itom  4.1.0
ito::apiFunctionsGraph Class Reference

Static Public Member Functions

static ito::RetVal mnumberOfColorBars (int &number)
static ito::RetVal mgetColorBarName (const QString &name, ito::ItomPalette &palette)
static ito::RetVal mgetColorBarIdx (const int number, ito::ItomPalette &palette)
static ito::RetVal mgetPluginList (const ito::PluginInfo &requirements, QHash< QString, ito::PluginInfo > &pluginList, const QString preference)
static ito::RetVal mconnectLiveData (QObject *liveDataSource, QObject *liveDataView)
static ito::RetVal mstartLiveData (QObject *liveDataSource, QObject *liveDataView)
static ito::RetVal mstopLiveData (QObject *liveDataSource, QObject *liveDataView)
static ito::RetVal mdisconnectLiveData (QObject *liveDataSource, QObject *liveDataView)
static ito::RetVal mgetColorBarIdxFromName (const QString &name, ito::int32 &index)
static ito::RetVal mgetFigure (const QString &figCategoryName, const QString &figClassName, ito::uint32 &UID, QWidget **figure, QWidget *parent=NULL)
 tries to get an existing figure of a given UID (if UID > 0) or tries to open a new figure from the given figCategoryName and / or figClassName
static QVariant mgetFigureSetting (const QObject *figureClass, const QString &key, const QVariant &defaultValue=QVariant(), ito::RetVal *retval=NULL)
static ito::RetVal mgetPluginWidget (char *algoWidgetFunc, QVector< ito::ParamBase > *paramsMand, QVector< ito::ParamBase > *paramsOpt, QPointer< QWidget > *widget)
static ito::RetVal mgetFigureUIDByHandle (QObject *figure, ito::uint32 &figureUID)
 return the figure UID for the given figure
static ito::RetVal mgetPlotHandleByID (const ito::uint32 &figureUID, ito::ItomPlotHandle &plotHandle)
static ito::RetVal sendParamToPyWorkspaceThreadSafe (const QString &varname, const QSharedPointer< ito::ParamBase > &value)
 function called by apiSendParamToPyWorkspace
static ito::RetVal sendParamsToPyWorkspaceThreadSafe (const QStringList &varnames, const QVector< QSharedPointer< ito::ParamBase > > &values)
 function called by apiSendParamsToPyWorkspace
static ito::RetVal mConnectToOutputAndErrorStream (const QObject *receiver, const char *method, ito::tStreamMessageType messageType)
static ito::RetVal mDisconnectFromOutputAndErrorStream (const QObject *receiver, const char *method, ito::tStreamMessageType messageType)

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