ito::tInt8... (order does not care)
00513     ito::RetVal verify3DDataObject(const ito::DataObject* dObj, const char* name, int sizeZMin, int sizeZMax, int sizeYMin, int sizeYMax, int sizeXMin, int sizeXMax, uint8 numberOfAllowedTypes, ...); //append allowed data types, e.g. ito::tUint8, ito::tInt8... (order does not care)
00514     ito::RetVal verifySize(size_t size, int minSize, int maxSize, const char *axisName, const char* dObjName);
00516     //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00529     template<typename _Tp> ito::RetVal freeRowPointer(_Tp *** &pointer)
00530     {
00531         if(pointer == NULL)
00532         {
00533             return ito::RetVal::format(ito::retError, 0, "Delete rowpointer failed, pointer was not allocated freeRowPointer(...)");
00534         }
00536         int i = 0;
00538         while(pointer[i] != 0)
00539         {
00540             delete[] pointer[i];
00541             i++;
00542             // end of pointer is marked by a NULL-Pointer
00543         }
00545         delete[] pointer;
00546         pointer = NULL;
00548         return ito::retOk;
00549     }
00566     template<typename _Tp> ito::RetVal getRowPointer(ito::DataObject* dObj, _Tp *** &pointer)  
00567     {
00569         if(!dObj)
00570         {
00571             return ito::RetVal::format(ito::retError, 0, "DataObject was a NULL pointer in function getRowPointer(...)");               
00572         }
00574         if(dObj->getType() != ito::getDataType2<_Tp*>())
00575         {
00576             return ito::RetVal::format(ito::retError, 0, "DataObject and template Type differed in function getRowPointer(...)");               
00577         }
00579         if(dObj->getDims() < 2)
00580         {
00581             return ito::RetVal::format(ito::retError, 0, "DataObject was not initialized in function getRowPointer(...)");   
00582         }
00584         pointer = new _Tp** [dObj->calcNumMats() + 1];
00586         if(pointer == NULL)
00587         {
00588             return ito::RetVal::format(ito::retError, 0, "Allocate plane-pointer failed in function getRowPointer(...)");
00589         }
00591         ito::RetVal retVal(ito::retOk);
00592         memset(pointer, 0, (dObj->calcNumMats() + 1) * sizeof(size_t));
00593         int sizeY = dObj->getSize(dObj->getDims() - 2);
00595         int** mdata = dObj->get_mdata();
00597         for(int i = 0; i < dObj->calcNumMats(); i++)
00598         {
00599             pointer[i] = new _Tp*[sizeY];
00600             if(pointer[i])
00601             {
00602                 for(int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++)
00603                 {
00604                     pointer[i][y] = ((cv::Mat*)(mdata[dObj->seekMat(i)]))->ptr<_Tp>(y);
00605                 }
00606             }
00607             else
00608             {
00609                 retVal += ito::RetVal::format(ito::retError, 0, "Allocate row-pointer failed in function getRowPointer(...)");
00610                 break;
00611             }
00612         }
00614         if(retVal.containsError())
00615         {
00616             freeRowPointer(pointer);
00617         }
00618         return retVal;
00619     } 
00621     //template<typename _Tp> void minMaxValueHelper(ito::DataObject *dObj, float64 *min, float64 *max, int matNumber);
00623     //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00641     /*
00642     inline ito::RetVal checkITOMType(ito::DataObject *dObj, bool allow_int8, bool allow_uint8, bool allow_int16, bool allow_uint16, bool allow_int32, bool allow_uint32, bool allow_float32, bool allow_float64, bool allow_complex64, bool allow_complex128)
00643     {
00644         int type = dObj->getType();
00645             switch(type)
00646             {
00647             case ito::tUInt8:
00648                     if(allow_uint8)
00649                             return ito::retOk;
00650                     else return ito::RetVal(ito::retError, 0, "UInt8 not allowed");
00651             case ito::tUInt16:
00652                     if(allow_uint16)
00653                             return ito::retOk;
00654                     else return ito::RetVal(ito::retError, 0, "UInt16 not allowed");
00655             case ito::tUInt32:
00656                     if(allow_uint32)
00657                             return ito::retOk;
00658                     else return ito::RetVal(ito::retError, 0, "UInt32 not allowed");
00659             case ito::tInt8:
00660                     if(allow_int8)
00661                             return ito::retOk;
00662                     else return ito::RetVal(ito::retError, 0, "Int8 not allowed");
00663             case ito::tInt16:
00664                     if(allow_int16)
00665                             return ito::retOk;
00666                     else return ito::RetVal(ito::retError, 0, "Int16 not allowed");
00667             case ito::tInt32:
00668                     if(allow_int32)
00669                             return ito::retOk;
00670                     else return ito::RetVal(ito::retError, 0, "Int32 not allowed");
00671             case ito::tFloat32:
00672                     if(allow_float32)
00673                             return ito::retOk;
00674                     else return ito::RetVal(ito::retError, 0, "Float32 not allowed");
00675             case ito::tFloat64:
00676                     if(allow_float64)
00677                             return 0;
00678                     else return ito::RetVal(ito::retError, 0, "Float64 not allowed");
00679             case ito::tComplex64:
00680                     if(allow_complex64)
00681                             return ito::retOk;
00682                     else return ito::RetVal(ito::retError, 0, "Complex64 not allowed");
00683             case ito::tComplex128:
00684                     if(allow_complex128)
00685                             return 0;
00686                     else return ito::RetVal(ito::retError, 0, "Complex128 not allowed");
00687             default:
00688                     return ito::RetVal(ito::retError, 0, "Unknown type or type not implemented");
00689             }
00690     }
00691     */
00693     //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00702     inline bool isIntType(const int type, int *size)
00703     {
00704             if((type == ito::tInt8)||(type == ito::tUInt8))
00705             {
00706             *size = 1;
00707             return true;
00708         }
00709         else if((type == ito::tInt16)||(type == ito::tUInt16))
00710         {
00711             *size = 2;
00712             return true;
00713         }
00714         else if((type == ito::tInt32)||(type == ito::tUInt32))
00715         {
00716             *size = 4;
00717             return true;
00718         }
00719         else
00720         {
00721             *size = -1;
00722                     return false;
00723             }
00724     }
00726     //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00735     inline bool isFPType(const int type, int *size)
00736     {
00737         if((type == ito::tFloat32))
00738         {
00739             *size = 4;
00740             return true;
00741         }
00742         else if((type == ito::tFloat64))
00743         {
00744             *size = 8;
00745             return true;
00746         }
00747         else
00748         {
00749             *size = -1;
00750                     return false;
00751             }
00752     }
00754     //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00763     inline bool isCplxType(const int type, int *size)
00764     {
00765         if((type == ito::tComplex64))
00766         {
00767             *size = 8;
00768             return true;
00769         }
00770         else if((type == ito::tComplex128))
00771         {
00772             *size = 16;
00773             return true;
00774         }
00775         else
00776         {
00777             *size = -1;
00778                     return false;
00779             }
00780     }
00782     //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00795     inline bool dObjareEqualDetail(ito::DataObject *dObj1, ito::DataObject *dObj2, bool &typeFlag, bool &dimsFlag, bool &last2DimsFlag)
00796     {
00797         bool retVal = true;
00798         typeFlag = true;
00799         dimsFlag = true;
00800         last2DimsFlag = true;
00801         //transFlag = true;
00803         if(dObj1->getType() != dObj2->getType())
00804         {
00805             retVal = false;
00806             typeFlag = false;
00807         }
00808         /*if(dObj1->isT() != dObj2->isT())
00809         {
00810             retVal = false;
00811             transFlag = false;        
00812         }*/
00814         if(dObj1->getDims() != dObj2->getDims())
00815         {
00816             retVal = false;
00817             dimsFlag = false;
00818             if(dObj1->getSize(dObj1->getDims() - 2) != dObj2->getSize(dObj2->getDims() - 2))
00819             {
00820                 last2DimsFlag = false;
00821             }
00822             if(dObj1->getSize(dObj1->getDims() - 1) != dObj2->getSize(dObj2->getDims() - 1))
00823             {
00824                 last2DimsFlag = false;
00825             }
00826         }
00827         else
00828         {
00829             for(int i = 0; i < dObj1->getDims()-2; i++)
00830             {
00831                 if(dObj1->getSize(i) != dObj2->getSize(i))
00832                 {
00833                     retVal = false;
00834                 }
00835             }
00836             if(dObj1->getSize(dObj1->getDims() - 2) != dObj2->getSize(dObj2->getDims() - 2))
00837             {
00838                 last2DimsFlag = false;
00839                 retVal = false;
00840             }
00841             if(dObj1->getSize(dObj1->getDims() - 1) != dObj2->getSize(dObj2->getDims() - 1))
00842             {
00843                 last2DimsFlag = false;
00844                 retVal = false;
00845             }
00846         }
00847         return retVal;
00848     }
00850     //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00860     inline bool dObjareEqualShort(ito::DataObject *obj1, ito::DataObject *obj2)
00861     {
00862         if(obj1->getDims() == obj2->getDims() && obj1->getType() == obj2->getType() /*&& obj1->isT() == obj2->isT()*/)
00863         {
00864             for(int i = 0; i < obj1->getDims(); i++)
00865             {
00866                 if(obj1->getSize(i) != obj2->getSize(i))
00867                 {
00868                     return false;
00869                 }
00870             }
00871             return true;
00872         }
00873         else
00874             return false;
00875     }
00878     ito::RetVal dObjCopyLastNAxisTags(const ito::DataObject &DataObjectIn, ito::DataObject &DataObjectOut, const int copyLastNDims, const bool includeValueTags = true, const bool includeRotationMatrix = true);
00879 }
00880 }
00882 #endif
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