itom 1.0.14
ito Namespace Reference


class  apiFunctions
class  apiFunctionsGraph
class  IOHelper
class  ParamHelper
class  PluginLoadStatus
 This struct provides a structure for saving the load status of any plugins or designerWidgets. More...
class  PlugInModel
 class for visualizing the available (loaded) plugins More...
struct  DesignerPlugin
struct  UserInfoStruct
class  UserModel
 class for for visualizing the available users More...
class  AddInManager
 class for AddIn management More...
class  AlgoInterfaceValidator
 The class AlgoInterfaceValidator provides validators and checks in order to verify that a certain filter or algoWidget that pretends to implement a certain interface really fits to the requirements and conditions of this interface. More...
class  DummyItomDesignerPlugin
struct  FigurePlugin
struct  FigureCategory
class  DesignerWidgetOrganizer
class  HelpSystem
class  ItomPaletteBase
class  PaletteOrganizer
class  ProcessOrganizer
class  QsciApiManager
class  UiContainer
 Every instance of this class contains information about one user interface (main window, dialog, dock widget...) which is organized by UiOrganizer. More...
struct  UiContainerItem
class  UiOrganizer
class  UserInteractionWatcher
class  UserOrganizer
class  WidgetWrapper
 One instance of this class acts as wrapper for several import public methods of classes, derived from QObject, which should be made available by the call-method in python. More...
class  PythonCommon
class  PythonDataObject
class  PythonFigure
class  PythonItom
struct  PythonQObjectMarshal
class  PythonNpDataObject
class  PythonNumeric
class  PythonPlotItem
class  PythonPlugins
 class summing up the functionality of itom - hardware python plugins More...
class  PythonProxy
class  PythonRegion
class  PythonSharedPointerGuard
class  PythonParamConversion
class  PythonUi
class  TimerCallback
class  PythonTimer
class  PyWorkspaceItem
class  PyWorkspaceContainer
class  QDebugStream
class  AbstractFilterDialog
class  DialogLoadedPlugins
class  DialogNewPluginInstance
class  DialogOpenFileWithFilter
class  PickerSortFilterProxyModel
class  DialogPluginPicker
class  DialogProperties
class  DialogReplace
class  DialogSaveFileWithFilter
class  DialogSelectUser
class  ParamInputParser
class  WidgetPropFigurePlugins
class  FigurePluginDelegate
class  AbstractDockWidget
 abstract dock widget class which inherits QDockWidget. The content of QDockWidget consists of an instance of QMainWindow. The real widget is then placed as central widget of this QMainWindow. QMainWindow has the ability to show a menubar as well as a toolbar, which is used in different versions depending on docked state. Inherit AbstractDockWidget in order to realize content of QMainWindow. More...
class  AbstractPyScintillaWidget
class  AIManagerWidget
class  BreakPointDockWidget
class  CallStackDockWidget
 docking More...
class  FigureWidget
class  FileSystemDockWidget
class  HelpDockWidget
class  LastCommandDockWidget
class  MainWindow
class  ScriptDockWidget
 widget containing one or multiple script editors (tabbed). This widget can either be a docking widget, docked in a docking area in the main window or it can be a floatable window which has a standard window behaviour. More...
class  ScriptEditorWidget
class  ItomQsciPrinter
class  DialogUserManagement
class  WorkspaceDockWidget
 docking widget for contents of type workspace widget More...
class  Range
 each range value has a start and end point. Optionally range can be marked as Range::all(), which indicates a full range More...
class  DataObjectTagType
class  DataObjectTags
 class for handling tags for class DataObject This class contains meta-information for the dataObject. In case of a deep copy it is also deep copied. In case of a shallow copy it is also shallow copied. To copy the axis metainformation into another/new object use copyAxisTagsTo to copy m_axisOffsets, m_axisScales, m_axisDescription, m_axisUnit, m_valueOffset, m_valueScale, m_valueDescription, m_valueUnit, m_rotMatrix. To copy the tag-space, e.g. the protocol, use copyTagMapTo to copy m_tags. More...
class  DObjConstIterator
class  DObjIterator
class  DataObject
 dataObject contains a n-dimensional matrix More...
class  AddInGrabber
 Inherit from AddInGrabber if you write a camera/grabber plugin. Please call the constructor of AddInGrabber within your plugin constructor. More...
struct  ExecFuncParams
struct  FilterParams
class  AddInInterfaceBase
 class of the AddIn - Library (DLL) - Interface More...
class  AddInBase
 Base class for all plugins. More...
class  AddInDataIO
 base class for all dataIO plugin classes More...
class  AddInActuator
 base class for all actuator plugin classes More...
class  AddInAlgo
 base class for all "algorithm" plugin classes More...
class  threadActuator
 Helper class to give plugin-Developer an easy access to actuators in other threads. More...
class  threadCamera
 Helper class to give plugin-Developer an easy access to cameras in other threads. More...
class  RetVal
 Class for error value management. More...
class  ParamBase
class  ParamMeta
 Base class for all meta-information classes. More...
class  CharMeta
 Meta-information for Param of type Char or CharArray. More...
class  IntMeta
 Meta-information for Param of type Int or IntArray. More...
class  DoubleMeta
 Meta-information for Param of type Double or DoubleArray. More...
class  HWMeta
 Meta-information for Param of type HWPtr. More...
class  StringMeta
 Meta-information for Param of type String. More...
class  DObjMeta
 Meta-information for Param of type DObjPtr. More...
class  Param
struct  ItomParamHelper
struct  ItomParamHelper< double >
struct  ItomParamHelper< int >
struct  ItomParamHelper< char >
struct  ItomParamHelper< unsigned char >
class  PluginInfo
struct  ItomPalette


typedef RetVal(* tCreateFunc )(DataObject *dObj, const unsigned char dimensions, const size_t *sizes, const unsigned char continuous, const uchar *continuousDataPtr, const size_t *steps)
typedef RetVal(* tCreateFuncWithCVPlanes )(DataObject *dObj, const unsigned char dimensions, const size_t *sizes, const cv::Mat *planes, const unsigned int nrOfPlanes)
typedef RetVal(* tFreeFunc )(DataObject *dObj)
typedef RetVal(* tSecureFreeFunc )(DataObject *dObj)
typedef RetVal(* tCopyToFunc )(const DataObject &lhs, DataObject &rhs, unsigned char regionOnly)
typedef RetVal(* tDeepCopyPartialFunc )(DataObject &lhs, DataObject &rhs)
typedef RetVal(* tConvertToFunc )(const DataObject &lhs, DataObject &rhs, const int type, const double alpha, const double beta)
typedef RetVal(* tZerosFunc )(const size_t sizeY, const size_t sizeX, int **dstMat)
typedef RetVal(* tOnesFunc )(const size_t sizeY, const size_t sizeX, int **dstMat)
typedef RetVal(* tRandFunc )(const size_t sizeY, const size_t sizeX, const double value1, const double value2, const bool randMode, int **dstMat)
typedef RetVal(* tCopyMatFunc )(int **src, int **&dst, bool transposed)
typedef RetVal(* tAssignScalarFunc )(const DataObject *src, const ito::tDataType type, const void *scalar)
typedef RetVal(* tAddFunc )(const DataObject *src1, const DataObject *src2, DataObject *dst)
typedef RetVal(* tAddScalarFunc )(const DataObject *dObjIn, ito::float64 scalar, DataObject *dObjOut)
typedef RetVal(* tSubFunc )(const DataObject *src1, const DataObject *src2, DataObject *dst)
typedef RetVal(* tOpMulFunc )(const DataObject *src1, const DataObject *src2, DataObject *dst)
typedef RetVal(* tOpScalarMulFunc )(const DataObject *src, const double factor)
typedef RetVal(* tCmpFunc )(const DataObject *src1, const DataObject *src2, DataObject *dst, int cmpOp)
typedef RetVal(* tShiftLFunc )(DataObject *src, const unsigned char shiftbit)
typedef RetVal(* tShiftRFunc )(DataObject *src, const unsigned char shiftbit)
typedef RetVal(* tBitAndFunc )(const DataObject *src1, const DataObject *src2, DataObject *dst)
typedef RetVal(* tBitOrFunc )(const DataObject *src1, const DataObject *src2, DataObject *dst)
typedef RetVal(* tBitXorFunc )(const DataObject *src1, const DataObject *src2, DataObject *dst)
typedef RetVal(* tGetRangeFunc )(DataObject *dObj, const int dtop, const int dbottom, const int dleft, const int dright)
typedef RetVal(* tAdjustROIFunc )(DataObject *dObj, int dtop, int dbottom, int dleft, int dright)
typedef RetVal(* tEyeFunc )(const size_t size, int **dstMat)
typedef RetVal(* tConjFunc )(DataObject *dObj)
typedef RetVal(* tRowFunc )(DataObject *dObj, const unsigned int selRow)
typedef RetVal(* tColFunc )(DataObject *dObj, const unsigned int selCol)
typedef RetVal(* tMulFunc )(const DataObject *src1, const DataObject *src2, DataObject *res, const double scale)
typedef RetVal(* tDivFunc )(const DataObject *src1, const DataObject *src2, DataObject *res, const double scale)
typedef RetVal(* tAbsFunc )(const DataObject *dObj, DataObject *resObj)
typedef RetVal(* tArgFunc )(const DataObject *dObj, DataObject *resObj)
typedef RetVal(* tRealFunc )(const DataObject *dObj, DataObject *resObj)
typedef RetVal(* tImagFunc )(const DataObject *dObj, DataObject *resObj)
typedef RetVal(* tMakeContinuousFunc )(const DataObject &dObj, DataObject &resDObj)
typedef std::ostream &(* tCoutFunc )(std::ostream &out, const DataObject &dObj)
typedef int8_t int8
typedef int16_t int16
typedef int32_t int32
typedef uint8_t uint8
typedef uint16_t uint16
typedef uint32_t uint32
typedef float float32
typedef double float64
typedef std::complex
< ito::float32 > 
typedef std::complex
< ito::float64 > 


enum  tPluginLoadStatusFlag { plsfOk = 0x0, plsfWarning = 0x1, plsfError = 0x2, plsfIgnored = 0x4 }
enum  userFeatures {
  featDeveloper = 1, featFileSystem = 2, featUserManag = 4, featPlugins = 8,
  featConsole = 16, featConsoleRW = 32
enum  tPluginType {
  typeDataIO = 0x1, typeActuator = 0x2, typeAlgo = 0x4, typeGrabber = 0x80,
  typeADDA = 0x100, typeRawIO = 0x200
enum  tActuatorStatus {
  actuatorUnknown = 0x0001, actuatorInterrupted = 0x0002, actuatorMoving = 0x0004, actuatorAtTarget = 0x0008,
  actuatorTimeout = 0x0010, actuatorEndSwitch = 0x0100, actuatorLeftEndSwitch = 0x0200, actuatorRightEndSwitch = 0x0400,
  actuatorRefSwitch = 0x0800, actuatorLeftRefSwitch = 0x1000, actuatorRightRefSwitch = 0x2000, actuatorAvailable = 0x4000,
  actuatorEnabled = 0x8000, actMovingMask = actuatorUnknown | actuatorInterrupted | actuatorMoving | actuatorAtTarget | actuatorTimeout, actEndSwitchMask = actuatorEndSwitch | actuatorLeftEndSwitch | actuatorRightEndSwitch, actRefSwitchMask = actuatorRefSwitch | actuatorLeftRefSwitch | actuatorRightRefSwitch,
  actSwitchesMask = actEndSwitchMask | actRefSwitchMask, actStatusMask = actuatorAvailable | actuatorEnabled
enum  tAutoLoadPolicy { autoLoadAlways = 0x1, autoLoadNever = 0x2, autoLoadKeywordDefined = 0x4 }
enum  tAutoSavePolicy { autoSaveAlways = 0x1, autoSaveNever = 0x2 }
enum  PlotDataType {
  DataObjLine = 0x0001, DataObjPlane = 0x0002, DataObjPlaneStack = 0x0004, PointCloud = 0x0008,
  PolygonMesh = 0x0010
enum  PlotDataFormat {
  Format_Gray8 = 0x0001, Format_Gray16 = 0x0002, Format_Gray32 = 0x0004, Format_RGB32 = 0x0008,
  Format_ARGB32 = 0x0010, Format_CMYK32 = 0x0020, Format_Float32 = 0x0040, Format_Float64 = 0x0080,
  Format_Complex = 0x0100
enum  PlotFeature {
  Static = 0x0001, Live = 0x0002, Cartesian = 0x0004, Polar = 0x0008,
  Cylindrical = 0x0010, OpenGl = 0x0020, Cuda = 0x0040, X3D = 0x0080,
  PlotLine = 0x0100, PlotImage = 0x0200, PlotISO = 0x0400, Plot3D = 0x0800
enum  tPalette {
  tPaletteNoType = 0x00, tPaletteGray = 0x01, tPaletteRGB = 0x02, tPaletteFC = 0x04,
  tPaletteIndexed = 0x08, tPaletteLinear = 0x10, tPaletteReadOnly = 0x20
enum  tLogLevel {
  logNone = 0x0, logError = 0x1, logWarning = 0x2, logInfo = 0x4,
  logAll = logInfo | logWarning | logError
enum  tRetValue { retOk = 0x0, retWarning = 0x1, retError = 0x2 }
enum  tMsgType {
  msgReturnInfo, msgReturnWarning, msgReturnError, msgTextInfo,
  msgTextWarning, msgTextError
enum  tPythonDbgCmd {
  pyDbgNone = 0, pyDbgContinue = 1, pyDbgStep = 2, pyDbgStepOut = 4,
  pyDbgStepOver = 8, pyDbgQuit = 16
enum  tPythonTransitions {
  pyTransBeginRun = 1, pyTransEndRun = 2, pyTransBeginDebug = 4, pyTransEndDebug = 8,
  pyTransDebugWaiting = 16, pyTransDebugContinue = 32, pyTransDebugExecCmdBegin = 64, pyTransDebugExecCmdEnd = 128
enum  tCompareResult { tCmpEqual, tCmpCompatible, tCmpFailed }
enum  tPythonState {
  pyStateIdle = 1, pyStateRunning = 2, pyStateDebugging = 4, pyStateDebuggingWaiting = 8,
  pyStateDebuggingWaitingButBusy = 16
enum  tDataType {
  tInt8 = 0, tUInt8 = 1, tInt16 = 2, tUInt16 = 3,
  tInt32 = 4, tUInt32 = 5, tFloat32 = 6, tFloat64 = 7,
  tComplex64 = 8, tComplex128 = 9
enum  tPCLPointType {
  pclInvalid = 0x0000, pclXYZ = 0x0001, pclXYZI = 0x0002, pclXYZRGBA = 0x0004,
  pclXYZNormal = 0x0008, pclXYZINormal = 0x0010, pclXYZRGBNormal = 0x0020


ito::RetVal apiFCheckAndSetParamVal (QVariant *tempParam, ito::ParamBase *param, int *set)
ito::RetVal apiFParseInitParams (QVector< ito::ParamBase > *initParamListMand, QVector< ito::ParamBase > *initParamListOpt, QVector< QVariant > *params)
QMap< QString, QString > getItomVersionMap ()
ito::RetVal decRefParamPlugins (ito::AddInBase *ai)
void incRefParamPlugins (ito::AddInBase *ai, QVector< ito::ParamBase > *paramsMand, QVector< ito::ParamBase > *paramsOpt)
ito::RetVal checkAndSetParamVal (PyObject *tempObj, ito::Param *param, int *set)
ito::RetVal checkAndSetParamVal (PyObject *pyObj, const ito::Param *defaultParam, ito::ParamBase &outParam, int *set)
 This function is used to print out parameters to a dictionary and the itom-console.
PyObject * PrntOutParams (const QVector< ito::Param > *params, bool asErr, bool addInfos, const int num)
void errOutInitParams (const QVector< ito::Param > *params, const int num, const QString reason)
ito::RetVal parseInitParams (QVector< ito::Param > *initParamListMand, QVector< ito::Param > *initParamListOpt, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
ito::RetVal parseInitParams (const QVector< ito::Param > *defaultParamListMand, const QVector< ito::Param > *defaultParamListOpt, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds, QVector< ito::ParamBase > &paramListMandOut, QVector< ito::ParamBase > &paramListOptOut)
ito::RetVal copyParamVector (const QVector< ito::ParamBase > *paramVecIn, QVector< ito::ParamBase > &paramVecOut)
ito::RetVal copyParamVector (const QVector< ito::Param > *paramVecIn, QVector< ito::Param > &paramVecOut)
ito::RetVal copyParamVector (const QVector< ito::Param > *paramVecIn, QVector< ito::ParamBase > &paramVecOut)
ito::RetVal createEmptyParamBaseFromParamVector (const QVector< ito::Param > *paramVecIn, QVector< ito::ParamBase > &paramVecOut)
 This function searches for reserves Keywords (e.g. autoLoadParams) sets the corresponding bool parameter to the right value and than deletes the keyword.
ito::RetVal findAndDeleteReservedInitKeyWords (PyObject *kwds, bool *enableAutoLoadParams)
PyObject * buildFilterOutputValues (QVector< QVariant > *outVals, ito::RetVal &retValue)
 PyDoc_STRVAR (dataObjectInit_doc,"dataObject([dims [, dtype='uint8'[, continuous = 0][, data = valueOrSequence]]]) -> constructor to get a new dataObject.\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ dims : {List of Integer}, optional \n\ 'dims' is list indicating the size of each dimension, e.g. [2,3] is a matrix with 2 rows and 3 columns. If not given, an empty data object is created.\n\ dtype : {str}, optional \n\ 'dtype' is the data type of each element, possible values: 'int8','uint8',...,'int32','uint32','float32','float64','complex64','complex128'\n\ continuous : {str}, optional \n\ 'continuous' [0|1] defines whether the data block should be continuously allocated in memory [1] or in different smaller blocks [0] (recommended for huge matrices).\n\ data : {str}, optional \n\ 'data' is a single value or a sequence with the same amount of values than the data object. The values from data will be assigned to the new data object (filled row by row).\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ dataObject {dataObject}\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ------ \n\ \n\ The itom.dataObject contains a n-dimensional matrix and corresponding meta-data.\n\ It has a direct c++-representation for the python-c++ interface.\n\ The n-dimensional matrix can have different element types.\n\ Recently the following types are supported:\n\ \n\ * Integer-type (int8, uint8, int16, uint16, int32, uint32),\n\ \n\ * Floating-type (float32, float64 (=> double)),\n\ \n\ * Complex-type (complex64 (2x float32), complex128 (2x float64)).\n\ \n\ \n\ Warning 'uint32' is not fully openCV-compatible and hence causes instability!\n\ \n\ In order to handle huge matrices, the data object can divide one matrix into subparts in memory.\n\ Each subpart (called matrix-plane) is two-dimensional and covers data of the last two dimensions.\n\ In c++-context each of these matrix-planes is of type cv::Mat_<type> and can be used with every operator given by the openCV-framework (version 2.3.1 or higher).\n\ \n\ The dimensions of the matrix are structured descending. So if we assume to have a n-dimensional matrix A,\n\ where each dimension has its size s_i, the dimensions order is n, .., z, y, x and the corresponding sizes of A are [s_n, s_(n-1), s_(n-2), ..., s_y, s_x].\n\ \n\ In order to make the data object compatible to continuously organized data structures, like numpy-arrays, \n\ it is also possible to have all matrix-planes in one data-block in memory (not recommended for huge matrices).\n\ Nevertheless, the indicated data structure with the two-dimensional sub-matrix-planes is still existing. \n\ The data organization is equal to the one of open-cv, hence, two-dimensional matrices are stored row-by-row (C-style)...\n\ \n\ \n\ Deep Copy, Shallow Copy and ROI \n\ \n\ It is possible to set a n-dimensional region of interest (ROI) to each matrix, the virtual dimensions,\n\ which will be delivered if the user asks for the matrix size.\n\ To avoid copy operations where possible a simple =_Operator will also make a shallow copy of the object.\n\ Shallow copies share the same data (elements and meta data) with the original object, hence manipulations of one object will affect the\n\ original object and all shallow copies.\n\ \n\ The opposite a deep copy of a dataObject (by sourceObject.copy()) creates a complete mew matrix with own meta data object.\n\ \n\ Example:\n\ ::\n\ #Create an object \n\ dObj = dataObject([5, 10, 10], 'int8')\n\ \n\ # Make a shallow copy \n\ dObjShallow = dObj \n\ \n\ # Make a shallow copy on ROI\n\ dObjROI = dObj[1, :, :] \n\ \n\ # Set the value of element [1, 0, 0] to 0\n\ dObj[1, 0, 0] = 0\n\ \n\ # Make a deep copy of the dObjROI\n\ dObjROICopy = dObjROI.copy()\n\ \n\ # Set the value of dObjROICopy element [0, 0, 0] to 127 without effecting other objects\n\ dObjROICopy[0, 0, 0] = 127\n\ \n\ \n\ **Constructor** \n\ The function dataObject([dims [, dtype='uint8'[, continuous = 0][, data = valueOrSequence]]])\n\ creates a new itom-dataObject filled with undefined data.\n\ If no parameters are given, an uninitilized DataObject (dims = 0, no sizes) is created.\n\ \n\ As second possibility you can also use the copy-constructor 'dataObject(AnyArray)', \n\ where AnyArray must be any array-like structure which is parsable by the numpy-interface.\n\ \n\ Further static methods for object construction are dataObject.zeros(..), dataObject.ones(..),\n\ dataObject.rand(..), dataObject.randN(..) and dataObject.eye(..).\n\ ")
 brief description
 PyDoc_STRVAR (dataObjectAttDims_doc,"number of dimensions of this data object\n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ {int} : ReadOnly \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (dataObjectAttType_doc,"get type string of data in this data object \n\ This attribute returns the dataObject-Type as a string.\n\ This type string has one of these values: 'uint8', 'int8', 'uint16', 'int16', 'uint32', 'int32', \n\ 'float32', 'float64', 'complex64', 'complex128'\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ {str} : ReadOnly\n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (dataObjectAttContinuous_doc,"true if matrix is continuously organized, else false. \n\ If matrix is continuously organized this function returns true, else false. \n\ If true, the whole matrix is allocated in one huge block in memory, hence, \n\ this data object can be transformed into a numpy representation (npDataObject) \n\ without reallocating memory.\n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ {bool} : ReadOnly\n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (dataObjectAttTags_doc,"tag dictionary for this data object. \n\ \n\ By this attribute you get access to the read-only tag dictionary or you can set an entire new dictionary. \n\ You can add single elements using the method setTag(key,value) or you can delete tags using deleteTag(key).\n\ The value of the tags can be either numeric or string values.\n\ Do NOT use 'special character' within the tag key because they are not XML-save.\n\ setter: The dataObject dictionary is filled with the entries in 'newDictionary'.\n\ getter: A readonly dictionary with all Metadata-Tags of the dataObject.\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ {bool} : ReadWrite\n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (dataObjectAttAxisScales_doc,"tuple containing the axis scales [unit/px]. \n\ \n\ This attribute gives access to the internal axis scales [unit/px] expressed as \n\ a tuple double values. One entry for each object dimensions is due. \n\ This tuple is readonly, but you can either set an entire new tuple or change \n\ specific elements using the method setAxisScale(index,value)\n\ \n\ Definition: Unit-Coordinate = ( px-Coordinate - Offset)* Scale\n\ setter: Tuple of double value with size equal object dims.\n\ getter: Readonly tuple of double value with size equal object dims.\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ {tuple of double} : ReadWrite\n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (dataObjectAttAxisOffsets_doc,"tuple containing the axis offsets [px]. \n\ \n\ This attribute gives access to the internal axis offsets [px] expressed as \n\ a tuple double values. One entry for each object dimensions is due. \n\ This tuple is readonly, but you can either set an entire new tuple or change \n\ specific elements using the method setAxisOffset(index,value).\n\ \n\ Definition: Unit-Coordinate = ( px-Coordinate - Offset)* Scale\n\ setter: Tuple of double value with size equal object dims.\n\ \n\ getter: Readonly tuple of double value with size equal object dims.\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ {tuple of double} : ReadWrite\n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectSetAxisOffsets_doc,"")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (dataObjectAttAxisDescriptions_doc,"tuple containing the axis descriptions. \n\ \n\ This attribute gives access to the internal axis descriptions expressed as \n\ a tuple strings. One entry for each object dimensions is due. \n\ This tuple is readonly, but you can either set an entire new tuple or change \n\ specific elements using the method setAxisDescription(index,value)\n\ \n\ setter: Tuple of double value with size equal object dims.\n\ \n\ getter: Readonly tuple of double value with size equal object dims.\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ {tuple of str} : ReadWrite\n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectSetAxisDescriptions_doc,"")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (dataObjectAttAxisUnits_doc,"tuple containing the axis units. \n\ \n\ This attribute gives access to the internal axis units expressed as \n\ a tuple strings. One entry for each object dimensions is due. \n\ This tuple is readonly, but you can either set an entire new tuple or change \n\ specific elements using the method setAxisUnit(index,value)\n\ Parameters \n\ ------------\n\ setter: Tuple of double value with size equal object dims.\n\ \n\ getter: Readonly tuple of double value with size equal object dims.\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ {tuple of str} : ReadWrite\n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectSetAxisUnits_doc,"")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (dataObjectAttValueUnit_doc,"value unit string.\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ {str} : ReadWrite\n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (dataObjectAttValueDescription_doc,"value unit description. \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ {str} : ReadWrite \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (dataObjectAttValueScale_doc,"value scale [default: 1.0]. \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ {float???} : ReadWrite \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (dataObjectAttValueOffset_doc,"value offset [default: 0.0].\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ {float???} : ReadOnly \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (dataObjectAttValue_doc,"get/set the values within the ROI as a one-dimensional tuple.\n\ \n\ This method gets or sets the values within the ROI. If this attribute is called by means of a getter, \n\ a tuple is returned which is created by iterating through the values of the data object (row-wise). \n\ In the same way of iterating, the values are set to the data object if you provide a tuple of the size of the data object \n\ or its ROI, respectively. \n\ \n\ Example ::\n\ \n\ b = dataObject[1,1:10,1,1].value\n\ # or for the first value \n\ b = dataObject[1,1:10,1,1].value[0]\n\ # The elements of the tuple are adressed with b[idx].")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (dataObjectAttRotationalMatrix_doc,"Access the 3x3 rotational matrix in the dataObject tagspace \n\ \n\ This attribute gives access to the xyRotationalMatrix in the metaData-Tagspace.\n\ The getter method retuns a 3x3-Array deepcopied from the internal matrix,\n\ Implemented to offer compability to x3p format.\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ {3x3 array of doubles} : ReadWrite\n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectSetAxisOffset_doc,"setAxisOffset([axisNum [,axisOffset]]) -> Set the offset of the specified axis. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ------------\n\ axisNum : {int}\n\ The addressed axis\n\ axisOffset : {double}\n\ New axis offset in [px]\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ Set the axis offset in [px] of axisNum to axisOffset, Unit-Coordinate = ( px-Coordinate - Offset)* Scale\n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectSetAxisScale_doc,"setAxisScale([axisNum [,axisScale]]) -> Set the scale of the specified axis. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ------------\n\ axisNum : {int}\n\ The addressed axis\n\ axisScale : {double}\n\ New axis scale in [unit / px]\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ Set the axis scale in [unit / px] of axisNum to axisScale, Unit-Coordinate = ( px-Coordinate - Offset)* Scale\n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectSetAxisDescription_doc,"setAxisDescription([axisNum [, axisDescription]]) -> Set the description of the specified axis. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ------------\n\ axisNum : {int}\n\ The addressed axis\n\ axisDescription : {str}\n\ New axis description\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ Set the axis description (e.g. intensity) of axisNum\n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectSetAxisUnit_doc,"setAxisUnit([axisNum [, axisUnit]]) -> Set the unit of the specified axis. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ------------\n\ axisNum : {int}\n\ The addressed axis\n\ axisUnit : {str}\n\ New axis unit\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ Set the axis unit (e.g. mm) of axisNum\n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectSetTag_doc,"setTag(key, tagvalue) -> Set the value of tag specified by key. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ------------\n\ key : {str}\n\ the name of the tag to set\n\ tagvalue : {str or double}\n\ the new value of the tag, either string or double value\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ Set the value of a tag within the meta data tagspace. If tag does not exist, it is created.\n\ Do NOT use 'special character' within the tag key because they are not XML-save.\n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectDeleteTag_doc,"deleteTag(key) -> Delete the tag specified by key. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ------------\n\ key : {str}\n\ the name of the tag to be deleted\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ Remove a tag from the tag space the tag space.\n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectTagExists_doc,"existTag(key) -> return 1 if tag exists, else return 0. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ------------\n\ key : {str}\n\ the name of the tag\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ -------- \n\ checkExists : {bool}\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ Checks if a specific tag already exists and return the result as a boolean value.\n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectGetTagListSize_doc,"getTagListSize() -> returns the number of tags in tag map\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectAddToProtocol_doc,"addToProtocol([newLine]) -> Appends a protocol line to the protocol. ROIs are added automatically. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ------------\n\ newLine : {str}\n\ The text to be added to the protocol.\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ Appends a protocol line to the protocol. The current ROIs of the dataObject are added automatically.\n\ Also a new line is added automatically to the protocol. The content of the protocol can be addressed by 'dataObject.tags['protocol']' \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectName_doc,"name() -> prints the content of the dataObject in a readable form. \n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectData_doc,"data() -> prints the content of the dataObject in a readable form. \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ When calling this method, the complete content of the dataObject is printed to the standard output stream. \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectConj_doc,"conj() -> complex-conjugates all elements of this dataObject (inline). \n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ doctodo \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ Every value of this dataObject is replaced by its complex-conjugate value. If the data type of this dataObject \n\ is no complex data type, a TypeError is raised. \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectConjugate_doc,"conjugate() -> returns a copy of this dataObject where every element is complex-conjugated. \n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ copy of this dataObject \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ If the data type of this dataObject is no complex data type, a TypeError is raised.\n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectAdj_doc,"adj() -> Adjugate all elements (inline)\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectAdjugate_doc,"adjugate() -> Return the adjugate, element-wise\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectTrans_doc,"trans() -> returns transposed matrix\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ -------- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectMakeContinuous_doc,"makeContinuous() -> return continuous representation of dataObject (if not continuous yet, else returns shallow copy of original data object\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ -------- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectSize_doc,"size([index]) -> returns the size of this dataObject (tuple of the sizes in all dimensions or size in dimension indicated by optional value index). \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ------------\n\ index : {PyDataObject}, optional\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ -------- \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectCopy_doc,"copy(region_only=0) -> todo\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ regionOnly : {}, optional \n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectMul_doc,"mul() -> a.mul(b) returns element wise multiplication of a*b and returns result\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ------------\n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ -------- \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectDiv_doc,"div() -> a.div(b) returns element wise division of a./b and returns result\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ------------\n\ doctodo \n\ \n\ Returns \n\ -------- \n\ doctodo \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectReshape_doc,"reshape(newSizes) -> Returns reshaped shallow copy of data object \n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ reshaped shallow copy of data object\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ Not implemented yet.\n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectAstype_doc,"astype() -> todo\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ -------- \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectLocateROI_doc,"locateROI() -> todo\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ locateROI returns a tuple with two elements. The first is a list with the original sizes of this matrix, the second is a list with the offset for each axe in order to get from the original first element to the first element in the given ROI \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectAdjustROI_doc,"adjustROI() -> \n\ \n\ Returns \n\ -------- \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectSqueeze_doc,"squeeze() -> returns a squeezed shallow copy (if possible) of this data object. \n\ \n\ Returns \n\ -------- \n\ ShallowCopy : {dataObject}\n\ At least 2D or more object with all dimensions bigger than 1 expept the x/y-Dimension.\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ This method removes every dimension with size equal to 1. Take care, that \n\ none of the last two dimensions is considered by this squeeze-command. \n\ The squeezed return value is a shallow copy of the original dataObject and hence changes in its values\n\ will also change the original data set.\n\ (This command is equal to numpy.squeeze)")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (dataObjectAttTagDict_doc,"new dictionary with all tags inside \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ {dict} : ReadOnly\n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (dataObjectArray_StructGet_doc,"__array_struct__ -> general python-array interface (do not call this directly) \n\ This interface makes the data object compatible to every array structure in python \n\ which does equally implement the array interface (e.g. NumPy). This method is \n\ therefore a helper method for the array interface.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (dataObjectArray_Interface_doc,"__array_interface__ -> general python-array interface (do not call this directly) \n\ This interface makes the data object compatible to every array structure in python \n\ which does equally implement the array interface (e.g. NumPy).")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (dataObject_Array__doc,"__array__([dtype]) -> returns a numpy.ndarray from this dataObject. If possible a shallow copy is returned. \n\ If no desired dtype is given and if the this dataObject is continuous, a ndarray sharing its memory with this dataObject is returned. \n\ If the desired dtype does not fit to the type of this dataObject, a casted deep copy is returned. This is also the case if \n\ this dataObject is not continuous. Then a continuous dataObject is created that is the base object of the returned ndarray.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectToList_doc,"tolist() -> returns nested list of content of data object\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectStaticZeros_doc,"zeros([dims [, dtype='uint8'[, continuous = 0]]]) -> creates new dataObject filled with zeros.\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ---------- \n\ dims : {List of Integer} \n\ 'dims' is list indicating the size of each dimension, e.g. [2,3] is a matrix with 2 rows and 3 columns\n\ dtype : {str}, optional \n\ 'dtype' is the data type of each element, possible values: 'int8','uint8',...,'int32','uint32','float32','float64','complex64','complex128'\n\ continuous : {str}, optional \n\ 'continuous' [0|1] defines whether the data block should be continuously allocated in memory [1] or in different smaller blocks [0] (recommended for huge matrices).\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ The dataObject : {dataObject}\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ Creates a new itom-dataObject filled with zeros.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectStaticOnes_doc,"ones([dims [, dtype='uint8'[, continuous = 0]]]) -> creates new dataObject filled with ones. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ dims : {List of Integer} \n\ 'dims' is list indicating the size of each dimension, e.g. [2,3] is a matrix with 2 rows and 3 columns\n\ dtype : {str}, optional \n\ 'dtype' is the data type of each element, possible values: 'int8','uint8',...,'int32','float32','float64','complex64','complex128'\n\ continuous : {str}, optional \n\ 'continuous' [0|1] defines whether the data block should be continuously allocated in memory [1] or in different smaller blocks [0] (recommended for huge matrices).\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ The dataObject : {dataObject}\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ Creates a new itom-dataObject filled with ones.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectStaticRand_doc,"rand([dims [, dtype='uint8'[, continuous = 0]]]) -> creates new dataObject filled with uniform distributed random values. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ dims : {List of Integer} \n\ 'dims' is list indicating the size of each dimension, e.g. [2,3] is a matrix with 2 rows and 3 columns.\n\ dtype : {str}, optional \n\ 'dtype' is the data type of each element, possible values: 'int8','uint8',...,'int32','float32','float64','complex64','complex128'\n\ continuous : {str}, optional \n\ 'continuous' [0|1] defines whether the data block should be continuously allocated in memory [1] or in different smaller blocks [0] (recommended for huge matrices).\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ The dataObject : {dataObject}\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ Creates a new itom-dataObject filled with uniform distributed random numbers.\n\ In case of an integer type, the uniform noise is from min<ObjectType>(inclusiv) to max<ObjectType>(inclusiv).\n\ For floating point types, the noise is between 0(inclusiv) and 1(exclusiv).")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectStaticRandN_doc,"randN([dims [, dtype='uint8'[, continuous = 0]]]) -> creates new dataObject filled with gaussian distributed random values. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ dims : {List of Integer} \n\ 'dims' is list indicating the size of each dimension, e.g. [2,3] is a matrix with 2 rows and 3 columns.\n\ dtype : {str}, optional \n\ 'dtype' is the data type of each element, possible values: 'int8','uint8',...,'int32', 'float32','float64','complex64','complex128'\n\ continuous : {str}, optional \n\ 'continuous' [0|1] defines whether the data block should be continuously allocated in memory [1] or in different smaller blocks [0] (recommended for huge matrices).\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ The dataObject : {dataObject}\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ Creates a new itom-dataObject filled with gaussian distributed random numbers.\n\ In case of an integer type, the gausian noise mean value is (max+min)/2.0 and the standard deviation is (max-min/)6.0 to max.\n\ For floating point types, the noise mean value is 0 and the standard deviation is 1.0/3.0.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectStaticEye_doc,"eye([dims [, dtype='uint8'[, continuous = 0]]]) -> creates a 2D, square, eye-matrix.\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ size : {int}, \n\ the size of the square matrix (single value)\n\ dtype : {str}, optional \n\ 'dtype' is the data type of each element, possible values: 'int8','uint8',...,'int32','uint32','float32','float64','complex64','complex128'\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ The dataObject : {dataObject}\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ Static method for creating a two-dimensional, square, eye-matrix of type itom-dataObject.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataObjectIterLen_doc,"Private method returning an estimate of len(list(it)).")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyFigureInit_doc,"figure([handle, [rows = 1, cols = 1]]) -> creates figure window.\n\ \n\ The class itom.figure represents a standalone figure window, that can have various subplots. If an instance of this class \n\ is created without further parameters a new figure is created and opened having one subplot area (currently empty) and the numeric \n\ handle to this figure is returned:: \n\ \n\ h = figure() \n\ \n\ Subplots are arranged in a regular grid whose size is defined by the optional parameters 'rows' and 'cols'. If you create a figure \n\ instance with a given handle, the instance is either a reference to an existing figure that has got this handle or if it does not exist, \n\ a new figure with the desired handle is opened and the handle is returned, too. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ------------- \n\ handle : {int} \n\ numeric handle of the desired figure. \n\ rows : {int, default: 1} \n\ number of rows this figure should have (defines the size of the subplot-grid) \n\ cols : {int, default: 1} \n\ number of columns this figure should have (defines the size of the subplot-grid)")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyFigurePlot_doc,"plot(data, [areaIndex, className]) -> plots a dataObject in the current or given area of this figure\n\ Plot an existing dataObject in not dockable, not blocking window. \n\ The style of the plot will depend on the object dimensions.\n\ If x-dim or y-dim are equal to 1, plot will be a lineplot else a 2D-plot.\n\ \n\ Parameters\n\ -----------\n\ data : {DataObject} \n\ Is the data object whose region of interest will be plotted.\n\ areaIndex: {int}, optional \n\ \n\ className : {str}, optional \n\ class name of desired plot (if not indicated default plot will be used (see application settings) \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyFigureLiveImage_doc,"liveImage(cam, [areaIndex, className]) -> shows a camera live image in the current or given area of this figure\n\ Creates a plot-image (2D) and automatically grabs images into this window.\n\ This function is not blocking.\n\ \n\ Parameters\n\ -----------\n\ cam : {dataIO-Instance} \n\ Camera grabber device from which images are acquired.\n\ areaIndex: {int}, optional \n\ \n\ className : {str}, optional \n\ class name of desired plot (if not indicated default plot will be used (see application settings) \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyFigureShow_doc,"show() -> shows figure \n\ \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyFigureHide_doc,"hide() -> hides figure without deleting it\n\ \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyFigureSubplot_doc,"subplot(index) -> returns plotItem of desired subplot\n\ \n\ This method closes and deletes any specific figure (given by handle) or all opened figures. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ index : {unsigned int} \n\ index to desired subplot. The subplot at the top, left position has the index 0 whereas the index is incremented row-wise.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyFigure_docked_doc,"dock status of figure (True|False) \n\ \n\ this attribute controls the dock appearance of this figure. If it is docked, the figure is integrated into the main window \n\ of itom, else it is a independent window. \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyFigure_Close_doc,"close(handle|'all') -> static method to close any specific or all open figures (unless any figure-instance still keeps track of them)\n\ \n\ This method closes and deletes any specific figure (given by handle) or all opened figures. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ handle : {dataIO-Instance} \n\ any figure handle (>0) or 'all' in order to close all opened figures \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ------- \n\ If any instance of class 'figure' still keeps a reference to any figure, it is only closed and deleted if the last instance is deleted, too.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyOpenEmptyScriptEditor_doc,"scriptEditor() -> opens new, empty script editor window (undocked) \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ Opens a new and empty itom script editor window. The window is undocked and non blocking.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyNewScript_doc,"newScript() -> opens an empty, new script in the current script window.\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ Creates a new itom script in the latest opened editor window.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyOpenScript_doc,"openScript(filename) -> opens the given script in current script window.\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ filename : {str} \n\ Path and File of the file to open. Unter windows not case sensitiv.\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ Open an existing itom script from the harddrive into the latest opened editor window.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyPlotImage_doc,"plot(data, [className]) -> plots a dataObject in a newly created figure \n\ \n\ Plot an existing dataObject in not dockable, not blocking window. \n\ The style of the plot will depend on the object dimensions.\n\ If x-dim or y-dim are equal to 1, plot will be a lineplot else a 2D-plot.\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ data : {DataObject} \n\ Is the data object whose region of interest will be plotted.\n\ className : {str}, optional \n\ class name of desired plot (if not indicated default plot will be used (see application settings) \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyLiveImage_doc,"liveImage(cam, [className]) -> shows a camera live image in a newly created figure\n\ \n\ Creates a plot-image (2D) and automatically grabs images into this window.\n\ This function is not blocking.\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ cam : {dataIO-Instance} \n\ Camera grabber device from which images are acquired.\n\ className : {str}, optional \n\ class name of desired plot (if not indicated default plot will be used (see application settings)")
PyObject * PyWidgetOrFilterHelp (bool getWidgetHelp, PyObject *pArgs)
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyFilterHelp_doc,"filterHelp([filterName, dictionary = 0, furtherInfos = 0]) -> generates an online help for the given filter(s). \n \ Generates an online help for the given widget or returns a list of available filter.\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ filterName : {str}, optional \n\ is the fullname or a part of any filter-name which should be displayed. \n\ If filterName is none or no filter matches filterName casesensitiv a list with all suitable filters is given. \n\ dictionary : {dict}, optional \n\ if dictionary == 1, function returns an Py_Dictionary with parameters \n\ Default value is 0.\n\ furtherInfos : {int}, optional \n\ defines if a complete parameter-list of name-related filters to the given filterName should be displayed (1) \n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ Returns none or a PyDictionary depending on the value of dictionary.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyWidgetHelp_doc,"widgetHelp([widgetName, dictionary = 0, furtherInfos = 0]) -> generates an online help for the given widget(s). \n \ Generates an online help for the given widget or returns a list of available widgets. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ widgetName : {str}, optional \n\ is the fullname or a part of any widget-name which should be displayed. \n\ If widgetName is none or no widget matches widgetName casesensitiv a list with all suitable widgets is given. \n\ dictionary : {dict}, optional \n\ if dictionary == 1, function returns an Py_Dictionary with parameters \n\ Default value is 0.\n\ furtherInfos : {int}, optional \n\ defines if a complete parameter-list of name-related widgets to the given widgetName should be displayed (1) \n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ Returns none or a PyDictionary depending on the value of dictionary.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyPluginLoaded_doc,"pluginLoaded(pluginname) -> checks if a certain plugin was loaded.\n\ Checks if a specified plugin is loaded and returns the result as a boolean expression. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ pluginname : {str} \n\ The name of a specified plugin as usually displayed in the plugin window.\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ True, if the plugin has been loaded and can be used, else False.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyPluginHelp_doc,"pluginHelp(pluginName [, dictionary = False]) -> generates an online help for the specified plugin.\n\ Gets (also print to console) the initialisation parameters of the plugin specified pluginName (str, as specified in the plugin window).\n\ If dictionary is True, a dict with all plugin parameters is returned.\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ pluginName : {str} \n\ is the fullname of a plugin as specified in the plugin window.\n\ dictionary : {bool}, optional \n\ if dictionary == True, function returns an dict with plugin parameters (default: False)\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ Returns None or a dict depending on the value of parameter dictionary.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyITOMVersion_doc,"version([toggle-output [, include-plugins]])) -> retrieve complete information about itom version numbers\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ toggle-output : {bool}, optional\n\ default = false\n\ if true, output will be written to a dictionary else to console.\n\ dictionary : {bool}, optional \n\ default = false\n\ if true, add informations about plugIn versions.\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ None (display outPut) or PyDictionary with version information.\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ Retrieve complete version information of ITOM and if specified version information of loaded plugins\n\ and print it either to the console or to a PyDictionary.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyAddButton_doc,"addButton(toolbarName, buttonName, code [, icon, argtuple]) -> adds a button to a toolbar in the main window \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ toolbarName : {str} \n\ The name of the toolbar.\n\ buttonName : {str} \n\ The name (str, identifier) of the button to create.\n\ code : {str, Method, Function}\n\ The code to be executed if button is pressed.\n\ icon : {str}, optional \n\ The filename of an icon-file. This can also be relative to the application directory of 'itom'.\n\ argtuple : {tuple}, optional \n\ Arguments, which will be passed to method (in order to avoid cyclic references try to only use basic element types).\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ This function adds a button to a toolbar in the main window.\n\ If the button is pressed the simple python command specified by python-code is executed.\n\ If the toolbar specified by toolbarName do not exist, the toolbar is created.\n\ The button representation will be the optional icon or if icon is not loadable 'buttonName' will be displayed.\n\ \n\ ITOM comes with basic icons addressable by ':/.../iconname.png', e.g. ':/gui/icons/close.png'.\n\ Find available via iconbrower under 'Editor-Menu/Edit/iconbrower' or crtl-b")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyRemoveButton_doc,"removeButton(toolbarName, buttonName) -> removes a button from a given toolbar. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ toolbarName : {str} \n\ The name of the toolbar.\n\ buttonName : {str} \n\ The name (str, identifier) of the button to remove.\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ This function removes a button from a toolbar in the main window.\n\ If the toolbar is empty after removal, it is deleted.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyAddMenu_doc,"addMenu(type, key [, name, code, icon, argtuple]) -> adds an element to the menu bar. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ type : {Int}\n\ The type of the menu-element (BUTTON:0 [default], SEPARATOR:1, MENU:2). Use the corresponding constans in module 'itom'.\n\ key : {str} \n\ A slash-separated string where every sub-element is the key-name for the menu-element in the specific level.\n\ name : {str}, optional \n\ The text of the menu-element. If not indicated, the last sub-element of key is taken.\n\ code : {str, Method, Function}, optional \n\ The code to be executed if menu element is pressed.\n\ icon : {str}, optional \n\ The filename of an icon-file. This can also be relative to the application directory of 'itom'.\n\ argtuple : {tuple}, optional \n\ Arguments, which will be passed to method (in order to avoid cyclic references try to only use basic element types).\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ This function adds an element to the main window menu bar. \n\ The root element of every menu-list must be a MENU-element. Such a MENU-element can contain sub-elements. \n\ The following sub-elements can be either another MENU, a SEPARATOR or a BUTTON. Only the BUTTON itself \n\ triggers a signal, which then executes the code, given by a string or a reference to a callable python method \n\ or function. Remember, that this reference is only stored as a weak pointer. \n\ If you want to directly add a sub-element, you can give a slash-separated string in the key-parameter. \n\ Every sub-component of this string then represents the menu-element in its specific level. Only the element in the last \n\ can be something else than MENU.\n\ \n\ ITOM comes with basic icons addressable by ':/.../iconname.png', e.g. ':/gui/icons/close.png'.\n\ Find available via iconbrower under 'Editor-Menu/Edit/iconbrower' or crtl-b")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyRemoveMenu_doc,"removeMenu(key) -> remove a menu element with the given key. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ key : {str} \n\ The name (str, identifier) of the menu entry to remove.\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ This function remove a menu element with the given key. \n\ key is a slash separated list. The sub-components then \n\ lead the way to the final element, which should be removed.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (getScreenInfo_doc,"getScreenInfo() -> returns dictionary with information about all available screens. \n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ ScreenInfo : {PyDict} \n\ Returns a PyDictionary containing:\n\ screenCount : {int} \n\ number of available screens \n\ primaryScreen : {int} \n\ index (0-based) of primary screen \n\ geometry : {tuple} \n\ tuple with dictionaries for each screen containing data for width (w), height (h) and its top-left-position (x, y)\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ This function returns a PyDictionary which contains informations about the current screen configuration of this PC.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pySaveMatlabMat_doc,"saveMatlabMat(filename, dictionary[, matrixName]) -> saves strings, numbers, arrays or combinations to a Matlab matrix. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ filename : {str} \n\ Filename to which the data will be written (.mat will be added if not available)\n\ dictionary : {dictionary, list, tuple} \n\ dictionary, list or tuple with elements of type number, string, array (dataObject, numpy.ndarray, npDataObject...)\n\ matrix-name : {string or list or tuple of strings}, optional \n\ string or list or tuple of string (same length than object-sequence)\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ This function saves strings, numbers, arrays or combinations to a Matlab matrix (file). \n\ List or Tuples will be included to new dictionary (element-wise entry with name matrix1,...,matrixN or names given by last optional matrix-name sequence).")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyLoadMatlabMat_doc,"loadMatlabMat(filename) -> loads matlab mat-file by using scipy methods and returns the loaded dictionary. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ filename : {str} \n\ Filename from which the data will be imported (.mat will be added if not available)\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ PyDictionary with content of the Matlab-file\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ This function loads matlab mat-file by using scipy methods and returns the loaded dictionary.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyFilter_doc,"filter(name [, furtherParameters, ...]) -> invoke a filter (or algorithm) function within an algorithm-plugin. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ name : {str} \n\ The name of the filter\n\ furtherParameters : {variant} \n\ Further parameters depend on the filter-methods itself (give the mandatory and then optional parameters in their defined order).\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ output parameters : {variant} \n\ The returned values depend on the definition of each filter. In general it is a tuple of all output parameters that are defined by the filter function.\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ This function is used to invoke itom filter-functions or algorithms, declared within itom-algorithm plugins.\n\ The parameters (arguments) depends on the specific filter function (see filterHelp(name)),\n\ By filterHelp() a list of available filter functions is retrieved.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pySaveDataObject_doc,"saveDataObject(filename, dataObject [, tagsAsBinary]) -> save a dataObject to harddrive. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ filename : {str} \n\ Filename and Path of the destination (.ido will be added if no .*-ending is available)\n\ dataObject : {DataObject} \n\ An allocated dataObject of n-Dimensions.\n\ tagsAsBinary : {bool}, optional \n\ Optional tag to toogle if numeric-tags should be saved (metaData) as binary or by default as string.\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ This function writes an ito::dataObject to the file specified by filename. The data is stored as binary. \n\ The value of string-Tags is encoded to avoid XML-conflics. The value of numerical-Tags are saved as string\n\ with 15 significat digits (>32bit, tagsAsBinary == False, default) or as binary (tagsAsBinary == True).\n\ Tagnames which contains special characters leads to XML-conflics.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyLoadDataObject_doc,"loadDataObject(filename, dataObject [, doNotAppendIDO]) -> load a dataObject from the harddrive to an existing dataObject. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ filename : {str} \n\ Filename and Path of the destination (.ido will be added if not available)\n\ dataObject : {DataObject} \n\ A pre-allocated dataObject (empty Objects are allowed).\n\ doNotAppendIDO : {bool}, optional \n\ Optional tag to avoid adding -ido-Tag, default is False.\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ This function reads an ito::dataObject from the file specified by filename. \n\ MetaData saveType (string, binary) are extracted from the file and restored within the object.\n\ The value of string-Tags must be encoded to avoid XML-conflics.\n\ Tagnames which contains special characters leads to XML-conflics.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (getDefaultScaleAbleUnits_doc,"getDefaultScaleAbleUnits() -> Get a PythonList with standard scaleable units. \n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ List with strings containing all scaleable units : {PyList}\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ Get a PythonList with standard scaleable units. Used together with itom.ScaleValueAndUnit(...)")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (ScaleValueAndUnit_doc,"ScaleValueAndUnit(ScaleableUnits, value, valueUnit) -> Scale a value and its unit and returns [value, 'Unit'] \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ ScaleableUnits : {PyList of Strings} \n\ A string list with all scaleable units\n\ value : {double} \n\ The value to be scaled\n\ valueUnit : {str} \n\ The value unit to be scaled\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ PyTuple with scaled value and scaled unit\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ Rescale a value with SI-unit (e.g. 0.01 mm to 10 micrometer). Used together with itom.getDefaultScaleAbleUnits()")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (getAppPath_doc,"getAppPath() -> returns absolute path of application base directory.\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ Path : {str}\n\ string with absolute path of this application\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ This function returns the absolute path of application base directory.\n\ The return value is independent of the current working diractory")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (getCurrentPath_doc,"getCurrentPath() -> returns absolute path of current working directory.\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ Path : {str}\n\ string with current working path\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ This function returns the current working path of the application.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (setCurrentPath_doc,"setCurrentPath(newPath) -> sets absolute path of current working directory \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ newPath : {str} \n\ The new working path of this application\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ Success : {bool} \n\ True in case of success else False\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ sets absolute path of current working directory returns True if currentPath could be changed, else False.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyItom_FigureClose_doc,"close(handle|'all') -> method to close any specific or all open figures (unless any figure-instance still keeps track of them)\n\ \n\ This method closes and deletes any specific figure (given by handle) or all opened figures. This method always calls the static method \n\ close of class figure.\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ handle : {dataIO-Instance} \n\ any figure handle (>0) or 'all' in order to close all opened figures \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ------- \n\ If any instance of class 'figure' still keeps a reference to any figure, it is only closed and deleted if the last instance is deleted, too. \n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ figure.close")
 *static*/ PyObject* PythonItom::PyGetGlobalDict(PyObject* /*pSelf*/)
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyLoadIDC_doc,"loadIDC(filename) -> loads a pickled idc-file and returns the content as dictionary\n\ \n\ This methods loads the given idc-file using the method load from the python-buildin module pickle and returns the loaded dictionary.\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ filename : {String} \n\ absolute filename or filename relative to the current directory. \n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ pickle.load")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pySaveIDC_doc,"saveIDC(filename, dict [,overwriteIfExists = True]) -> saves the given dictionary as pickled idc-file.\n\ \n\ This method saves the given dictionary as pickled icd-file using the method dump from the builtin module pickle.\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ filename : {string} \n\ absolute filename or filename relative to the current directory. \n\ dict : {dict} \n\ dictionary which should be pickled. \n\ overwriteIfExists : {bool}, default: True \n\ if True, an existing file will be overwritten. \n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ pickle.dump")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyAMax_doc,"amax(dataObject) -> returns the maximum value of the data object.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyPlotItemInit_doc,"plotItem(figure[, subplotIdx]) -> instance of the plot or subplot of a figure.\n\ \n\ Use can use this constructor to access any plot or subplot (if more than one plot) of a figure. The subplotIndex \n\ row-wisely addresses the subplots, beginning with 0. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ------------ \n\ doc")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyPlotItem_pickPoints_doc,"pickPoints(points [,maxNrPoints]) -> method to let the user pick points on a plot (only if plot supports this) \n\ \n\ This method lets the user select one or multiple points (up to maxNrPoints) at the current plot (if the plot supports this).\n\ \n\ Parameters\n\ -----------\n\ points : {DataObject} \n\ resulting data object containing the 2D positions of the selected points [2 x nrOfSelectedPoints].\n\ maxNrPoints: {int}, optional \n\ let the user select up to this number of points [default: infinity]. Selection can be stopped pressing Space or Esc.")
bool SetLoadPluginReturnValueMessage (ito::RetVal &retval, QString &pluginName)
bool SetLoadPluginReturnValueMessage (ito::RetVal &retval, const char *pluginName)
bool SetReturnValueMessage (ito::RetVal &retval, QString &functionName)
bool SetReturnValueMessage (ito::RetVal &retval, const char *functionName)
int checkDObjBppComp (const int bpp, const int type)
int parseParams (PyObject *args, int length, char **&cargs, char *&cargt)
int freeParams (int length, char *&cargt, char **&cargs)
PyObject * getParamList (ito::AddInBase *aib)
PyObject * getParamListInfo (ito::AddInBase *aib, PyObject *args)
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyPlugInGetExecFuncsInfo_doc,"getExecFuncsInfo([funcName [, detailLevel]]) -> plots a list of available execFuncs or a detailed description to the specified execFunc. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ funcName : {str}, optional \n\ is the fullname or a part of any execFunc-name which should be displayed. \n\ If funcName is none or no execFunc matches funcName casesensitiv a list with all suitable execFuncs is given. \n\ detailLevel : {dict}, optional \n\ if dictionary == 1, function returns an Py_Dictionary with parameters \n\ Default value is 0.\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ None or Dict\n\ depending on the value of *detailLevel*.\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ Generates an online help with all execFuncs for this plugIn or returns a list of available execFuncs.\n\ \n\ ")
PyObject * getExecFuncsInfo (ito::AddInBase *aib, PyObject *args)
template<typename _Tp >
PyObject * getName (_Tp *addInObj)
PyObject * execFunc (ito::AddInBase *aib, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
template<typename _Tp >
PyObject * getParam (_Tp *addInObj, PyObject *args)
template<typename _Tp >
PyObject * setParam (_Tp *addInObj, PyObject *args)
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyActuatorInit_doc,"actuator(name[, mandparams, optparams]) -> constructor \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ name : {str} \n\ is the fullname (case sensitive) of a 'actuator'-plugin as specified in the plugin-window. \n\ initParameters : {variant}, mandatory & optional \n\ Parameters to pass to the plugin, content and type depend on the specific plugin.\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ Returns none or a PyDictionary depending on the value of detailLevel.\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ This is the constructor for a actuator-type plugins. It initializes an new instance\n\ if the plugin specified by 'name'. The initialisation parameters are parsed and unnamed parameters are used in their \n\ incoming order to fill first mandatory parameters and afterwards optional parameters. Parameters may be passed \n\ with name as well but after the first named parameter no more unnamed parameters are allowed.\n\ See pluginHelp(name) for detail information about the specific initialisation parameters.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyActuatorName_doc,"name() -> returns the plugin name\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ name of the Plugin\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyActuatorGetParamList_doc,"getParamList() -> returns the list of available parameters of the plugin\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ list of available parameters of the plugin\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyActuatorGetParamListInfo_doc,"getParamListInfo([detailLevel]) -> plots informations about plugin parameters. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ detailLevel : {dict}, optional \n\ if dictionary == 1, function returns an Py_Dictionary with parameters \n\ Default value is 0.\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ Returns none or a PyDictionary depending on the value of detailLevel.\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ Generates an online help for available parameters and additional informations of the plugin.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyActuatorGetParam_doc,"getParam(name) -> value of the parameter 'name'.\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ name : {str???}\n\ name of the parameter to get value for\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyActuatorSetParam_doc,"setParam(name, value) -> sets parameter 'name' to the given value.\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ name : {str???}\n\ name of the parameter which value is set\n\ value : {str, int, double, ...}\n\ value that will be set. The value is checked against the param's parameter definition before involing the setParam method\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyActuatorCalib_doc,"calib(axis[, axis1, ...]) -> starts calibration of given axes (0-based).\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ axis : {axis???}\n\ axis that should be calibrated\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyActuatorSetOrigin_doc,"setOrigin(axis[, axis1, ...]) -> defines the actual position of the given axes to value 0. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ axis : {axis}\n\ axis for which the origin should be set\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyActuatorGetStatus_doc,"getStatus() -> retrieve the actuator status.\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyActuatorGetPos_doc,"getPos(axis[, axis1, ...]) -> returns the actual positions of the given axes.\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ axis : {axis???}\n\ axis for which the position should be returned\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyActuatorPlugin_getType_doc,"getType() -> returns actuator type\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ actuator type\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyActuatorPlugin_execFunc_doc,"exec(funcName [, param1, ...]) -> invoke a function 'funcName' within an actuator-plugin.\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ funcName : {str} \n\ The name of the filter\n\ param1 : {variant} \n\ Further parameters depend on the function itself.\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ Variable return values.\n\ The return values depend on the function itself.\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ This function is used to invoke a plugIn-Specific execFunc, declared within the corresponding plugin.\n\ The parameters (arguments), output parameters / return values depends on the function\n\ (see plugin.getExecFuncsInfo() or plugin.getExecFuncsInfo(funcName)).")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyActuatorShowConfiguration_doc,"showConfiguration() -> open configuration dialog of the plugin\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyActuatorShowToolbox_doc,"showToolbox() -> open toolbox of the plugin\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyActuatorHideToolbox_doc,"hideToolbox() -> hides toolbox of the plugin\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
ito::RetVal parsePosParams (PyObject *args, char **&cargs, char *&cargt, QVector< int > &axisVec, QVector< double > &posVec)
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyActuatorSetPosAbs_doc,"setPosAbs(axis0, pos0 [, axis1, pos1, ...]) -> moves axis to given absolute value (in mm).\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ axis : {axis???}, optional \n\ axis that should be moved absolute\n\ pos : {???} \n\ new position for axis\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyActuatorSetPosRel_doc,"setPosRel(axis, pos[, axis1, pos1, ...]) -> relatively moves given axes by the given distances [in mm].\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ axis : {axis???} \n\ axis that should be moved relative \n\ pos : {???}\n\ position increment/decrement for axis\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataIOInit_doc,"dataIO(name[, mandparams, optparams]) -> constructor \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ name : {str} \n\ is the fullname (case sensitive) of a 'dataIO'-plugin as specified in the plugin-window. \n\ initParameters : {variant}, mandatory & optional \n\ Parameters to pass to the plugin, content and type depend on the specific plugin.\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ Returns none or a PyDictionary depending on the value of detailLevel.\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ This is the constructor for a dataIO-type plugins. It initializes an new instance\n\ if the plugin specified by 'name'. The initialisation parameters are parsed and unnamed parameters are used in their \n\ incoming order to fill first mandatory parameters and afterwards optional parameters. Parameters may be passed \n\ with name as well but after the first named parameter no more unnamed parameters are allowed.\n\ See pluginHelp(name) for detail information about the specific initialisation parameters.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyDataIOPlugin_name_doc,"name() -> returns name of plugin.\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ Name of the Plugin : {str}\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyDataIOPlugin_getParamList_doc,"getParamList() -> returns list of possible parameters.\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ List of possible Parameters\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyDataIOPlugin_getParamListInfo_doc,"getParamListInfo([detailLevel]) -> plots informations about plugin parameters. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ detailLevel : {dict}, optional \n\ if dictionary == 1, function returns an Py_Dictionary with parameters \n\ Default value is 0.\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ Returns none or a PyDictionary depending on the value of detailLevel.\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ Generates an online help for available parameters and additional informations of the plugin.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyDataIOPlugin_getParam_doc,"getParam(name) -> returns the value of the given parameter.\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ name : {str???}\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ Value of the given parameter\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyDataIOPlugin_setParam_doc,"setParam(name,value) -> sets value of parameter, given by name.\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ name : {str???}\n\ value : {str, int, double, ...}\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyDataIOPlugin_startDevice_doc,"startDevice([count=1]) -> starts the given dataIO-plugin. \n\ If you call startDevice multiple times, the device is only started at the first call, the next calls \n\ only increment a internal counter. This is necessary, since every connected live image needs to start the device \n\ without knownledge about any previous start. A call to stopDevice decrements this counter and closes the hardware device \n\ if that counter drops to 0 again. No acquisition is possible, if the device has not been started, hence the counter is 0. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ count : {unsigned integer}, optional \n\ default = 1\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ if count > 1, startDevice is executed 'count' times, in order to increment the grabber internal start counter. \n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyDataIOPlugin_stopDevice_doc,"stopDevice([count=1]) -> stops the given dataIO-plugin. \n\ Usually no acquisition is possible, if the device is not started. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ count : {Integer > 0}, optional\n\ default = 1\n\ if count > 1, stopDevice is executed 'count' times, in order to decrement the grabber internal start counter. \n\ You can also use -1 as count argument, then stopDevice is repeated until the internal start counter is 0. The number of effective counts is then returned \n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ----------- \n\ None or the number of cycles that have been necessary to finally decrement the grabber's internal start counter to 0 (only if count==-1)\n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyDataIOPlugin_acquire_doc,"acquire(trigger=dataIO.TRIGGER_SOFTWARE) -> triggers the camera acquisition \n\ Use this command to start the image acquisition depending on the trigger parameter. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ trigger : {Integer}, optional\n\ default = 0, dataIO.TRIGGER_SOFTWARE\n\ In case of dataIO.TRIGGER_SOFTWARE (0) the acquisition is immediately started after this command. \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyDataIOPlugin_getVal_doc,"getVal(buffer=dataObject|byteArray|bytes [,length=maxlength]) -> returns shallow copy of internal camera image if dataObject-buffer is provided. Else values from plugin are copied to given byte or byte-array buffer. \n\ \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ doctodo \n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ shallow copy of internal camera image\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ Cameras, Grabber: \n\ - buffer (dataObject), no length value: The image in dataObject is only a shallow copy of the camera internal memory. Therefore this content \n\ may change if a new image has been acquired by the camera. Therefore consider to make a deep copy of this image or use the method copyVal. \n\ \n\ further IO-devices: \n\ - buffer (allocated byteArray, bytes...) and optional a length with the maximum number of characters which should be requested by the plugin. \n\ If length is not provided it is set to the length of the given buffer. Finally the number of effectively set characters is returned.\n\ \n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyDataIOPlugin_copyVal_doc,"copyVal(dataObject) -> gets deep copy of data of this plugin, stored in the given data object. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ dataObject : {doctodo}\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ The object is not changed / adepted to the grabber and must be allocated properly before copyVal is called\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyDataIOPlugin_setVal_doc,"setVal(dataObject) -> transfers given dataObject to dataIO-plugin.\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ dataObject : {dataObject???}\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyDataIOPlugin_enableAutoGrabbing_doc,"enableAutoGrabbing() -> enables auto grabbing for the grabber (camera...), \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ such that live images will continuously get new data. \n\ [Recommended if the measurement routine does not need any camera image at the moment.]\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyDataIOPlugin_disableAutoGrabbing_doc,"disableAutoGrabbing() -> Disables auto grabbing for the grabber (camera...), \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ such that live images only will be updated if a new image is manually grabbed. \n\ [Recommended if the measurement routine requires camera images by itself.]\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyDataIOPlugin_setAutoGrabbing_doc,"setAutoGrabbing(on) -> Sets auto grabbing of the grabber device on or off\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ on : {bool}\n\ * TRUE = on\n\ * FALSE = off\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ such that live images only will be updated if a new image is manually grabbed (on).\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyDataIOPlugin_getAutoGrabbing_doc,"getAutoGrabbing() -> returns the status of the auto grabbing flag. \n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ auto grabbing flag : {bool}\n\ * false = auto grabbing off \n\ * true = auto grabbing on. \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ See methods enableAutoGrabbing() or disableAutoGrabbing().\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ enableAutoGrabbing()\n\ disableAutoGrabbing()\n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyDataIOPlugin_getType_doc,"getType() -> returns dataIO type\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ dataIO type\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyDataIOPlugin_execFunc_doc,"exec(funcName [, param1, ...]) -> invoke a function 'funcName' within an dataIO-plugin.\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ funcName : {str} \n\ The name of the filter\n\ paramN : {variant} \n\ Further parameters depend on the function itself.\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ Variable return values.\n\ The return values depend on the function itself.\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ This function is used to invoke a plugIn-Specific execFunc, declared within the corresponding plugin.\n\ The parameters (arguments), output parameters / return values depends on the function\n\ (see plugin.getExecFuncsInfo() or plugin.getExecFuncsInfo(funcName)).")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataIOShowConfiguration_doc,"showConfiguration() -> open configuration dialog of the plugin\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataIOShowToolbox_doc,"showToolbox() -> open toolbox of the plugin\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyDataIOHideToolbox_doc,"hideToolbox() -> hides toolbox of the plugin\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyAlgoPlugin_getParamList_doc,"getParamList() -> returns list of available parameters.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyAlgoPlugin_getParamListInfo_doc,"getParamListInfo([detailLevel]) -> plots informations about plugin parameters. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ detailLevel : {dict}, optional \n\ if dictionary == 1, function returns an Py_Dictionary with parameters \n\ Default value is 0.\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ Returns none or a PyDictionary depending on the value of detailLevel.\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ Generates an online help for available parameters and additional informations of the plugin.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyAlgoPlugin_getType_doc,"getType() -> returns AlgoPlugin type")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyRegion_doc,"region([x, y, w, h [,type=region.RECTANGLE]]) -> creates a rectangular or elliptical region. \n\ \n\ This class is a wrapper for the class QRegion of Qt. It provides possibilities for creating pixel-based regions. Furtherone you can \n\ calculate new regions based on the intersection, union or subtraction of other regions. Based on the region it is possible to get \n\ a uint8 masked dataObject, where every point within the entire region has the value 255 and all other values 0 \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ x : {int} \n\ x-coordinate of the reference corner of the region \n\ y : {int} \n\ y-coordinate of the reference corner of the region \n\ w : {int} \n\ width of the region \n\ h : {int} \n\ height of the region \n\ type : {int}, optional \n\ region.RECTANGLE creates a rectangular region (default). region.ELLIPSE creates an elliptical region, which is placed inside of the \n\ given boundaries. \n\ \n\ Notes\n\ ----- \n\ It is also possible to create an empty instance of the region.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyRegionContains_doc,"contains(x,y[,w,h]) -> returns True if the given point or rectangle is fully contained in this region, otherwise returns False. \n\ \n\ This method returns True, if the given point (x,y) or region (x,y,w,h) is fully contained in this region. Otherwise returns False.\n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ x : {int} \n\ x-coordinate of one corner of the new rectangular region \n\ y : {int} \n\ y-coordinate of one corner of the new rectangular region \n\ w : {int}, optional \n\ width of the new rectangular region. If not given, point is assumed. \n\ h : {int}, optional \n\ height of the new rectangular region. If not given, point is assumed. \n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ True or False")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyRegionIntersected_doc,"intersected(x,y,w,h | region) -> returns a region which is the intersection of a new region and this region. \n\ \n\ This method returns a new region, which is the intersection of this region and the given, new region. The intersection only contains points that are \n\ part of both given regions. \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ x : {int} \n\ x-coordinate of one corner of the new rectangular region \n\ y : {int} \n\ y-coordinate of one corner of the new rectangular region \n\ w : {int} \n\ width of the new rectangular region \n\ h : {int} \n\ height of the new rectangular region \n\ region : {region-object} \n\ another instance of region \n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ new intersected region. \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ You can either use the parameters 'x','y','w','h' OR 'region'.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyRegionIntersects_doc,"intersects(x,y,w,h | region) -> returns True if this region intersects with the given region, else False. \n\ \n\ This method returns True, if this region intersects with the new region, otherwise returns False. \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ x : {int} \n\ x-coordinate of one corner of the new rectangular region \n\ y : {int} \n\ y-coordinate of one corner of the new rectangular region \n\ w : {int} \n\ width of the new rectangular region \n\ h : {int} \n\ height of the new rectangular region \n\ region : {region-object} \n\ another instance of region \n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ True or False \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ You can either use the parameters 'x','y','w','h' OR 'region'.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyRegionSubtracted_doc,"subtracted(x,y,w,h | region) -> returns a region which is the new region subtracted from this region. \n\ \n\ This method returns a new region, which is the given, new region subtracted from this region. \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ x : {int} \n\ x-coordinate of one corner of the new rectangular region \n\ y : {int} \n\ y-coordinate of one corner of the new rectangular region \n\ w : {int} \n\ width of the new rectangular region \n\ h : {int} \n\ height of the new rectangular region \n\ region : {region-object} \n\ another instance of region \n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ new subtracted region. \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ You can either use the parameters 'x','y','w','h' OR 'region'.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyRegionTranslate_doc,"translate(x,y) -> translateds this region by the given coordinates. \n\ \n\ This method translates this region by the given coordinates. \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ x : {int} \n\ translation in x-direction \n\ y : {int} \n\ translation in y-direction \n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ translated")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyRegionTranslated_doc,"translated(x,y) -> returns a region, translated by the given coordinates. \n\ \n\ This method returns a new region, which is translated by the given coordinates in x and y direction. \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ x : {int} \n\ translation in x-direction \n\ y : {int} \n\ translation in y-direction \n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ new translated region.\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ translate")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyRegionUnited_doc,"united(x,y,w,h | region) -> returns a region which is the union of the given region with this region. \n\ \n\ This method returns a new region, which is the union of this region with the region given as parameters. Union means that all values, that\n\ are contained in any of both regions is part of the overall region, too. \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ x : {int} \n\ x-coordinate of one corner of a rectangular region \n\ y : {int} \n\ y-coordinate of one corner of a rectangular region \n\ w : {int} \n\ width of the new rectangular region \n\ h : {int} \n\ height of the new rectangular region \n\ region : {region-object} \n\ another instance of region \n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ new united region. \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ You can either use the parameters 'x','y','w','h' OR 'region'.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyRegionXored_doc,"xored(x,y,w,h | region) -> returns a region which is an xor combination of the given region with this region. \n\ \n\ This method returns a new region, which is defined by an xor-combination of this region with the region given as parameters. \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ x : {int} \n\ x-coordinate of one corner of a rectangular region \n\ y : {int} \n\ y-coordinate of one corner of a rectangular region \n\ w : {int} \n\ width of the new rectangular region \n\ h : {int} \n\ height of the new rectangular region \n\ region : {region-object} \n\ another instance of region \n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ new xored region. \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ You can either use the parameters 'x','y','w','h' OR 'region'.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyRegionCreateMask_doc,"createMask() -> creates mask data object based on this region. \n\ \n\ Returns a uint8-dataObject whose size corresponds to the width and height of the bounding rectangle. \n\ All pixels contained in the region have a value of 255 while the rest is set to 0. The offset value of \n\ the dataObject is set such that it fits to the real position of the region, since the first element \n\ in the dataObject corresponds to the left upper corner of the bounding rectangle.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyUiItemInit_doc,"")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyUiItemCall_doc,"call(slotOrPublicMethod [,argument1, argument2, ...]) -> calls any public slot of this widget or any accessible public method. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ slotOrPublicMethod : {str} \n\ name of the slot or method \n\ arguments : {various types}, optional\n\ Here you must indicate every argument, that the definition of the slot indicates. The type must be convertable into the \n\ requested C++ based argument type.\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ Use this method, to invoke any public slot or wrapped method of the underlying *uiItem*. For instance, see the Qt-help for slots of \n\ the widget of element you are wrapping by this instance of *uiItem*. \n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyUiItemConnect_doc,"connect(signalSignature, callableMethod) -> connects the signal of the widget with the given callable python method \n\ \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ signalSignature : {str} \n\ This must be the valid signature, known from the Qt-method *connect* (e.g. 'clicked(bool)') \n\ callableMethod : {python method or function} \n\ valid method or function that is called if the signal is emitted. \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ This instance of *uiItem* wraps a widget, that is defined by a C++-class, that is finally derived from *QWidget*. See Qt-help for more information \n\ about the capabilities of every specific widget. Every widget can send various signals. Use this method to connect any signal to any \n\ callable python method (bounded or unbounded). This method must have the same number of arguments than the signal and the types of the \n\ signal definition must be convertable into a python object. \n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ disconnect, invokeKeyboardInterrupt")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyUiItemConnectKeyboardInterrupt_doc,"invokeKeyboardInterrupt(signalSignature) -> connects the given signal with a slot immediately invoking a python interrupt signal. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ signalSignature : {str} \n\ This must be the valid signature, known from the Qt-method *connect* (e.g. 'clicked(bool)') \n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ If you use the connect method to link a signal with a python method or function, this method can only be executed if python is in an idle status. \n\ However, if you want raise the python interrupt signal if a specific signal is emitted, this interruption should be immediately invoked. Therefore \n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ connect")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyUiItemDisconnect_doc,"disconnect(signalSignature, callableMethod) -> disconnects a connection which must have been established with exactly the same parameters.\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ signalSignature : {str} \n\ callableMethod : {python method or function} \n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyUiItemGetProperty_doc,"getProperty(propertyName | listOfPropertyNames) -> returns tuple of requested properties (single property or tuple of properties)\n\ Use this method or the operator [] in order to get the value of one specific property of this widget or of multiple properties. \n\ Multiple properties are given by a tuple or list of property names. For one single property, its value is returned as it is. \n\ If the property names are passed as sequence, a sequence of same size is returned with the corresponding values. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ property : {string, string-list} \n\ Name of one property or sequence (tuple,list...) of property names \n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ returns the value of one single property or a list of values, if a sequence of names is given as parameter. \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ setProperty \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyUiItemSetProperty_doc,"setProperty(propertyDict) -> each property in the parameter dictionary is set to the dictionaries value.\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ propertyDict : {dict}\n\ Dictionary with properties (keyword) and the values that should be set.\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ getProperty \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyUiItemGetPropertyInfo_doc,"getPropertyInfo([propertyName]) -> returns information about the property 'propertyName' of this widget or all properties, if no name indicated.\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ propertyName : {tuple}, optional \n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyUiItemGetAttribute_doc,"getAttribute(attributeNumber) -> returns specified attribute of corresponding widget.\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ attributeNumber : {int} \n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyUiItemSetAttribute_doc,"setAttribute(attributeNumber, value) -> sets attribute of corresponding widget.\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ attributeNumber : {int} \n\ value : {bool} \n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyUiItemSetWindowFlags_doc,"setWindowFlags(flags) -> sets window flags of corresponding widget.\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ flags : {int} \n\ window flags to set (or-combination, see Qt::WindowFlags)")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyUiItemGetWindowFlags_doc,"getWindowFlags(flags) -> gets window flags of corresponding widget. \n\ \n\ The flags-value is an or-combination of the enumeration Qt::WindowFlag. See Qt documentation for more information.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyUiInit_doc,"ui(filename, [type, dialogButtonBar, dialogButtons, childOfMainWindow, deleteOnClose]) -> instance of user interface \n\ \n\ The class **ui** wraps a user interface, externally designed and given by a ui-file. If your user interface is a dialog or window, \n\ chose *ui.TYPEWINDOW* as type, if the user interface is a widget (simplest case), chose *ui.TYPEDIALOG* and your widget \n\ will be embedded in a dialog, provided by *itom*. This dialog can be equiped with a button bar, whose buttons are already \n\ connected to *itom* internal methods. If you then show your dialog in a modal mode, *itom* knows which button has been \n\ clicked in order to accept or reject the dialog. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ filename : {str} \n\ path to user interface file (*.ui), absolute or relative to current directory \n\ type : {int}, optional \n\ display type: \n\ * 0 (ui.TYPEDIALOG): ui-file is embedded in auto-created dialog (default), \n\ * 1 (ui.TYPEWINDOW): ui-file is handled as main window, \n\ * 2 (ui.TYPEDOCKWIDGET): ui-file is handled as dock-widget and appended to the main-window dock area \n\ dialogButtonBar : {int}, optional \n\ Only for type ui.TYPEDIALOG (0). Indicates whether buttons should automatically be added to the dialog: \n\ * 0 (ui.BUTTONBAR_NO): do not add any buttons (default) \n\ * 1 (ui.BUTTONBAR_HORIZONTAL): add horizontal button bar \n\ * 2 (ui.BUTTONBAR_VERTICAL): add vertical button bar \n\ dialogButtons : {dict}, optional \n\ every dictionary-entry is one button. key is the role, value is the button text \n\ childOfMainWindow : {bool}, optional \n\ for type TYPEDIALOG and TYPEWINDOW only. Indicates whether window should be a child of itom main window (default: True) \n\ deleteOnClose : {bool}, optional \n\ Indicates whether window should be deleted if user closes it or if it is hidden (default: Hidden, False)")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyUiShow_doc,"show(modal) -> shows initialized UI-Dialog \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ modal : {int} \n\ * 0: non-modal (default)\n\ * 1: modal (python waits until dialog is hidden)\n\ * 2: modal (python returns immediately)\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyUiHide_doc,"hide() -> hides initialized UI-Dialog\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyUiIsVisible_doc,"isVisible() -> returns true if dialog is still visible\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ dialog visible : {bool}\n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyUiGetDouble_doc,"getDouble(title, label, defaultValue [, min, max, decimals=3]) -> shows a dialog to get a double value from the user\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ title : {str}\n\ is the dialog title \n\ label : {str}\n\ is the label above the spin box \n\ defaultValue : {double}, optional\n\ is the default value in the spin box \n\ min : {double}, optional\n\ default = -2147483647.0\n\ is the allowed minimal value\n\ max : {double}, optional\n\ default = 2147483647.0\n\ is the allowed maximal value\n\ decimals : {int}, optional\n\ the maximum number of decimal places (default: 1) \n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ A tuple where the first value contains the current double value. The second value is True if the dialog has been accepted, else False. \n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ getInt, getText, getItem")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyUiGetInt_doc,"getInt(title, label, defaultValue [, min, max, step=1]) -> shows a dialog to get an integer value from the user\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ title : {str}\n\ is the dialog title \n\ label : {str}\n\ is the label above the spinbox \n\ defaultValue : {int}, optional\n\ is the default value in the spinbox \n\ min : {int}, optional\n\ is the allowed minimal value (default: -2147483647) \n\ max : {int}, optional\n\ is the allowed maximal value (default: 2147483647) \n\ step : {int}, optional\n\ is the step size if user presses the up/down arrow (default: 1)\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ A tuple where the first value contains the current integer value. The second value is True if the dialog has been accepted, else False. \n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ getDouble, getText, getItem")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyUiGetItem_doc,"getItem(title, label, stringList [, currentIndex=0, editable=True]) -> shows a dialog to let the user select an item from a string list\n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ title : {str}\n\ is the dialog title \n\ label : {str}\n\ is the label above the text box \n\ stringList : {tuple or list}, optional \n\ is a list or tuple of possible string values \n\ currentIndex : {int}, optional\n\ defines the preselected value index (default: 0)\n\ editable : {bool}, optional\n\ defines whether new entries can be added (True) or not (False, default)\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ A tuple where the first value contains the current active or typed string value. The second value is True if the dialog has been accepted, else False. \n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ getInt, getDouble, getText")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyUiGetText_doc,"getText(title, label, defaultString) -> opens a dialog in order to ask the user for a string \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ title : {str}\n\ is the dialog title \n\ label : {str}\n\ is the label above the text box \n\ defaultString : {str}\n\ is the default string in the text box\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ A tuple where the first value contains the current string value. The second value is True if the dialog has been accepted, else False. \n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ getInt, getDouble, getItem")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyUiMsgInformation_doc,"msgInformation(title, text [, buttons, defaultButton, parent]) -> opens an information message box \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ title : {str}\n\ is the message box title \n\ text : {str}\n\ is the message text \n\ buttons : {int}, optional\n\ is an or-combination of ui.MsgBox[...]-constants indicating the buttons to display. Use | for the or-combination. \n\ defaultButton : {int}, optional\n\ is a value of ui.MsgBox[...] which indicates the default button \n\ parent : {ui}, optional\n\ is the parent dialog of the message box.\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyUiMsgQuestion_doc,"msgQuestion(title, text [, buttons, defaultButton, parent]) -> opens a question message box \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ title : {str}\n\ is the message box title \n\ text : {str}\n\ is the message text \n\ buttons : {int}, optional\n\ is an or-combination of ui.MsgBox[...]-constants indicating the buttons to display. Use | for the or-combination. \n\ defaultButton : {int}, optional\n\ is a value of ui.MsgBox[...] which indicates the default button \n\ parent : {ui}, optional\n\ is the parent dialog of the message box.\n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyUiMsgWarning_doc,"msgWarning(title, text [, buttons, defaultButton, parent]) -> opens a warning message box \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ title : {str}\n\ is the message box title \n\ text : {str}\n\ is the message text \n\ buttons : {int}, optional\n\ is an or-combination of ui.MsgBox[...]-constants indicating the buttons to display. Use | for the or-combination. \n\ defaultButton : {int}, optional\n\ is a value of ui.MsgBox[...] which indicates the default button \n\ parent : {ui}, optional\n\ is the parent dialog of the message box.\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyUiMsgCritical_doc,"msgCritical(title, text [, buttons, defaultButton, parent]) -> opens a critical message box \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ title : {str}\n\ is the message box title \n\ text : {str}\n\ is the message text \n\ buttons : {int}, optional\n\ is an or-combination of ui.MsgBox[...]-constants indicating the buttons to display. Use | for the or-combination. \n\ defaultButton : {int}, optional\n\ is a value of ui.MsgBox[...] which indicates the default button \n\ parent : {ui}, optional\n\ is the parent dialog of the message box.\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyUiGetExistingDirectory_doc,"getExistingDirectory(caption, startDirectory [, options, parent]) -> opens a dialog to choose an existing directory \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ caption : {str}\n\ is the caption of this dialog \n\ startDirectory : {str}\n\ is the start directory \n\ options : {int}, optional\n\ is an or-combination of the following options (see 'QFileDialog::Option'): \n\ * 1: ShowDirsOnly [default] \n\ * 2: DontResolveSymlinks \n\ * ... (for others see Qt-Help) \n\ parent : {ui}, optional\n\ is a parent dialog or window, this dialog becomes modal.\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ The selected directory is returned as absolute path or None if the dialog has been rejected.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyUiGetOpenFileName_doc,"getOpenFileName([caption, startDirectory, filters, selectedFilterIndex, options, parent]) -> opens dialog for chosing an existing file. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ caption : {str}, optional\n\ This is the optional title of the dialog, default: no title \n\ startDirectory {str}, optional\n\ optional, if not indicated currentDirectory will be taken\n\ filters : {str}, optional\n\ default = 0\n\ possible filter list, entries should be separated by ;; , e.g. 'Images (*.png *.jpg);;Text files (*.txt)' \n\ selectedFilterIndex : {int}, optional \n\ is the index of filters which is set by default (0 is first entry) \n\ options : {int}, optional\n\ default = 0 \n\ or-combination of enum values QFileDialog::Options \n\ parent : {ui}, optional\n\ is the parent widget of this dialog \n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ filename as string or None if dialog has been aborted.\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ getSaveFileName")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyUiGetSaveFileName_doc,"getSaveFileName([caption, startDirectory, filters, selectedFilterIndex, options, parent]) -> opens dialog for chosing a file to save. \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ caption : {str}, optional\n\ This is the title of the dialog \n\ startDirectory : {String}, optional\n\ if not indicated, the current working directory will be taken\n\ filters : {str}, optional\n\ possible filter list, entries should be separated by ;; , e.g. 'Images (*.png *.jpg);;Text files (*.txt)' \n\ selectedFilterIndex : {int}, optional\n\ default = 0\n\ is the index of filters which is set by default (0 is first entry) \n\ options : {int}, optional\n\ default = 0\n\ or-combination of enum values QFileDialog::Options \n\ parent : {ui}, optional\n\ is the parent widget of this dialog\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ filename as string or None if dialog has been aborted.\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ getOpenFileName")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (pyUiCreateNewPluginWidget_doc,"createNewPluginWidget(widgetName[, mandparams, optparams]) -> creates widget defined by any algorithm plugin and returns the instance of type 'ui' \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ widgetName : {}\n\ name algorithm widget \n\ parameters to pass to the plugin. The parameters are parsed and unnamed parameters are used in their \ incoming order to fill first mandatory parameters and afterwards optional parameters. Parameters may be passed \ with name as well but after the first named parameter no more unnamed parameters are allowed.\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ \n\ Notes \n\ ----- \n\ doctodo\n\ \n\ See Also \n\ --------- \n\ \n\ ")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyTimerInit_doc,"timer(interval, callbackFunc, [argTuple]) -> new callback timer \n\ \n\ Creates a timer object that continuously calls a python callback function or method with a certain interval. The timer is active after construction and \n\ stops when this instance is destroyed or stop() is called. \n\ \n\ Parameters \n\ ----------- \n\ interval : {double} \n\ time out interval in ms \n\ callbackFunc: {function or method} \n\ Python function that should be called when timer event raises \n\ argTuple: {tuple}, optional \n\ tuple of parameters passed as arguments to the callback function")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyTimerStart_doc,"start() -> starts timer\n\ \n\ Starts or restarts the timer with its timeout interval. If the timer is already running, it will be stopped and restarted.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyTimerStop_doc,"stop() -> stops timer")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyTimerIsActive_doc,"isActive() -> returns timer status\n\ \n\ Returns \n\ ------- \n\ status : {bool} \n\ True if the timer is running, otherwise False.")
 PyDoc_STRVAR (PyTimerSetInterval_doc,"setInterval(interval) -> sets timer interval in [ms]\n\ \n\ This method sets the timeout interval in milliseconds. The timer calls the callback function continuously after this interval (if started)")
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal CreateFunc (DataObject *dObj, const unsigned char dimensions, const size_t *sizes, const unsigned char continuous, const uchar *continuousDataPtr, const size_t *steps)
 templated method for create
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal CreateFuncWithCVPlanes (DataObject *dObj, const unsigned char dimensions, const size_t *sizes, const cv::Mat *planes, const unsigned int nrOfPlanes)
 templated method for creation with given vector of cv::Mat-planes
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal FreeFunc (DataObject *dObj)
 low-level, templated method for freeing allocated data blocks
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal SecureFreeFunc (DataObject *dObj)
 MAKEFUNCLIST (SecureFreeFunc)
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal CopyToFunc (const DataObject &lhs, DataObject &rhs, unsigned char regionOnly)
 low-level, templated method for deeply copying the data of one matrix to another given matrix
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal DeepCopyPartialFunc (DataObject &lhs, DataObject &rhs)
 low-level, templated method to copy the values of the ROI of matrix lhs to the ROI of matrix rhs.
 MAKEFUNCLIST (DeepCopyPartialFunc)
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ConvertToFunc (const DataObject &lhs, DataObject &rhs, const int type, const double alpha, const double beta)
 converts data in DataObject lhs to DataObject rhs with a given type
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ZerosFunc (const size_t sizeY, const size_t sizeX, int **dstMat)
 low-level, templated method for creation of zero-valued matrix-plane
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal OnesFunc (const size_t sizeY, const size_t sizeX, int **dstMat)
 low-level, templated method for creation of one-valued matrix-plane
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal RandFunc (const size_t sizeY, const size_t sizeX, const double value1, const double value2, const bool randMode, int **dstMat)
 low-level, templated method for creation of random-valued matrix-plane
RetVal RandFunc< ito::complex128 > (const size_t sizeY, const size_t sizeX, const double value1, const double value2, const bool randMode, int **dstMat)
 template specialisation for low-level, templated method for creation of random-valued matrix-plane of type complex128
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal CopyMatFunc (int **src, int **&dst, bool transposed)
 low-level, templated method that executes a shallow-copy of every matrix-plane in the source-vector and stores the copies in the destination-vector
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal AssignScalarFunc (const DataObject *src, const ito::tDataType type, const void *scalar)
 low-level, templated helper method to assign the given scalar to every element within its ROI in DataObject src.
 MAKEFUNCLIST (AssignScalarFunc)
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal AddFunc (const DataObject *dObj1, const DataObject *dObj2, DataObject *dObjRes)
 low-level, templated method for element-wise addition of two given data objects.
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal AddScalarFunc (const DataObject *dObjIn, ito::float64 scalar, DataObject *dObjOut)
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal SubFunc (const DataObject *dObj1, const DataObject *dObj2, DataObject *dObjRes)
 low-level, templated method for element-wise subtraction of values from second data object from values of first data object
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal OpMulFunc (const DataObject *dObj1, const DataObject *dObj2, DataObject *dObjRes)
 brief description
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal OpScalarMulFunc (const DataObject *src, const double factor)
 low-level, templated method which multiplies every element of Data Object with a factor
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal CmpFunc (const DataObject *src1, const DataObject *src2, DataObject *dst, int cmpOp)
 low-level, templated method which compares each element in source-matrix1 with its corresponding element in source-matrix2 and saves the result in a destionation matrix
RetVal CmpFunc< ito::complex64 > (const DataObject *, const DataObject *, DataObject *, int)
 template specialisation for compare function of type complex64
RetVal CmpFunc< ito::complex128 > (const DataObject *, const DataObject *, DataObject *, int)
 template specialisation for compare function of type complex128
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ShiftLFunc (DataObject *src, const unsigned char shiftbit)
 low-level, templated method which element-wisely shifts the values of the source matrix by a certain value to the left
RetVal ShiftLFunc< ito::float32 > (DataObject *, const unsigned char)
 template specialisation for shift function of type float32
RetVal ShiftLFunc< ito::float64 > (DataObject *, const unsigned char)
 template specialisation for shift function of type float64
RetVal ShiftLFunc< ito::complex64 > (DataObject *, const unsigned char)
 template specialisation for shift function of type complex64
RetVal ShiftLFunc< ito::complex128 > (DataObject *, const unsigned char)
 template specialisation for shift function of type complex128
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ShiftRFunc (DataObject *src, const unsigned char shiftbit)
 low-level, templated method which element-wisely shifts the values of the source matrix by a certain value to the right
RetVal ShiftRFunc< ito::float32 > (DataObject *, const unsigned char)
 template specialisation for shift function of type float32
RetVal ShiftRFunc< ito::float64 > (DataObject *, const unsigned char)
 template specialisation for shift function of type float64
RetVal ShiftRFunc< ito::complex64 > (DataObject *, const unsigned char)
 template specialisation for shift function of type complex64
RetVal ShiftRFunc< ito::complex128 > (DataObject *, const unsigned char)
 template specialisation for shift function of type complex128
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal BitAndFunc (const DataObject *dObj1, const DataObject *dObj2, DataObject *dObjRes)
 low-level, templated method which element-wisely executes a bitwise 'and' comparison between values of two dataObjects.
RetVal BitAndFunc< ito::float32 > (const DataObject *, const DataObject *, DataObject *)
 template specialisation for bitwise and function of type float32
RetVal BitAndFunc< ito::float64 > (const DataObject *, const DataObject *, DataObject *)
 template specialisation for bitwise and function of type float64
RetVal BitAndFunc< ito::complex64 > (const DataObject *, const DataObject *, DataObject *)
 template specialisation for bitwise and function of type complex64
RetVal BitAndFunc< ito::complex128 > (const DataObject *, const DataObject *, DataObject *)
 template specialisation for bitwise and function of type complex128
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal BitOrFunc (const DataObject *dObj1, const DataObject *dObj2, DataObject *dObjRes)
 low-level, templated method which element-wisely executes a bitwise 'or' comparison between values of two dataObjects.
RetVal BitOrFunc< ito::float32 > (const DataObject *, const DataObject *, DataObject *)
 template specialisation for bitwise or function of type float32
RetVal BitOrFunc< ito::float64 > (const DataObject *, const DataObject *, DataObject *)
 template specialisation for bitwise or function of type float64
RetVal BitOrFunc< ito::complex64 > (const DataObject *, const DataObject *, DataObject *)
 template specialisation for bitwise or function of type complex64
RetVal BitOrFunc< ito::complex128 > (const DataObject *, const DataObject *, DataObject *)
 template specialisation for bitwise or function of type complex128
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal BitXorFunc (const DataObject *dObj1, const DataObject *dObj2, DataObject *dObjRes)
 low-level, templated method which element-wisely executes a bitwise 'xor' comparison between values of two dataObjects.
RetVal BitXorFunc< ito::float32 > (const DataObject *, const DataObject *, DataObject *)
 template specialisation for bitwise xor function of type float32
RetVal BitXorFunc< ito::float64 > (const DataObject *, const DataObject *, DataObject *)
 template specialisation for bitwise xor function of type float64
RetVal BitXorFunc< ito::complex64 > (const DataObject *, const DataObject *, DataObject *)
 template specialisation for bitwise xor function of type complex64
RetVal BitXorFunc< ito::complex128 > (const DataObject *, const DataObject *, DataObject *)
 template specialisation for bitwise xor function of type complex128
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal GetRangeFunc (DataObject *dObj, const int dtop, const int dbottom, const int dleft, const int dright)
 low-level, templated method for saving a shallow copy of a source cv::Mat_ to a destination cv::Mat_ with respect to given row- and col-ranges
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal AdjustROIFunc (DataObject *dObj, int dtop, int dbottom, int dleft, int dright)
 low-level, templated method for adjusting the ROI of a data object by the given incremental values
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal EyeFunc (const size_t size, int **dstMat)
 low-level, templated method for creating an eye-matrix
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ConjFunc (DataObject *dObj)
 low-level, templated method for calculating the conjugated value of each element within the ROI of this data object
RetVal ConjFunc< int8 > (DataObject *)
 template specialization for data object of type int8. throws cv::Exception, since the data type is not complex.
RetVal ConjFunc< uint8 > (DataObject *)
 template specialization for data object of type uint8. throws cv::Exception, since the data type is not complex.
RetVal ConjFunc< int16 > (DataObject *)
 template specialization for data object of type int16. throws cv::Exception, since the data type is not complex.
RetVal ConjFunc< uint16 > (DataObject *)
 template specialization for data object of type uint16. throws cv::Exception, since the data type is not complex.
RetVal ConjFunc< int32 > (DataObject *)
 template specialization for data object of type int32. throws cv::Exception, since the data type is not complex.
RetVal ConjFunc< uint32 > (DataObject *)
 template specialization for data object of type uint32. throws cv::Exception, since the data type is not complex.
RetVal ConjFunc< ito::float32 > (DataObject *)
 template specialization for data object of type float32. throws cv::Exception, since the data type is not complex.
RetVal ConjFunc< ito::float64 > (DataObject *)
 template specialization for data object of type float64. throws cv::Exception, since the data type is not complex.
RetVal ConjFunc< int64 > (DataObject *)
 template specialization for data object of type float64. throws cv::Exception, since the data type is not complex.
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal RowFunc (DataObject *dObj, const unsigned int selRow)
 low-level, templated method which changes the region of interest of the data object to the selected zero-based row index
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ColFunc (DataObject *dObj, const unsigned int selCol)
 low-level, templated method which changes the region of interest of the data object to the selected zero-based col index
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal MulFunc (const DataObject *src1, const DataObject *src2, DataObject *res, const double)
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal DivFunc (const DataObject *src1, const DataObject *src2, DataObject *res, const double)
 low-level, templated method which does a element-wise division of elements in first source matrix by elements in second source matrix.
template<typename _Tp , typename _T2 >
RetVal CastFunc (const DataObject *dObj, DataObject *resObj, double alpha, double beta)
 low-level templated method to cast each element of source matrix to another type.
template<typename _CmplxTp , typename _Tp >
RetVal AbsFunc (const DataObject *dObj, DataObject *resObj)
 low-level, double templated method to save the element-wise absolute value of each element in source matrix to result matrix
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal AbsFuncReal (const DataObject *dObj, DataObject *resObj)
 low-level, templated method to save the element-wise absolute value of each element in source matrix to result matrix
DataObject abs (const DataObject &dObj)
 high-level value which calculates the absolute value of each element of the input source data object and returns the resulting data object
template<typename _CmplxTp , typename _Tp >
RetVal ArgFunc (const DataObject *dObj, DataObject *resObj)
 low-level, double templated method to save the element-wise argument of each element in source matrix to result matrix
DataObject arg (const DataObject &dObj)
 high-level value which calculates the argument value of each element of the input source data object and returns the resulting data object
template<typename _CmplxTp , typename _Tp >
RetVal RealFunc (const DataObject *dObj, DataObject *resObj)
 low-level, double templated method to save the element-wise real value of each element in source matrix to result matrix
DataObject real (const DataObject &dObj)
 high-level value which calculates the real value of each element of the input source data object and returns the resulting data object
template<typename _CmplxTp , typename _Tp >
RetVal ImagFunc (const DataObject *dObj, DataObject *resObj)
 low-level, double templated method to save the element-wise imaginary value of each element in source matrix to result matrix
DataObject imag (const DataObject &dObj)
 high-level value which calculates the imaginary value of each element of the input source data object and returns the resulting data object
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal MakeContinuousFunc (const DataObject &dObj, DataObject &resDObj)
 low-level, templated method which copies an incontinuously organized data object to a continuously organized resulting data object
DataObject makeContinuous (const DataObject &dObj)
 high-level method which copies an incontinuously organized data object to a continuously organized resulting data object, which is returned
template RetVal DataObject::copyFromData2D< ito::float32 > (const float32 *, const size_t, const size_t)
template RetVal DataObject::copyFromData2D< ito::float64 > (const float64 *, const size_t, const size_t)
template RetVal DataObject::copyFromData2D< ito::complex64 > (const complex64 *, const size_t, const size_t)
template RetVal DataObject::copyFromData2D< ito::complex128 > (const complex128 *, const size_t, const size_t)
template RetVal DataObject::copyFromData2D< ito::float32 > (const float32 *, const size_t, const size_t, const int, const int, const size_t, const size_t)
template RetVal DataObject::copyFromData2D< ito::float64 > (const float64 *, const size_t, const size_t, const int, const int, const size_t, const size_t)
template RetVal DataObject::copyFromData2D< ito::complex64 > (const complex64 *, const size_t, const size_t, const int, const int, const size_t, const size_t)
template RetVal DataObject::copyFromData2D< ito::complex128 > (const complex128 *, const size_t, const size_t, const int, const int, const size_t, const size_t)
template<typename _Tp >
_Tp numberConversion (ito::tDataType fromType, void *scalar)
 templated method for converting a given scalar value to the data type, indicated by the template parameter
template<typename _Tp >
static std::ostream & coutFunc (std::ostream &out, const DataObject &dObj)
static std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const DataObject &dObj)
static ito::tDataType convertCmplxTypeToRealType (ito::tDataType cmplxType)
 static method which returns the real data object of any given data type
template<typename _Tp >
static ito::tDataType getDataType (const _Tp *)
 method which returns the value of enumeration ito::tDataType, which corresponds to the type of the given pointer parameter.
ito::tDataType getDataType (const uint8 *)
ito::tDataType getDataType (const int8 *)
ito::tDataType getDataType (const uint16 *)
ito::tDataType getDataType (const int16 *)
ito::tDataType getDataType (const uint32 *)
ito::tDataType getDataType (const int32 *)
ito::tDataType getDataType (const float32 *)
ito::tDataType getDataType (const float64 *)
ito::tDataType getDataType (const complex64 *)
ito::tDataType getDataType (const complex128 *)
template<typename _Tp >
static ito::tDataType getDataType2 ()
 method which returns the value of enumeration ito::tDataType, which corresponds to the template parameter (must be a pointer).
ito::tDataType getDataType2< uint8 * > ()
ito::tDataType getDataType2< int8 * > ()
ito::tDataType getDataType2< uint16 * > ()
ito::tDataType getDataType2< int16 * > ()
ito::tDataType getDataType2< uint32 * > ()
ito::tDataType getDataType2< int32 * > ()
ito::tDataType getDataType2< float32 * > ()
ito::tDataType getDataType2< float64 * > ()
ito::tDataType getDataType2< complex64 * > ()
ito::tDataType getDataType2< complex128 * > ()
template<typename _Tp >
static bool isZeroValue (_Tp v, _Tp)
 method returns whether a given variable is equal to zero.
bool isZeroValue (float32 v, float32 epsilon)
bool isZeroValue (float64 v, float64 epsilon)
bool isZeroValue (std::complex< ito::float32 > v, std::complex< ito::float32 > epsilon)
bool isZeroValue (std::complex< ito::float64 > v, std::complex< ito::float64 > epsilon)
ito::RetVal checkParamVector (QVector< ito::Param > *params)
 checks param vector
ito::RetVal checkParamVectors (QVector< ito::Param > *paramsMand, QVector< ito::Param > *paramsOpt, QVector< ito::Param > *paramsOut)
 verifies that the three param vectors are not NULL
ito::ParamgetParamByName (QVector< ito::Param > *paramVec, const char *name, ito::RetVal *retval)
 brief returns a parameter from the parameter-vector, that fits to a specific name
ito::ParamBasegetParamByName (QVector< ito::ParamBase > *paramVec, const char *name, ito::RetVal *retval)
QHash< QString, ito::Param * > createParamHashTable (QVector< ito::Param > *paramVec)
bool checkNumericParamRange (const ito::Param &param, double value, bool *ok)
ito::RetVal getParamValue (const QMap< QString, Param > *m_params, const QString &key, ito::Param &val, QString &pkey, int &index)
void paramHelperSetValue (ito::Param &param, ito::ParamBase value, const int pos)
ito::RetVal setParamValue (const QMap< QString, Param > *m_params, const QString &key, const ito::ParamBase val, QString &pkey, int &index)
ito::RetVal parseParamName (const QString &name, QString &paramName, bool &hasIndex, int &index, QString &additionalTag)
 parses parameter name with respect to regular expression, assigned for parameter-communcation with plugins
RetVal formatDoubleWithUnit (QStringList scaleThisUnitsOnly, QString unitIn, double dVal, double &dValOut, QString &unitOut)
 < Function to convert double values with unit to scaled values with scaled units (0.01m -> 10mm)
RetVal generateAutoSaveParamFile (QString plugInName, QFile &paramFile)
 loadXML2QLIST loads parameters from an XML-File and saves them to paramList
RetVal loadXML2QLIST (QMap< QString, Param > *paramList, QString id, QFile &paramFile)
RetVal saveQLIST2XML (QMap< QString, Param > *paramList, QString id, QFile &paramFile)
RetVal mergeQLists (QMap< QString, Param > *oldList, QMap< QString, Param > *newList, bool checkAutoSave, bool deleteUnchangedParams)
RetVal writeObjectHeaderToFileV1 (QXmlStreamWriter &stream, DataObject *dObjOut, bool doubleAsBinary, int &elementsize)
 This helper function writes the header of the Object to the xml stream. This helper function writes the header (dims, sizes, type) of an object and the metaData (complete DataObjectTags without tagsMap) from the Object to the xml stream. The values of the header are stored as string. The values of each axis-tag / value-tag / rotation matrix are in case of string-type directly written to the stream or in case of double converted to either strings directly (15 significat digits, >32Bit) or stored as lostfree binary (QByteArray::toBase64() to avoid XML-conflict). WARNING: Do not change the header (dims, sizes, type) information or the value of tags exported as binary (d2b).
RetVal writeObjectTagsToFileV1 (QXmlStreamWriter &stream, DataObject *dObjOut, bool doubleAsBinary)
 This helper function writes the tags defined in the tagMap (DataObjectTags) from the Object to the xml stream. This helper function writes the tags defined in the tagMap (DataObjectTags) from the Object to the xml stream. Therefore the values of each tag are in case of string-type directly written to the stream or in case of double converted to either strings directly (15 significat digits, >32Bit) or stored as lostfree binary (QByteArray::toBase64() to avoid XML-conflict). WARNING: Do not change information or the value of tags exported as binary (d2b).
RetVal writeObjectDataToFileV1 (QXmlStreamWriter &stream, DataObject *dObjOut, int elementsize)
 This helper function writes the data(cv::mats) from the Object to the xml stream. This helper function writes the data(cv::mats) from the Object to the xml stream. Therefore the data is converted using QByteArray::toBase64() to avoid XML-conflict with the binary data.
RetVal saveDOBJ2XML (ito::DataObject *dObjOut, QString folderFileName, bool onlyHeaderObjectFile=false, bool doubleAsBinary=false)
 Import a dataObject from harddrive, saved in the ITO-XML-Format (.ido or .idh)
bool readTillNext (QXmlStreamReader &stream, int &times, int maxtimes)
 This helper function reads the stream till the next startElement. The Qt-Function readNextStartElement sometimes stops at the end-element (:P). So the function tries to read until it reaches the next startelement but only for maxtimes trys the Function checks if the attribute exists and than tries to convert to the value of the attribute either from binary or with string to double functions.
RetVal readDoubleFromXML (QXmlStreamAttributes &attrStream, QString &Element, QString &Attrib, double &val, bool isBinary)
 This helper function extracts a double from the xml-Attributes of the Stream This helper function extracts a double from the xml-Attributes of the Stream copied by the caller with the attrStream = attrStream = stream.attributes();. the Function checks if the attribute exists and than tries to convert to the value of the attribute either from binary or with string to double functions.
RetVal readStdStringFromXML (QXmlStreamAttributes &attrStream, QString &Element, QString &Attrib, std::string &val)
 This helper function extracts a std::string from the xml-Attributes of the Stream This helper function extracts a std::string from the xml-Attributes of the Stream copied by the caller with the attrStream = attrStream = stream.attributes();. the Function checks if the attribute exists and than tries to convert to the value of the attribute from QString to std::string.
RetVal createObjectFromXMLV1 (QXmlStreamReader &stream, DataObject &dObjIn, int &elementsize)
 This function creates an dataObject from the header of the xml-file This function creates an dataObject from the header of the xml-file by parsing the XML-stream. The first start element, already read by the calling function must contain the attributes dims, dataType and dim0..dimn-2, dimX, dimY.
RetVal loadObjectHeaderFromXMLV1 (QXmlStreamReader &stream, DataObject &dObjIn)
 This function fills the MetaData (DataObjectTags) of an allocated dataObject from the values of an xml-file This function fills the MetaData (DataObjectTags) of an allocated dataObject from the values of an xml-file. This includes the axis-Tags (offset, scale, unit, description), value-Tags ((offset), (scale), unit, description) and the rotation matrix. It does not include the tag-Space (std::map<std::string, DataObjectTagType> m_tags) (e.g. protocol ...)
RetVal loadTagSpaceFromXMLV1 (QXmlStreamReader &stream, DataObject &dObjIn)
 This function fills the tagsSpace (DataObjectTags) of an allocated dataObject from the values of an xml-file This function fills the tagsSpace (DataObjectTags) of an allocated dataObject from the values of an xml-file. This onlye includes the tag-Space (std::map<std::string, DataObjectTagType> m_tags) (e.g. protocol ...) and does not include the axis-Tags (offset, scale, unit, description), value-Tags ((offset), (scale), unit, description) and the rotation matrix.
RetVal loadDataFromXMLV1 (QXmlStreamReader &stream, DataObject &dObjIn, int elementsize)
 This function copies the CDATA from the xml-file to the allocated dataObject. This function copies the CDATA from the xml-file to the allocated dataObject. The data was before packed (substitution of xml-registered characters) during saving and is unpacked here. The data is stored plane-wise. The function checks if the plane-size if the object is equal to the imported size.
RetVal loadXML2DOBJ (DataObject *dObjIn, QString folderFileName, bool onlyHeaderObjectFile, bool appendEnding)
ito::RetVal loadXML2QLIST (QMap< QString, ito::Param > *paramList, QString id, QFile &paramFile)
 saveQLIST2XML writes parameters from paramList to an XML-File
ito::RetVal saveQLIST2XML (QMap< QString, ito::Param > *paramList, QString id, QFile &paramFile)
 mergeQLists copies parameters from newList to oldList and performs some checks
ito::RetVal mergeQLists (QMap< QString, ito::Param > *oldList, QMap< QString, ito::Param > *newList, bool checkAutoSave, bool deleteUnchangedParams=false)
 Save a dataObject to harddrive in a readable ITO-XML-Format (.ido or .idh)


static tCoutFunc fListCout []
const uint32 paramFlagMask = 0xFFFF0000
 bits of type lying within this mask are flags (e.g. typeNoAutosave, typeReadonly...)
const uint32 paramTypeMask = 0x0000FFFF
 bits of param type lying withing this mask describe the type (typeNoAutosave must be included there)

Detailed Description

< this is for the plugin param save / load

< this is for the dataobject save / load

Enumeration Type Documentation


always loads xml file by addInManager


never automatically loads parameters from xml-file (default)


only loads parameters if keyword autoLoadParams=1 exists in python-constructor


always saves parameters to xml-file at shutdown


never saves parameters to xml-file at shutdown (default)

DataType enumeration This enum holds the possible values for DataObject matrices.


integer, 8bit


unsigned integer, 8bit


integer, 16bit


unsigned integer, 16bit


integer, 32bit


unsigned integer, 32bit (not fully supported)


float, 32bit


double (64bit)


complex value with real and imaginary part of type float32


complex value with real and imaginary part of type float64

LogLevel enumeration This enum holds all possible LogLevel values

MsgType enumeration This enum holds the possible values for any message type (for qDebugStream e.g.)

PCLPointType enumeration This enum holds the possible values for point types supported by the wrapper of the point-cloud library in itom.


invalid point


point with x,y,z-value


point with x,y,z and intensity value


point with x,y,z and r,g,b,a


point with x,y,z value, its normal vector nx,ny,nz and a curvature value


point with the same values than pclXYZNormal and an additional intensity value


point with x,y,z and r,g,b and normal vector (including curvature)

PluginLoadStatusFlag enumeration This enum holds the four possible return states for loaded DLLs Ok, Warning, Error and Ignored









tPluginType enumeration used to describe the plugin type and subtype (in case of DataIO main type) e.g. typeDataIO|typeGrabber for a frame grabber


base type for data input and output (cameras, AD-converter, display windows...)


base type for actuators and motors


base type for algorithm plugin


subtype of dataIO for cameras (grabbers), use this type in combination with typeDataIO (OR-combination)


subtype of dataIO for AD and DA-converters, use this type in combination with typeDataIO (OR-combination)


subtype of dataIO for further input-output-devices (like display windows), use this type in combination with typeDataIO (OR-combination)

RetValue enumeration This enum holds the three possible return states Ok, Warning and Error







Function Documentation

DataObject ito::abs ( const DataObject &  dObj)

high-level value which calculates the absolute value of each element of the input source data object and returns the resulting data object

new data object with absolute values
cv::Exceptionif unknown data type
See also:
AbsFunc, AbsFuncReal

calculates the absolute values of each element in the given data object and returns the result as new data object

template<typename _CmplxTp , typename _Tp >
RetVal ito::AbsFunc ( const DataObject *  dObj,
DataObject *  resObj 

low-level, double templated method to save the element-wise absolute value of each element in source matrix to result matrix

This method takes the absolute value of a complex valued input matrix and stores it in the equivalent real typed result matrix

*dObjis source matrix, must have complex type
*resObjis the resulting data object, which has the real data type which corresponds to the complex type
See also:
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ito::AbsFuncReal ( const DataObject *  dObj,
DataObject *  resObj 

low-level, templated method to save the element-wise absolute value of each element in source matrix to result matrix

This method takes the absolute value of a real typed input matrix and stores it in the equivalent real typed result matrix

*dObjis source matrix, must have real value
*resObjis the resulting data object
See also:
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ito::AddFunc ( const DataObject *  dObj1,
const DataObject *  dObj2,
DataObject *  dObjRes 

low-level, templated method for element-wise addition of two given data objects.

dObjRes = dObj1 + dObj2

*dObj1is the first data object
*dObj2is the second data object
*dObjResis the pointer to the data object, where the values will be written to. This data object must already be allocated.
The size check for all data objects must be done before.
See also:
operator +=, operator +
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ito::AdjustROIFunc ( DataObject *  dObj,
int  dtop,
int  dbottom,
int  dleft,
int  dright 

low-level, templated method for adjusting the ROI of a data object by the given incremental values

*dObjis the data object, whose boundaries should be adjusted
dtop- The shift of the top submatrix boundary upwards (positive value means upwards)
dbottom- The shift of the bottom submatrix boundary downwards (positive value means downwards)
dleft- The shift of the left submatrix boundary to the left (positive value means to the left)
dright- The shift of the right submatrix boundary to the right (positive value means to the right)
for any n-dimensional data object, the ROI of every matrix-plane is adjusted, even if any specific matrix-plane is temporarily not inside of the ROI
ito::RetVal ito::apiFCheckAndSetParamVal ( QVariant *  tempParam,
ito::ParamBase param,
int *  set 

Helper function to check and set initialisation parameters in the initialisation parameter list

[in]tempParamQVariant holding the value to set
[in,out]paramthe param in the parameter list, that is set
[out]setindicator whether the parameter was set or not
retOk on success, retError otherwise

The function checks if the types of the passed python parameter and the parameter are compatible and sets the parameter value if it is possible. If the paramter cannot be set an error is returned.

ito::RetVal ito::apiFParseInitParams ( QVector< ito::ParamBase > *  initParamListMand,
QVector< ito::ParamBase > *  initParamListOpt,
QVector< QVariant > *  params 

Function to read mandatory and optional parameter lists from a given python parameter list according to the plugins definition

[in,out]initParamListMandvector holding the mandatory initialisation parameters (filled with default values), the default values are overwritten with the passed values
[in,out]initParamListOptvector holding the optional initialisation parameters (filled with default values), the default values are overwritten with the passed values
[in]argslist with python arguments
[in]kwdslist with named python arguments
returns ito::retOk if the number and type of parameters was correct, ito::retError otherwise

The function takes as input the vectors with the madatory and optional input parameters used for the plugin initialisation. These vectors must be previously be read using the function getInitParams. The default values of the parameters are overwritten with the values given by python. In case the number or parameters or a parameter type is incorrect the function will abort with an error.

DataObject ito::arg ( const DataObject &  dObj)

high-level value which calculates the argument value of each element of the input source data object and returns the resulting data object

new data object with argument values
cv::Exceptionif undefined data type
See also:

calculates the argument of each element in the given data object and returns the result as new data object

template<typename _CmplxTp , typename _Tp >
RetVal ito::ArgFunc ( const DataObject *  dObj,
DataObject *  resObj 

low-level, double templated method to save the element-wise argument of each element in source matrix to result matrix

This method takes the element-wise argument of a complex valued input matrix and stores it in the equivalent real typed result matrix

*dObjis source matrix, must have complex type
*resObjis the resulting data object, which has the real data type which corresponds to the complex type
See also:
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ito::AssignScalarFunc ( const DataObject *  src,
const ito::tDataType  type,
const void *  scalar 

low-level, templated helper method to assign the given scalar to every element within its ROI in DataObject src.

The scalar value is converted to the type of the source data object

*srcis the source data object whose elements will be modified
typeis the data type of the scalar value
*scalaris a void pointer to the scalar value
cv::exceptionif conversion of scalar to dataObject's type is not possible
See also:
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ito::BitAndFunc ( const DataObject *  dObj1,
const DataObject *  dObj2,
DataObject *  dObjRes 

low-level, templated method which element-wisely executes a bitwise 'and' comparison between values of two dataObjects.

*dObj1is the first data object
*dObj2is the second data object
*dObjResis the data object, where the result is stored
cv::Exceptionfor unsupported data types (template specialization)
RetVal ito::BitAndFunc< ito::complex128 > ( const DataObject *  ,
const DataObject *  ,
DataObject *   

template specialisation for bitwise and function of type complex128

cv::Exceptionsince this operation is not defined for that input type
RetVal ito::BitAndFunc< ito::complex64 > ( const DataObject *  ,
const DataObject *  ,
DataObject *   

template specialisation for bitwise and function of type complex64

cv::Exceptionsince this operation is not defined for that input type
RetVal ito::BitAndFunc< ito::float32 > ( const DataObject *  ,
const DataObject *  ,
DataObject *   

template specialisation for bitwise and function of type float32

cv::Exceptionsince this operation is not defined for that input type
RetVal ito::BitAndFunc< ito::float64 > ( const DataObject *  ,
const DataObject *  ,
DataObject *   

template specialisation for bitwise and function of type float64

cv::Exceptionsince this operation is not defined for that input type
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ito::BitOrFunc ( const DataObject *  dObj1,
const DataObject *  dObj2,
DataObject *  dObjRes 

low-level, templated method which element-wisely executes a bitwise 'or' comparison between values of two dataObjects.

*dObj1is the first data object
*dObj2is the second data object
*dObjResis the data object, where the result is stored
cv::Exceptionfor unsupported data types (template specialization)
RetVal ito::BitOrFunc< ito::complex128 > ( const DataObject *  ,
const DataObject *  ,
DataObject *   

template specialisation for bitwise or function of type complex128

cv::Exceptionsince this operation is not defined for that input type
RetVal ito::BitOrFunc< ito::complex64 > ( const DataObject *  ,
const DataObject *  ,
DataObject *   

template specialisation for bitwise or function of type complex64

cv::Exceptionsince this operation is not defined for that input type
RetVal ito::BitOrFunc< ito::float32 > ( const DataObject *  ,
const DataObject *  ,
DataObject *   

template specialisation for bitwise or function of type float32

cv::Exceptionsince this operation is not defined for that input type
RetVal ito::BitOrFunc< ito::float64 > ( const DataObject *  ,
const DataObject *  ,
DataObject *   

template specialisation for bitwise or function of type float64

cv::Exceptionsince this operation is not defined for that input type
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ito::BitXorFunc ( const DataObject *  dObj1,
const DataObject *  dObj2,
DataObject *  dObjRes 

low-level, templated method which element-wisely executes a bitwise 'xor' comparison between values of two dataObjects.

*dObj1is the first data object
*dObj2is the second data object
*dObjResis the data object, where the result is stored
cv::Exceptionfor unsupported data types (template specialization)
RetVal ito::BitXorFunc< ito::complex128 > ( const DataObject *  ,
const DataObject *  ,
DataObject *   

template specialisation for bitwise xor function of type complex128

cv::Exceptionsince this operation is not defined for that input type
RetVal ito::BitXorFunc< ito::complex64 > ( const DataObject *  ,
const DataObject *  ,
DataObject *   

template specialisation for bitwise xor function of type complex64

cv::Exceptionsince this operation is not defined for that input type
RetVal ito::BitXorFunc< ito::float32 > ( const DataObject *  ,
const DataObject *  ,
DataObject *   

template specialisation for bitwise xor function of type float32

cv::Exceptionsince this operation is not defined for that input type
RetVal ito::BitXorFunc< ito::float64 > ( const DataObject *  ,
const DataObject *  ,
DataObject *   

template specialisation for bitwise xor function of type float64

cv::Exceptionsince this operation is not defined for that input type
template<typename _Tp , typename _T2 >
RetVal ito::CastFunc ( const DataObject *  dObj,
DataObject *  resObj,
double  alpha,
double  beta 

low-level templated method to cast each element of source matrix to another type.

The result is stored in the result matrix. Optionally a scaling and offsetting is possible.

*dObjis the source data object
*resObjis the result data object
alphais the scaling factor (default 1.0)
betais the ofset value (default 0.0)
cv::Exceptionif cast failed
See also:
ito::RetVal ito::checkAndSetParamVal ( PyObject *  tempObj,
ito::Param param,
int *  set 

Helper function to check and set initialisation parameters in the initialisation parameter list

[in]tempObjpython object holding the value to set
[in,out]paramthe param in the parameter list, that is set
[out]setindicator whether the parameter was set or not
retOk on success, retError otherwise

The function checks if the types of the passed python parameter and the parameter are compatible and sets the parameter value if it is possible. If the paramter cannot be set an error is returned.

int ito::checkDObjBppComp ( const int  bpp,
const int  type 

Helper function used to check the type of a dataObject

[in]bppexpected bit depth of the framegrabber
[in]typedataObject data type
0 if bpp and type are compatible, else -1

This function is used within the getVal method of the dataIO plugin. It checks if the data type of the dataObject passed and the data type of the framegrabber are "compatible".

ito::RetVal ito::checkParamVector ( QVector< ito::Param > *  params)

checks param vector

[in]paramsis a pointer to QVector<ito::Param>. This pointer is checked.
ito::RetVal, that contains an error if params is NULL
ito::RetVal ito::checkParamVectors ( QVector< ito::Param > *  paramsMand,
QVector< ito::Param > *  paramsOpt,
QVector< ito::Param > *  paramsOut 

verifies that the three param vectors are not NULL

If any of the given input parameters of type QVector<ito::Param>* are NULL, a ito::RetVal is returned, that contains an error. Use this method in any algorithm-method in order to check the given input.

[in]paramsMandis the first parameter vector
[in]paramsOptis the second parameter vector
[in]paramsOutis the third parameter vector
ito::RetVal, that contains an error if params is NULL
See also:
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ito::CmpFunc ( const DataObject *  src1,
const DataObject *  src2,
DataObject *  dst,
int  cmpOp 

low-level, templated method which compares each element in source-matrix1 with its corresponding element in source-matrix2 and saves the result in a destionation matrix

*src1is the first source matrix
*src2is the second source matrix
*dstis the destination matrix, which must have the same ROI than src1 and src2 and must be of type uint8
cmpOpis the compare operator (cv::CMP_EQ, cv::CMP_GT, cv::CMP_GE, cv::CMP_LT, cv::CMP_LE, cv::CMP_NE)
no comparison is possible for source matrices of type int8 (due to openCV-problems)
cv::Exceptionif source matrix is of type int8
RetVal ito::CmpFunc< ito::complex128 > ( const DataObject *  ,
const DataObject *  ,
DataObject *  ,

template specialisation for compare function of type complex128

cv::Exceptionsince comparison is not defined for complex input types
RetVal ito::CmpFunc< ito::complex64 > ( const DataObject *  ,
const DataObject *  ,
DataObject *  ,

template specialisation for compare function of type complex64

cv::Exceptionsince comparison is not defined for complex input types
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ito::ColFunc ( DataObject *  dObj,
const unsigned int  selCol 

low-level, templated method which changes the region of interest of the data object to the selected zero-based col index

unsignedint selCol indicates the zero-based col-index (considering any existing ROI)
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ito::ConjFunc ( DataObject *  dObj)

low-level, templated method for calculating the conjugated value of each element within the ROI of this data object

This method is only valid for complex data types.

avoid MatIterator
cv::Exceptionif data type is not complex. This is done by template specialization.
See also:
static ito::tDataType ito::convertCmplxTypeToRealType ( ito::tDataType  cmplxType) [static]

static method which returns the real data object of any given data type

If the given data type is already real, the same type is returned. Else the type of the real argument of the given complex type is returned.

cmplxTypeis the input data type
see method's description
cv::Exceptionif the input data type is unknown
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ito::ConvertToFunc ( const DataObject &  lhs,
DataObject &  rhs,
const int  type,
const double  alpha,
const double  beta 

converts data in DataObject lhs to DataObject rhs with a given type

Every element of the source data object is copied to the destionation data object by using this transformation
elem_destination = static_cast<newType>(elem_source * alpha + beta)

&lhsis the left-hand sided data object, whose data should be converted
&rhsis the destination data object, whose memory is firstly deleted, then newly allocated
typeis the type-number of the destination element
alphascaling factor (default: 1.0)
betaoffset value (default: 0.0)
cv::Exception(CV_StsAssert)if conversion type is unknown
See also:
convertTo, CastFunc
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ito::CopyMatFunc ( int **  src,
int **&  dst,
bool  transposed 

low-level, templated method that executes a shallow-copy of every matrix-plane in the source-vector and stores the copies in the destination-vector

&srcis the source vector which contains matrix-planes of type cv::Mat_<_Tp>
&dstis the destination vector, where the shallow-copies are stored. dst should be empty at the beginning
See also:
operator =, DataObject::DataObject(const DataObject& copyConstr)
ito::RetVal ito::copyParamVector ( const QVector< ito::ParamBase > *  paramVecIn,
QVector< ito::ParamBase > &  paramVecOut 

makes a deep copy of a vector with values of type ParamBase

[in]paramVecInis a pointer to a vector of ParamBase-values
[out]paramVecOutis a reference to a vector which is first cleared and then filled with a deep copy of every element of paramVecIn
ito::RetVal ito::copyParamVector ( const QVector< ito::Param > *  paramVecIn,
QVector< ito::Param > &  paramVecOut 

makes a deep copy of a vector with values of type Param

[in]paramVecInis a pointer to a vector of Param-values
[out]paramVecOutis a reference to a vector which is first cleared and then filled with a deep copy of every element of paramVecIn
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ito::CopyToFunc ( const DataObject &  lhs,
DataObject &  rhs,
unsigned char  regionOnly 

low-level, templated method for deeply copying the data of one matrix to another given matrix

At first, the memory of the new matrix is delete. Then the data of the lhs-matrix is deeply copied to the rhs-matrix.

&lhsis the matrix whose data is copied
&rhsis the matrix where the data is copied to. The old data of rhs is deleted first
regionOnly,iftrue, only the data of the ROI in lhs is copied, hence, the org-size of rhs corresponds to the ROI-size of lhs, else the whole data block is copied and the ROI of rhs is set to the ROI of lhs
See also:
copyTo, CreateFunc
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ito::CreateFunc ( DataObject *  dObj,
const unsigned char  dimensions,
const size_t *  sizes,
const unsigned char  continuous,
const uchar *  continuousDataPtr,
const size_t *  steps 

templated method for create

creates or initializes matrix with given parameters

dObjDataObject, whose matrix is created here
dimensionstotal number of dimensions (>=1), if dimensions == 1, dimensions will be set to two and a matrix with dimension [1 x orginial dimension] is created
*sizesvector with size of dimensions, each element gives the size of elements in each dimension
continuous,indicateswhether the data stored in this data object is stored in one continuous data block or not. if dimension <= 2, matrix is always continuous be careful, continuous has not the same meaning than the continuous flag in opencv or numpy.
continuousDataPtrif this pointer is NULL, new data will be allocated. Else the given data indicates data which will be used by this data object. only possible if continuous is true. m_ownflag will be set to 0 if this pointer is set
*stepsvector with size of dimensions, indicates how many bytes one has to move in order to get to the next element in the same dimension, the step-size for the last element must be equal to element-size (in byte)
See also:


template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ito::CreateFuncWithCVPlanes ( DataObject *  dObj,
const unsigned char  dimensions,
const size_t *  sizes,
const cv::Mat *  planes,
const unsigned int  nrOfPlanes 

templated method for creation with given vector of cv::Mat-planes

[in]dimensionsis the total number of dimensions
[in]*sizesis a vector whose length is equal to dimensions. Each entry indicates the size of the specific dimension. Each matrix-plane is allocated with the size of the last two sizes
[in]typeis the desired element data type (see tDataType)
[in]*planesis an array of cv::Mat-planes which will be used as matrices for every single 2D-plane. Every Mat must have the same size and type. The type must correspond to the param type, the size must fit to the last two given sizes.
[in]nrOfPlanesis the length of the planes-array. This value must be the same than (sizes[0]*sizes[1]*...*sizes[dimensions-2])
See also:
RetVal ito::createObjectFromXMLV1 ( QXmlStreamReader &  stream,
DataObject &  dObjIn,
int &  elementsize 

This function creates an dataObject from the header of the xml-file This function creates an dataObject from the header of the xml-file by parsing the XML-stream. The first start element, already read by the calling function must contain the attributes dims, dataType and dim0..dimn-2, dimX, dimY.

[in|out]stream The xml-Stream from the xml-file
[out]dObjInDestination dataContainter of type dataObject with size / dims / type speficied in the input xml
[out]elementsizeByte-Size of the current dataObjekt
See also:
loadXML2DOBJ, loadXML2EmptyDOBJ

< Sizes of the new dataObject. Will be freed at end:

ito::RetVal ito::decRefParamPlugins ( ito::AddInBase ai)

decrements the reference counter of arguments passed to a plugin if necessary

[in]aiAddIn to which the parameters are passed
[in]paramsMandmandatory argument parameters
[in]paramsOptoptional argument parameters

This function decrements the reference counter of plugins passed to other plugins as parameters, to enable a closing of the passed plugins when they are no longer used by any other plugin.

template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ito::DeepCopyPartialFunc ( DataObject &  lhs,
DataObject &  rhs 

low-level, templated method to copy the values of the ROI of matrix lhs to the ROI of matrix rhs.

the ROI of rhs must already correspond to the ROI of lhs, hence, rhs must have allocated data.

&lhsis the original data object
&rhsis the data object, where the values are copied to.
See also:
avoid DObjIterator for speed-up
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ito::DivFunc ( const DataObject *  src1,
const DataObject *  src2,
DataObject *  res,
const double   

low-level, templated method which does a element-wise division of elements in first source matrix by elements in second source matrix.

The result is stored in a result matrix, optionally the division can be scaled by a scaling factor, which is set to one by default. For fixed point numbers or complex values, a division by zero will throw an error. For floating-point values the following (matlab-like) implementation is used:

1.0/0.0 = Inf, 0.0/0.0 = Nan

*src1is the first source matrix
*src2is the second source matrix
*resis the result matrix, which must have the same size than the source matrices
doublescale is the scaling factor (default: 1.0)
void ito::errOutInitParams ( const QVector< ito::Param > *  params,
const int  num,
const QString  reason 

Helper function for error output

[in]paramsparameters expected by the plugin
[in]numparameter where the error occured
[in]reasonthe reason for the error (e.g. parameter missing, wrong type, ...)

Function used for writing error messages occured during the parsing of the parameters passed for the initialisation of a plugin. The function uses the cerr stream to "post" the error message. If possible the parameter where the error occured is marked with an arrow. Except the error all parameters necessary and optional including their type are written to the console.

template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ito::EyeFunc ( const size_t  size,
int **  dstMat 

low-level, templated method for creating an eye-matrix

sizeindicates the size of the square matrix
**dstMatis a pointer to which the eye-matrix is assigned to. The eye matrix is of type cv::Mat_<_Tp>
ito::RetVal ito::findAndDeleteReservedInitKeyWords ( PyObject *  kwds,
bool *  enableAutoLoadParams 
[in|out]kwds list with named python arguments
[out]enableAutoLoadParamsif keyword autoLoadParams is found, value of this is set to kwds-item value else false it is set to false.
ito::RetVal ito::formatDoubleWithUnit ( QStringList  scaleThisUnitsOnly,
QString  unitIn,
double  dVal,
double &  dValOut,
QString &  unitOut 

< Function to convert double values with unit to scaled values with scaled units (0.01m -> 10mm)

Compared the abs(dValue) with the 10^(3N) and according to the results µ p M ... are added to the unit Allowed units are SI-Unit except kg and mm. It % is given as unit, values are multiplied by 100

[in]scaleThisUnitsOnlyList with scaleable units (e.g. mm, m)
[in]unitInOld unit (e.g. mm, m, %)
[in]dValDouble value (e.g. mm, m, %)
[out]dValOutScaled value
[out]unitOutScaled unit m -> mm or µm

Function generates the auto save filename from the plugin name and the dll-folder

template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ito::FreeFunc ( DataObject *  dObj)

low-level, templated method for freeing allocated data blocks

First, the header information of the corresponding data block is deleted. Then the reference counter of the data block is decremented. In the same way, the reference counter for every matrix-plane is incremented by calling the corresponding release-method. If the ref-counter is lower than zero no other instance needs this data block and it is deallocated if the m_owndata-flag is true.

*dObjwhose data block should be freed
See also:
int ito::freeParams ( int  length,
char *&  cargt,
char **&  cargs 

frees parameter and parameter type arrays generated by the parseParams function

[in]lengthnumber of parameters
[in]cargtarray with parameter types
[in]cargsarray with the parameter pointers / values

The function frees the arrays generated by the parseParams function, i.e. the array with the parsed parameter values and the array with their types.

ito::RetVal ito::generateAutoSaveParamFile ( QString  plugInName,
QFile &  paramFile 

loadXML2QLIST loads parameters from an XML-File and saves them to paramList

function for generates the plugin xml file handle

[in]fNamefilename (is needed e.g. to get filename)
[out]paramFilereference to unopened parameter file

The function generates the xml parameter file name and returns the a QFile handle. The name has the same name as the plugin in the plugins directory.

See also:
template<typename _Tp >
static ito::tDataType ito::getDataType ( const _Tp *  ) [inline, static]

method which returns the value of enumeration ito::tDataType, which corresponds to the type of the given pointer parameter.

If the parameter type cannot be transformed into a value of ito::tDataType, an exception is thrown.

anypointer, whose type should be transformed
cv::Exceptionif the input data type is unknown
See also:
template<typename _Tp >
static ito::tDataType ito::getDataType2 ( ) [inline, static]

method which returns the value of enumeration ito::tDataType, which corresponds to the template parameter (must be a pointer).

If the template parameter cannot be transformed into a value of ito::tDataType, an exception is thrown.

Call is ito::tDataType result = getDataType2<uint8*>().

cv::Exceptionif the template parameter is unknown (e.g. no pointer).
See also:
PyObject* ito::getExecFuncsInfo ( ito::AddInBase aib,
PyObject *  args 

returns a list of execFunction available in a plugin similar to filterHelp

[in]aibthe plugin for which the execFuncs names are requested
[in]args2 Item-Vector with integer request for additional dictionary return
python dictionary with list of functions or specific dictionary for one execFunc with the parameters' names, min, max, current value, (infostring)
template<typename _Tp >
PyObject* ito::getName ( _Tp *  addInObj)

returns the name of a python plugin

[in]addInObjthe plugin whoes name should be returned
the plugin name
template<typename _Tp >
PyObject* ito::getParam ( _Tp *  addInObj,
PyObject *  args 

return a parameter value

[in]addInObjthe addIn whoes parameter is requested
[in]argsthe parameter name
python object with the parameter value on success (parameter exists), NULL otherwise

The function tries to retrieve the value of the parameter with the name given in args. If the parameter does not exist NULL is returned. To actually retrieve the value the getParam function of the plugin is invoked.

ito::Param * ito::getParamByName ( QVector< ito::Param > *  paramVec,
const char *  name,
ito::RetVal retval 

brief returns a parameter from the parameter-vector, that fits to a specific name

PyObject* ito::getParamList ( ito::AddInBase aib)

returns the names of the parameters available in a plugin

[in]aibthe plugin for which the parameter names are requested
python object with a string list with the parameters' names
PyObject* ito::getParamListInfo ( ito::AddInBase aib,
PyObject *  args 

returns the all informations of the parameters available in a plugin

[in]aibthe plugin for which the parameter names are requested
[in]args1 Item-Vector with bool request for additional dictionary return
python list of python tuple with the parameters' names, min, max, current value, (infostring)
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ito::GetRangeFunc ( DataObject *  dObj,
const int  dtop,
const int  dbottom,
const int  dleft,
const int  dright 

low-level, templated method for saving a shallow copy of a source cv::Mat_ to a destination cv::Mat_ with respect to given row- and col-ranges

*SrcMatis the source matrix which is firstly cast to cv::Mat_<_Tp>*
rowRangeis the desired row-range
colRangeis the desired col-range
**dstMatis the pointer to a destination matrix which is also cast to cv::Mat_<_Tp>*
DataObject ito::imag ( const DataObject &  dObj)

high-level value which calculates the imaginary value of each element of the input source data object and returns the resulting data object

new data object with imaginary values
cv::Exceptionif undefined data type (e.g. real data types)
See also:

calculates the imaginary part of each element in the given data object and returns the result as new data object

template<typename _CmplxTp , typename _Tp >
RetVal ito::ImagFunc ( const DataObject *  dObj,
DataObject *  resObj 

low-level, double templated method to save the element-wise imaginary value of each element in source matrix to result matrix

This method takes the imaginary value of a complex valued input matrix and stores it in the equivalent real typed result matrix

*dObjis source matrix, must have complex type
*resObjis the resulting data object, which has the real data type which corresponds to the complex type
See also:
void ito::incRefParamPlugins ( ito::AddInBase ai,
QVector< ito::ParamBase > *  paramsMand,
QVector< ito::ParamBase > *  paramsOpt 

increments the reference counter of arguments passed to a plugin if necessary

[in]aiAddIn to which the parameters are passed
[in]paramsMandmandatory argument parameters
[in]paramsOptoptional argument parameters

This function increments the reference counter of plugins passed to other plugins as parameters, to avoid the passed plugins are closed while they are still in use by the other plugin.

template<typename _Tp >
static bool ito::isZeroValue ( _Tp  v,
) [inline, static]

method returns whether a given variable is equal to zero.

For floating point variables, this method considers a variable to be zero, if its value lie within the boundaries (-epsilon,epsilon). Epsilon can for example be obtained by std::numeric_limits<_Tp>::epsilon(). For floating point values only parameters of type float32, float64, complex64 or complex128 are treated in the desired way.

vis value to check
epsilonis epsilon boundary, for fixed-point values this value is ignored.
true if value is zero or within the epsilon boundaries, else false
RetVal ito::loadDataFromXMLV1 ( QXmlStreamReader &  stream,
DataObject &  dObjIn,
int  elementsize 
) [inline]

This function copies the CDATA from the xml-file to the allocated dataObject. This function copies the CDATA from the xml-file to the allocated dataObject. The data was before packed (substitution of xml-registered characters) during saving and is unpacked here. The data is stored plane-wise. The function checks if the plane-size if the object is equal to the imported size.

[in|out]stream The xml-Stream from the xml-file
[in|out]dObjIn allocated dataObject
[in]elementsizeSize of the each matrix-element
See also:
loadXML2DOBJ, loadXML2EmptyDOBJ, DataObjectTags, DataObject
RetVal ito::loadObjectHeaderFromXMLV1 ( QXmlStreamReader &  stream,
DataObject &  dObjIn 
) [inline]

This function fills the MetaData (DataObjectTags) of an allocated dataObject from the values of an xml-file This function fills the MetaData (DataObjectTags) of an allocated dataObject from the values of an xml-file. This includes the axis-Tags (offset, scale, unit, description), value-Tags ((offset), (scale), unit, description) and the rotation matrix. It does not include the tag-Space (std::map<std::string, DataObjectTagType> m_tags) (e.g. protocol ...)

[in|out]stream The xml-Stream from the xml-file
[in|out]dObjIn allocated dataObject
See also:
loadXML2DOBJ, loadXML2EmptyDOBJ, DataObjectTags, DataObject
RetVal ito::loadTagSpaceFromXMLV1 ( QXmlStreamReader &  stream,
DataObject &  dObjIn 
) [inline]

This function fills the tagsSpace (DataObjectTags) of an allocated dataObject from the values of an xml-file This function fills the tagsSpace (DataObjectTags) of an allocated dataObject from the values of an xml-file. This onlye includes the tag-Space (std::map<std::string, DataObjectTagType> m_tags) (e.g. protocol ...) and does not include the axis-Tags (offset, scale, unit, description), value-Tags ((offset), (scale), unit, description) and the rotation matrix.

[in|out]stream The xml-Stream from the xml-file
[in|out]dObjIn allocated dataObject
See also:
loadXML2DOBJ, loadXML2EmptyDOBJ, DataObjectTags, DataObject
ito::RetVal ito::loadXML2DOBJ ( DataObject *  dObjIn,
QString  folderFileName,
bool  onlyHeaderObjectFile,
bool  appendEnding 
[Out]dObjIn Destination dataContainter of type dataObject
[in]folderFileNameFolder and Filename of the Sourcefile

This function loads data from a xml-file to a dataObject. The file must be compatible to the file-format describted before. There are to possilbe import methods: 1. onlyHeaderObjectFile == false tries to import a ido file with a itoDataObject-note/startelement. 1. onlyHeaderObjectFile == true tries to import a idh file with a itoDataObjectHeader-note/startelement. The dataSpace will be ignored

See also:
createObjectFromXMLV1, loadObjectHeaderFromXMLV1, loadTagSpaceFromXMLV1, loadDataFromXMLV1

< Returnvalue for the complete function

< Handle to the source data

RetVal ito::loadXML2QLIST ( QMap< QString, Param > *  paramList,
QString  id,
QFile &  paramFile 
[out]paramListEmpty List of Type QMap. If not empty this function will clear the list before reading
[in]idIdentifier of the plugin. Currently implemented as integer number only
[in]paramFileFilename of the file. The file will be opened/closed in this function

This function reads the parameters for a plugin specified with id from an XML file. During initialisation an xml file with the same name as the plugin library in the plugin directory is used to load the plugin parameters. The xml file is checked for the current plugin-file version and type when opened. The parameters have in the calling function afterwards.

DataObject ito::makeContinuous ( const DataObject &  dObj)

high-level method which copies an incontinuously organized data object to a continuously organized resulting data object, which is returned

&dObjis the source data object
resulting data object
See also:

if the given data object is not continuously organized, copies the content to a new continuous data object

template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ito::MakeContinuousFunc ( const DataObject &  dObj,
DataObject &  resDObj 

low-level, templated method which copies an incontinuously organized data object to a continuously organized resulting data object

&dObjis the source data object
&resDObjis the resulting data object
RetVal ito::mergeQLists ( QMap< QString, Param > *  oldList,
QMap< QString, Param > *  newList,
bool  checkAutoSave,
bool  deleteUnchangedParams 
[in/out]oldList Paramlist with all plugin-parameters, which will contain the merged parameters in the end
[in/out]newList New parameter values to set
[in]checkAutoSaveFlag to enable / disable autosave control to avoid obsolet parameters to overwrite exisiting parameters.

This function compares the new list with the old list. If new list contains parameters which do not exist in the existing list, the paremeter is ignored and a warning is added to the errormessage stack. If the checkAutoSave parameter is true, parameters in oldList are not altered of the autosave is disabled. In this case a warning is returned. In case the paremters Type is not equal, a warning is returned and the paremeter is not altered. At the moment only parameters of numeric values and strings are merged.

template<typename _Tp >
_Tp ito::numberConversion ( ito::tDataType  fromType,
void *  scalar 

templated method for converting a given scalar value to the data type, indicated by the template parameter

fromTypeis the data type of the given scalar
*scalaris the pointer to the scalar value, casted to void*
the converted scalar value
cv::Exceptionif the input data type is unknown or if the conversion failed
See also:
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ito::OnesFunc ( const size_t  sizeY,
const size_t  sizeX,
int **  dstMat 

low-level, templated method for creation of one-valued matrix-plane

sizeYare the number of rows
sizeXare the number of columns
**dstMatis the pointer to the already allocated cv::Mat_<type>-matrix-plane
See also:
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ito::OpMulFunc ( const DataObject *  dObj1,
const DataObject *  dObj2,
DataObject *  dObjRes 

brief description

check for right definition of multiplication
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ito::OpScalarMulFunc ( const DataObject *  src,
const double  factor 

low-level, templated method which multiplies every element of Data Object with a factor

ito::RetVal ito::parseInitParams ( QVector< ito::Param > *  initParamListMand,
QVector< ito::Param > *  initParamListOpt,
PyObject *  args,
PyObject *  kwds 

Function to read mandatory and optional parameter lists from a given python parameter list according to the plugins definition

[in,out]initParamListMandvector holding the mandatory initialisation parameters (filled with default values), the default values are overwritten with the passed values
[in,out]initParamListOptvector holding the optional initialisation parameters (filled with default values), the default values are overwritten with the passed values
[in]argslist with python arguments
[in]kwdslist with named python arguments
returns ito::retOk if the number and type of parameters was correct, ito::retError otherwise

The function takes as input the vectors with the madatory and optional input parameters used for the plugin initialisation. These vectors must be previously be read using the function getInitParams. The default values of the parameters are overwritten with the values given by python. In case the number or parameters or a parameter type is incorrect the function will abort with an error.

ito::RetVal ito::parseParamName ( const QString &  name,
QString &  paramName,
bool &  hasIndex,
int &  index,
QString &  additionalTag 

parses parameter name with respect to regular expression, assigned for parameter-communcation with plugins

This method parses any parameter-name with respect to the rules defined for possible names of plugin-parameters.

The regular expression used for the check is "^([a-zA-Z]+\\w*)(\\[(\\d+)\\]){0,1}(:(.*)){0,1}$"

Then the components are:

[0] full string [1] PARAMNAME [2] [INDEX] or empty-string if no index is given [3] INDEX or empty-string if no index is given [4] :ADDITIONALTAG or empty-string if no tag is given [5] ADDITIONALTAG or empty-string if no tag is given

[in]nameis the raw parameter name
[out]paramNameis the real parameter name (first part of name; part before the first opening bracket ('[') or if not available the first colon (':'))
[out]hasIndexindicates whether the name contains an index part (defined by a number within two brackets (e.g. '[NUMBER]'), which has to be appended to the paramName
[out]indexis the fixed-point index value or -1 if hasIndex is false
[out]additionalTagis the remaining string of name which is the part after the first colon (':'). If an index part exists, the first colon after the index part is taken.
int ito::parseParams ( PyObject *  args,
int  length,
char **&  cargs,
char *&  cargt 

Helper function that accepts a python parameter list and returns pointers to the parameters' values and a list with their types

[in]argslist with python parameters
[in]lengthnumber of parameters passed
[out]cargspointers to the parsed parameters
[out]cargtlist with the parameter's types
return 0 if all parameters passed could be parsed to a known type, -1 otherwise

The function accepts a list of python parameters and tries to parse them to make them available to c/c++ functions. The found parameters pointers are given back in the cargs array ant the parameters' types in the cargt array. To free the generated lists use the freeParams function.

ito::RetVal ito::parsePosParams ( PyObject *  args,
char **&  cargs,
char *&  cargt,
QVector< int > &  axisVec,
QVector< double > &  posVec 

helper function to parse the positioning parameters for an actuator

[in]argsarguments passed to the function (in python)
[in/out]cargs parsed argument values
[in/out]cargt parsed argument types
[out]axisVecVector with axes numbers
[out]posVecVector with position values
retOk of parameters could be parsed, retError otherwise

Parses the parameters passed to a setPos command in python. For each axis that should be positioned an axis number and a position value are expected.

ito::PyDoc_STRVAR ( dataObjectInit_doc  )

brief description

long description

See also:
(see also) keywords (comma-separated)
PyObject* ito::PyWidgetOrFilterHelp ( bool  getWidgetHelp,
PyObject *  pArgs 

< copy filterstring only

< copy filterstring and toggle output

< Valid input are filterstring, toggle output and listonlyflag

< Valid input are filterstring, toggle output and listonlyflag only

first try to catch a perfect match with existing filters

Now get the complete filterlist

template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ito::RandFunc ( const size_t  sizeY,
const size_t  sizeX,
const double  value1,
const double  value2,
const bool  randMode,
int **  dstMat 

low-level, templated method for creation of random-valued matrix-plane

sizeYare the number of rows
sizeXare the number of columns
typeis the desired data-element-type
randModeswitch mode between uniform distributed(false) and normal distributed noise(true)
**dstMatis the pointer to the already allocated cv::Mat_<type>-matrix-plane
See also:
RetVal ito::RandFunc< ito::complex128 > ( const size_t  sizeY,
const size_t  sizeX,
const double  value1,
const double  value2,
const bool  randMode,
int **  dstMat 

template specialisation for low-level, templated method for creation of random-valued matrix-plane of type complex128

See also:
RandFunc, zeros, ones
RetVal ito::readDoubleFromXML ( QXmlStreamAttributes &  attrStream,
QString &  Element,
QString &  Attrib,
double &  val,
bool  isBinary 
) [inline]

This helper function extracts a double from the xml-Attributes of the Stream This helper function extracts a double from the xml-Attributes of the Stream copied by the caller with the attrStream = attrStream = stream.attributes();. the Function checks if the attribute exists and than tries to convert to the value of the attribute either from binary or with string to double functions.

[in]attrStreamincomming attribute-stream
[in]Elementname of the element (only for error msg)
[in]Attribname of the attribute to extract
[in|out]val Must be filled with default value and is filled with value from the XML-Stream
[in]isBinaryMust be true if attribute value was stored as binary else false
See also:
loadXML2DOBJ, loadXML2EmptyDOBJ, loadObjectHeaderFromXMLV1
RetVal ito::readStdStringFromXML ( QXmlStreamAttributes &  attrStream,
QString &  Element,
QString &  Attrib,
std::string &  val 
) [inline]

This helper function extracts a std::string from the xml-Attributes of the Stream This helper function extracts a std::string from the xml-Attributes of the Stream copied by the caller with the attrStream = attrStream = stream.attributes();. the Function checks if the attribute exists and than tries to convert to the value of the attribute from QString to std::string.

[in]attrStreamincomming attribute-stream
[in]Elementname of the element (only for error msg)
[in]Attribname of the attribute to extract
[in|out]val Must be filled with default value and is filled with value from the XML-Stream
See also:
loadXML2DOBJ, loadXML2EmptyDOBJ, loadObjectHeaderFromXMLV1
bool ito::readTillNext ( QXmlStreamReader &  stream,
int &  times,
int  maxtimes 
) [inline]

This helper function reads the stream till the next startElement. The Qt-Function readNextStartElement sometimes stops at the end-element (:P). So the function tries to read until it reaches the next startelement but only for maxtimes trys the Function checks if the attribute exists and than tries to convert to the value of the attribute either from binary or with string to double functions.

[in]streamincomming xml-stream
[in|out]times Counts of iterations
[in]maxtimesmaximal number of iterations to perform
See also:
loadXML2DOBJ, loadXML2EmptyDOBJ
DataObject ito::real ( const DataObject &  dObj)

high-level value which calculates the real value of each element of the input source data object and returns the resulting data object

new data object with real values
cv::Exceptionif undefined data type (e.g. real data types)
See also:

calculates the real part of each element in the given data object and returns the result as new data object

template<typename _CmplxTp , typename _Tp >
RetVal ito::RealFunc ( const DataObject *  dObj,
DataObject *  resObj 

low-level, double templated method to save the element-wise real value of each element in source matrix to result matrix

This method takes the real value of a complex valued input matrix and stores it in the equivalent real typed result matrix

*dObjis source matrix, must have complex type
*resObjis the resulting data object, which has the real data type which corresponds to the complex type
See also:
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ito::RowFunc ( DataObject *  dObj,
const unsigned int  selRow 

low-level, templated method which changes the region of interest of the data object to the selected zero-based row index

selRowindicates the zero-based row-index (considering any existing ROI)
ito::RetVal ito::saveDOBJ2XML ( DataObject *  dObjOut,
QString  folderFileName,
bool  onlyHeaderObjectFile,
bool  doubleAsBinary 

Import a dataObject from harddrive, saved in the ITO-XML-Format (.ido or .idh)

[in]dObjOutDataObject to save
[in]folderFileNameName of the folder and the filename e.g. c:\bla.xml or c://bla.xml
[in]doubleAsBinaryIf true, double are exported as binary, by defaults they are saved as strings

This function writes data and meta data of a dataObject to the harddrive. The file format is based on xml. The data of the dataObject are converted to binary without XML-registed signs by QByteArray::toBase64()). The metaData and tagSpace are either saved as binary (QByteArray::toBase64()) or saves as strings with 15 signifiant digits (more than 32-Bit). So for most applications doubleAsBinary==false is enough.


See also:
writeObjectHeaderToFileV1, writeObjectTagsToFileV1, writeObjectDataToFileV1
RetVal ito::saveQLIST2XML ( QMap< QString, Param > *  paramList,
QString  id,
QFile &  paramFile 
[in/out]paramList List of Type QMap with the parameters to save. The parameters are deleted during writing.
[in]idIdentifier of the plugin. Currently implemented as integer number only
[in]paramFileFilename of the file. The file will be opened/closed in this function

This function writes the parameters of a plugin to an XML file. During plugin closing this function is executed with a file name with same name as the plugin library in the plugin directory The xml file is checked for the current plugin-file version and type when opened. In case of a type conflict the parameter is currently not saved.

< passed all elements without success, so add new one

template<typename _Tp >
PyObject* ito::setParam ( _Tp *  addInObj,
PyObject *  args 

set a parameter value

[in]addInObjthe addIn whoes parameter is requested
[in]argsthe parameter name and value in a python object
Py_Return_None on success, NULL otherwise

The function tries to set the value of the parameter with the name given in args. If the parameter does not exist or is incompatible with the value passed, NULL is returned. To actually set the value the setParam function of the plugin is invoked.

template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ito::ShiftLFunc ( DataObject *  src,
const unsigned char  shiftbit 

low-level, templated method which element-wisely shifts the values of the source matrix by a certain value to the left

shiftbitare the number bits the values are shifted
cv::Exceptionfor unsupported data types (template specialization)
RetVal ito::ShiftLFunc< ito::complex128 > ( DataObject *  ,
const unsigned  char 

template specialisation for shift function of type complex128

cv::Exceptionsince shifting is not defined for that input type
RetVal ito::ShiftLFunc< ito::complex64 > ( DataObject *  ,
const unsigned  char 

template specialisation for shift function of type complex64

cv::Exceptionsince shifting is not defined for that input type
RetVal ito::ShiftLFunc< ito::float32 > ( DataObject *  ,
const unsigned  char 

template specialisation for shift function of type float32

cv::Exceptionsince shifting is not defined for that input type
RetVal ito::ShiftLFunc< ito::float64 > ( DataObject *  ,
const unsigned  char 

template specialisation for shift function of type float64

cv::Exceptionsince shifting is not defined for that input type
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ito::ShiftRFunc ( DataObject *  src,
const unsigned char  shiftbit 

low-level, templated method which element-wisely shifts the values of the source matrix by a certain value to the right

shiftbitare the number bits the values are shifted
cv::Exceptionfor unsupported data types (template specialization)
RetVal ito::ShiftRFunc< ito::complex128 > ( DataObject *  ,
const unsigned  char 

template specialisation for shift function of type complex128

cv::Exceptionsince shifting is not defined for that input type
RetVal ito::ShiftRFunc< ito::complex64 > ( DataObject *  ,
const unsigned  char 

template specialisation for shift function of type complex64

cv::Exceptionsince shifting is not defined for that input type
RetVal ito::ShiftRFunc< ito::float32 > ( DataObject *  ,
const unsigned  char 

template specialisation for shift function of type float32

cv::Exceptionsince shifting is not defined for that input type
RetVal ito::ShiftRFunc< ito::float64 > ( DataObject *  ,
const unsigned  char 

template specialisation for shift function of type float64

cv::Exceptionsince shifting is not defined for that input type
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ito::SubFunc ( const DataObject *  dObj1,
const DataObject *  dObj2,
DataObject *  dObjRes 

low-level, templated method for element-wise subtraction of values from second data object from values of first data object

dObjRes = dObj1 - dObj2

*dObj1is the first data object
*dObj2is the second data object
*dObjResis the pointer to the data object, where the values will be written to. This data object must already be allocated.
The size check for all data objects must be done before.
See also:
operator -=, operator -
RetVal ito::writeObjectDataToFileV1 ( QXmlStreamWriter &  stream,
DataObject *  dObjOut,
int  elementsize 
) [inline]

This helper function writes the data(cv::mats) from the Object to the xml stream. This helper function writes the data(cv::mats) from the Object to the xml stream. Therefore the data is converted using QByteArray::toBase64() to avoid XML-conflict with the binary data.

[in|out]stream outgoing xml-stream
[in]dObjOutThe allocated src-Object
[in]elementsizeSize of each matrix element in bytes
See also:
saveDOBJ2XML, saveDOBJSpecificData2XML
RetVal ito::writeObjectHeaderToFileV1 ( QXmlStreamWriter &  stream,
DataObject *  dObjOut,
bool  doubleAsBinary,
int &  elementsize 
) [inline]

This helper function writes the header of the Object to the xml stream. This helper function writes the header (dims, sizes, type) of an object and the metaData (complete DataObjectTags without tagsMap) from the Object to the xml stream. The values of the header are stored as string. The values of each axis-tag / value-tag / rotation matrix are in case of string-type directly written to the stream or in case of double converted to either strings directly (15 significat digits, >32Bit) or stored as lostfree binary (QByteArray::toBase64() to avoid XML-conflict). WARNING: Do not change the header (dims, sizes, type) information or the value of tags exported as binary (d2b).

[in|out]stream outgoing xml-stream
[in]dObjOutThe allocated src-Object
[in]doubleAsBinaryToggle binary export for double
See also:
saveDOBJ2XML, saveDOBJSpecificData2XML, DataObjectTags
RetVal ito::writeObjectTagsToFileV1 ( QXmlStreamWriter &  stream,
DataObject *  dObjOut,
bool  doubleAsBinary 
) [inline]

This helper function writes the tags defined in the tagMap (DataObjectTags) from the Object to the xml stream. This helper function writes the tags defined in the tagMap (DataObjectTags) from the Object to the xml stream. Therefore the values of each tag are in case of string-type directly written to the stream or in case of double converted to either strings directly (15 significat digits, >32Bit) or stored as lostfree binary (QByteArray::toBase64() to avoid XML-conflict). WARNING: Do not change information or the value of tags exported as binary (d2b).

[in|out]stream outgoing xml-stream
[in]dObjOutThe allocated src-Object
[in]doubleAsBinaryToggle binary export for double
See also:
saveDOBJ2XML, saveDOBJSpecificData2XML, DataObjectTags
template<typename _Tp >
RetVal ito::ZerosFunc ( const size_t  sizeY,
const size_t  sizeX,
int **  dstMat 

low-level, templated method for creation of zero-valued matrix-plane

sizeYare the number of rows
sizeXare the number of columns
**dstMatis the pointer to the already allocated cv::Mat_<type>-matrix-plane
See also:

Variable Documentation

tCoutFunc ito::fListCout[] [static]
Initial value:
void* ito::ITOM_API_FUNCS_ARR[]
Initial value:
Initial value:
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