itom  4.1.0
ito::PythonEngine Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for ito::PythonEngine:


struct  AutoReload
struct  CodeCheckerOptions

Public Slots

void pythonExecStringFromCommandLine (QString cmd)
void pythonRunFile (QString filename)
void pythonDebugFile (QString filename)
void pythonRunStringOrFunction (QString cmdOrFctHash)
void pythonDebugStringOrFunction (QString cmdOrFctHash)
void pythonInterruptExecutionThreadSafe (bool *interruptActuatorsAndTimers=NULL)
void pythonDebugCommand (tPythonDbgCmd cmd)
void setAutoReloader (bool enabled, bool checkFile, bool checkCmd, bool checkFct)
void readSettings ()
void propertiesChanged ()
void pythonCodeCheck (const QString &code, const QString &filename, bool fileSaved, QPointer< QObject > sender, QByteArray callbackFctName)
 these slots are only connected if python in debug-mode; while waiting these slots will be treated due to progressEvents-call in PythonEngine::PyDbgCommandLoop More...
void breakPointAdded (BreakPointItem bp, int row)
void breakPointDeleted (QString filename, int lineNo, int pyBpNumber)
void breakPointChanged (BreakPointItem oldBp, BreakPointItem newBp)
ito::RetVal setupBreakPointDebugConnections ()
ito::RetVal shutdownBreakPointDebugConnections ()
bool renameVariable (bool globalNotLocal, const QString &oldFullItemName, QString newKey, ItomSharedSemaphore *semaphore=NULL)
bool deleteVariable (bool globalNotLocal, const QStringList &fullItemNames, ItomSharedSemaphore *semaphore=NULL)
ito::RetVal pickleVariables (bool globalNotLocal, QString filename, QStringList varNames, ItomSharedSemaphore *semaphore=NULL)
ito::RetVal pickleSingleParam (QString filename, QSharedPointer< ito::Param > value, const QString &valueName, ItomSharedSemaphore *semaphore=NULL)
ito::RetVal unpickleVariables (bool globalNotLocal, QString filename, QString packedVarName, ItomSharedSemaphore *semaphore=NULL)
ito::RetVal saveMatlabVariables (bool globalNotLocal, QString filename, QStringList varNames, ItomSharedSemaphore *semaphore=NULL)
ito::RetVal saveMatlabSingleParam (QString filename, QSharedPointer< ito::Param > value, const QString &valueName, ItomSharedSemaphore *semaphore=NULL)
ito::RetVal loadMatlabVariables (bool globalNotLocal, QString filename, QString packedVarName, ItomSharedSemaphore *semaphore=NULL)
ito::RetVal registerAddInInstance (QString varname, ito::AddInBase *instance, ItomSharedSemaphore *semaphore=NULL)
ito::RetVal getSysModules (QSharedPointer< QStringList > modNames, QSharedPointer< QStringList > modFilenames, QSharedPointer< IntList > modTypes, ItomSharedSemaphore *semaphore=NULL)
ito::RetVal reloadSysModules (QSharedPointer< QStringList > modNames, ItomSharedSemaphore *semaphore=NULL)
void registerWorkspaceContainer (PyWorkspaceContainer *container, bool registerNotUnregister, bool globalNotLocal)
void workspaceGetChildNode (PyWorkspaceContainer *container, QString fullNameParentItem)
void workspaceGetValueInformation (PyWorkspaceContainer *container, const QString &fullItemName, QSharedPointer< QString > extendedValue, ItomSharedSemaphore *semaphore=NULL)
ito::RetVal checkVarnamesInWorkspace (bool globalNotLocal, const QStringList &names, QSharedPointer< IntList > existing, ItomSharedSemaphore *semaphore=NULL)
ito::RetVal putParamsToWorkspace (bool globalNotLocal, const QStringList &names, const QVector< SharedParamBasePointer > &values, ItomSharedSemaphore *semaphore=NULL)
ito::RetVal getVarnamesListInWorkspace (bool globalNotLocal, const QString &find, QSharedPointer< QStringList > varnameList, ItomSharedSemaphore *semaphore)
ito::RetVal getParamsFromWorkspace (bool globalNotLocal, const QStringList &names, QVector< int > paramBaseTypes, QSharedPointer< SharedParamBasePointerVector > values, ItomSharedSemaphore *semaphore=NULL)
ito::RetVal pythonGetClearAllValues ()
ito::RetVal pythonClearAll ()


void pythonDebugPositionChanged (QString filename, int lineNo)
void pythonStateChanged (tPythonTransitions pyTransition, bool immediate)
void pythonModifyLocalDict (PyObject *localDict, ItomSharedSemaphore *semaphore)
void pythonModifyGlobalDict (PyObject *globalDict, ItomSharedSemaphore *semaphore)
void pythonCurrentDirChanged ()
void updateCallStack (QStringList filenames, IntList lines, QStringList methods)
void deleteCallStack ()
void pythonSetCursor (const Qt::CursorShape cursor)
void pythonResetCursor ()
void pythonAutoReloadChanged (bool enabled, bool checkFile, bool checkCmd, bool checkFct)
void clearCommandLine ()
void startInputCommandLine (QSharedPointer< QByteArray > buffer, ItomSharedSemaphore *semaphore)

Public Member Functions

Q_INVOKABLE void pythonSetup (ito::RetVal *retValue, QSharedPointer< QVariantMap > infoMessages)
Q_INVOKABLE ito::RetVal scanAndRunAutostartFolder (QString currentDirAfterScan=QString())
Q_INVOKABLE ito::RetVal pythonShutdown (ItomSharedSemaphore *aimWait=NULL)
Q_INVOKABLE ito::RetVal stringEncodingChanged ()
ito::BreakPointModel * getBreakPointModel () const
bool isPythonBusy () const
bool isPythonDebugging () const
bool isPythonDebuggingAndWaiting () const
bool execInternalCodeByDebugger () const
void setExecInternalCodeByDebugger (bool value)
void printPythonErrorWithoutTraceback ()
void pythonDebugFunction (PyObject *callable, PyObject *argTuple, bool gilExternal=false)
void pythonRunFunction (PyObject *callable, PyObject *argTuple, bool gilExternal=false)
PyObject * getGlobalDictionary () const
bool pySyntaxCheckAvailable () const
bool tryToLoadJediIfNotYetDone ()
QList< int > parseAndSplitCommandInMainComponents (const char *str, QByteArray &encoding) const
QString getPythonExecutable () const
Qt::HANDLE getPythonThreadId () const
 thread-safe method (can be called from any thread) to enqueue a jedi completion request
void enqueueJediCompletionRequest (const ito::JediCompletionRequest &request)
 thread-safe method (can be called from any thread) to enqueue a jedi calltip request
void enqueueJediCalltipRequest (const ito::JediCalltipRequest &request)
 thread-safe method (can be called from any thread) to enqueue a jedi calltip request
void enqueueGoToAssignmentRequest (const ito::JediAssignmentRequest &request)
 thread-safe method (can be called from any thread) to enqueue a jedi get-help request
void enqueueJediGetHelpRequest (const ito::JediGetHelpRequest &request)
void addFunctionCancellationAndObserver (QWeakPointer< ito::FunctionCancellationAndObserver > observer)
 will remove the given observer from the list of function cancellations and observers. Even if observer is NULL, the list of current observers will be cleanup from deleted instances
void removeFunctionCancellationAndObserver (ito::FunctionCancellationAndObserver *observer=NULL)

Static Public Member Functions

static bool isInterruptQueued ()
static const PythonEnginegetInstance ()
 add a new function cancellation / observer. Each valid observer on the list will be requested to be cancelled if a script executed is interrupted

Protected Types

enum  DebuggerErrorCode { DbgErrorNo = 0, DbgErrorInvalidBp = 1, DbgErrorOther = 2 }

Protected Member Functions

ito::RetVal runPyFile (const QString &pythonFileName)
ito::RetVal debugFile (const QString &pythonFileName)
ito::RetVal runString (const QString &command)
ito::RetVal debugString (const QString &command)
ito::RetVal debugFunction (PyObject *callable, PyObject *argTuple, bool gilExternal=false)
ito::RetVal runFunction (PyObject *callable, PyObject *argTuple, bool gilExternal=false)
ito::RetVal modifyTracebackDepth (int NrOfLevelsToPopAtFront=-1, bool showTraceback=true)
PyObject * setPyErrFromException (const std::exception &exc)
void connectNotify (const QMetaMethod &signal)

Private Types

enum  DictUpdateFlag { DictUpdate, DictReset, DictNoAction }

Private Member Functions

PyObject * getLocalDictionary ()
PyObject * getPyObjectByFullName (bool globalNotLocal, const QStringList &fullNameSplittedByDelimiter, QString *validVariableName=NULL)
PyObject * getPyObjectByFullName (bool globalNotLocal, const QString &fullName, QString *validVariableName=NULL)
void setGlobalDictionary (PyObject *mainDict=NULL)
void setLocalDictionary (PyObject *localDict)
void emitPythonDictionary (DictUpdateFlag globalDict, DictUpdateFlag localDict, bool lockGIL)
ito::RetVal pickleDictionary (PyObject *dict, const QString &filename)
ito::RetVal unpickleDictionary (PyObject *destinationDict, const QString &filename, bool overwrite)
 runs the given Python string command
void pythonRunString (QString cmd)
 debugs the given Python string command
void pythonDebugString (QString cmd)
void enqueueDbgCmd (ito::tPythonDbgCmd dbgCmd)
ito::tPythonDbgCmd dequeueDbgCmd ()
bool DbgCommandsAvailable ()
void clearDbgCmdLoop ()
ito::RetVal pythonStateTransition (tPythonTransitions transition, bool immediate=true)
 < signals a state change of the Python interpreter
ito::RetVal pythonAddBreakpoint (const BreakPointItem &breakpoint, int &pyBpNumber)
ito::RetVal pythonEditBreakpoint (const int pyBpNumber, const BreakPointItem &newBreakpoint)
ito::RetVal pythonDeleteBreakpoint (const int pyBpNumber)
void submitAllBreakpointsToDebugger ()
 < submits all breakpoints to the debugger. This should be called before code is debugged.
ito::RetVal autoReloaderCheck ()
PyObject * getAndCheckIdentifier (const QString &identifier, ito::RetVal &retval) const
 get the unicode object from identifier and checks if it is a valid python identifier (variable name). This returns a new reference of the unicode object or NULL with a corresponding error message (python error flag is cleared)
QVariantMap checkCodeCheckerRequirements ()

Static Private Member Functions

static PythonEnginegetInstanceInternal ()
static int queuedInterrupt (void *arg)
static PyObject * PyInitItomDbg (void)
static PyObject * PyDbgCommandLoop (PyObject *pSelf, PyObject *pArgs)

Private Attributes

bool m_started
CodeCheckerOptions m_codeCheckerOptions
QMutex dbgCmdMutex
QMutex pythonStateChangeMutex
QDesktopWidget * m_pDesktopWidget
QQueue< ito::tPythonDbgCmd > debugCommandQueue
ito::tPythonDbgCmd debugCommand
ito::tPythonState m_pythonState
ito::BreakPointModel * bpModel
PyObject * mainModule
 main module of python (builtin) [borrowed]
PyObject * m_pMainDictionary
 main dictionary of python [borrowed]
PyObject * m_pLocalDictionary
 local dictionary of python [borrowed], usually NULL unless if debugger is in "interaction-mode", then m_pGlobalDictionary is equal to the local dictionary of the current frame
PyObject * m_pGlobalDictionary
 global dictionary of python [borrowed], equals to m_pMainDictionary unless if debugger is in "interaction-mode", then m_pGlobalDictionary is equal to the global dictionary of the current frame
PyObject * itomDbgModule
 debugger module
PyObject * itomDbgInstance
 debugger instance
PyObject * itomModule
 itom module [new ref]
PyObject * itomFunctions
 ito functions [additional python methods] [new ref]
PyObject * m_pyModGC
PyObject * m_pyModCodeChecker
bool m_pyModCodeCheckerHasPyFlakes
 true if m_pyModCodeChecker could be loaded and pretends to have the syntax check feature (package: pyflakes)
bool m_pyModCodeCheckerHasFlake8
 true if m_pyModCodeChecker could be loaded and pretends to have the syntax and style check feature (package: flake8)
QSharedPointer< PythonJediRunnerm_jediRunner
Qt::HANDLE m_pythonThreadId
PyObject * dictUnicode
PyObject * slotsUnicode
QSet< ito::PyWorkspaceContainer * > m_mainWorkspaceContainer
QSet< ito::PyWorkspaceContainer * > m_localWorkspaceContainer
QHash< size_t, FuncWeakRefm_pyFuncWeakRefHashes
 hash table containing weak reference to callable python methods or functions and as second, optional PyObject* an tuple, passed as argument to that function. These functions are for example executed by menu-clicks in the main window.
size_t m_pyFuncWeakRefAutoInc
QString m_pythonExecutable
 absolute path to the python executable
bool m_executeInternalPythonCodeInDebugMode
 if true, button events, user interface connections to python methods... will be executed by debugger
PyMethodDef * PythonAdditionalModuleITOM
 decides if itom is automatically included in every source file before it is handed to the syntax checker
bool m_includeItomImportBeforeCodeAnalysis
 string that is prepended to each script before syntax check (if m_includeItomImportBeforeCodeAnalysis is true)
QString m_includeItomImportString
wchar_t * m_pUserDefinedPythonHome
QList< QWeakPointer< ito::FunctionCancellationAndObserver > > m_activeFunctionCancellations
AutoReload m_autoReload
 debugger functionality
QAtomicInt m_interruptCounter

Static Private Attributes

static PyMethodDef PyMethodItomDbg []
static PyModuleDef PyModuleItomDbg
static QMutex instantiated
static QMutex instancePtrProtection
static QString fctHashPrefix = ":::itomfcthash:::"
static PythonEngineinstance = NULL


class ito::PythonItom
class ito::PyStream

Member Function Documentation

ito::RetVal ito::PythonEngine::checkVarnamesInWorkspace ( bool  globalNotLocal,
const QStringList &  names,
QSharedPointer< IntList >  existing,
ItomSharedSemaphore semaphore = NULL 

check if variable already exist in workspace, existing is 0 (non existing), 1 (existing, but can be overwritten), 2 (existing, not overwritable, e.g. function, method...)

ito::RetVal ito::PythonEngine::debugFile ( const QString &  pythonFileName)

< first, clear all existing breakpoints

< setup connections for live-changes in breakpoints

< syntax error

< disconnect connections for live-changes in breakpoints

ito::RetVal ito::PythonEngine::debugFunction ( PyObject *  callable,
PyObject *  argTuple,
bool  gilExternal = false 

< setup connections for live-changes in breakpoints

< syntax error

< disconnect connections for live-changes in breakpoints

ito::RetVal ito::PythonEngine::debugString ( const QString &  command)

< first, clear all existing breakpoints

< setup connections for live-changes in breakpoints

< syntax error

< disconnect connections for live-changes in breakpoints

PyObject* ito::PythonEngine::getGlobalDictionary ( ) const

returns reference to main dictionary (main workspace)

PythonEngine * ito::PythonEngine::getInstanceInternal ( )

returns reference to local dictionary (workspace of method, which is handled right now). Is NULL if no method is executed right now.

ito::RetVal ito::PythonEngine::pickleSingleParam ( QString  filename,
QSharedPointer< ito::Param value,
const QString &  valueName,
ItomSharedSemaphore semaphore = NULL 

save a single DataObject, PointCloud or PolygonMesh to an *.idc file using the python module 'pickle'.

Invoke this method by another thread (e.g. any GUI) to save a single object to an 'idc' file.

filenameis the filename of the idc file
valueis the given DataObject, PointCloud or PolygonMesh in terms of ito::Param
valueNameis the name of the variable in the idc file
semaphoreis the control semaphore for an asychronous call.
PyObject * ito::PythonEngine::PyDbgCommandLoop ( PyObject *  pSelf,
PyObject *  pArgs 

< check if key interrupt occurred

< do_quit instead of set_quit, since one member-variable is set in

ito::RetVal ito::PythonEngine::pythonAddBreakpoint ( const BreakPointItem breakpoint,
int &  pyBpNumber 

retNumber is new pyBpNumber, must now be added to BreakPointModel

void ito::PythonEngine::pythonCodeCheck ( const QString &  code,
const QString &  filename,
bool  fileSaved,
QPointer< QObject >  sender,
QByteArray  callbackFctName 

these slots are only connected if python in debug-mode; while waiting these slots will be treated due to progressEvents-call in PythonEngine::PyDbgCommandLoop

public slot invoked by the scriptEditorWidget

This function calls the pyflakes or frosted python module. This module is able to check the syntax. It called from ScriptEditorWidget::triggerCodeChecker() and delivers the results by calling ScriptEditorWidget::codeCheckResultsReady(...).

codeThis QString contains the code that the linter / code checker is supposed to check
filenameis the filename of the code (can also be an empty string if no filename is currently given)
fileSavedis true, if the code is equal to the given filename, else false
senderthis is a pointer to the object that called this method
no real return value. Results are returned by invoking ScriptEditorWidget::codeCheckResultsReady(...)

< this is the mode number, that is understood by the check method in

void ito::PythonEngine::pythonSetup ( ito::RetVal retValue,
QSharedPointer< QVariantMap >  infoMessages 

< add all static, known function calls to python-module itom

< add all static, known function calls to python-module itomdbg

< must be called after any PyImport_AppendInittab-call

< prepare Python multithreading

< borrowed reference

<, new reference

ito::RetVal ito::PythonEngine::saveMatlabSingleParam ( QString  filename,
QSharedPointer< ito::Param value,
const QString &  valueName,
ItomSharedSemaphore semaphore = NULL 

save a single DataObject, PointCloud or PolygonMesh to a Matlab *.mat file using the python module 'scipy'.

Invoke this method by another thread (e.g. any GUI) to save a single object to an 'mat' file.

filenameis the filename of the mat file
valueis the given DataObject, PointCloud or PolygonMesh in terms of ito::Param
valueNameis the name of the variable in the mat file
semaphoreis the control semaphore for an asychronous call.
void ito::PythonEngine::setAutoReloader ( bool  enabled,
bool  checkFile,
bool  checkCmd,
bool  checkFct 

Member Data Documentation

PyMethodDef ito::PythonEngine::PyMethodItomDbg
Initial value:
= {
{"pyDbgCommandLoop", PythonEngine::PyDbgCommandLoop, METH_VARARGS, "will be invoked if debugger stopped at the given filename and line"},
PyModuleDef ito::PythonEngine::PyModuleItomDbg
Initial value:
= {
PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, "itomDbgWrapper", NULL, -1, PythonEngine::PyMethodItomDbg,

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: